अ‍ॅप डाउनलोड करा
pocket money

इंग्रजी शब्दकोशामध्ये "pocket money" याचा अर्थ


इंग्रजी मध्ये POCKET MONEY चा उच्चार

pocket money

POCKET MONEY च्या व्याकरणात्मक श्रेणी

शब्दयोगी अव्यय
उभयान्वयी अव्यय

इंग्रजी मध्ये POCKET MONEY म्हणजे काय?

इंग्रजी शब्दकोशातील pocket money व्याख्या

पॉकेट मनीची परिभाषा शब्दकोशात एक लहान साप्ताहिक रक्कम आहे जी पालकांना एक भत्ता म्हणून दिले जाते. पॉकेट मनीची इतर परिभाषा म्हणजे दिवस ते दिवस खर्च, आकस्मिक खर्च इ.

इंग्रजी चे शब्द जे POCKET MONEY सारखे सुरू होतात

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इंग्रजी चे शब्द ज्यांचा POCKET MONEY सारखा शेवट होतो

big money · black money · blood money · call money · cheap money · easy money · even money · honey · in old money · in the money · money · Monopoly money · old money · on the money · paper money · prize money · public money · ready money · smart money · spending money · start-up money

इंग्रजी च्या शब्दकोशामधील समानार्थी शब्दाच्या pocket money चे समानार्थी शब्द आणि विरुद्धार्थी शब्द

समानार्थी शब्द

25 भाषांमध्ये «pocket money» चे भाषांतर


POCKET MONEY चे भाषांतर

आमच्या इंग्रजी बहुभाषी भाषांतरकर्त्यासह pocket money चे 25 भाषांमधील भाषांतर शोधा.

या विभागात सादर केलेल्या इंग्रजी चा pocket money इतर भाषेतली भाषांतरे स्वयंचलित सांख्यिकीय भाषांतराद्वारे प्राप्त झाली आहेत; जिथे आवश्यक भाषांतर युनिट इंग्रजी चा «pocket money» हा शब्द आहे.

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - चीनी

1,325 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - स्पॅनिश

dinero de bolsillo
570 लाखो स्पीकर्स


pocket money
510 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - हिन्दी

जेब खर्च
380 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - अरबी

مَصْرُوف الـجَيْب
280 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - रशियन

карманные деньги
278 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - पोर्तुगीज

270 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - बंगाली

হাত খরচ
260 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - फ्रेंच

argent de poche
220 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - मलय

duit poket
190 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जर्मन

180 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जपानी

130 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - कोरियन

85 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जावानीज

Dhuwit saku
85 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - व्हिएतनामी

tiền tiêu vặt
80 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - तमिळ

பாக்கெட் பணம்
75 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - मराठी

कप्पा पैसा
75 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - तुर्की

70 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - इटालियन

denaro per le piccole spese
65 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - पोलिश

50 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - युक्रेनियन

кишенькові гроші
40 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - रोमानियन

bani de buzunar
30 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - ग्रीक

15 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - अफ्रिकान्स

14 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - स्वीडिश

10 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - नॉर्वेजियन

5 लाखो स्पीकर्स

वापराचे कल pocket money


संज्ञा «POCKET MONEY» वापरण्याच्या प्रवृत्ती

मुख्य शोध प्रवृत्ती आणि pocket money चे सामान्य वापर
आमच्या इंग्रजी ऑनलाइन शब्दकोशामध्ये आणि «pocket money» या शब्दासह सर्वात विस्तृत प्रमाणात वापरल्या जाणार्या अभिव्यक्तीमध्ये प्रवेश करण्यासाठी वापरकर्त्यांनी केलेल्या प्रमुख शोधांची सूची.

pocket money बद्दल इंग्रजी तील साहित्य, कोट्स आणि बातम्या मधील वापराची उदाहरणे


«POCKET MONEY» सह इंग्रजी कोट

pocket money या शब्दासह प्रसिद्ध कोट्स आणि वाक्ये.
Ian Anderson
A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.
Tony Judt
I just like being on my own on trains, traveling. I spent all my pocket money travelling the London Underground and Southern Railway, what used to be the Western region, and in Europe as much as I could afford it. My parents used to think I was going places, but I wasn't, I was just travelling the trains.
Maggie Stiefvater
As teenagers, we all see ourselves as outsiders... and it's very easy to look at other people who are more popular, who have more pocket money, and it makes you feel even more like an outsider, and it does shape who you become as a person.

