अ‍ॅप डाउनलोड करा

इंग्रजी शब्दकोशामध्ये "wallow" याचा अर्थ


शब्दाची व्युत्पत्ती WALLOW

Old English wealwian to roll (in mud); related to Latin volvere to turn, Greek oulos curly, Russian valun round pebble.

व्युत्पत्ती शब्दांच्या मुळाचा अभ्यास आणि संरचना आणि महत्त्व यांमधील बदलांचा अभ्यास आहे.

इंग्रजी मध्ये WALLOW चा उच्चार


WALLOW च्या व्याकरणात्मक श्रेणी

शब्दयोगी अव्यय
उभयान्वयी अव्यय

इंग्रजी मध्ये WALLOW म्हणजे काय?

जनावरांमध्ये वाहते

जनावरांमध्ये वाहणे हे एक सोईचे वर्तन आहे ज्या दरम्यान एक प्राणी त्याचे शरीर गाळ, पाणी किंवा बर्फात विसर्जित करते. [1] काही परिभाषांमध्ये धूळ याबद्दल रोलिंगचा समावेश आहे, [2] परंतु, एथोलॉजीमध्ये हे सहसा धूळ स्नान करण्याचेच म्हटले जाते. वालोजिंग हे नेहमी त्याचे उद्देश पूर्ण करण्यासाठी इतर आचरणांशी एकत्र केले जाते, उदाहरणार्थ, एक दाट "कोटिंग" तयार करण्याच्या प्रयत्नात असलेल्या हत्ती अनेकदा स्वत: ला धूळ काढतील अणुप्रकल्पाचा अभाव असलेला माती कठोर वैज्ञानिक तपासणी करून सर्व चाचणी केली गेली नाही तरी घराबाहेर टाकण्याची अनेक कार्ये प्रस्तावित केली गेली आहेत. प्रस्तावित कार्यांमध्ये खालील गोष्टींचा समावेश आहे - ▪ थर्मोरॉग्युलेशन - घरगुती डुकरांना, [3] महान भारतीय गेंडा [4] वार्थोग, [5] हत्ती [6] ▪ एक सनस्क्रीन प्रदान करणे - डुकरांना, [7] वार्थोग, [5] हत्ती [6] पुरुष संघर्ष सामाजिक वर्तन - वॅपिटी, युरोपियन बायसन, [8] [9] हिरण [10] ▪ एक्टोपैरिसिट्स काढणे - ...

इंग्रजी शब्दकोशातील wallow व्याख्या

शब्दकोशात भोसकणे ची पहिली व्याख्या म्हणजे खार, पाणी, इत्यादी, आनंदासाठी. अडखळतेची दुसरी व्याख्या म्हणजे अडचण आहे. वॉलॉ आपली संपत्ती, भावना इत्यादींचा समावेश आहे.

इंग्रजी च्या क्रियापदाचे उभयान्वयी अव्यय WALLOW


I wallow
you wallow
he/she/it wallows
we wallow
you wallow
they wallow
Present continuous
I am wallowing
you are wallowing
he/she/it is wallowing
we are wallowing
you are wallowing
they are wallowing
Present perfect
I have wallowed
you have wallowed
he/she/it has wallowed
we have wallowed
you have wallowed
they have wallowed
Present perfect continuous
I have been wallowing
you have been wallowing
he/she/it has been wallowing
we have been wallowing
you have been wallowing
they have been wallowing


I wallowed
you wallowed
he/she/it wallowed
we wallowed
you wallowed
they wallowed
Past continuous
I was wallowing
you were wallowing
he/she/it was wallowing
we were wallowing
you were wallowing
they were wallowing
Past perfect
I had wallowed
you had wallowed
he/she/it had wallowed
we had wallowed
you had wallowed
they had wallowed
Past perfect continuous
I had been wallowing
you had been wallowing
he/she/it had been wallowing
we had been wallowing
you had been wallowing
they had been wallowing


