Discover the use of
r-colouring in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
r-colouring and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Lectures on the Hyperreals: An Introduction to Nonstandard ...
An r-colouring of any graph is automatically an r-colouring of any of its subgraphs
. Now, the assertion "Ci , . . . , Cr is an r-colouring of (G, E)n can be expressed by
a formula that we abbreviate as Colour(Ci,...,Cr,G,E). If Ci, . . . , Cr, G, E are all ...
A Handbook of Varieties of English: Morphology and syntax
According to Wells (1982: 342), rhoticity in the Southwest means R colouring of
the preceding vowel. In words of the lexical sets NURSE and lettER, the entire
vowel receives R colouring, but for words of the START, NORTH, FORCE, NEAR,
Edgar Werner Schneider, Bernd Kortmann, 2004
Topics in Discrete Mathematics: Dedicated to Jarik Nešetril ...
An r-colouring of a digraph G is a mapping f : V(G) — > Sr such that for each arc (
x,y) of G, d(f(x),f(y)) > 1. We say G is r-colourable if there is an r-colouring of G.
The circular chromatic number of a digraph G is defined as Xc(G) = inf{r : G is ...
Martin Klazar, Jan Kratochvil, Martin Loebl, 2007
Brunei English: A New Variety in a Multilingual Society
colouring, that is at least three tokens, then only about one quarter (13 out of 53)
of the speakers would be described as rhotic, partly because, as mentioned
above, some speakers have R-colouring in 'more' and 'before' but not the other ...
David Deterding, Salbrina Sharbawi, 2013
Combinatorial Set Theory: With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing
Let 71 : [00]"+1 —> r be any r-colouring of [to]"+1. For each integer a e a) let rra
be the r-colouring of [w\ {a}]" defined as follows: na(x) : 71(x U {a}). By induction
hypothesis, for each S' e [60]“ and for each a e S' there is an Has, 6 [S ' \ {a}]“'
such ...
Lorenz J. Halbeisen, 2011
Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: 6th International ...
A function c : C → Z is called a C-colouring function and a function c : R → Z is
called an R-colouring function. A colouring of d = (C,l) is a vector K = (c1 ,...,c k)
with k ≥ 1, and each ci either a C-colouring function or an R-colouring function.
Ashok K Goel, Mateja Jamnik, N Hari Narayanan, 2010
Colouring and the Probabilistic Method
We say that G is strongly r-colourable if for any partition of V(G) into parts V1,...,Vk
, each of size r, G has a r-colouring such that every colour class contains exactly
one vertex from each part (and so every part contains exactly one vertex of each
Michael Molloy, Bruce Reed, 2002
Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces
An r-colouring of a set A means a function from A to the set {1,2,...,r}. If a set A has
an r-colouring and B ⊂ A, then B is said to be monochromatic if the image of B is
constant. The theorem of Ramsey is the following. THEOREM 1.1. Let k and r ...
William B. Johnson, J. Lindenstrauss, 2003
Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis: ...
A given Diophantine equation is said to be r-regular if for any r-colouring of Z,
there is a monochromatic solution of that equation. The Diophantine equation is
said to be regular if it is r-regular for each r E Z+. Hence, yet another way of
stating ...
F. Halter-Koch, Robert F. Tichy, 2000
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 37th ...
Heawood [10] was the first to argue that there is a simple algorithm that can find a
(6r, r)-colouring in any planar graph G in polynomial time. The same process
uses at most 2r colours if G is a tree. But what if we only have r available colours?
Petr Kolman, Jan Kratochvíl, 2011