Komunizm jest systemem społeczno-ekonomicznym, opierającym się na wspólnej własności środków produkcji, charakteryzującym się brakiem klas, pieniędzy i państwa; jak również ideologię społeczną, polityczną i ekonomiczną oraz ruch zmierzający do ustanowienia tego porządku społecznego. Ruch rozwijania komunizmu w marksistowsko-leninowskich interpretacjach wywarł znaczący wpływ na historię XX w., Która wykazywała silną rywalizację między państwami komunistycznymi w bloku wschodnim a najbardziej rozwiniętymi państwami kapitalistycznymi świata zachodniego. Komunizm został po raz pierwszy rozwinięty w naukową teorię niemieckiego filozofa i nauk społecznych Karla Marxa, a zbiorowe zrozumienie tego podejścia naukowego dziś jest powszechnie określane mianem marksizmu. W marksistowskim rozumieniu komunizm jest punktem wyjścia ludzkiej ewolucji społecznej, która w sposób nieuchronny wejdzie w egzekutywny rozwój gospodarczy i społeczny w socjalizmie.
Definicja słowa communism w słowniku
Pierwsza definicja komunizmu w słowniku jest rzecznikiem społeczeństwa bezklasowego, w którym własność prywatna została zniesiona, a środki produkcji i utrzymania należą do społeczności. Inną definicją komunizmu jest jakikolwiek ruch społeczny, gospodarczy lub polityczny czy doktryna zmierzająca do osiągnięcia takiego społeczeństwa. Komunizm to również porządek społeczny lub system rządów ustanowiony przez rządzącą partię komunistyczną, zwłaszcza w byłym Związku Radzieckim.
Słynne cytaty i zdania ze słowem
Communism is like one big phone company.
Communism feeds on aggression, hatred, and the imprisonment of men's minds and souls. This shall not take root in the United States.
I have taken an oath in my heart to oppose communism until the day I die.
Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.
With his trademark courage and conviction, President Reagan led us out of the Cold War, spreading his vision of freedom, resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of communism.
Communism is a proposition to structure the world more reasonably, a proposition for changing the world. As such, we have to analyze it and, if we deem it reasonable, act upon it.
There will be no communism.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
I don't really view communism as a bad thing.
Two decades after communism and the alleged end of the Cold War, Russia is still a cash economy. The preferred currency is dollars, though euros are also acceptable.
Poznaj użycie słowa
communism w następujących pozycjach bibliograficznych Książki powiązane ze słowem
communism oraz krótkie ich fragmenty w celu przedstawienia kontekstu użycia w literaturze.
The Black Book of
Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression
Collects and analyzes seventy years of communist crimes that offer details on Kim Sung's Korea, Vietnam under "Uncle Ho," and Cuba under Castro.
Stéphane Courtois, Mark Kramer,
At its heart, the book is a history of the Soviet Union, the most comprehensive reorganization of human society ever attempted by a nation-state.
Communism: From Heidegger to Marx
Paralleling Vattimo and Zabala's well-known work on the weakening of religion, Hermeneutic Communism realizes the fully transformational, politically effective potential of Marxist thought.
Gianni Vattimo, Santiago Zabala,
Introduces communism, discussing its history, its principles and characteristics, and the countries that practice it.
"Gives an overview of communism as a political system, including an historical discussion of communist regimes throughout the world"--Provided by publisher.
Communism: A Primary Source Analysis
Discusses various aspects of Communism, including its history, ideology, key figures in the movement, and the decline of Communism.
communism in Twentieth-century America: A Critical History
This compelling, critical analysis of anti-communism illustrates the variety of anti-Communist styles and agendas, thereby making a persuasive case that the "threat" of domestic communism in Cold War America was vastly overblown.
Discusses the development of communism, surveys the Russian and Chinese Revolutions and the Cold War, recounts the fall of European Communist governments and conditions in post-Communist countries, and profiles leading figures.
Explains what communism is and how it was developed, describes the drawbacks to this form of government, and discusses historical clashes between democracies and communist countries.
Introduces communism, discussing the social, political, economic, religious, and cultural effects, and examining various contemporary governments.
Sprawdź, o czym dyskutuje się w prasie krajowej i zagranicznej oraz jak jest stosowane słowo
communism w wiadomościach.
Communism, racism and the sins of our parents
Newly released FBI documents confirm, just like President Obama, hard-core communism runs deep in the family of his most influential and ... «Your Houston News, Lip 15»
Whatever Happened to Eastern European Communism?
For us, the only politically correct approach was to identify all aspects of communism anywhere with Stalin-totalitarianism-terror; there was no ... «CounterPunch, Lip 15»
Landscapes of Communism by Owen Hatherley review – a …
Might the landscapes of built communism have compared favourably to the places they hailed from – the slums of Portsmouth, or rural ... «The Guardian, Lip 15»
What do Canadians who lived through communism think of Ottawa's …
G: I grew up under communism in Budapest, Hungary. The Soviet army saved my life, being a Jewish infant. We would have died had they not ... «, Lip 15»
Opinion: Instead of a concrete monument to victims of communism …
A drawing of the winning ABSTRAKT Studio Architecture concept for the National Memorial to Victims of Communism which will be situated ... «Montreal Gazette, Lip 15»
A breakfast to make you go build communism
In the Soviet era, the first meal of the day needed to be the healthiest. This message was drilled into Soviet children partially through marketing ... «Russia Beyond the Headlines, Lip 15»
NY Times: Cuba's Communism Was Good For The Environment
The New York Times has published a story bemoaning how American companies looking to do business in Cuba could threaten the country's ... «Daily Caller, Lip 15»
IPN looking for victims of communism in Warsaw cemetery
The goal of the dig is to locate the burial sites of the victims of communism who were lost, murdered or died in prisons and detention centres in ... «, Lip 15»
Letters: Two views on the memorial to victims of communism
Victims of communism and their descendants are very gratified that the sufferings of this large portion of the Canadian population are finally ... «Ottawa Citizen, Lip 15»
Irene Tomaszewski: There are better ways to honour the victims of …
I am totally opposed to the proposed Tribute to Liberty, or monument to the victims of communism, or whatever it will be called, that is to be ... «The Province, Lip 15»