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영어 사전에서 "ribbon worm" 뜻


영어 에서 RIBBON WORM 의 발음

ribbon worm play



영어에서 RIBBON WORM 의 뜻은 무엇인가요?

영어 사전에서 «ribbon worm» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
ribbon worm

네 메르 테아


네 메르 테아 (Nemertea)는 "리본 웜 (ribbon worms)"또는 "돋우는 웜 (proboscis worms)"으로 알려진 무척추 동물의 문입니다. 문에 대한 대체 이름으로는 Nemertini, Nemertinea 및 Rhynchocoela가 있습니다. 대부분이 20 센티미터 미만이지만, 하나의 표본은 54 미터로 추산되며, 이는 가장 긴 동물로 발견됩니다. 대부분은 매우 얇으며, 보통 폭이 수 밀리미터에 불과하지만, 길이가 짧지 만 폭이 넓은 몸매도 있습니다. 많은 사람들은 노란색, 주황, 적색 및 녹색 착색 패턴을 가지고 있습니다. foregut, 위장과 창자는 몸의 정중선 아래 약간 실행, 항문은 꼬리의 끝에 있으며, 입이 앞에 있습니다. 창자보다 약간 위에있는 것은 rhynchocoel인데, 그 대부분은 정중선 위로 올라가고 몸의 뒷부분이 약간 짧습니다. 모든 종족은 코뿔소가 있는데, 코뿔소가없는 상태이지만 입 바로 위에 나오고 독을 가지고 동물의 먹이를 잡아 먹지 않습니다. rhynchocoel의 뒤쪽에있는 매우 신축성있는 근육은 공격이 끝날 때 코를 끌어 당깁니다. 뚱뚱한 몸을 가진 몇 종은 먹이를 걸러 내고 앞쪽과 뒤쪽 끝에 빨판을 달고 호스트와 연결합니다. Nemertea is a phylum of invertebrate animals also known as "ribbon worms" or "proboscis worms". Alternative names for the phylum have included Nemertini, Nemertinea and Rhynchocoela. Although most are less than 20 centimetres long, one specimen has been estimated at 54 metres, which would make it the longest animal ever found. Most are very slim, usually only a few millimeters wide, although a few have relatively short but wide bodies. Many have patterns of yellow, orange, red and green coloration. The foregut, stomach and intestine run a little below the midline of the body, the anus is at the tip of the tail, and the mouth is under the front. A little above the gut is the rhynchocoel, a cavity which mostly runs above the midline and ends a little short of the rear of the body. All species have a proboscis which lies in the rhynchocoel when inactive but everts to emerge just above the mouth and capture the animal's prey with venom. A very stretchy muscle in the back of the rhynchocoel pulls the proboscis in when an attack ends. A few species with stubby bodies filter feed and have suckers at the front and back ends, with which they attach to a host.

영어 사전에서 «ribbon worm» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

RIBBON WORM 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

ribbed and smoked sheet
ribbon development
ribbon microphone
ribbon strip

RIBBON WORM 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

acorn worm
African army worm
army worm
bladder worm
bristle worm
caddis worm
fall army worm
fan worm
Guinea worm
horsehair worm
measuring worm
mopani worm
nematode worm
palmer worm
palolo worm
stomach worm
tongue worm
tube worm
vinegar worm
white worm

영어 사전에서 ribbon worm 의 동의어와 반의어


25개국어로 «ribbon worm» 번역

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ribbon worm 의 사용 경향


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ribbon worm 에 대한 영어 문헌, 인용문 및 뉴스에서 사용된 사례


