영어 동사 UNSEEL 의 활용형
I unseel
you unseel
he/she/it unseels
we unseel
you unseel
they unseel
Present continuous
I am unseeling
you are unseeling
he/she/it is unseeling
we are unseeling
you are unseeling
they are unseeling
Present perfect
I have unseeled
you have unseeled
he/she/it has unseeled
we have unseeled
you have unseeled
they have unseeled
Present perfect continuous
I have been unseeling
you have been unseeling
he/she/it has been unseeling
we have been unseeling
you have been unseeling
they have been unseeling
I unseeled
you unseeled
he/she/it unseeled
we unseeled
you unseeled
they unseeled
Past continuous
I was unseeling
you were unseeling
he/she/it was unseeling
we were unseeling
you were unseeling
they were unseeling
Past perfect
I had unseeled
you had unseeled
he/she/it had unseeled
we had unseeled
you had unseeled
they had unseeled
Past perfect continuous
I had been unseeling
you had been unseeling
he/she/it had been unseeling
we had been unseeling
you had been unseeling
they had been unseeling
I will unseel
you will unseel
he/she/it will unseel
we will unseel
you will unseel
they will unseel
Future continuous
I will be unseeling
you will be unseeling
he/she/it will be unseeling
we will be unseeling
you will be unseeling
they will be unseeling
Future perfect
I will have unseeled
you will have unseeled
he/she/it will have unseeled
we will have unseeled
you will have unseeled
they will have unseeled
Future perfect continuous
I will have been unseeling
you will have been unseeling
he/she/it will have been unseeling
we will have been unseeling
you will have been unseeling
they will have been unseeling
I would unseel
you would unseel
he/she/it would unseel
we would unseel
you would unseel
they would unseel
Conditional continuous
I would be unseeling
you would be unseeling
he/she/it would be unseeling
we would be unseeling
you would be unseeling
they would be unseeling
Conditional perfect
I would have unseel
you would have unseel
he/she/it would have unseel
we would have unseel
you would have unseel
they would have unseel
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been unseeling
you would have been unseeling
he/she/it would have been unseeling
we would have been unseeling
you would have been unseeling
they would have been unseeling
you unseel
we let´s unseel
you unseel
Present Participle
«UNSEEL» 관련 영어 책
다음 도서 목록 항목에서
unseel 의 용법을 확인하세요.
unseel 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
The new and complete dictionary of the English language
Unsee'l (v. t. from un, and seel) To unclose the eyelids of a hawk by drawing out
the thread with which they were closed. , Unseel'ed (p. from unseel) Opened as
the eyes of a hawk, by drawing out the thread with which they were closed.
The Dramatic Works: Embellished with Portraits
Are your eyes yet unseel'd .9 dare they look day ' Mr. Seward, dissatisfied with
the epithet dull, conjeeturally substituted _ Though the day, says he, had been
before described black and ominous, and therefore the sense may be, dare you
look ...
Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher,
The dramatic works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher: ...
Are your eyes yet unseel'd? dare they look day In the full face ?} The old editions
have it, Dare they look day In the dull face t Mr. Seward, dissatisfied with the
epithet dull, conjecturally substituted full, which is also the reading of the last
Ben Jonson, John Fletcher, George Colman,
The alchemist. Catiline, Bartholomew Fair
Caius Cethegus, hail. Cet. Hail, sloth and words, Instead of men and spirits. Cat.
Nay, dear Caius Cet. Are your eyes yet unseel'd ? dare they look day In the full
face 8? Cat. He's zealous for th' affair, And blames your tardy coming, gentlemen.
Ben Jonson, Peter Whalley,
Shakespeare Illustrated by Old Authors
When you perceive she hath no aversion to the hood, unseel her in an evening,
by candle-light ; continue handling her softly, often hooding and unhooding her,
until she takes no offence at the hood, and will patiently endure handling. K. Hen.
William Lowes Rushton,
The Gentleman's Recreation: In Four Parts. Viz. Hunting, ...
When you perceive she hath no aversion to the Hood, unseel her in the Evening
by Candle-light 5 continue handling her softly, often hooding and unhooding her
till she takes no offence at the Hood, and will patiently endure "handling.
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson: Printed from the Text
'I hough the day, says he, had been before described black and ominous, and
therefore the sense may be, dare you look even such a day as this in the face .9
yet the natural taunt of Cethegus taking his metaphor from a hawkjust unseel'd is,
Ben Jonson, Peter Whalley,
A Glossary: Or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and ...
2. p. 48. The worm of jealous envy and unrest, To which his gnaw'd heart is the
growing food. Crushuw, Siispetto d'Herode, Stan. 62. Mrlton used the word, from
whom, and other authors, it is abundantly exemplified by Johnson. To UNSEEL.
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher: ...
Var. Hail, noble Sergius. Lon. Hail, Publins Lentulus. (fur. Hail, the third Cornelius
. Lee. Cains Cethegus, hail. Cat. Hail, sloth and words, Instead of men and spirits.
_Cat. Nay, dear Cains—— Cd. Are your eyes yet unseel'd? dare they look day ...
An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language in which ...
Unreclaimed 381 Unregenerate 41 Unrevealed 173 To Unseel 381 Unseised
388 Unseldom cxl Unselfish cv To Unsex 43 Unshaved 220 Unshaven ib.
Unshielded 121 Unsoldierlike 123 Unstretta 349 Until clxxviii Untirnbered 78
Unto clxxviii, ...
David BOOTH (Author of the Analytical Dictionary.),