I will wallow
you will wallow
he/she/it will wallow
we will wallow
you will wallow
they will wallow
Future continuous
I will be wallowing
you will be wallowing
he/she/it will be wallowing
we will be wallowing
you will be wallowing
they will be wallowing
Future perfect
I will have wallowed
you will have wallowed
he/she/it will have wallowed
we will have wallowed
you will have wallowed
they will have wallowed
Future perfect continuous
I will have been wallowing
you will have been wallowing
he/she/it will have been wallowing
we will have been wallowing
you will have been wallowing
they will have been wallowing


I would wallow
you would wallow
he/she/it would wallow
we would wallow
you would wallow
they would wallow
Conditional continuous
I would be wallowing
you would be wallowing
he/she/it would be wallowing
we would be wallowing
you would be wallowing
they would be wallowing
Conditional perfect
I would have wallow
you would have wallow
he/she/it would have wallow
we would have wallow
you would have wallow
they would have wallow
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been wallowing
you would have been wallowing
he/she/it would have been wallowing
we would have been wallowing
you would have been wallowing
they would have been wallowing


you wallow
we let´s wallow
you wallow
to wallow
Past participle
Present Participle

इंग्रजी चे शब्द जे WALLOW शी जुळतात

apollo · enwallow · follow · hollo · hollow · reswallow · Rollo · swallow · unfollow · upfollow · woodswallow

इंग्रजी चे शब्द जे WALLOW सारखे सुरू होतात

wallfish · wallflower · wallies · Wallis · Wallis and Futuna Islands · Walloon · Walloon Brabant · wallop · walloper · walloping · wallower · wallpaper · wallpaper music · wallpaper paste · wallpepper · wallposter · walls · Wallsend · wallwort · wally

इंग्रजी चे शब्द ज्यांचा WALLOW सारखा शेवट होतो

allow · ballow · barn swallow · callow · cliff swallow · disallow · dishallow · fallow · fellow · gallow · hallow · mallow · marsh mallow · marshmallow · musk mallow · rose mallow · sallow · sea swallow · shallow · tallow · tree mallow

इंग्रजी च्या शब्दकोशामधील समानार्थी शब्दाच्या wallow चे समानार्थी शब्द आणि विरुद्धार्थी शब्द

समानार्थी शब्द

इंग्रजी मधील «WALLOW» चे समानार्थी शब्द

खालील इंग्रजी शब्दांचे सारखेच किंवा समान अर्थ «wallow» सारखे आहे आणि ते त्याच व्याकरणाच्या श्रेणीशी संबंधित आहेत.
bask · delight · glory · indulge · lie · luxuriate · relish · revel · savour · slosh · thrive · tumble · wade · welter

25 भाषांमध्ये «wallow» चे भाषांतर


WALLOW चे भाषांतर

आमच्या इंग्रजी बहुभाषी भाषांतरकर्त्यासह wallow चे 25 भाषांमधील भाषांतर शोधा.

या विभागात सादर केलेल्या इंग्रजी चा wallow इतर भाषेतली भाषांतरे स्वयंचलित सांख्यिकीय भाषांतराद्वारे प्राप्त झाली आहेत; जिथे आवश्यक भाषांतर युनिट इंग्रजी चा «wallow» हा शब्द आहे.

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - चीनी

1,325 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - स्पॅनिश

570 लाखो स्पीकर्स


510 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - हिन्दी

लोट लगाते
380 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - अरबी

280 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - रशियन

278 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - पोर्तुगीज

270 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - बंगाली

অধ: পতন
260 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - फ्रेंच

se complaire
220 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - मलय

190 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जर्मन

schwelgen in
180 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जपानी

130 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - कोरियन

젖어 있다
85 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - जावानीज

85 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - व्हिएतनामी

80 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - तमिळ

75 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - मराठी

75 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - तुर्की

70 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - इटालियन

65 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - पोलिश

50 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - युक्रेनियन

40 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - रोमानियन

30 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - ग्रीक

15 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - अफ्रिकान्स

14 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - स्वीडिश

10 लाखो स्पीकर्स

भाषांतरकर्ता इंग्रजी - नॉर्वेजियन

velte seg
5 लाखो स्पीकर्स

वापराचे कल wallow


संज्ञा «WALLOW» वापरण्याच्या प्रवृत्ती

मुख्य शोध प्रवृत्ती आणि wallow चे सामान्य वापर
आमच्या इंग्रजी ऑनलाइन शब्दकोशामध्ये आणि «wallow» या शब्दासह सर्वात विस्तृत प्रमाणात वापरल्या जाणार्या अभिव्यक्तीमध्ये प्रवेश करण्यासाठी वापरकर्त्यांनी केलेल्या प्रमुख शोधांची सूची.

