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영어 사전에서 "welfare state" 뜻


영어 에서 WELFARE STATE 의 발음

welfare state play



영어에서 WELFARE STATE 의 뜻은 무엇인가요?

영어 사전에서 «welfare state» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

복지 국가

Welfare state

복지 국가는 국가가 경제 및 사회 복지의 보호와 증진에 핵심적인 역할을하는 정부의 개념입니다. 그것은 평등의 원칙, 부의 공평한 분배 및 좋은 삶을위한 최소한의 조항을 이용할 수없는 사람들에 대한 대중의 책임에 근거합니다. 일반적인 용어는 다양한 형태의 경제 및 사회 조직을 포괄 할 수 있습니다. 사회 학자 T.H. Marshall은 복지 국가를 민주주의, 복지 및 자본주의의 독특한 조합으로 정의했습니다. 학자들은 독일, 영국 및 다른 국가들이 복지 국가를 개발 한 역사적인 경로에 특별한주의를 기울였습니다. 근대 복지 국가에는 북유럽 국가로 알려진 노르웨이 모델 인 아이슬란드, 스웨덴, 노르웨이, 덴마크, 핀란드가 포함됩니다. Esping-Andersen은 가장 발전된 복지 국가 시스템을 세 가지 범주로 분류했습니다. 사회 민주당, 보수당, 자유당 복지 국가는 국가에서 개인에게 직접 제공되는 서비스로의 자금 이체를 포함합니다. A welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization. The sociologist T.H. Marshall identified the welfare state as a distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and capitalism. Scholars have paid special attention to the historic paths by which Germany, Britain and other countries developed their welfare state. Modern welfare states include the Nordic countries, such as Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland which employ a system known as the Nordic model. Esping-Andersen classified the most developed welfare state systems into three categories; Social Democratic, Conservative, and Liberal. The welfare state involves a transfer of funds from the state, to the services provided as well as directly to individuals.

영어 사전에서 welfare state 의 정의

사전에있는 복지 국가의 정의는 정부가 대개 실업 보험, 노령 연금 및 기타 사회 보장 조치를 통해 인구의 사회 경제적 안정을 제공하는 주요 책임을 수행하는 제도입니다. 복지 국가의 다른 정의는 그러한 정책을 특징으로하는 사회 시스템이다.

The definition of welfare state in the dictionary is a system in which the government undertakes the chief responsibility for providing for the social and economic security of its population, usually through unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, and other social-security measures. Other definition of welfare state is a social system characterized by such policies.

영어 사전에서 «welfare state» 의 원래 정의 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요
한국어 사전에서 자동 번역 보기를 원하면 클릭하세요

WELFARE STATE 처럼 시작하는 영어 단어

welfare benefits
welfare centre
welfare check
welfare economics
welfare hotel
welfare mother
welfare officer
welfare payments
welfare rights
welfare services
welfare work
welfare worker

WELFARE STATE 처럼 끝나는 영어 단어

chief of state
crown estate
housing estate
industrial estate
lie in state
real estate
secretary of state
steady state

영어 사전에서 welfare state 의 동의어와 반의어


25개국어로 «welfare state» 번역

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자동 통계기반 번역을 통해 영어 에서 이 항목에 표시된 다른 언어로 welfare state 번역 이 이루어집니다. 이 항목의 기본적인 번역 단위는 영어 단어 «welfare state» 입니다.

영어 - 중국어 번역기

화자 1,325 x 백만 명

영어 - 스페인어 번역기

estado de bienestar
화자 570 x 백만 명


welfare state
화자 510 x 백만 명

영어 - 힌디어 번역기

कल्याणकारी राज्य
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estado social
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কল্যাণ রাষ্ট্র
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état de bien-être
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negara kebajikan
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영어 - 독일어 번역기

화자 180 x 백만 명

영어 - 일본어 번역기

화자 130 x 백만 명

영어 - 한국어 번역기

복지 국가
화자 85 x 백만 명

영어 - 자바어 번역기

Kesejahteraan negara
화자 85 x 백만 명

영어 - 베트남어 번역기

nhà nước phúc lợi
화자 80 x 백만 명

영어 - 타밀어 번역기

வளர்ந்த மாநிலம்
화자 75 x 백만 명

영어 - 마라티어 번역기

कल्याणकारी राज्य
화자 75 x 백만 명

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Refah devleti
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stato sociale
화자 65 x 백만 명

