I ankylose
you ankylose
he/she/it ankyloses
we ankylose
you ankylose
they ankylose
Present continuous
I am ankylosing
you are ankylosing
he/she/it is ankylosing
we are ankylosing
you are ankylosing
they are ankylosing
Present perfect
I have ankylosed
you have ankylosed
he/she/it has ankylosed
we have ankylosed
you have ankylosed
they have ankylosed
Present perfect continuous
I have been ankylosing
you have been ankylosing
he/she/it has been ankylosing
we have been ankylosing
you have been ankylosing
they have been ankylosing
I ankylosed
you ankylosed
he/she/it ankylosed
we ankylosed
you ankylosed
they ankylosed
Past continuous
I was ankylosing
you were ankylosing
he/she/it was ankylosing
we were ankylosing
you were ankylosing
they were ankylosing
Past perfect
I had ankylosed
you had ankylosed
he/she/it had ankylosed
we had ankylosed
you had ankylosed
they had ankylosed
Past perfect continuous
I had been ankylosing
you had been ankylosing
he/she/it had been ankylosing
we had been ankylosing
you had been ankylosing
they had been ankylosing
I will ankylose
you will ankylose
he/she/it will ankylose
we will ankylose
you will ankylose
they will ankylose
Future continuous
I will be ankylosing
you will be ankylosing
he/she/it will be ankylosing
we will be ankylosing
you will be ankylosing
they will be ankylosing
Future perfect
I will have ankylosed
you will have ankylosed
he/she/it will have ankylosed
we will have ankylosed
you will have ankylosed
they will have ankylosed
Future perfect continuous
I will have been ankylosing
you will have been ankylosing
he/she/it will have been ankylosing
we will have been ankylosing
you will have been ankylosing
they will have been ankylosing
I would ankylose
you would ankylose
he/she/it would ankylose
we would ankylose
you would ankylose
they would ankylose
Conditional continuous
I would be ankylosing
you would be ankylosing
he/she/it would be ankylosing
we would be ankylosing
you would be ankylosing
they would be ankylosing
Conditional perfect
I would have ankylose
you would have ankylose
he/she/it would have ankylose
we would have ankylose
you would have ankylose
they would have ankylose
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been ankylosing
you would have been ankylosing
he/she/it would have been ankylosing
we would have been ankylosing
you would have been ankylosing
they would have been ankylosing
you ankylose
we let´s ankylose
you ankylose
Past participle
Present Participle
Ketahui penggunaan
ankylose dalam pilihan bibliografi berikut. Buku yang berkait dengan
ankylose dan ekstrak ringkas dari yang sama untuk menyediakan konteks penggunaannya dalam kesusasteraan Corsica.
14-4 Ankylose Ankylose betekent gewrichtsverstijving. Een echte ankylose (
ankylosis vera) is een gewrichtsverstijving die het gevolg is van afwijkingen in
het gewricht. Een valse ankylose (ankylosis falsa of pseudoankylose) houdt in
dat de ...
Hier möchte es wohl der schicklichste Platz seyH, Einiges über Ankylose zu
bemerken , da ich mich gerade am Schluss der Krankheiten befinde, die in den
Gelenken Verkrümmungen zu veranlassen im Stande sind, und die Ankylosen,
die ...
LA TORSION DU CORDON SPERMATIQUE 69 A. résultat satisfaisant : ankylose
osseuse dans un cas, et anky'lose fibreuse serrée dans l'autre. Mais il n'a pas ...
Bulletins Et Mémoires de la Société Médicale Des Hôpitaux de ...
Dans tous nos cas, sans exception, déclarent Netter et Durand (1), • les lésions
articulaires ont rétrocédé et la guérison a été complète sans ankylose ou même
raideur, ainsi que nous avons pu nous en assurer en examinant les malades ...
Mond- en Kaakchirurgie: 1980-1984
In dit proefschrift is de aandacht behalve op de etiologie, pathologie, klinische
symptomen, röntgenologie en differentiaal diagnostiek vooral gericht op de
operatieve behandeling van patiënten met een ankylose van het kaakge- wricht.
Nankai-ku Suisan Kenkyūjo hōkoku
Prefrontals paired, massive, irregular bones penetrated by olfactory foramina,
forming anterior wall of orbit. They ankylose with vomer, ethmoid, parasphenoid
and anterior parts of frontals. Vomer an anterior median bone, tapering
posteriorly ...
Dictionnaire médical : addenda:
Gelenkfixierung) / ankylose artificielle / 2775 ankylosis, bony (true), fibrous (false)
/ Ge- lenksteifigkeit /(knöcherner, fibröser Partien) / ankylose vraie, fausse / 2776
ankylosis of the hip / Hüftankylose /(Versteifung infolge Verwachsung) ...
Congenital Deformities of the Hand and Forearm
Goerlich, M.: Angeborene Ankylose der Fingergelenke mit Brachydaktylie. Beitr.
Klin. Chir., 59:441- 446, 1908. Goldflam, S.: Ein Fall von Kongenitaler, familiarer
Ankylose der Fingergelenke. Munch. Med. Wochenschr,, 53:2299-2300, 1906.
Lehrbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie: für ...
Ankylose. Früher bezeichnete man mit Ankylose (dyxuXoc, krumm) eine winklige
Stellung, jetzt versteht man darunter allgemein Steifigkeit des Gelenkes,
hervorgerufen durch Krankheitsprozesse im Gelenk selbst. Man spricht daher
auch von ...
Funktionsdiagnostik und Therapieprinzipien:
Fibröse und knöcherne Ankylose Ankylosen im Kiefergelenk sind relativ selten
und lassen sich in fibröse und knöcherne Ankylosen unterteilen. Hauptursachen
sind Traumata (Frakturen/Hämarthros), frühere Gelenkoperationen, Infektionen
im ...
Axel Bumann, Ulrich Lotzmann,
Ketahui apa yang diterbitkan oleh akhbar nasional dan antarabangsa dan cara istilah
ankylose digunakan dalam konteks perkara berita berikut.
Derrière les chiffres du chômage, la nécessaire réforme du marché …
Trop rigide et trop segmenté, il ankylose notre économie et, ce faisant, obère la reprise des embauches. Tabou franco-français, sa refonte ... «Les Échos, Dis 14»
Comment améliorer ses capacités cérébrales
Dans un monde où on n'a plus besoin de mémoriser les numéros de téléphone, ni de faire du calcul mental, le cerveau paresse et s'ankylose, ... «La Vie Éco, Mac 14»
Integrated implant technologies 'guide' you to new heights
1), DENTSPLY ANKYLOSE CT™ implants were selected and ExpertEase™ surgical kit was selected. Fig. 1: Simplant 3D rendering of fixation screws and ... «Dentistry IQ, Ogo 12»
L'arrêté des comptes 2011 sera un exercice particulièrement difficile
Compte tenu de l'ankylose des marchés des capitaux et du coût accru de l'endettement, il s'agit là d'une question majeure pour le directeur ... «Le Figaro, Dis 11»
Groovy Aardvark
... sur les 19 ans de Groovy Aardvark, depuis leur démo de 1989 "Kitsh en Squatt" jusqu'à leurs nouvelles compositions "Le coeur est une bombe", "Ankylose" et ... «Québec Info Musique, Feb 01»