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Meaning of "actividad" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra actividad procede del latín activĭtas, -ātis.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ac · ti · vi · dad


Actividad is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



Activity is a facet of psychology. It mediates the link between the subject and the real world. The activity generates the psychic reflex which, in turn, mediates the activity itself. Following Merani, we can understand it as follows: With a purely psychological sense, it refers to the set of active life phenomena, such as instincts, tendencies, will, habit, etc., which constitutes one of the three parts of Classical psychology, along with sensitivity and intelligence Merani, 1979, p.4.color It is always linked to a certain need that causes the search. During the realization of collective and individual activity the psychic reflection of reality takes place and consciousness is formed. Conscious human activity towards a finality is the substance of human consciousness because it is an objective process as much as all the processes of nature In psychology we study the external object activity and the internal activity where the latter is secondary because it is formed in process Of interiorization of external object activity forming an inner plane of consciousness.

Definition of actividad in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of activity in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is faculty to act. Another meaning of activity in the dictionary is diligence, efficiency. Activity is also promptness in the act.


agresividad · cavidad · colectividad · competitividad · conductividad · conectividad · creatividad · deportividad · efectividad · exclusividad · festividad · hiperactividad · inactividad · natividad · navidad · objetividad · operatividad · productividad · selectividad · suavidad


actinométrica · actinométrico · actinómetro · actinomices · actinomicosis · actinomorfa · actinomorfo · actinopterigio · actinota · actitud · actitudinal · activa · activación · activador · activadora · activamente · activar · activismo · activista · activo


afectividad · cautividad · conflictividad · emotividad · expresividad · impulsividad · interactividad · longevidad · negatividad · pasividad · permisividad · positividad · radiactividad · radioactividad · reactividad · receptividad · relatividad · representatividad · retroactividad · subjetividad

Synonyms and antonyms of actividad in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «actividad» and belong to the same grammatical category.


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «actividad» and also belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «actividad» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of actividad to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of actividad from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «actividad» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of actividad in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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5 millions of speakers


