Famous quotes and sentences with the word
Stealing bases was put to me almost as a prerequisite for staying in the game. They didn't give me a handbook on how to do it; they said do it. Under those conditions you go out and develop your own handbook.
There is no handbook about how a career is going to go.
There's so much of it you can't control. There is no handbook for how to conduct yourself in the public world.
I'm very cautious about talking about how actors got where they got, as though there is in fact a plan or a way. There is no plan, there is no way, there's no sure set, there's no handbook, on how to get to be an actor.
We have used the Bible as if it were a mere special constable's handbook, an opium dose for keeping beasts of burden patient while they are overloaded.
It's a cliche, but there really is no handbook about the celebrity thing; you have to figure it out as you go along.
Conservatives have long argued, correctly, that 'fine-tuning' the economy is a chimera, but that argument seems to have disappeared from the conservative handbook.
Discover the use of
handbook in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
handbook and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Handbook of Nature Study
Provides lessons on many topics of nature study, with questions that may form the basis for student projects.
Anna Botsford Comstock, 1939
The Oxford
Handbook of Oral History
The Oxford Handbook of Oral History brings together forty authors on five continents to address the evolution of oral history, the impact of digital technology, the most recent methodological and archival issues, and the application of oral ...
Handbook of Print Media: Technologies and Production Methods
CD-ROM contains: Electronic version of text.
Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for ...
This treatment of building information modeling technology, tools and processes looks at how architects, engineers, contractors and sub-contractors, and construction and facility owners can take advantage of the new technologies.
Handbook of Personality, Third Edition: Theory and Research
This authoritative handbook is the reference of choice for researchers and students of personality.
Oliver P. John, Richard W. Robins, Lawrence A. Pervin, 2008
Paint Technology
Key Topics: · The components and properties of paints, including resins, pigments, extenders, solvents, and additives · The chemical composition, physical properties, function, wear characteristics, and other properties used for material ...
Handbook of Procurement
With contributions from leading academics and professionals, this 2006 handbook offers expert guidance on the fundamental aspects of successful procurement design and management in firms, public administrations, and international ...
Nicola Dimitri, Gustavo Piga, Giancarlo Spagnolo, 2006
The book contains twenty-two chapters covering a wide range of issues and topics in the field of creativity, all written by distinguished leaders in the field. The volume is divided into six parts.
Robert J. Sternberg, 1999
The Academic Job Search
The new fourth edition provides updated advice and addresses hot topics in today's competitive job market.
Julia Miller Vick, Jennifer S. Furlong, 2008
Handbook of Oral History
Handbook of Oral History captures the current state-of-the-art, identifies major strands of intellectual development, and predicts key directions for future growth in theory, research, and application.
Thomas Lee Charlton, Lois E. Myers, Rebecca Sharpless, 2006
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
handbook is used in the context of the following news items.
BVR announces the availability of the 2015 Valuation Handbook …
"The Valuation Handbook - Industry Cost of Capital is the gold standard for industry-level analysis," said Doug Twitchell, publisher at BVR. «PR Newswire, Jul 15»
Macy's Inc.: A Cautionary Tale On Employee Handbook Provisions …
A few months ago, my colleague Jana Grimm wrote a blog entry outlining the latest in the NLRB's ongoing aggressive reviews of employer ... «The National Law Review, Jul 15»
Handbook for African 1 - You See Only the Worst in You - allAfrica.com
I am working on a handbook that's meant to change this perception and bring the best in Africans. It is a psychological conditioning book for ... «AllAfrica.com, Jul 15»
Marine Business: NSW Boating Handbook now available as ebook
Boaters can now access the NSW Boating Handbook as a downloadable ebook suitable for ereaders and Android or Apple mobile devices. «Marine Business, Jul 15»
The Mining Investor's Handbook - Part 2 - Commodities | Motley Fool …
If you missed the introduction to this series, you can find it here. This is the second installment in this extensive series – an introduction to the ... «Motley Fool Australia, Jul 15»
Updated NAB Engineering Handbook Is Coming in April 2017
NAB Engineering Handbook WASHINGTON—The National Association of Broadcasters says the 11th edition of the “NAB Engineering ... «Radio magazine, Jul 15»
The Mining Investor's Handbook - An introduction to Australia's …
As an Aussie, it is hard to avoid the mining industry. Commodities are Australia's largest export and you'll find that around 30% of all companies ... «Motley Fool Australia, Jul 15»
A life in data, a handbook for data scientists
The Data Science Handbook (pic) project started in August 2013, but the desire to write a book has been with the group for a very long time. «Digital News Asia, Jul 15»
Engineers Australia MSA handbook query
Visas and immigration The Australia Forum for visas, immigration and migration to Australia. Please use this section to discuss all your ... «Australia Forum, Jul 15»
The handbook of medicinal chemistry: principles and practice
Medicinal chemists should have a well-rounded knowledge of the disciplines that contribute to the discovery of new medicines. The handbook ... «Royal Society of Chemistry, Jul 15»