Discover the use of
U-shaped in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
U-shaped and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Shaped Behavioral Growth
A Digression Stimulated by U-Shaped Curves DONALD A. SCHON U-Shaped
Curves in the Context of Intuitive Thinking One interpretation of the curves
resulting from experiments with children's ability to solve problems about
magnitudes of ...
Shaped Changes in Behavior and Their Implications for ...
This debate led to a special issue devoted to the topic. The articles raise three main questions: Why are U-shaped curves of interest? What do U-shaped curves tell about the processes that produce cognitive development?
Philip David Zelazo, 2004
Graphic Guide to Frame Construction: Details for Builders ...
... the bouom step of the next. U-shaped stair— The U-shaped stair, also called a
switchback stair, has a landing about half a flight up, and the flights run in
opposite directions. The area of the stairway is increased over a straight-run stair
by the ...
Print Reading for Architecture and Construction Technology
The landing is usually located at the midpoim of the run, but it can be offset
depending on the amoum of room allowed for stairs on the lloor plan. Figure 12-5
shows what a U-shaped stair looks like on the lloor plan and in section. i/a' arp
David A. Madsen, Alan Jefferis, 2004
Principles and Methods of Toxicology
A key exception to the two basic assumptions is that of the U- or inverted U-
shaped dose-response relationship (Figure 2.6). Whether a dose-response
relationship takes the U or inverted U form is dependent on the endpoint
Teaching and Learning a Second Language: A Guide to Recent ...
This restructuring, in second-language acquisition, often results in a U-shaped
curve of learning. The progression may be from an exemplar-based
representation in the brain to more rule-based representations. Let us take a
number of ...
Understanding Construction Drawings
L-shaped and U-shaped stairs are used where space does not permit a straight
run. L-shaped and U-shaped stairs have a landing at the change in directions.
The carriages for L-shaped and U-shaped stairs include vertical supports under
the ...
Architecture: Form, Space, and Order
A U-shaped configuration of vertical planes defines a field of space that has an
inward focus as well as an outward orientation. At the closed end of the
configuration, the field is well defined. Toward the open end of the configuration,
the field ...
Francis D. K. Ching, 2012
Micro Markets: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic ...
SinceSRAC is U-shaped and SRAFC is a rectangular hyperbola, the SRAVC
curve (which can be thought of as a difference between the SRAC and SRAFC
curves) must also be U-shaped. To summarize, we have thus far established the
The functions of the GATA factor pannier and its partner ...
The utilization of this complementation assay could help elucidate the precise regulatory networks involved in making a Drosophila heart.
Susan Louise Klinedinst, University of Michigan, 2006
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
U-shaped is used in the context of the following news items.
Cosmopolitan Magazine Covers to Be Shielded by 2 Retailers
The plastic blinders are U-shaped and hide the headlines that appear around the outside of the cover, but do not hide the cover model or the Cosmopolitan ... «New York Times, Jul 15»
Is life's happiness curve really U-shaped?
However, the happiness curve is U-shaped. As we head into our 50s, levels of contentment take off again. By the time we're in our 60s, it's likely that we'll never ... «The Guardian, Jun 15»
We're Seeing a U-Shaped Recovery in Oil Industry: Brikho
Amec Foster Wheeler CEO Samir Brikho discusses the outlook for the oil industry with Bloomberg's Alix Steel on "Street Smart." (Source: Bloomberg) ... «Bloomberg, May 15»
Mavic wheels go U-shaped
Unlike previous V-shaped Cosmic Carbone Ultimate wheels this new wheel has a U-shaped section, suggesting that Mavic has warmed to the aero benefits of ... «Cycling Weekly, Apr 15»
Oil and gas set for challenging U-shaped recovery, says AMEC
The oil and gas market will remain challenged for several years with a recovery more likely to be U-shaped than V-shaped, the chief financial officer of global ... «The Australian Financial Review, Apr 15»
See U-shaped recovery in crude; don't short: Barclays
Miswin Mahesh, energy analyst, Barclays says oil supply may double if Iran's sanctions are eased. The surplus as of now is 1.2 million barrels per day. «Moneycontrol.com, Mar 15»
Deloitte: Predicts U-shaped recovery with demand set to outpace …
What type of ride can the oil and gas industry expect over the next five years? Deloitte analysts forecast a U-shaped recovery predicting the average 2015 WTI ... «OilOnline, Mar 15»
Crude oil headed for a u-shaped recovery: analyst
“Call it a u-shaped profile, in lowercase, since prices would remain near their lowest level in a decade and substantially below the $100 average of the past five ... «MarketWatch, Feb 15»
Green X LED NovaStar U-shaped LED tube operates with common …
With the success of the NovaStar II series LED U-Shaped tube, Green X LED has introduced the same beautifully well designed U Tube in models which will suit ... «LEDs Magazine, Feb 15»
Goldman Sachs Discusses 'New Oil Order' and Potential U-Shaped …
In the view of a team of analysts including Jeffrey Currie, the need for sidelined capital may force a U-shaped recovery, with balanced markets by 2016. «StreetInsider.com, Jan 15»