  activity ; ferment ; operation ; pursuit ; business [businesses, -pl.] ; proaction ; occasion.
 The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).
 Despite the ferment that was going on in the scientific information field during the middle years of the decade of the '50's, the ADI was struggling to survive; membership had shrunk to only 200.
 With the advent of micro-computers even much smaller cataloguing operations can effectively be computerised.
 What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.
 I think this whole business about whether punctuation is obtrusive or not is quite honestly not worth discussing.
 Based on their experience of mutual benefit over the past 3 years, both university libraries have transformed the goal of their interinstitutional agreement from protection to proaction.
 Children must be involved in important school occasions like school play performances, orchestral and choir concerts.
actividad al aire libre 
outdoor activity
 The Belgian countryside is relatively unspoilt and as a visitor you will have the opportunity to take part in various outdoor activities.
actividad bibliotecaria 
library activity
 IFLA is the International Federation of Library Associations whose purpose is to promote development in all fields of library activity.
actividad comercial 
commercial activity
 This includes the liability for all bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, caused to any third party within the framework of their commercial activity.
actividad complementaria 
follow-up activity
 Follow-up activities are discussed as well as the need for more educational programs dealing with sand dunes and saltwater marshes.
actividad conjunta 
cooperative effort
 Conservation problems are so many and so complex that only dedicated cooperative efforts can reverse the current rapid deterioration of library stocks.
actividad cultural 
cultural activity
 The groups continue, however, to keep alive their heritages through festivals and cultural activities.
actividad de extensión bibliotecaria 
outreach activity
 The author of 'A tune they can whistle' stresses the importance of a user-oriented approach to outreach activities.
actividad dirigida a recabar fondos 
fundraiser [fund-raiser]
 This paper describes fundraisers, organised by a civic group in Northern Pennsylvania, which may be adapted for raising funds for public libraries by Friends of the Library organisations.
actividad editorial 
publishing activity
 The huge upsurge in publishing activity outran the rudimentary abilities of libraries and contemporary bibliographers to contain it.
actividad extracurricular 
extracurricular activity
 Even with a midshipman's demanding academic and athletic schedule, you will have time for extracurricular activities.
actividad extraescolar   
extra-mural event
after-school activity
out-of-school activity
 Pupils who successfully complete the course appear to be amongst the most active not only at school, but also in extra-mural events including literary contests.
 Patrons also perceive the library as a safe place for children to go for after-school activities.
 Out-of-school activities are for school-age children to play and learn and have fun in groups.
actividad física 
physical activity
 This is the Internet's largest selection of jockstraps - athletic supporters that can be worn for just about any sport or physical activity.
actividad fundamental 
core activity
 Based on these core activities, we estimate an annual operating budget of approximately $3.2M.
actividad investigadora 
research activity
 Bibliometric analyses confirmed that review articles on topics that are generating high levels of research activity tend to have relatively voluminous bibliographies made up of a disproportionate number of citations to source materials of very recent vintage.
actividad lúdica 
recreational activity
 Reading should be promoted as a worthwhile recreational activity in addition to its educational and informational role.
actividad mental 
mental activity
 Deep meditation can also make us lose all notion of time because our mental activity is situated on the subconscious level.
actividad política 
political activity
 What American libraries mean by advocacy is a far less 'political' activity than its British counterpart.
actividad principal 
core activity
 Based on these core activities, we estimate an annual operating budget of approximately $3.2M.
actividad profesional 
professional activity
 IFLA's Professional Board deals with coordinating and planning professional activities and consists of the Chariperson from each of the eight Divisions, plus a Chairperson elected from the outgoing Professional Board by the incoming Professional Board members.
actividad programada 
planned activity
 Any additionally planned activities which will take place at the facility must receive prior approval from the Director.
actividad secundaria 
sidelight activity
 We continue to make ILL appear trivial and unimportant, a sidelight activity to whatever else we do.
actividad social 
social activity
 I can join a sporting club and combine developing skills with social activities.
actividad suplementaria 
 The overall consensus amongst US booksellers is that the higher profit margins of sidelines make secondary products a wise business investment.
bullir de actividad 
be a hive of activity
 It's been a busy summer of sport for thousands of children as schools and clubs across the country make sure the holiday period is a hive of activity.
campo de actividad 
area of application
 Differences between this and previous efforts are discussed and potential areas of application are pointed out.
centro de actividad 
focal point
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) 
General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE)
 In order to facilitate the compilation of comparable data on economic activity in the Community as a whole the Statistical Office devised the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities (NACE).
con muchas actividades 
 This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza!.
con un cambio de actividad se renuevan las energías 
a change is as good as a rest
 As the old adage goes, a change is as good as a rest.
desempeñar las actividades de uno 
conduct + affairs
 They represent socially constructed realities which provide a relatively stable environment in which humans conduct their affairs.
desempeño de actividades 
conduct of business
 The consequence is that people in many walks of national life now need regular access to EC information in the conduct of their daily business.
desempeño de las actividades 
conduct of affairs
 But what can this association expect from its members who participate in the conduct of its affairs?.
día de actividades extraescolares 
field day
 On field days, students may change into shorts for outside activities.
diversificar las actividades  
branch out (into)
branch into
 The company now has offices in the UK, the USA and Asia, and has branched out into consultancy and software development.
 The book also examines the epistemological, theoretical, socio-technical, and practice directions that social work has branched into.
falta de actividad  
 This project will look at ways of using information to predict the biological activity or inactivity of a three-dimensional chemical structure = Este proyecto estudiará las formas de usar la información para predecir la actividad o inactividad biológica de una estructura química tridimensional.
 This article discusses reasons for inaction in this area = Este artículo expone las razones por la falta de actividad en este área .
hoja de actividades 
activity sheet
 Many of the activities are accompanied by reproducible activity sheets you can distribute to students.
horas de poca actividad 
slack hours
 Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.
industria de actividades al aire libre, la 
outdoor industry, the
 General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.
iniciar las actividades    
get + things going
get + things rolling
start + the ball rolling
set + the ball rolling
 A lot of work is being done to organise the zones and get things going.
 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.
 That was the incident that started the ball rolling and now things have got out of hand.
 The moment your alarm goes off, just get up and set the ball rolling!.
intervalo de cese de actividad interactiva 
interactive timeout interval (ITI)
 One factor affecting the efficiency of OPACs (On-line public access catalogues) is the amount of time that is allowed to elapse between user entries before the computer assumes that the terminal is abandoned and stops polling the terminal (called the interactive timeout interval or ITI).
lleno de actividades 
 This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza!.
llevar a cabo una actividad   [Normalmente relacionadas con el desempeño de una profesión o un negocio]
conduct + an activity
conduct + business
 In areas of chronic illiteracy this activity may need to be conducted with as much energy as is given to in-school work.
 It is not a counselling but an information and referral service, with most business conducted via the telephone, although the office is open to personal callers.
memoria de actividad realizada 
interim report
 Within six months after receipt of the Prize, the winner must submit to IFLA HQ an interim report of the use made of the funds, and the second instalment will be paid out.
muestreo de actividades  [Recogida aleatoria de las actividades que tienen lugar en la biblioteca]
activity sampling
 This article describes the survey undertaken at Dartford and Margate libraries which consisted of 3 separate exercises: a comparison of entrance gate and borrowing figures; a survey; and activity sampling.
período de baja actividad 
dry spell
 After ten years of glut in the economy, a dry spell is due, and it will last for more than a year or two.
período de poca actividad   
slack time
slack period
slack activity time
 It may also make administrators aware of the comparatively large percentage of slack time required by public service staff for the library to serve its patrons effectively.
 The issue desk is staffed at all times by part-time help; they receive no training, are paid the minimum wage, and are permitted to read or study during slack periods.
 Also, through this sequence of activities and events, slack activity times are established that have the potential of reducing time and cost for a given project by reallocation of sources.
planear una actividad 
plot + activity
 Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.
presupuestación por actividades  [En gestión de bibliotecas, asignación de las partidas del presupuesto según la complejidad de las actividades o tareas que hay que desempeñar en la biblioteca]
performance budgeting
 A technique similar to program budgeting is performance budgeting, which bases expenditures on the performance of activities and emphasizes efficiency of operations.
presupuesto asignado por actividades  [En gestión de bibliotecas, asignación de las partidas del presupuesto según la complejidad de las actividades o tareas que hay que desempeñar en la biblioteca]
performance budget
 5 common types of budget are defined: line item budget (consisting of a series of 'lines', each representing a different item of expenditure); lump sum budget; formula budget; performance budget; programme budget.
programa de actividades   
timetable of activities
calendar of events
events calendar
 The head librarian had set up a timetable of activities for her in advance and topics and schedules for the courses she would teach at the library school.
 The 1st calendar of events included a slide show, a literary afternoon, travel tips, and a picnic and outing.
 The library has developed an online community database and events calendar which is available to the public.
promover una actividad 
launch + an activity
 The activities which have been launched by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) support the concept of a cooperative, distributed network of materials data information services.
realización de actividades 
conduct of business
 The consequence is that people in many walks of national life now need regular access to EC information in the conduct of their daily business.
realizar actividades 
do + activities
 Doing activities that have immediate connections to the real world increases learning and may increase the development or maintenance of dendrites in the brain.
realizar una actividad      [Normalmente relacionadas con el desempeño de una profesión o un negocio]
engage in + practice
engage in + activity
perform + activity
conduct + an activity
conduct + business
 Such wasteful practices are only engaged in for the benefit of a certain, arbitrarily small, class of Bohemian scholars, who are probably anarchists anyway.
 Since the early 1970s the LC has engaged in various activities which have in some way supported the work of the co-operative.
 Press one of the keys on the list, and HELP will tell you how to use they key to perform catalog production activities.
 In areas of chronic illiteracy this activity may need to be conducted with as much energy as is given to in-school work.
 It is not a counselling but an information and referral service, with most business conducted via the telephone, although the office is open to personal callers.
registro de actividades realizadas 
logbook [log book]
 With questionnaires, logbooks and interviews, the researcher was able to assess attitudes to and learning during the programmes.
ser un hervidero de actividad 
be a hive of activity
 It's been a busy summer of sport for thousands of children as schools and clubs across the country make sure the holiday period is a hive of activity.
suspender actividades 
cease + activities
 An earlier association was formed in 1909 but ceased activity 2 years later and it was not until 1947 that steps were taken to establish another.
tarea orientada hacia una actividad 
activity-oriented task
 An example of routine activity-oriented tasks in a library is the task of shelving books or preparing catalog cards.
tasa de actividad  [Relación entre la población activa y la población en edad laboral]
activity rate
 Also examined in this section are two other aspects of the population structure: the dependency ratio and the activity rate (the ratio of the labor force to the total population).

