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the Red Brigades

붉은 여단

Red Brigades

Red Brigades는 이태리에 본부를 둔 준 군사 조직으로 이른바 "Leads of Year"기간 동안 수많은 폭력 사건, 암살 및 강도 사건을 담당했습니다. 1970 년에 결성 된이 조직은 무장 투쟁을 통해 "혁명적 인"국가를 창설하고 북대서양 조약기구 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)에서 이탈리아를 제거하려고 노력했다. Red Brigades는 1970 년대와 1980 년대 초반에 사보타주, 은행 강도 및 납치 행위로 이탈리아를 불안정하게 만들려는 폭력적인 시도로 유명세를 얻었습니다. 붉은 여단의 모델에는 라틴 아메리카의 도시 게릴라 운동이 포함되었습니다. 펠트 리 넬리 (Peltrinelli)가 출간 한 투파 마로스 (Tupamaros)의 책은 영향력있는 "일종의 일종의 독수리 여단"과 1943-45 년의 이탈리아 당파 운동으로 폭력적인 수단을 동원한 젊은 소수자의 사례로 해석되었다. 방금 끝납니다. 이 단체의 가장 악명 높은 행위는 1978 년에 마리오 모레티 (Mario Moretti)가 이끄는 BR의 두 번째 그룹이 전 기독교 민주주의 총리 알도 모로 (Alldo Moro)를 납치했을 때 일어났습니다. 그는 알도 모로 (Alldo Moro) 전 총리를 납치했습니다. 공산주의자들. The Red Brigades is a paramilitary organization, based in Italy, which was responsible for numerous violent incidents, assassinations, and robberies during the so-called "Years of Lead". Formed in 1970, the organization sought to create a "revolutionary" state through armed struggle, and to remove Italy from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The Red Brigades attained notoriety in the 1970s and early 1980s with their violent attempts to destabilise Italy by acts of sabotage, bank robberies, and kidnappings. Models for the Red Brigades included the Latin American urban guerrilla movements. Volumes on the Tupamaros published by Feltrinelli were influential", a sort of do-it-yourself manual for the early Red Brigades" and also the Italian partisan movement of 1943–45 which was interpreted as an example of a youthful minority using violent means for just ends. The group's most infamous act took place in 1978, when the second groups of the BR, headed by Mario Moretti, kidnapped the former Christian Democrat Prime Minister Aldo Moro, who was trying to reach a compromesso storico, or "historic compromise", with the Communists.

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THE RED BRIGADES 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

the Raj
the Ram
the Rand
the raw
the readies
the ready
the real
the real deal
the real thing
the Red Flag
the Red Planet
The Redeemer
the Reef
the Regency
the Renaissance
the renosterveld
the Repeal
the Resistance
the rest
the reverse of

THE RED BRIGADES 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

building trades
in spades
jack of all trades
Red Brigades
the Everglades
the shades

영어 사전에서 the Red Brigades 의 동의어와 반의어


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영어 - 중국어 번역기

화자 1,325 x 백만 명

영어 - 스페인어 번역기

las Brigadas Rojas
화자 570 x 백만 명


the Red Brigades
화자 510 x 백만 명

영어 - 힌디어 번역기

रेड ब्रिगेड्स
화자 380 x 백만 명

영어 - 아랍어 번역기

الألوية الحمراء
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영어 - 러시아어 번역기

Красные бригады
화자 278 x 백만 명

영어 - 포르투갈어 번역기

as Brigadas Vermelhas
화자 270 x 백만 명

영어 - 벵골어 번역기

রেড ব্রিগেড
화자 260 x 백만 명

영어 - 프랑스어 번역기

les Brigades rouges
화자 220 x 백만 명

영어 - 말레이어 번역기

Briged Merah
화자 190 x 백만 명

영어 - 독일어 번역기

die Roten Brigaden
화자 180 x 백만 명

영어 - 일본어 번역기

화자 130 x 백만 명

영어 - 한국어 번역기

붉은 여단
화자 85 x 백만 명

영어 - 자바어 번역기

Brigade Merah
화자 85 x 백만 명

영어 - 베트남어 번역기

Red Brigades
화자 80 x 백만 명

영어 - 타밀어 번역기

ரெட் பிரிகேட்ஸ்
화자 75 x 백만 명

영어 - 마라티어 번역기

लाल ब्रिगेड
화자 75 x 백만 명

영어 - 터키어 번역기

Kızıl Tugaylar
화자 70 x 백만 명

영어 - 이탈리아어 번역기

le Brigate Rosse
화자 65 x 백만 명

영어 - 폴란드어 번역기

Czerwone Brygady
화자 50 x 백만 명

영어 - 우크라이나어 번역기

Червоні бригади
화자 40 x 백만 명

영어 - 루마니아어 번역기

Brigăzile Roșii
화자 30 x 백만 명

영어 - 그리스어 번역기

οι Ερυθρές Ταξιαρχίες
화자 15 x 백만 명

영어 - 아프리칸스어 번역기

die Rooi brigade
화자 14 x 백만 명

영어 - 스웨덴어 번역기

Röda brigaderna
화자 10 x 백만 명

영어 - 노르웨이어 번역기

De røde brigader
화자 5 x 백만 명

the Red Brigades 의 사용 경향


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the Red Brigades 단어가 포함된 유명한 인용문 및 문장입니다.
Loretta Napoleoni
I had failed the psychological profiling of a terrorist. The central committee of the Red Brigades had judged me too single-minded and too opinionated to become a good terrorist.


