Famous quotes and sentences with the word
a matter of life and death.
Nothing is a matter of life and death except life and death.
It's a matter of life and death for this country. The Kenyan forests are facing extinction and it is a man-made problem.
Once it gets to a point where it becomes a matter of life and death to occupy a position of leadership or not, with an eye on future opportunities, therein lies the danger.
Football (soccer) is a matter of life and death, except more important.
Discover the use of
a matter of life and death in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
a matter of life and death and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
A Matter of Life and Death: Hunting in Contemporary Vermon
An illuminating cultural analysis of hunting in rural America.
A matter of life and death
Ian Christie, one of the foremost scholars of Powell and Pressburger looks in detail at the making of the film as well as locating it in the broadest traditions of British art.
A Matter of Life and Death: The Brain Revealed by the Mind
This book will bring to light that scholarship interwoven into this powerful film.
Diane Broadbent Friedman, Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger, 2008
A Matter of Life and Death: Preaching at Funerals
With the sensitivity born of time and experience, Charles Hoffacker presents an unusually warm and caring approach to preaching, one which goes to the very heart for the Good News of Jesus Christ.
A Matter of Life and Death Or Something
When 10 year-old Arthur Williams finds a weather-worn notebook in the woods behind his house, he has a lot of questions, including why its author, Phil, stopped writing on page 43.
A Matter of Life and Death: Informed Advance Health Care .
Explains the varieties of advance health care directives (such as "living wills") and medical and financial Powers of Attorney, questions to ask, and concerns to explore so your wishes are carried out for end-of-life care.
A Matter of Life and Death: Inside the Hidden World
A Matter of Life and Death tells fascinating stories of mysterious illnesses and miraculous scientific breakthroughs.
Japan's Sea Lane Security:
A Matter of Life and Death?
Drawing upon case study material and primary research, including interviews with officials and security analysts, the book presents a chronological analysis of Japan’s sea lane security.
A Matter of Life and Death: Remarkable True Stories
In this classic work, Altea described how she discovered her gift, and recounted the miraculous experiences she had in her early years of connecting the living with the dead.
A Matter of Life and Death: Contemporary Aboriginal ...
Proceedings of a workshop of the National Centre for epidemiology and population health held in 1989.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
a matter of life and death is used in the context of the following news items.
Turkey Prefers Islamic State to Kurdish State
... that the West arm the Kurds directly, and recognize Kurdish self-rule within secure and defensible boundaries, are a matter of life and death. «Gatestone Institute, Jul 15»
Fast of 17th of Tammuz Is on the 18th of Tammuz
... is forbidden to erect a tent, including umbrellas, on Shabbat. Jews also may not drive a car on Shabbat, unless it is a matter of life and death. «The Jewish Press, Jul 15»
Crews respond to boat-in-distress call near Steelton (video)
... Lower Swatara Assistant Chief Jason Brown said, but this is the kind of call they take seriously because it can be a matter of life and death. «PennLive.com, Jul 15»
Alex McKinnon is “realistic” on his ambition to walk again. Source …
She said McKinnon revealed his fight against the pneumonia for a few days was a matter of life and death. “Quite early in the piece he is still in ... «NEWS.com.au, Jul 15»
This narcissistic selfie culture shows that people don't know what to …
Selfies have become a matter of life and death. A Pakistani teen was shot dead by the police—he was taking selfies with a toy gun. In Saudi ... «Daily Mail, Jul 15»
10 Things You Must Be Aware Of Before Dating A Mama's Girl
Even if it is a matter of life and death that you are talking about, it can wait until she finds out what her mom is calling for. And also, be prepared ... «Information Nigeria, Jul 15»
Smoking age should be 21
... parent, relative or friend, and the pack of cigarettes you are about to hand over without second thought is literally a matter of life and death. «Pacific Daily News, Jul 15»
Greece heads to crucial referendum
It's a matter of life and death for us and our country." Pavlakoudi also believes that after a "no" vote, Greece would be forced out of the eurozone ... «Marketplace.org, Jul 15»
Abandoned seal pup 'Little Dipper' rescued from West Seattle beach …
Human (and canine) disturbance is truly a matter of life and death for these tiny pups who are still nursing and too young to forage for ... «West Seattle Blog, Jul 15»
Phil Walsh's death an everyday horror that comes as a jolt to …
... highs and crushing lows, the pursuit of personal and collective improvement. For all that, we often say it is not a matter of life and death. «ABC Online, Jul 15»