now and again

在"英语"词典里now and again}的意思



now and again

NOW AND AGAIN在英语中的意思是什么?


现在又是一次由格伦·戈登·卡龙(Glenn Gordon Caron)创作的美国电视剧,从1999年9月24日至2000年5月5日在美国广播公司(CBS)播出。 这个故事围绕着美国政府工程化,完美的人体用于间谍活动,但无法完善大脑。 为了让项目开始运行,他们拿着超车的男人迈克尔·维斯曼(Michael Wiseman)的大脑,他被火车杀死。 在新的生活中,迈克尔被留在一个公寓里,由政治专家训练,由西奥多·莫里斯博士领导,在间谍活动中。 尽管迈克尔有了新的生活和新的能力,迈克尔渴望回到他的妻子丽莎和女儿希瑟,他们自己发现并不是所有的都像迈克尔的死亡一样。

NOW AND AGAIN一样开头的英语单词

now · now now! · now then · now you´re talking · now-now · nowadays · noway · noways · nowcast · nowcasting · nowed · Nowel · Nowell · nowhence · nowhere · nowhere near · nowhither · nowise · nowl · nowness

NOW AND AGAIN一样开头的英语单词

again · again and again · bargain · born-again · brain gain · breathe again · capital gain · ever and again · gain · here we go again · into the bargain · make a bargain · outbargain · over again · plea-bargain · regain · ride again · think again · time and again · turnagain

英语近义词词典里now and again的近义词和反义词


«now and again»的25种语言翻译



通过我们的英语多语言翻译器,找到now and again25种语言翻译

该章节所呈现的将now and again由 英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«now and again»。

翻译者英语 - 中文

1,325 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 西班牙语

y otra vez
570 数百万发言者


now and again
510 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 印地语

अब और फिर
380 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 阿拉伯语

والآن مرة أخرى
280 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 俄语

снова и снова
278 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 葡萄牙语

de vez em quando
270 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 孟加拉语

এখন এবং আবার
260 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 法语

de temps en temps
220 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 马来语

Sekarang dan lagi
190 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 德语

ab und zu
180 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 日语

130 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 韩语

지금 다시
85 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 印尼爪哇语

Saiki lan maneh
85 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 越南语

bây giờ và một lần nữa
80 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 泰米尔语

இப்போது மீண்டும்
75 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 马拉地语

आता आणि पुन्हा
75 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 土耳其语

şimdi ve tekrar
70 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 意大利语

di tanto in tanto
65 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 波兰语

i teraz znowu
50 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 乌克兰语

знову і знову
40 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 罗马尼亚语

acum și din nou
30 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 希腊语

τώρα και πάλι
15 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 布尔语(南非荷兰语)

nou en dan
14 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 瑞典语

då och då
10 数百万发言者

翻译者英语 - 挪威语

nå og igjen
5 数百万发言者

now and again的使用趋势


词语 «NOW AND AGAIN»的使用趋势

now and again的主要搜索趋势和常见用法
用户为查找我们的英语在线词典以及单词«now and again»的最常用表达而进行的主要搜索的列表。

now and again的英语文献、引用和新闻中的使用范例



单词now and again的知名引用和例句
Chinua Achebe
I've had trouble now and again in Nigeria because I have spoken up about the mistreatment of factions in the country because of difference in religion. These are things we should put behind us.
Woody Allen
If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative.
Raymond Carver
It's something that I feel I know about, relationships between men and women. I like to write from the woman's point of view now and again, to get inside her head, to feel what she's feeling.
Marie-Chantal Claire
I love to dress up. You have to have a sense of fun in life, too. We can all be serious and work and do our bit, but every now and again you have to have a good giggle.
Warwick Davis
My life is quite physical anyway. When you are three-foot-six you kind of have to climb stuff now and again, and you find yourself in quite precarious situations just to manage in what is quite a big world.
Joe Dempsie
I enjoyed acting at school and went to an acting workshop for kids in Nottingham. It was twice a week after school and free to go to - ITV subsidised it. Every now and again, a casting director would turn up. 'Peak Practice' became a rite of passage for us. It was the first job I had.
Sanjay Dutt
It's fun playing the villain now and again; villains are so simple, and you don't have to worry about the audience loving you.
Keith Ellison
Every now and again, people on the far right take a quote from a progressive out of context and use it to attack them.
Federico Fellini
God may not play dice but he enjoys a good round of Trivial Pursuit every now and again.
Terence Fisher
The written word is the basic of everything. Most important, the idea, and after that, the dialogue. You can rehash the dialogue as you go along, it 's disgraceful to have to do this, but now and again you have no choice.