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państwo opiekuńcze
화자 50 x 백만 명

영어 - 우크라이나어 번역기

держава загального добробуту
화자 40 x 백만 명

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statului bunăstării
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κράτους πρόνοιας
화자 15 x 백만 명

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welsyn van die staat
화자 14 x 백만 명

영어 - 스웨덴어 번역기

화자 10 x 백만 명

영어 - 노르웨이어 번역기

화자 5 x 백만 명

welfare state 의 사용 경향


«WELFARE STATE» 의 용어 사용 경향

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지난 500년간 «welfare state» 의 연간 사용 빈도의 변화 를 나타내는 그래프입니다. 1500년과 현재 날짜 사이에 영어 «welfare state» 단어가 디지털화된 인쇄물에 얼마나 자주 표시되는지 분석하여 구현합니다.

welfare state 에 대한 영어 문헌, 인용문 및 뉴스에서 사용된 사례


«WELFARE STATE» 단어가 포함된 영어 인용문

welfare state 단어가 포함된 유명한 인용문 및 문장입니다.
Harry Browne
In the 1880s, people all over the world looked to America for inspiration. Its very existence was proof that it was possible to have a relatively free and peaceful country. No income tax, no foreign wars, no welfare state, no intrusions on civil liberties.
Harry Browne
Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going out - while a welfare state is scared to death of poor people coming in and rich people getting out.
Vladimir Bukovsky
Socialism is the gradual and less violent form of communism, and socialist is the project of the European Union, which was born in Maastricht in 1992. The intent was to save socialism in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the predictable bankruptcy of the welfare state in the West as well.
Barbara Castle
There was no welfare state, and people had to rely mainly on the Poor Law - that was all the state provided. It was very degrading, very humiliating. And there was a means test for receiving poor relief.
Monica Crowley
Healthcare is the cornerstone of the socialist state. It is the crown jewel of the welfare state.
Jacques Delors
The problem of how we finance the welfare state should not obscure a separate issue: if each person thinks he has an inalienable right to welfare, no matter what happens to the world, that's not equity, it's just creating a society where you can't ask anything of people.
Niall Ferguson
Over time, the welfare state has become dysfunctional in a surprising way. But in a way it became a victim of its own success: It became so successful at prolonging life, that it becomes financially unsustainable, unless you make major changes to things like retirement ages.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
Bahrainis are better off than many other Arabs. We have a welfare state, everybody gets a salary whether they have a job or not. Electricity and food are subsidized; school and healthcare are free. And we don't differentiate between Bahrainis and foreigners. We are very proud of that.
Mick Mulvaney
There are jobs that American citizens will not do. We can talk about why that is. We can talk about how our welfare state is broken, how we encourage people not to work, but that doesn't help the farmer pick his peaches this summer.
Grover Norquist
The welfare state creates its own victim/client constituency. By making individuals free and independent, we reduce the need for 'charity' to those truly needy citizens what we can certainly afford to help through real charity.


