Значение слова surveyable в словаре английский языка
Определение опроса в словаре может быть нанесено на график, чтобы сделать подробную карту, измеряя или вычисляя расстояния и высоту. Другое определение опроса может быть опрошено, чтобы попытаться выяснить информацию о своих мнениях.
Поиск случаев использования слова
surveyable в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову
surveyable, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.
Philosophy of Mathematics: A Contemporary Introduction to ...
proofs of the Pythagorean theorem or the proof of the irrationality of √2 are
surveyable, but the computer proof of the fourcolour theorem is not. This is
exactly the notionweneed for our account of a rule's sense. The sense
ofsomerules is ...
that we can make language surveyable by reorganizing it just as I can do with the
papers on my desk? Surely this is not what he can be after, for he also maintains
that “philosophy may in no way interfere with the actual use of language" (Pl, ...
All the Power in the World
It's what I've called the surveyable; metaphorically, and only very roughly, it's
what can be surveyed by the mind's intellectually imaginative eye. So, while
geometric arrangements of quality (or Quality) are surveyable, the nonqualitative
Peter Unger Professor of Philosophy New York University,
Aristotle's Best Regime: A Reading of Aristotle's Politics, ...
Aristotle thus appears to define a surveyable population as one that is small
enough to permit the citizens to be familiar with one another's characters. (More
generally, that which is surveyable is that with which one can become familiar.)
Now ...
Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning: Volume 1 of an ...
Trawling through Wittgenstein's other writings for observations on what counts as
a surveyable representation of grammar yields a meagre catch. In 1929/30 he
gave as an example of a surveyable representation of a segment of grammar the
G. P. Baker, P. M. S. Hacker,
All the Power in the World
So, while geometric arrangements of quality (or Quality) are surveyable, the
nonqualitative Propensity of a particular isn't surveyable, whether the candidate
particular is point-siz.ed and perfectly adjacent to many others, or whether it's
larger ...
Dummett: Philosophy of Language
If our sharpenings involve the idea that a proof is 'surveyable' relative to a person
and a time, then very few proofs will be surveyable, since virtually no proof will be
surveyable in every sharpening. Absolute truth in mathematics will be truth ...
Deepening Our Understanding of Wittgenstein
have sympathy for Wittgenstein's inclination to deny unsurveyable symbol-
patterns the name “proof”, the Wittgensteinian distinction between surveyable
and nonsurveyable patterns is weighty enough to consider the talk of 'mere
convenience' ...
Berkeley: Critical and Interpretive Essays
Mr. Tymoczko's view is that traditional proofs are surveyable and a priori,
whereas computer proofs are nonsurveyable and a posteriori. But it could be
argued, I think, (1) that, insofar as a traditional proof is surveyable, it is not a priori
, and (2) ...
Colin Murray Turbayne,
Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of ...
The demand that a proof should be surveyable in this sense amounts to the
principle that the grammatical conventions that are established by a proof must
be perspicuous. The first step is thus to identify proofs as grammatical
constructions; ...
Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин
surveyable в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.
Claire-Louise Bennett on writing Pond
Identities are forged in this way, rendering us visible, surveyable; other people can say they know who we are. But who I am is not what I am or how I am; my ... «Irish Times, Май 15»
New Garrison, Old Troubles in the South China Sea
Is Woody Island / Yongxing maybe too small, too surveyable, not defended and fortified enough against air attacks? Not if you plan to use (to expend, to dispose ... «TIME, Июл 12»
112th Christmas Bird Count: New circle means new birds
It was shifted due west 3.75 miles to encompass the Kenai and Kasilof Flats and increase the surveyable Cook Inlet coastline from 3 to 13 miles. The new circle ... «Kenai Peninsula Online, Мар 12»
Exhibition by Dutch artist Maddy Arkesteyn Grancusi
For the late-medieval cathedral builders the surveyable scope was not that of a closed habitation. Perspective had to be infinite. The trivial was not trivial, the ... «What's on Xiamen, Окт 10»
Developing Chess Talent – Chess and autism
That game is very structured and surveyable. Autists are often perfectionists. When playing chess, they have a grip on what they are doing.' The experience of ... «Chessbase News, Окт 09»
The Reluctant Impressionist
... up during the years that the medieval city was being destroyed and a modern one — more sanitary, shopper friendly and police surveyable — was being built. «New York Times, Мар 09»