«RIBBON WORM» 관련 영어 책

다음 도서 목록 항목에서 ribbon worm 의 용법을 확인하세요. ribbon worm 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
Life in the Chesapeake Bay
The milky ribbon worm, Cerebratulus lacteus, is a large, flat, pale-white to yellow- pink worm that may attain a length of three or four feet when fully extended. lt twists and turns when lifted and will often knot itself into a con- 1. Red Ribbon Worm ...
Alice Jane Lippson, Robert L. Lippson, 2006
A Practical Guide to the Marine Animals of Northeastern ...
Bo,Co,Sa,pr,40 mm (1.5 in), (0107) Cerebratulus lacteus, milky ribbon worm ( Lineidae). Lateral margins of trunk. 94 Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela). A. Short but distinct tail present ta* B. Terminal sucker present su B. Tail and sucker both ...
Leland W. Pollock, 1998
Seashore Life of Florida and the Caribbean
Florida ribbon worm Tubulanus floridanus Coe Similar in appearance to the preceding species, this animal attains a length of only about 1-2/3 in. (42 mm) but is very narrow with an expanded, heart-shaped head. It is brownish in color, with  ...
Gilbert L. Voss, 2013
The Edge of the Sea
The Amer- Ribbon worm icjm c^b^^us of shallow coastal waters often is 20 feet long and about an inch wide. Most, however, are only a few inches long and many are considerably less than an inch. They habitually contract into coils or knots ...
Rachel Carson, 1998
Seaside Naturalist
If you have ever found a flat, soggy, noodlelike creature on the shore that broke into pieces when you picked it up, you know what a ribbon worm is. Most ribbon worms live on the bottom beneath shells, stones, and seaweed. Some burrow into ...
Beachcomber's Guide to Gulf Coast Marine Life: Texas, ...
The ribbon worm or nemertean, Cerebratulus lacteus (Figure 7.13), is an inhabitant of the soft mud and can sometimes be found in the mud FIGURE 7.12. The mud shrimp, Callianassa louisianensis. (x2) FIGURE 7.13. The ribbon worm  ...
Susan B. Rothschild, 2004
Introduction to Marine Biology
The large, unarmed ribbon worm Cerebratulus. deemed that any suppressed content does not materially affect the overall learning experience. Cengage Learning reserves the right to temove additional content at any time if subsequent rights ...
George Karleskint, Richard Turner, James Small, 2012
Life: The Science of Biology
(B) Tubulanus sexlineatus Anterior (mouth) Posterior (anus) 32.9 Ribbon Worms (A) The proboscis is the ribbon worm's feeding organ. (B) This large marine nemertean is found in harbors and bays along the Pacific Coast of North America .
H. Craig Heller, David M. Hillis, 2011
Life: The Science of Biology
Proboscis retractor muscle Proboscis' pore Rhvnchocoel Proboscis Everted proboscis (b) Petaganenterttt sp. The tip of the proboscis bears sharp, nail- shaped stylets. 32.21 Ribbon Worms (a) The proboscis is the ribbon worm's feeding organ, ...
William K. Purves, David Sadava, Gordon H. Orians
Weekly World News
... bottom of f he wean! • The incredible ribbon worm is one of nature's most bizarre monsters of the deep — it can grow up to 180 feet long and have hundreds of eyes at the front of its body. Ribbon worms live in all the oceans of the world and ...

«RIBBON WORM» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 ribbon worm 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Meet the slimy green ribbon worm that horrified the Internet
Taiwanese fishermen posted a video on YouTube last week of a bright green worm with a very long pink tongue hanging out, slithering across a wooden dock. «Digital Journal, 6월 15»
Someone in Taiwan has just discovered an alien-like worm that we …
Commenters quickly identified the creature as a ribbon worm, a slow-moving carnivorous sea worm. We've got a better idea though – at last, it's proof that ... «RocketNews24, 6월 15»
What is this green, slimy worm?
June 9, 2015 9:21 AM EDT - According to National Geographic, the creepy critter is a ribbon worm, a marine creature that can swallow its prey whole. «Washington Post, 6월 15»
WATCH: Video of Bizarre Green Ribbon Worm Goes Viral
The video shows a large green ribbon worm slithering along concrete and then shooting its tongue out of its mouth. It's tongue is very long and also moves ... «Investorplace.com, 6월 15»
The world's weirdest animals - and where to see them
A man encountered this green jelly-like ribbon worm, or Nemertea, while fishing ... It has a proboscis, or feeding tube - the pink ribbon seen here - which it ejects ... «Telegraph.co.uk, 6월 15»
Fuel Tonight's Nightmare by Watching This Bright Green and Pink …
The Telegraph suggests that the nightmare fuel could be some form of our notorious friend, the ribbon worm, which can shoot out a proboscis (an elongated ... «Gizmodo UK, 6월 15»
If You Think This Ribbon Worm Is Creepy, You Should See Its Cousins
Turns out that in the YouTube era, even slimy green deep sea ribbon worms get their fifteen minutes. But in the case of this particularly long, wretch-inducing ... «Forbes, 6월 15»
The internet is mesmerized by footage of a slimy, green worm-like …
The green sludge is a ribbon worm (also called "Nemertea"). ... Most ribbon worms average about seven inches long, though it's rumored that at least one ... «Business Insider, 6월 15»
Disgusting green alien worm terrifies everyone after sufacing in …
This is a ribbon worm, recently surfaced in Taiwan, and it is completely and utterly terrifying. Some people may find it fascinating — a scientific marvel — but I do ... «USA TODAY, 6월 15»
Mysterious Green Slime Is Truly the Stuff of Nightmares (VIDEO)
After sharing the image on his Facebook page, people commenting said it was a species of ribbon worm, or Nemertea. It looks like a monster from some cheesy ... «First to Know, 6월 15»

« EDUCALINGO. Ribbon worm [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/ribbon-worm> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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