«POCKET MONEY» संबंधित इंग्रजी पुस्तके

खालील ग्रंथसूची निवडीमध्ये pocket money चा वापर शोधा. इंग्रजी साहित्यामध्ये वापराचा संदर्भ देण्यासाठी pocket money शी संबंधित पुस्तके आणि त्याचे थोडक्यात उतारे.
Infinity (Pocket Money Puffin)
Ever felt as if your life is just going round in circles? Sarah Dessen's thought-provoking short story about moving on will resonate with teens everywhere. A Pocket Money Puffin for young adults by New York Times #1 author
Sarah Dessen, 2010
Vamoose! (Pocket Money Puffin)
A Pocket Money Puffin for teens by award-winning author, Meg Rosoff.
Meg Rosoff, 2010
Letter Writing Made Easy
A LETTER TO YOUR FATHER REQUESTING HIM TO INCREASE YOUR POCKET MONEY. Examination Hall March 20, 2003 My dear Dad, I have received the pocket-money and your letter in which you have advised me to take care of my ...
P. Sawhney, 2005
The Psychology of Money
Further, as expected, older adults disagreed less than younger adults that boys should be given a little more pocket money than girls. Younger adults were also more in favour of pocket money's being linked to the performance of household ...
Michael Argyle, Adrian Furnham, 2013
Magic Puffin: A Birthday Surprise (Pocket Money Puffin): A ...
Splash, the youngest of the magic puffins, has been caught in a storm and can't get back to Silver Dream Cliffs.
Sue Bentley, 2010
Diving For Pocket Money
Mark A. McKenzie. “And he pays you that much money? “No. Sometimes I get tips from passengers when I open the door and get their bags Markus, do you have lunch money?” “No,” he says disappointedly. Mark pulls money from his pocket ...
Mark A. McKenzie
English Panorama 2 Teacher's Book: A Course for Advanced ...
... seems likely that all Treasure's friends (whose parents are unlikely to be as easygoing as Treasure's mother) do have to do chores and don't get their pocket money unless they do them, but they are under strict instructions from Treasure not ...
Felicity O'Dell, 1998
The Economic Psychology of Everyday Life
Good-quality information is available from Britain (Furnham and Thomas 1984; Furnham, 1999; the regular Bird's Eye Wall's Pocket Money monitor), France ( Micromegas, 1993; Lassarre, 1996), America (Miller and Yung 1990; Mortimer et al., ...
Paul Webley, Carole Burgoyne, Stephen Lea, 2002
Origins of the Welfare State: Labour, life, and poverty
CHAPTER II HOUSEKEEPING AND POCKET MONEY The husband's earnings are divided into two parts: housekeeping and pocket money. Sometimes we have a third part : saving, but more often saving is done separately by the husband ...
Nicholas Deakin, 1935
Chinese Youth in Transition
What is more, out of excessive love for their grandchildren, both paternal and maternal grandparents are looser in offering pocket money. Self-earned money is another source of pocket money. Surveys showed that 6% of day-to-day pocket ...
Jieying Xi, Yunxiao Sun, Jing Jian Xiao, 2006

नवीन गोष्टी ज्यामध्ये «POCKET MONEY» ही संज्ञा समाविष्ट आहे

खालील बातम्यातील आयटमच्या संदर्भात राष्ट्रीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय पत्रकार कशाबद्दल बोलले आहेत आणि pocket money ही संज्ञा कशी वापरली आहे ते शोधा.
'There is now a place for women in refereeing'
Like most teenage girls, Natalie Walker longed for a bit of extra pocket money to splurge on clothes or going out with her friends. Around the ... «Blackpool Gazette, जुलै 15»
New evidence suggests Utah man was named in Howard Hughes' will
Dummar chatted with the disheveled old derelict, sang him a few original songs, and even gave him some pocket money when dropping him off ... «Good4Utah, जुलै 15»
Gamechangers: How do we solve a problem like Maria?
They are expected to work reasonable hours – the government cites 30 hours a week – in exchange for pocket money. Which might be ... «International Business Times UK, जुलै 15»
Married at First Sight's Michelle Worsley sets up market stall to sell …
Pocket money for her Thailand trip? Michelle Worsley, 36, manned a stall at Rozelle Markets with her mum on Sunday before leaving for a ... «Daily Mail, जुलै 15»
MUBS student's love affair with farming
... his extraordinary priorities, the 23-year old is able to fuel his car, service it, and buy himself clothes without asking mummy for pocket money. «New Vision, जुलै 15»
Musicians in sync with Sing50
All proceeds will go to The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund and The Business Times Budding Artists Fund. Mapletree Investments ... «The Straits Times, जुलै 15»
Okay, I admit it, I'm an eBay addict
First pocket money, then wages, then student loan and finally, my rock and roll money would all be frittered away on the most superfluous of ... «Times & Star, जुलै 15»
Two more middlemen arrested in Kochi, three on the run
"The duo were offered Rs 50,000 each and pocket money for other expenses. The flight tickets were arranged by Ibrahim. They flew to Delhi ... «Times of India, जुलै 15»
Remove pocket money hassles with goHenry
Do you remember to knock the cost off their pocket money or do you lose track of the purchases and just get them whatever they want? With the ... «TameBay, जुलै 15»
Lincolnshire pupil spends pocket money naming star after head …
"I've already spent £40 of my pocket money to go online and dedicate a star to Mr Hughes, which I presented to him at the last assembly of the ... «Lincolnshire Echo, जुलै 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Pocket money [ऑनलाइन]. उपलब्ध <https://educalingo.com/mr/dic-en/pocket-money>. सप्टेंबर 2024 ».
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