다음 도서 목록 항목에서 the Red Brigades 의 용법을 확인하세요. the Red Brigades 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
Anatomy of the Red Brigades: The Religious Mind-set of ...
An award-winning attempt to understand the logic of revolutionary terrorism.
Alessandro Orsini, 2011
Inside a Terrorist Group: The Red Brigades of Italy
The terrorists decided to cooperate with the authorities in exchange for reduced sentences as promised by a special parliamentary law."--Pref.
Sue Ellen Moran, Rand Corporation, 1987
Countering Terrorism and Insurgency in the 21st Century: ...
Chapter 20  ITALY AND THE RED BRIGADES: THE SUCCESS OF REPENTANCE POLICY IN COUNTERTERRORISM Many different forms of terrorism have troubled Italy over the past four decades. The grievances against the Italian ...
James J. F. Forest, 2007
Encyclopedia of Modern Worldwide Extremists and Extremist Groups
Her death in a shootout with the police and the recapture of Curcio in January 1976 seriously weakened the Red Brigades. The loss of the major leaders of the Red Brigades allowed new leaders to emerge. Mario Moretti, a close associate of  ...
Stephen E. Atkins, 2004
Terrorism: A History
This sense of siege contributed to the decision by some on the far left in 1969 to form a Marxist-Leninist group, the Red Brigades, dedicated to the use of revolutionary violence. The social composition of the Red Brigades differed somewhat ...
Randall Law, 2009
Shadows of Things Past and Images of the Future: Lessons for ...
Only people who were able to pass a rigorous vetting process were accepted into the ranks of the Red Brigades. That process carefully evaluated an individual's military courage and group loyalty. Successful recruits were divided into regular ...
Max G. Manwaring
Women and War: A Historical Encyclopedia from Antiquity to ...
The Red Brigades (RB) were responsible for most of the 415 deaths through terrorism during that period, including 75 assassinations and twice as many unsuccessful attempts. It also conducted 17 political kidnappings, some of which ended ...
Bernard A. Cook
Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia
In accord with Marxist-Leninist theory they believed that such a reply, suitably guided by a "conscious proletarian vanguard," or in this case by the "Red Brigades — Fighting Communist Party," would constitute the first phase of a revolutionary ...
Bernard A. Cook, 2001
Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the the Past
... about the BR's defeat, if not its complete demise. To accomplish this task, we need to tell the story of the BR, from its origins in the "hot autumn" of 1969 to its devastating setbacks following the 1982 25 The Red Brigades Leonard Weinberg.
Robert J. Art, Louise Richardson, 2007
From Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Women and Political ...
Chapter 2 Bringing on the Revolution: Women and Left-Wing Political Violence In the age of Al-Qaeda and the relentless focus on radical Islamism, the Red Brigades, Weather Underground, and Red Army Faction certainly are not discussed in ...
Paige Whaley Eager, 2008

«THE RED BRIGADES» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 the Red Brigades 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
The Daily Beast's Untrue Story of the Pope's Moves on Aldo Moro …
Before Moro was killed by a terrorist group called the Red Brigades in 1978, a priest by the name of Antonio Mennini allegedly heard Moro's confession, then ... «NewsBusters, 3월 15»
Good News & Bad
When I was growing up, the Red Brigades were terrorizing Italy and the Baader Meinhof gang was active in Germany. I remember the kidnapping of Aldo Moro ... «National Catholic Reporter, 3월 15»
Pope Francis Helps Shed Light on Notorious Italy Murder
Francesco Cossiga, president of Italy from 1985 to 1992, confessed before he died that 'Mennini managed to reach Aldo Moro in the Red Brigades' den and we ... «NDTV, 3월 15»
How Europe Won The '70s War On Terror
The Red Brigades ultimately were defeated through a concerted program that focused on the “neutralization” of terrorists who were exposed—often by the ... «Daily Beast, 1월 15»
Italy looks into a murky past with new investigation into killing of …
Roman magistrates are set to reopen investigations into the kidnap and killing 35 years ago of Italy's former prime minister Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, ... «The Independent, 6월 13»
Milan court cuts sentences on 11 Red Brigades members
The Red Brigades, whose aim was to spark a Marxist-Leninist revolution, carried ... incarnation of the movement, which is referred to as the New Red Brigades. «Reuters, 5월 12»
Italy, Europe, and Red Brigade terror
This is not exaggeration. The Red Brigades-PCC assassinated Massimo D'Antona in 1999 and Professor Marco Biagi in 2002 for spear-heading labour reforms. «Telegraph.co.uk, 10월 11»
Circular Firing Squad, Run by Young Radicals
The militants, members of the Japanese Red Army, have decided to attack the ... by the Red Brigades); “Carlos” (the Venezuelan Marxist turned mercenary). «New York Times, 5월 11»
Red Brigades, Italy's Communist Terrorist Group, Threatens Officials
Italy's notorious communist terrorist group the Red Brigades has sent a string a letters with bullets threatening various public officials in Italy, according to the ... «The New American, 1월 11»
Killing to be cool
... outfit to have inspired an entire concept album (by Luke Haines), and will remain so until we get to hear Gareth Gates's song-cycle about the Red Brigades. «New Statesman, 11월 08»

« EDUCALINGO. The Red Brigades [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/the-red-brigades> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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