«NOW AND AGAIN»相关的英语书籍

在以下的参考文献中发现now and again的用法。与now and again相关的书籍以及同一来源的简短摘要提供其在 英语文献中的使用情境。
Now and Again
Overwhelmed with her college schedule, Sabrina wishes that she could return to high school, a wish that a dusty old garden gnome decides to grant, causing Sabrina more problems when she finds herself simultaneously in two time zones.
David Cody Weiss, Bobbi J. G. Weiss, David Cody Weiss, 2003
More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction
A worldwide success, a cultural phenomenon, the book opened doors to a rarefied world about which Elizabeth had only dared to dream during her middle-class upbringing in New York City.
Elizabeth Wurtzel, 2007
Was Then, Now and Again: Poetry of A Life Worth Living
Starting at the young age of innocence, finding that first young love.
Debra Dianne Lord, 2006
Letters sent home. Out and home again by way of Canada and ...
Every now and again, when the stern of the vessel was riding on a wave, with the prow making a determined plunge for the bottom of the ocean, the screw would be lifted right out of the water, and the whole of the powerful machinery and ...
William Morris, 1875
Now and at the Hour
Larry's quiet for a change, thank God. Poor Gilbert's having a tough time, though. All day long he's been doing that little moaning sound he now and again does, and that crazy noise that sounds like a laugh but it ain't a laugh, and now he's just  ...
Martin Drapkin, 2009
Surviving Through the Days: Translations of Native ...
It was trailing them now. And again it overtook them. Again it failed to do any harm to Falcon. And, as before, Falcon took it and kept smashing it down. He broke it in many pieces. And again the two of them went off. And again it overtook them ...
Herbert W. Luthin, 2002
The Now Nexus
Learn to recognize the speaker as being the voice of Truth Now and again; and finally learn to trust the Spirit that speaks the Precious words of wisdom right here , right Now. Developing a healthy respect for the Lord enables the acquisition of ...
Don Peek, 2012
The Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes
Oh, ay, now and again ; but, you see, you'd been brought up differently, and you' re such a youngster. Where did they bury him ? ' ' Come round and I'll show you.' Not where the white soldiers lay row upon row waiting in their silent African ...
And even now
Aforetime, a book was burnt now and again in the market-place by the common hangman. Was he, I wondered, paid by the hour? I had always supposed the thing quite easy for him — a bright little, brisk little conflagration, and so home.
Sir Max Beerbohm, 1921
Outdoor Recreation: The Magazine that Brings the Outdoors in
The Magazine that Brings the Outdoors in. water a little. It soon rights itself and swirls and turns as the current hurries it along. Now and again it is caught in little whirlpools, and even though the float is large, it is at times sucked under the water.

包含词语«NOW AND AGAIN»的新条目

找出国内和国际出版社所讨论的内容,以及词语now and again在以下新条目的上下文中是如何使用的。
The week in music: Taylor Swift 'missing the point', Springsteen's …
To be fair, I think we all understood that their relationship was tumultuous, but it's always a treat to hear it directly from Noel now and again. «The Guardian, 七月 15»
Singled Out: Alice Glass goes solo, Kathryn Joseph goes sublime …
It's what we all need now and again. TF: I kind of dig it. It's got a distinct Northern Soul vibe. And while this might be better seen live than played ... «Drowned In Sound, 七月 15»
Movie Review: “Pixels” Is Definitely Not Game Over
Every now and again he'd prove to the world that he could turn in a really great performance in such movies as “Punch-Drunk Love,” “Reign ... «moviepilot.com, 七月 15»
My mother Joan Rivers, the rudest (and funniest) person in the world
Little escaped her derision - from Tommy Lee Jones's habitual expression at awards ceremonies ('smiling every now and again wouldn't ... «Daily Mail, 七月 15»
35 Years Ago: AC/DC Rebound From Bon Scott's Death With 'Back …
And now and again I've forgotten I'm singing and I just stop and watch that band, because I think they're just f—ing great. A great band and a ... «Ultimate Classic Rock, 七月 15»
Games Inbox: Does Fallout 4 need to be funnier?
... the reasons Rayman Origins/Legends is so good (and charming) is because you only hear the odd instance of 'Yay!' every now and again«Metro, 七月 15»
Can Intel Corporation Return to Growth in 2016?
However, as long as Intel can minimize the declines (and perhaps eke out some years of modest growth now and again), the company's other ... «Motley Fool, 七月 15»
Joe Satriani: Shockwave Supernova
Fifteen studio albums into his career, you could forgive Joe Satriani for making a bad record every now and again, but the Long Island native ... «PopMatters, 七月 15»
Troy students will have new computers when school starts
“Every superintendent has a big bucket of money under their desk that they can just pull out every now and again,” Francom said. “That's the ... «The Western News, 七月 15»
2015 Hungarian Grand Prix – Friday Press Conference
... being so hot as well actually brings through some fatiguing aspects which everyone says we need to see a bit more of every now and again. «The Checkered Flag, 七月 15»
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