다음 도서 목록 항목에서 welfare state 의 용법을 확인하세요. welfare state 에 관련된 책과 해당 책의 짧은 발췌문을 통해 영어 서적에서 단어가 사용되는 맥락을 제공합니다.
The Divided Welfare State: The Battle Over Public and ...
This book examines the political relationship between government social programs and private social benefits.
Jacob S. Hacker, 2002
Democracy and the Welfare State
The essays in this volume explore the moral foundations and the political prospects of the welfare state in the United States. Among the questions addressed are the following: Has public support for the welfare state faded?
Amy Gutmann, 1988
Economics of the Welfare State
The text is organized into four parts: Concepts, Cash benefits, Benefits in kind, and Epilogue.
Nicholas Barr, 2012
Dismantling the Welfare State?: Reagan, Thatcher and the ...
This book offers a careful examination of the politics of social policy in an era of austerity and conservative governance.
Paul Pierson, 1994
From Poor Law to Welfare State, 6th Edition: A History of ...
Topics new to this sixth edition include: A review of President Clinton's health-care reform and its failure, and his efforts to "end welfare as we know it" Recent developments in child welfare including an expanded section on the voluntary ...
Walter I. Trattner, 2007
The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State
The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State is the authoritative and definitive guide to the contemporary welfare state.
Francis G. Castles, Stephan Leibfried, Jane Lewis, 2010
Investigating Welfare State Change: The 'dependent Variable ...
By discussing the most salient aspects of the 'dependent variable problem', this work offers suggestions as to how the problem might be tackled within empirical cross-national analyses of modern welfare states.
Jochen Clasen, Nico A. Siegel, 2007
The Welfare State Nobody Knows: Debunking Myths about U.S. ...
"--James A. Morone, author of "Hellfire Nation" and "The Democratic Wish" "Christopher Howard is one of the most original and provocative students of the American welfare state--and this book splendidly sums up his insights.
Christopher Howard, 2007
The Hidden Welfare State: Tax Expenditures and Social Policy ...
Students of public finance will gain new insights into the politics of taxation. And as policymakers increasingly promote tax expenditures to address social problems, the book offers some sobering lessons about how such programs work.
Christopher Howard, 1999
Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State?
Leading authors from a number of disciplines present a thorough examiniation of the implications of applying Post-Fordism to contemporary restructuring of the welfare state.
Roger Burrows, Brian D Loader, 2003

«WELFARE STATE» 단어를 포함하는 뉴스 기사

다음 뉴스 기사의 맥락에서 국내 및 국제 언론이 말하는 내용 및 welfare state 단어를 사용하는 방법을 알아보세요.
Calling all progressives: help us reform the welfare state
That's not what our welfare state was designed for, and Britain can't afford it. ... You have to believe in an unaffordable welfare state that has departed very far ... «The Guardian, 7월 15»
Schools Becoming 'Miniature Welfare States'
Schools Becoming 'Miniature Welfare States'. Head teachers claim that schools are being forced to plug gaps in public services by helping children from ... «Sky News, 4월 15»
Labour 'infantilised' millions with welfare state, David Cameron says
Labour "infantilised" millions of jobseekers and made Britain resent benefits claimants by failing to create a welfare system that incentivised work, David ... «Telegraph.co.uk, 2월 15»
Welfare state is now growing at its slowest rate since 1948
The welfare state is now growing at its slowest rate since 1948, official figures show, as Iain Duncan Smith hails the Coalition's “monumental reversal of reckless ... «Telegraph.co.uk, 2월 15»
How Obama's 529 College Tax Plan Debacle Proves the Welfare
In the bigger picture, the existing welfare state is unaffordable. Either it will have to be cut, or reformed, or paid for—by someone, somehow. The administration ... «Reason, 1월 15»
George Will: The harm incurred by a mushrooming welfare state
America's welfare state transfers more than 14 percent of gross domestic product to recipients, with more than a third of Americans taking “need-based” ... «Washington Post, 1월 15»
Wisenbaker > Obama's Welfare State of the Union
So now the president has delivered his vaunted State of the Union address to Congress and the nation. Article 2 of the Constitution vests the executive power of ... «ValdostaToday.com, 1월 15»
Jihadist army building welfare state on foundations of terrorism
ISLAMIC State is expanding its territory into 2015, despite aerial attacks — and is cementing its control by providing a form of governance that extends beyond ... «The Australian, 12월 14»
Welfare reform offers new hope, says David Cameron
Archbishop Nichols, who will be created a cardinal on Saturday, told the Telegraph that the welfare state was growing increasingly punitive as the system ... «BBC News, 2월 14»
Conservative reforms will save the welfare state from bankruptcy
But the Cardinal-designate went on to charge the Government's benefit reforms with eroding the welfare state, making it “more punitive”. Benefit applicants who ... «Telegraph.co.uk, 2월 14»

« EDUCALINGO. Welfare state [온라인]. <https://educalingo.com/ko/dic-en/welfare-state> 사용 가능. 4월 2024 ».
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