Discover the use of
chemosphere in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
chemosphere and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Handbook of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition
E., Kjeller, L-O., Bergqvist, P-A., and Rappe, C., Polychlorierte Dibenzo-p-
Dioxine (PCDDs) und Polychlorierte Dibenzofurane (PCDFs) in Sedimenten und
Fischen aus dem Hamburger Hafen, Chemosphere, 20, 51, 1990. 239. Luckas. B
. and ...
David J. Hoffman, Barnett A. Rattner, G. Allen Burton, Jr., 2002
Chemical Kinetics and Process Dynamics in Aquatic Systems
Environ. Safely, 4, 134 (1980). 1 28. Geyer. H.. G. Politzki. and D. Freitag,
Chemosphere, 1 3, 269 ( 1 984). 1 29. Mailot, H., Environ. Sci. Techno!., 2 1 , 1
009 ( 1 987). 130. Southworth, G.R.. J.J. Beauchamp. and P.K. Smieder, Water
Res., 12, ...
Patrick L. Brezonik, 1993
Quality Assurance for Environmental Analysis: Method ...
... L. Keith and G. Choudhary (Eds), Butterworth Publishers, p 439 (1985) C. Néif,
D. Broman, R. Ishaq and Y. Zebiihr, Chemosphere, 20, 1503 (1990) C. Tashiro,
R.E. Clement, B.J. Stocks, L. Radke, W.R. Cofer and P. Ward, Chemosphere, 20,
E.A. Maier, B. Griepink, Ph. Quevauviller, 1995
129-156. 16 J.C. Duinker, D.E. Schulz and G. Petrick, Chemosphere, 23 ( 1991 )
1009. 17 T.R. Schwartz. D.E. Tillitt, K.P. Feltz and P.H. Peterman, Chemosphere,
26 (1993) 1443. 18 J. de Boer and P. Hagel, Sci. Total Environ., 141 (1994) 155.
Wolfgang Kleiböhmer, 2001
Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering
M. Nishizumi, A. Hone, S. Handa, S. Yamaguchi, and Y. Masuda; "Comparative
Toxicologic Study with 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Inbred Strains of
Mice"; Chemosphere, 14, 949 (1985). 68. Nagayama J., C. Kiyohara, M.
Nishizumi, ...
James R. Pfafflin, Edward N. Ziegler, 1992
Bioaccumulation New Aspects and Developments
De Boer J (1989) Chemosphere 18:2131 99. Pereira WE, Rostad CE, Chiou CT,
Brinton TI, Barber LB II, Demcheck DK, Demas CR (1988) Environ Sci Technol 22
:772 100. USEPA (1989) Hexachlorobutadiene: drinking water health advisory.
Current Practice of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
87-111. 39. W. Vetter. Chemosphere, 26 t19931 1079-1084. 40. H. Parlar, G.
Fingerling, D. Angerhofer, G. Christ, and M. Coelhan, in R. P. Egan- house.
Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry, ACS Symposium Series 671,
Wilfried M.A. Niessen, 2001
Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental ...
Chemosphere 19, 467-474. Reissinger, R.A., Thoma, M., Hut/.inger, O. (1989)
Uptake and accumulation of PCDD/F in terrestrial plants: basic consideration.
Chemosphere 19, 467-474. Rordorf, B.F. ( 1985a) Thermodynamic properties of
Donald Mackay, Wan-Ying Shiu, Kuo-Ching Ma, 2006
Chemosphere 19, 507-512 (1989). 9. K. Davies, Concentrations and dietary
intake of selected organochlorines. including PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. in fresh
food composites grown in Ontario. Canada. Chemosphere 17, 263-276(1988).
Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fifth ...
B. Zinucls/ka and L. Safe; Chemosphere, 14. 675(1985). 66. Bradlaw. J. and J.
Casterline, Jr.: Induction of enzyme activity in cell culture: A rapid screen for
detection of planar polychlorinated organic compounds; J. Assoc. Off. AnaL
Client. 62.
James R. Pfafflin, Edward N. Ziegler, 2010
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
chemosphere is used in the context of the following news items.
New England in Brief
... will help underscore the difficulty in differentiating "good from bad plastic." Hamlin's findings appear in an issue of the journal Chemosphere. «Bennington Banner, Jul 15»
Plastic Bags Can Be Poisonous To Fish
Chemosphere 139:223-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.06.032. Haereticus Environmental Laboratory (HEL) is a nonprofit, ... «Satellite PR News, Jul 15»
Plastic Bags Might Kill Pet Fish, Scientist Says
Hamlin's findings appear in an issue of the journal Chemosphere. Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may ... «CBS Local, Jul 15»
Not all plastics equal
Hamlin's findings, published in the journal Chemosphere, demonstrate that NP may pose a greater health risk to people, the ocean and to ... «Phys.Org, Jul 15»
UFO-inspired homes fit for humans and aliens
This building named the 'Chemosphere' was designed by American architect John Lautner and is the Los Angeles home of German publisher ... «Domain News, Jul 15»
Ranking the Modernist Homes of L.A. Villains
John Lautner, Chemosphere House, 1960 (Body Double). In one of Brian De Palma's most meta, navel-gazing efforts, a struggling actor agrees ... «Vulture, Jun 15»
A Submerged Aquatic Plant in a CO2-Enriched and Warmer World
The effects of elevated CO2 on clonal growth and nutrient content of submerge plant Vallisneria spinulosa. Chemosphere 62: 595-601. «CO2 Science Magazine, Jun 15»
Pyrethroid Insecticides Alter Honey Bee Behavior
According to a new study published in the journal Chemosphere, certain insecticides common to U.S. orchards appear to make honey bees ... «Entomology Today, May 15»
Going Back to the Future for 'Tomorrowland,' From Disney
The filmmakers also looked at the work of midcentury modernists like John Lautner (that's his 1960 Los Angeles sky-home Chemosphere in the ... «New York Times, May 15»
Exposure to widespread diabetes drug feminizes male fish.
... Klaper and her University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee colleague, Nicholas Niemuth, wrote in the study published in the journal Chemosphere. «Environmental Health News, Apr 15»