
在"土耳其语"词典里yağ kesesi}的意思


土耳其语中YAĞ KESESI的发音

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YAĞ KESESI在土耳其语中的意思是什么?

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在土耳其语 词典里yağ kesesi的定义

脂肪削减发生在身体一部分的蛋白酥皮。 yağ kesesi Vücudun bir yerinde oluşan beze.

点击查看«yağ kesesi»在土耳其语词典里的原始定义

YAĞ KESESI押韵的土耳其语 单词

dalgıç elbisesi
dalgıç elbisesi
göz kesesi
göz kesesi
göğüs sesi
göğüs sesi
hamam kesesi
hamam kesesi
hava kesesi
hava kesesi
işitme kesesi
işitme kesesi
kalp aksesi
kalp aksesi
kaynaştırma sesi
kaynaştırma sesi
mağara sesi
mağara sesi
reçine kesesi
reçine kesesi
safra kesesi
safra kesesi
spor kesesi
spor kesesi
su kesesi
su kesesi
temettü hissesi
temettü hissesi
yüzme kesesi
yüzme kesesi
çevir sesi
çevir sesi
öd kesesi
öd kesesi

YAĞ KESESI一样开头的土耳其语单词

yağ bal
yağ bal olsun
yağ basmak
yağ bezi
yağ bezleri
yağ çekmek
yağ çubuğu
yağ doku
yağ gibi kaymak
yağ hücresi
yağ kutusu
yağ küpü
yağ lâmbası
yağ marulu
yağ şalgamı
yağ taşı
yağ tulumu
yağ yakıt
yağ yakmak
yağ yedirmek

YAĞ KESESI一样开头的土耳其语单词

Acem lâlesi
Afrika menekşesi
Afrika çekirgesi
acı badem kurabiyesi
ad cümlesi
ad gövdesi
adalet mahkemesi
adliye mahkemesi
adres makinesi
ahenk kaidesi
aile bahçesi
aile bütçesi
aklama belgesi
akıl hastahanesi
akşam gazetesi
alev makinesi
açıklama cümlesi
ağ iğnesi
ağaç küpesi
ağaç minesi

土耳其语近义词词典里yağ kesesi的近义词和反义词


«yağ kesesi»的25种语言翻译

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通过我们的土耳其语多语言翻译器,找到yağ kesesi25种语言翻译
该章节所呈现的将yağ kesesi由 土耳其语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在土耳其语中基本的翻译单位是单词«yağ kesesi»。

翻译者土耳其语 - 中文

1,325 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 西班牙语

sacos de grasa
570 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 英语

fat sacs
510 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 印地语

वसा की थैलियों
380 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 阿拉伯语

الحويصلات الدهون
280 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 俄语

жира мешочки
278 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 葡萄牙语

sacos de gordura
270 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 孟加拉语

তেল কোষ
260 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 法语

sacs de matière grasse
220 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 马来语

sac minyak
190 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 德语

180 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 日语

130 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 韩语

지방 주머니
85 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 印尼爪哇语

sac lenga
85 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 越南语

túi mỡ
80 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 泰米尔语

எண்ணெய் திசுப்பை
75 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 马拉地语

तेल सॅक
75 数百万发言者


yağ kesesi
70 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 意大利语

sacche di grasso
65 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 波兰语

woreczki tłuszczowe
50 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 乌克兰语

жиру мішечки
40 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 罗马尼亚语

saci de grăsime
30 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 希腊语

λίπος σάκοι
15 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 布尔语(南非荷兰语)

vet sakkies
14 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 瑞典语

fett sacs
10 数百万发言者

翻译者土耳其语 - 挪威语

fett sekker
5 数百万发言者

yağ kesesi的使用趋势


词语 «YAĞ KESESI»的使用趋势

此处所显示的地图给出了词语«yağ kesesi»在不同国家的使用频率。

yağ kesesi的土耳其语文献、引用和新闻中的使用范例


«YAĞ KESESI»相关的土耳其语书籍

在以下的参考文献中发现yağ kesesi的用法。与yağ kesesi相关的书籍以及同一来源的简短摘要提供其在 土耳其语文献中的使用情境。
Dersaadet'ten Harameyn'e Surre-i Hümayun:
Yirminci günün gecesi, her ışık kümesinden 3040 yağ kesesi sallanıyordu.Yüzağanın hepside tertemizgiysileri içinde,özel olarakdokunmuş halıların üstünde oturmuş, Ravzayı Mutahhara'nın nizamını kontrol ediyorlardı.”70 demektedir.
Yusuf Çağlar , ‎Salih Gülen, 2014
Evidence-Based Ophthalmology - Sayfa 119
The procedure involves identifying the bone underlying the lacrimal sac from within the nose, removing it and ... neodymium: YAG, and the combined carbon dioxide neodymium: YAG (COZ-Nd: YAG] are other lasers that have been used.
Richard Wormald, ‎Katherine Henshaw, ‎Liam Smeeth, 2008
Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes: An Identification Guide ...
Vitelline circulation patterns are sometimes visible within the yolk sac. Oil globules — Oil globules are found in some yolk masses and vary in number, size, position, and color. This variation is a useful character. Ahlstrom & Moser (1980) noted ...
William J. Richards, 2005
The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome: Turning Around the Unsustainable ...
Numerous energy analysts have reported that the world may have reached peak oil production, and it's clear that new reserves will scarcely meet the demand from theUnitedStates and developing nationssuch asChinaand India. Although ...
John F. Wasik, 2010
Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and ... - Sayfa 26
Retene-exposed fish had increased prevalence of blue-sac disease and decreased vitamin E and glutathione concentrations in ... All of these PAHs, except pyrene and anthracene, are common components of Alaskan North Slope crude oil.
J. Brian Alford, ‎Mark S. Peterson, ‎Christopher C. Green, 2014
Proposed 5-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas ...
The sac roe and roe- on-kelp is processed for export to Asian markets; Some herring are also frozen for bait. The Bristol Bay fishery is the largest salmon fishery in the world. From 1978 through 1982, the Bristol Bay commercial catch averaged ...
United States. Minerals Management Service, 1986
Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme - Sayfa 60
They all proposed different ways in which the oil sac might benefit the survival or reproduction of the whale, although they tended to speak as if the oil-storage mechanism were designed by an engineer rather than evolved through the natural ...
Richard Brodie, 2009
Diseases of the Sinuses: Diagnosis and Management
The Ho:YAG laser is then used in contact at 1.0 J/pulse and a rate of 3 Hz to ablate the uncinate process and open the ... of these patients because of the location of the lacrimal sac and duct and their close relationship to intranasal structures.
David W. Kennedy, ‎William E. Bolger, ‎S. James Zinreich, 2001
Biology Education for Social and Sustainable Development - Sayfa 147
Anatomy andLocation ofOil Cell in Seeds Oil cells in both fresh and fixed middle aged and mature seeds appeared as thickwalled spherical structures with an oil sac almost filled with oil. Oil in the sac appeared as single solid dark red when ...
Mijung Kim, ‎C. H. Diong, 2012
The anatomy of the human bones, nerves and lacteal sac and ...
The Drops of Oil which we discover with a Microscope every where on the Surface of a recent Bone fractured rransverlly, and the ousing of Oil through the molt: solid Bones of a Skeleton, whish renders them greasy and yellow, are a ...
Alexander Monro, ‎G. Hamilton ((Edimburgo)), ‎John Balfour ((Edimburgo)), 1763

« EDUCALINGO. Yağ kesesi [在线]. 可用 <https://educalingo.com/zh/dic-tr/yag-kesesi>. 五月 2024 ».
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