Військовий капот
Пернаті воєнні монети носили почесні рівнини індійських чоловіків. Раніше вони іноді носили битву, але найчастіше вони носили на урочистих випадках, як це відбувається сьогодні. Вони розглядаються як предмети великого духовного та магічного значення. Орел вважається равнинними племенами як найвидатнішими і найпотужнішими з усіх птахів, і, отже, найвищі з них виготовлені з пір'я. Його краса вважалася другорядною; реальна вартість капоту була в її передбачуваній потужності, щоб захистити власника. Капот все ще тільки носиться в особливих випадках і дуже символічний. У колекції Дитячого музею Індіанаполіса Капон повинен був зароблятись через сміливі вчинки в битві, оскільки пір означав самі дії. Деякі воїни, можливо, отримали лише два чи три почесні пір'я протягом усього життя, тому важко було заробити. Капот також був знаком найвищої поваги, оскільки його ніколи не можна носити без згоди лідерів племені. Наприклад, висока честь була отримана воїном, який першим торкнувся ворога, що впав у битві, бо це означало, що воїн був на самому фронті боїв.
Визначення war bonnet у англійська словнику
Визначення військового капоту в словнику - це заглушка з кінчаючими пір'ям, одягненими певними північноамериканськими індійськими воїнами, як головний убір.
Дізнайтеся про вживання
war bonnet з наступної бібліографічної підбірки. Книжки пов'язані зі словом
war bonnet та короткі уривки з них для забезпечення контексту його використання в англійська літературі.
The Confederate
War Bonnet
In a rich portrayal of period and place, The Confederate War Bonnet is an evocative historical novel that helps to answer how Indians became involved in the Civil War, why they joined Confederate forces, and how the experience shaped their ...
Being part of the famous Colt family isn't easy, and when Chris Colt's brother narrowly escapes death and his sister is kidnapped, he must teach the bandits a lesson that they will never forget--don't cross the Colts LAWMAN NO MORE When a ...
War Bonnet: My Story
This book is about a gross injustice by the Canadian Government towards an 87 year old Native Canadian, and his attempts to clear his name before it is too late.
Herbert Edgar Baptiste,
History and Culture of the Boise Shoshone and Bannock Indians
After coming back to where they had left their friend they told the Eagle to get out
his war bonnet and then the eagle got out his war bonnet and stomped it on the
ground and so they decided to run past the Dzobit. The rattle snake and he was ...
Defending Our Wildlife Heritage: The Life and Times of a ...
Walking over to the counter and looking more closely at the wall, I saw a coup
stick alongside a bow with a quiver of arrows that appeared to be very old and a
short, double-train war bonnet, which was also old but looked newer than the
other ...
Sun Going Down: A Novel
War Bonnet's friend Bad Heart Bull disdained wrestling; he liked to draw, so Cora
got him paper and pencils and he drew pictures of the five of them on horseback
riding after deer and buffalo and portraits of the boys in a group, seated around ...
The Keeper of the Horse: A Comanche Quest
Winning the battle of rage that swelled up inside him, Blue Boy finally looked War
Bonnet in the eye and then simply said, “You have been warned!” War Bonnet,
refusing to respond, reared up, quickly whirled around, and went racing away!
Songprints: The Musical Experience of Five Shoshone Women
HELENE: "Chokecherry, Giveaway, and all them special songs— I know them but
I just can't flip 'em out. I'm just like all the singers; somebody else sings it, then I
can remember it. Even the War Bonnet songs, I helped sing with the ladies in the
At the back of the head, part way down on the war-bonnet, was the skin of a
barns wallow, while to the right side of the war-bonnet, where the feathers were
red, was tied a bat, so that the warrior might safely fight in the night, for a bat flies
at ...
George Bird Grinnell,
Chevato: The Story of the Apache Warrior who Captured Herman ...
The Comanche called it a “coup,” or an act of bravery, and an eagle feather
would be put on the war bonnet to signify each act of bravery. Today we might
think that their acts were senseless, but you have to remember that the
Comanche ...
William Chebahtah, Nancy McGown Minor,
Дізнайтеся, що обговорювала національна та міжнародна преса, і як термін
war bonnet вживається в контексті наступних новин.
Double Amutee Parachutes into the 'War Bonnet Roundup' Rodeo
A special show is planned for every night of the 'War Bonnet Roundup' Rodeo in Idaho Falls at Sandy Downs. This year's special guest retired Sergeant First ... «KPVI News 6, Липень 15»
Parachutist highlight of War Bonnet Roundup July 30-Aug. 1
1 as part of the War Bonnet Roundup Rodeo in Idaho Falls. He is expected to parachute in about 7:50 p.m. each night. The rodeo is at Sandy Downs, 1860 E. «Idaho State Journal, Липень 15»
Dana Bowman will parachute in to War Bonnet Roundup
Dana Bowman, an Army veteran who lost both legs in a skydiving accident, will be jumping in to the War Bonnet Roundup rodeo event Thursday, Friday and ... «Idaho State Journal, Липень 15»
War bonnet presented at Arlee Esyapqeyni
Tony Incashola, right, presents Gene Sorrell with a war bonnet made by Pat Pierre during the 117th Arlee Esyapqeyni. Sorrell earned the war bonnet by being ... «Char-Koosta News, Липень 15»
117th Arlee Celebration gets off to a rousing start
Tony Incashola, right, puts a war bonnet on Gene Sorrell as he's presented with the bonnet at the 117th Arlee Celebration on Saturday in Arlee. The war bonnet ... «The Missoulian, Липень 15»
Nicki Minaj's 2015 Pinkprint European Tour Poster is Out — And It's …
Is there something that I'm missing that's making it difficult for celebrities (and lots of other humans) to understand that wearing a war bonnet replica is not OK? «Bustle, Грудень 14»
Native American-inspired attire criticised as culturally inappropriate
The Real Housewives of Melbourne pulled out similar war bonnets this year, dancing around and "woo woo woo"-ing. High street fashion stores stock ... «Sydney Morning Herald, Серпень 14»
Native Americans gaining ground in their quest to educate public …
As portraits go, it was undeniably arresting, a strong-jawed man in profile wearing a regal Native American war bonnet. But the man in the headdress was singer ... «Kansas City Star, Серпень 14»
BC music festival's headdress ban strikes a chord
“They're doing it because they think the war bonnet is an amazing-looking thing. Some people think they're honouring aboriginal culture or that they're showing ... «The Globe and Mail, Липень 14»
Bass Coast Festival Bans Native American Headdresses
Canadian music festival Bass Coast has put a ban on Native American headdresses and war bonnets, which have become popular but insensitive fashion ... «Huffington Post, Липень 14»