Discover the use of
vugg in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
vugg and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
East of Indus: My Memories of Old Punjab
So each village had a vaagi, a herdsman, whose job was to graze the vugg (herd
) of cows of the village. In our village there were several vugg, one for each part
of the village. In the morning, a family would take their cow to the vugg location ...
Gurnam Singh Sidhu Brard, 2007
This fact would indicate that the flow causing the flooding was from a large vugg
or reservoir, and that when it was exhausted the inflow became normal. In the first
cross-cut from the Hamilton shaft to the Chapin ore body, which is 750 feet from ...
This fact would indicate that the flow causing the flooding was from a large vugg
or reservoir, and that when it was exhausted the inflow became normal. In the first
cross-cut from the Hamilton shaft to the Chapin arch provided the necessary ...
Huddersfield College Magazine
... 221 Taylor, J. P 307 Utrum horum mavis accipe 278 Weatherstone, W 222
Challenge Problem : No. I. by J. A. Miles 52 „ II. by A. E. Studd 75 ,, III. by A.
Townsend 135 ,, IV. by J. A. Miles 190 PAGE 19 49 77 107 12S 160 182 214 248.
12.00. run. 1000. arcaa . vugg,. POITEVINE,. aosn. GERANIUMS. $1.2s'Pua. 100.
casn. wrrn. onnna. norm . . BUSCH. Hills & Dales Greenhouses, Dayton, 0.
The vugg in which the specimen belonging to the collection was found occurred
in the upper part of an ore body, which was distinctly stratified, indicating that the
material composing it had been re-arranged since it was oxidized. The minerals ...
Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada
The vugg in which the specimen belonging to the collection was found occurred
in the upper part of an ore body, which was distinctly stratified, indicating that the
material composing it had been re-arranged since it was oxidized. The minerals ...
Joseph Story Curtis, Geological Survey (U.S.), 1884
Appointment: Part IV – Time of Troubles
One, Duval Vugg, triedtokill meas I returned." "Duval Vugg,the manwho
istheapprentice of Nerson Tye?" "The same, Master.We thinkthey know of
Beymon's searchfor the crystal." "We must go toherat once, Trendall.Vella's
attempts to gether ...
Time of Troubles: Book Two -Tales of Island World Series
One, Duval Vugg, triedtokill meas I returned." "Duval Vugg,the manwho
istheapprentice of Nerson Tye?" "The same, Master.We thinkthey know of
Beymon's searchfor the crystal." "We must go toherat once, Trendall.Vella's
attempts to gether ...
ie have ever been noted in the Algonkian schists, except in one specimen last
mentioned. Here a telluride containing muth, but not further identified, occurs in
contact with coarse e gold in the carbonate (analysis No. 49) lining a vugg in •itic
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
vugg is used in the context of the following news items.
Amateur analysis claims Toronto's PATH is only 12.7 km long
Vugg instead claims the PATH is a mere 12.7 kilometres long. To arrive at that number, vugg took the city's map for the PATH and measured each individual line ... «MetroNews Canada, Mar 15»
Matura-Probelauf: Alte Aufgaben und "Missverständnis"
Antworten vugg 05.03.2015 18:04. » Kommentar melden » antworten. 1 ... vugg 04.03.2015 20:06. » Kommentar melden » antworten. 4 ... «DiePresse.com, Mar 15»
Slik stagger du babygråt
Vugg rytmisk med barnet tett inntil kroppen din. Skift vekten fra side til side. Sistnevnte mener Landsem stagger så godt som all gråt, med mindre babyen er syk. «TV 2, Nov 14»
Ståpadling i vinden
Vugg litt frem og tilbake for å bli kjent med balansen. Armene skal være avstivet og nesten rette under hele åretaket. Åren setter du ned slik at den står rett opp ... «Dagens Næringsliv, Jul 14»
Biden: Where I come from 'if a man raised his hand to a woman you …
vugg, usa, 1 year ago. That must be why the smartest man ever picked 'don' mess wid joe' as vice dictator. Impeach Him and then see what we get as our dear ... «Daily Mail, Apr 14»
Slik tolker du babyens gråt
Gå ut i barnevognen eller kjør en runde med barn i bil. Sett på en monoton lyd som f.eks. en støvsuger. Bær barnet i en bæresele. Vugg barnet fram og tilbake. «Klikk.no, Aug 13»
Slik leker du barnet smart
Vugg henne forsiktig på fanget til reglen «Ride, ride, ranke», eller syng en sang. Leker: Babyen kan ha glede av en babygym i denne alderen. Der er det mye ... «ABC Nyheter, Jul 12»
Strammere mage uten sit-ups
For å gjøre det mer ustabilt, vugg fram og tilbake. Gi deg når du ikke kan holde posisjonen. Foto: Elisabeth Sperre Alnes. PLANKE OG CRUNCH: Stå på albuene ... «Dagbladet.no, Jun 11»
Flu Hartberg (Illustrasjoner)
... den og Vilja vugger frem og tilbake, frem og tilbake og melken i posen skvulper og skvulper og vugg og vugg og skvulp og skvulp og frem og tilbake og skvulp. «Barnebokkritikk, Sep 10»
Redaksjonen Foreldre & Barn
Vugg, bær, kil, le og prat med barnet ditt. De lærer seg mer av det enn av en dvd med "Baby Einstein", sier Sue Palmer til avisen The Sun . Hun mener at barn ... «Klikk.no, Mar 10»