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영어 사전에서 "robber fly" 뜻


영어 에서 ROBBER FLY 의 발음

robber fly play



영어에서 ROBBER FLY 의 뜻은 무엇인가요?

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한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
robber fly

아시아 대륙


Asilidae는 assassin 파리라고도 불리는 강도 비행 가족입니다. 그들은 강력하게 지어졌으며 날카 롭고 빠져 나가는 하인 인형을 감싸는 짧고 튼튼한 코와 함께 끈임없이 날아갑니다. "도둑질 파리"라는 이름은 악명 높게 공격적인 약탈적인 습관을 반영합니다. 그들은 주로 또는 다른 곤충에만 독점적으로 먹이를 둡니다. 그리고 그들은 매복에서 기다리고 비행 중에 그들의 먹이를 잡습니다. The Asilidae are the robber fly family, also called assassin flies. They are powerfully built, bristly flies with a short, stout proboscis enclosing the sharp, sucking hypopharynx. The name "robber flies" reflects their notoriously aggressive predatory habits; they feed mainly or exclusively on other insects and as a rule they wait in ambush and catch their prey in flight.

영어 사전에서 robber fly 의 정의

사전에 강도 비행의 정의는 침략 mouthparts와 강한 bristly 시체를 가지고 있으며 다른 곤충을 먹이로 가족 Asilidae을 구성 약탈 dipterous 파리 중 하나입니다 또한 : 살인범, 암살자 비행이라고합니다.

The definition of robber fly in the dictionary is any of the predatory dipterous flies constituting the family Asilidae, which have a strong bristly body with piercing mouthparts and which prey on other insects Also called: bee killer, assassin fly.

영어 사전에서 «robber fly» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

ROBBER FLY 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

Rob Roy
Robben Island
robber baron
robber crab
robber trench

ROBBER FLY 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

alder fly
bee fly
black fly
caddis fly
cluster fly
crane fly
dry fly
flesh fly
fruit fly
Hessian fly
hover fly
let fly
make the fur fly
Mediterranean fruit fly
on the fly
Spanish fly
tsetse fly
tube fly
vinegar fly
wet fly

영어 사전에서 robber fly 의 동의어와 반의어


25개국어로 «robber fly» 번역

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robber fly 의 사용 경향


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robber fly 에 대한 영어 문헌, 인용문 및 뉴스에서 사용된 사례


