
在"波兰语"词典里a to}的意思


波兰语中A TO的发音

a to play

A TO押韵的波兰语 单词

alboz to
alboz to
alez to
alez to
badz to
badz to
bodaj to
bodaj to
bodajze to
bodajze to
byl to
byl to
co to
co to
coraz to
coraz to
coz to
coz to
czemu by to
czemu by to
czemu to
czemu to
czy to
czy to
czyz to
czyz to
dajmy na to
dajmy na to
gdyby to
gdyby to
gdybyz to
gdybyz to
gdzie to
gdzie to
gdziez to
gdziez to
i to
i to
ilez to
ilez to

A TO一样开头的波兰语单词

a priori
a propos
a przeciez
a psik
a rebours
a s c
a sentimental journey
a sio
a sous
a sudji kto
a t
a tempo
a tergo
a to ci dopiero
a to polska wlasnie
a tout prix
a u c
a vinculo matrimonii
a vista
a wiec

A TO一样开头的波兰语单词

jak to
jaki to
jakichze to
jakiejze to
jakimze to
jakiz by to
jakiz to
jako to
jakze to
jegoz to
jejze to
juz to
kiedy to
kiedyz to
kogoz to
komu to
komuz to
kto to
ktory to
ktoryz to

波兰语近义词词典里a to的近义词和反义词


«a to»的25种语言翻译

online translator

A TO的翻译

通过我们的波兰语多语言翻译器,找到a to25种语言翻译
该章节所呈现的将a to由 波兰语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在波兰语中基本的翻译单位是单词«a to»。

翻译者波兰语 - 中文

1,325 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 西班牙语

y este
570 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 英语

and this
510 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 印地语

और इस
380 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 阿拉伯语

و هذا
280 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 俄语

278 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 葡萄牙语

e isto
270 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 孟加拉语

একটি থেকে
260 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 法语

et ça
220 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 马来语

dan ini
190 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 德语

und das
180 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 日语

130 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 韩语

85 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 印尼爪哇语

A kanggo
85 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 越南语

80 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 泰米尔语

75 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 马拉地语

आणि या
75 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 土耳其语

ve bu
70 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 意大利语

e questo
65 数百万发言者


a to
50 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 乌克兰语

40 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 罗马尼亚语

și că
30 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 希腊语

και αυτό
15 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 布尔语(南非荷兰语)

en dit
14 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 瑞典语

och att
10 数百万发言者

翻译者波兰语 - 挪威语

og dette
5 数百万发言者

a to的使用趋势


词语 «A TO»的使用趋势

此处所显示的地图给出了词语«a to»在不同国家的使用频率。

a to的波兰语文献、引用和新闻中的使用范例


«A TO»相关的波兰语书籍

在以下的参考文献中发现a to的用法。与a to相关的书籍以及同一来源的简短摘要提供其在 波兰语文献中的使用情境。
Complex Numbers from A to ...Z
* Learn how complex numbers may be used to solve algebraic equations, as well as their geometric interpretation * Theoretical aspects are augmented with rich exercises and problems at various levels of difficulty * A special feature is a ...
Titu Andreescu, ‎Dorin Andrica, 2006
Soft Animals A to Z
From armadillo to zebra, sewers will have fun following the detailed step-by-step instructions and colored illustrations for creating 26 soft, stuffed playthings for their favorite children.
Carolyn Vosburg Hall, 2003
Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia Of Loch Monsters ...
Explores the truth and the myths behind such legendary creatures as the Loch Ness monster and Sasquatch
Loren Coleman, ‎Jerome Clark, 1999
Thinking from A to Z
' What is a 'Politician's answer?' What's the difference between a 'Red Herring' and a 'Straw Man?' This superb book, now in its third edition, will help anyone who wants to argue well and think critically.
Nigel Warburton, 2000
General Relativity from A to B
"This beautiful little book is certainly suitable for anyone who has had an introductory course in physics and even for some who have not."—Joshua N. Goldberg, Physics Today "An imaginative and convincing new presentation of Einstein's ...
Robert Geroch, 1981
Lucy A to Z: The Lucille Ball Encyclopedia
" -Stefan Kanfer, author, Ball of Fire"This new Fourth Edition of Lucy A to Z is a wonderful read and I'm very pleased to recommend it to everyone.
Michael Karol, 2004
Phonics from A to Z: A Practical Guide
This practical handbook, written by an early reading specialist, shows instructors how to build an engaging, effective phonics program into any reading-writing program.
Wiley Blevins, 1998
Freud A To Z
The first book of its kind, Freud A to Z presents a comprehensive overview of this intellectual giant, featuring more than one hundred lively, informative essays that examine his life, his work, his progeny, and his legacy to psychology.
Sharon Heller, 2005
Calligraphy A to Z
Streamlined techniques offer improved methods that shrink the learning curve and bring aspiring calligraphers immediate satisfaction.
Stuart David, 2003
Cuban Music from A to Z
DIVThe definitive guide to the composers, artists, bands, musical instruments, dances, and institutions of Cuban music./div "Helio Orovio's book is a basic reference tool for any serious researcher, or any fan, of Cuban music.
Helio Orovio, 2004

包含词语«A TO»的新条目

找出国内和国际出版社所讨论的内容,以及词语a to在以下新条目的上下文中是如何使用的。
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« EDUCALINGO. A to [在线]. 可用 <https://educalingo.com/zh/dic-pl/a-to>. 五月 2024 ».
波兰语 词典
, 发现隐藏于单词之后的一切
a b c d e f g h i j k l ł m n o p q r s ś t u v w x y z ż