wallow बद्दल इंग्रजी तील साहित्य, कोट्स आणि बातम्या मधील वापराची उदाहरणे


«WALLOW» सह इंग्रजी कोट

wallow या शब्दासह प्रसिद्ध कोट्स आणि वाक्ये.
Zygmunt Bauman
In a consumer society, people wallow in things, fascinating, enjoyable things. If you define your value by the things you acquire and surround yourself with, being excluded is humiliating.
Jon Beason
You realize that you can't win 'em all. You try to win 'em all; you get frustrated, but you gotta have a short fuse either way. Success in the NFL is just as deadly as allowing yourself to kinda wallow in sorrow. It works both ways.
Kabir Bedi
I'm not the sort to wallow in nostalgia about the good old days.
Maeve Binchy
When I was being brought up, we weren't allowed to wallow in self-pity, which was a thoroughly good thing. We were all fine and healthy because that was what we were told to be.
Neal Boortz
Wallow too much in sensitivity and you can't deal with life, or the truth.
Walton Goggins
I wrote about wasting time, which I suppose is a part of the great human journey. We're supposed to wallow, to go through the desert without water for a long time so that when we finally drink it, we'll truly need it and we won't spill a drop. It's about being present.
Louie Gohmert
I like to travel in jeans because I don't want to wallow around in my suit, you know? They cost too much. Jeans are comfortable.
Marvin Harris
Pigs prefer to wallow in clean mud, but if nothing else is available, they will frequently wallow in their own urine, giving rise to the notion that they are dirty animals.
John Hawkes
It's much more interesting to watch someone who is ill-equipped to solve their problem fight to solve their problem than wallow in the knowledge that they're ill-equipped to solve their problems.
Boris Kodjoe
There was a certain point in my life where I had to decide that I was going to take my future and Nicole's and not wallow in what happened to me because when you do that, you just keep repeating what's been happening and at some point you have to make a choice.

«WALLOW» संबंधित इंग्रजी पुस्तके

खालील ग्रंथसूची निवडीमध्ये wallow चा वापर शोधा. इंग्रजी साहित्यामध्ये वापराचा संदर्भ देण्यासाठी wallow शी संबंधित पुस्तके आणि त्याचे थोडक्यात उतारे.
The wizard of Wallaby Wallow
A mouse helps a wizard discover what's lacking in his magic spells.
Jack Kent, 1971
Wallow in the Trough
Yomi Akinode. Wallow in the Trough A Novel Abayomi Akinode iUniverse, Inc. New York Lincoln Shanghai Wallow in the Trough Copyright © 2006 by Abayomi Akinode.
Yomi Akinode, 2006
Farmers' Bulletin
when a hog lies down in the wallow the water line is raised accordingly. The greater the number of hogs lying in the wallow at one time the higher goes the water line. The right depth of liquid in the wallow, therefore, depends on the size and ...
Farm Inventories
when a hog lies down in the wallow the water line is raised accordingly. The greater the number of hogs lying in the wallow at one time the higher goes the water line. The right depth of liquid in the wallow, therefore, depends on the size and ...
James S. Ball, 1921
Hog lice and hog mange: methods of control and eradication
when a hog lies down in the wallow the water line is raised accordingly. The greater the number of hogs lying in the wallow at one time the higher goes the water line. The right depth of liquid in the wallow, therefore, depends on the size and ...
Harry Elvin Kemper, Harold O. Peterson, 1955
Duroc Digest
\ (Continued from page 30) animals to be treated and plan accord'ingly. If conditions are such that hogs may exercise choice in the matter, they in— variably select shallow water in which to wallow. When a hog wades into water, it apparently ...
Mountain Biking Pennsylvania
After crossing Pennsylvania Highway 390, the ride follows the Tree Tower Trail out to the park boundary and links up with the Bear Wallow Trail. Passing in and out of rhododendron tunnels and across sporadic rocky trail, the ride loops out ...
Rob Ginieczki, 2000
The Antarctic Dictionary: A Complete Guide to Antarctic English
A group of us decided to go for a walk along the coast to an elephant seal wallow . ellieAlsoellie seal [Abbreviation ofelephant.] An elephant seal. 1990 (South Georgia) Naveen, Ron, Monteath, Colin, de Roy, Tui and Jones, Mark Wild ice: ...
Bernadette Hince, 2000
The Texas Panhandle Frontier
Baldwin and Lyman had had to fight for their lives and had come out very well, but the most desperate fight of all was the Buffalo Wallow Fight. The colonel sent Scouts Amos Chapman and Billy Dixon, who had given up buffalo hunting to work ...
Frederick W. Rathjen, 1998
The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon
This is the first truly comprehensive history of the political explosion that shook America in the 1970s, and whose aftereffects are still being felt in public life today.
Stanley I. Kutler, 2013