«ROBBER FLY» 관련 영어 책

다음 도서 목록 항목에서 robber fly 의 용법을 확인하세요. robber fly 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
Insects of the Great Lakes Region
A robber fly of the genus Promachus showing elongate body and "bearded" face. (From USDA 1925.) Robber Flies (Family Asilidae) These medium-sized flies are variable in their body shape and coloration, but they all have a densely hairy, ...
Gary A. Dunn, 1996
The New York Times Book of Insects
The males of many robber fly species court their mates, although others that rank lower on the evolutionary totem pole do not. By devoting his career to the study of this one insect family, Dr. Lavigne said he has been able to shed light on the ...
Nicholas Wade, 2003
Guide to Colorado Insects
... grasshopper, or dragonfly. Their daggerlike mouthparts impale and rapidly paralyze Sarcopogon combustus, a common their prey robber fly of eastern Colorado Mating pair o/Proctacanthus robber flies Dragonflies and D Order: Odonata.
Whitney Cranshaw, Boris C. Kondratieff, 2006
Field Guide to Insects of South Africa
5 Hoplistomerus nobilis Golden Robber Fly Identification: Medium-sized ( wingspan 19 mm), stout, covered in fine shiny hairs, golden on cylindrical abdomen. Black eyes, wings with a brown mark, tibiae of hind legs swollen Biology: Feeds ...
Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths, Alan Weaving, 2004
St. Nicholas
This most daring highwayman of the insect world is the robber-fly, or Asilus. The many robber-flies constitute the family Asilida, and, with all the true flies, belong to the . order Diptera, the two-winged insects. The smallest member of the family  ...
Mary Mapes Dodge, 1903
Kokopelli: The Making of an Icon
Kookopolo, the Robber Fly Kachina The Insect Model for Kookopolo The natural model for the kachina Kookopolo is an insect. Fewkes (1898: 663 n. 4) was the first to point out this entomological connection. According to him, he learned of it ...
Ekkehart Malotki, 2004
Insects of the Texas Lost Pines
Efferia argentifrons is one of these species. bee-killer robber fly (fig. 56) Diogmites symmachus Biology: The bee-killer is a big, orange-brown, slow-flying predator with bright green eyes and long legs that dangle beneath the tubular body like ...
Stephen Welton Taber, Scott B. Fleenor, 2003
Enchanted Rock: A Natural and Human History
ASIlIdAE—RobbER Fly FAmIly Diogmites sp., Hanging Thief genus Efferia sp., Robber Fly genus Efferia sp., Robber Fly genus bombylIIdAE—bEE Fly FAmIly ANTHRAcINAE SubFAmIly ExopRoSopINI TRIbE Efferia sp., Robber Fly genus ...
Lance Allred, 2010
Kokopelli: The Magic, Mirth, and Mischief of an Ancient Symbol
The flute player has been identified with the character of several insects, including the cicada and the robber fly. The transformation of the flute player into an insect-like being is illustrated in rock art (fig. 1.16) and has been described in  ...
Dennis Slifer, 2007
Bugs Rule!: An Introduction to the World of Insects
FIGURE 18-35 A robber fly, Proctocanthus sp., feeding on a wasp mantidfly. Robber flies catch a wide range of flying or jumping insects that come into range. They have piercing mouthparts that can inject a paralyzing toxin, which quickly ...
Whitney Cranshaw, Richard Redak, 2013

«ROBBER FLY» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 robber fly 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Ojibway BioBlitz draws experts from afar, turns up a robber fly
Jeff Skevington, a specialist of flies from the Canadian National Collection of Insects, and his ... Skevington discovered a robber fly at the Ojibway Prairie BioBlitz. «CBC.ca, 7월 15»
The voracious bee panther
Is it a dragonfly? Is it a wasp? Nope, it's a robber fly. Robber flies are predatory insects in the Asilidae family. Arkansas is home to several species of robber flies ... «The Arka Tech, 4월 15»
Cordley Hall's got bugs in the building
He then used the robber fly collection in the OSAC to begin to answer research questions. Marshall was able to provide him specimens and get him in touch with ... «Dailybarometer, 11월 14»
The Thieving Robber Fly
As I crept closer to the butterfly, a tiny insect zipped past me, and before I could figure out what was happening, a robber fly grabbed the sailer butterfly and alas, ... «The New Indian Express, 9월 14»
Robber flies only prey on insects
Luckily I knew it was some kind of robber fly and that they are more into perching than biting, so instead of shrieking and jumping up, I waited it out. It eventually ... «York County Coast Star, 7월 14»
Is it Honey Bee or HoneyBee? Bed Bug or Bedbug? House Fly or …
For example, all true flies belong to the order Diptera, so true fly names will be ... Thus we have such names as house fly, blow fly, and robber fly contrasted with ... «Entomology Today, 5월 14»
Looking pretty FLY: Watch dancing insect bust out a few surprising …
The description for the 2 minute funny vid reads: “Robber Fly busting out some moves on the ... User plsc1988 commented: “The fly has two legs attached. «Mirror.co.uk, 6월 12»
Incredible close-up images give bug's eye view of the world
Those belonging to the Striped horse fly, robber fly, blue-faced meadow hawk, black soldier fly and the horse fly are made up of several different colours. «Metro, 2월 11»
Odd fly uncovers evolution secret
The type of robber fly is found nowhere else, and scientists speculate that the rich biodiversity on the islands may actually have led to its emergence. «BBC News, 4월 05»
Rare fly found in meadow
The hornet robber fly, which feeds on dung beetles, has been found thriving in Castle Meadows near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. The fly is so rare it has ... «BBC News, 11월 03»

« EDUCALINGO. Robber fly [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/robber-fly> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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