नवीन गोष्टी ज्यामध्ये «WALLOW» ही संज्ञा समाविष्ट आहे

खालील बातम्यातील आयटमच्या संदर्भात राष्ट्रीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय पत्रकार कशाबद्दल बोलले आहेत आणि wallow ही संज्ञा कशी वापरली आहे ते शोधा.
Asia shares wallow near three month lows on Greece, Fed anxiety
TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian shares languished near three-month lows on Wednesday as the spectre of higher borrowing costs in the United States and concerns ... «Business Insider, जून 15»
Court: Fire insurance may cover mudslide damage after Wallow Fire
The case began in the summer of 2011 after the Wallow Fire broke out in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The fire, which started May 29, would go on to ... «Cronkite News, मे 15»
Man kicked out of Wetherspoon pub The Wallow for wearing …
David Curry, 49, had travelled ten miles from home to visit The Wallow in Blyth, Northumberland, for the first time with wife Vee, 45, and her daughter Kayleigh. «Daily Mail, एप्रिल 15»
Manatee County OKs major development in Parrish
This tree farm at Interstate 75 and Moccasin Wallow Road is slated to become a development with 542 homes, offices, stores, a theater and a hotel. «Sarasota Herald-Tribune, एप्रिल 15»
Paula Patton says split from Robin Thicke has been 'challenging' but …
'The thing is, you can't wallow in sadness or stay in bed when you have a child,' the 2 Guns star said. 'And they're so full of life and wonder. And he brings me so ... «Daily Mail, मार्च 15»
Restaurant review: The Wallow
The Wallow Bar & Grill is the latest in a series of restaurants to occupy a spacious building on Spring River Road southwest of Sunriver Village. It may not be the ... «Bend Bulletin, एक 15»
Wallow In '90s Nostalgia, And Question All Your Life Choices, With …
Wallow In '90s Nostalgia, And Question All Your Life Choices, With VH1's Buzzy New Show, "Hindsight". By Christine Champagne. Series creator Emily Fox ... «Co.Create, एक 15»
How to wallow in the wintry weather
A man walks a dog in Palmer Square in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood on Tuesday. The weather this week is expected to turn frosty. A man walks a ... «Chicago Tribune, नोव्हेंबर 14»
Where Peccaries Wallow, Other Animals Follow
This camera trap photo shows a peccary in a wallow in Manú National Park, Peru. Research has shown that the wallows play an important role in the ecosystem. «National Geographic, सप्टेंबर 14»
Hoosier moonshine trickles into the marketplace with Bear Wallow
Indiana's first artisan distilleries have fired up their copper stills and begun serving up a mix of trendy spirits in glass jars, marking the beginning of what ... «Indianapolis Star, ऑगस्ट 14»
« EDUCALINGO. Wallow [ऑनलाइन]. उपलब्ध <https://educalingo.com/mr/dic-en/wallow>. सप्टेंबर 2024 ».
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