Trends of use of actividad



Principal search tendencies and common uses of actividad
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «actividad».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about actividad



Famous quotes and sentences with the word actividad.
Ángel Ganivet
En la vida intelectual, lo pasado, así como es centro poderoso de resistencia, es principio débil de actividad.
George Bulwer-Lytton
El amor es la actividad del ocioso y el ocio del hombre activo.
El principio de la actividad es el amor. El amor llena con su presencia el universo entero, mueve sus resortes y les hace concurrir a un admirable concierto.
William Shakespeare
El placer y la actividad hacen que el tiempo parezca breve.
Arthur Koestler
Se podría definir la actividad creativa como un tipo de proceso de aprendizaje en el que el profesor y el alumno se hallan en el mismo individuo.
La actividad es lo que hace feliz al hombre.
Jorge Luis Borges
Soñar es la actividad estética más antigua.
Bertrand Russell
Toda la actividad humana está motivada por el deseo o el impulso.
Georg Simmel
Toda actividad humana transcurre dentro de la sociedad, sin que pueda nadie sustraerse a su influjo.


Discover the use of actividad in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to actividad and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Porque la salud es nuestro bien más preciado, en este libro se presentan una serie de conocimientos que le permitirán adquirir una salud integral.
Eduardo Medina Jimenez, 2002
TERCERA EDAD. Actividad física y salud
Por último, en la segunda parte, se desarrollan las actividades agrupadas por su forma y por los objetivos que se pretenden conseguir. La autora, Pilar Pont Geis, Licenciada en Pedagogía y en Educación Física.
Pilar Pont Geis, 2001
Ejercicios desaconsejados en la actividad física: detección ...
El presente libro, enmarcado en el contenido de Actividad Fisica y Salud, presenta el analisis de aquellos ejercicios que se realizan con asiduidad destinados al desarrollo de la Aptitud Fisica, y que la investigacion ha demostrado que son ...
Pedro Ángel López Miñarro, 2001
Actividad física y deporte durante el crecimiento
Se analizan algunos aspectos de la problemática que plantea la actividad física y el deporte durante el delicado y complejo proceso del crecimiento en el ámbito y perspectiva que se contempla en la especialidad de la Medicina de la ...
Bernardo Marín Fernández, Universidad de Oviedo, 1995
El conocimiento de los procesos fisiológicos es condición necesaria para estructurar un entrenamiento de forma razonable y conducirlo con éxito.
Deporte y ciencia: teoría de la actividad física
La presente obra es un serio estudio epistemológico sobre la ciencia del deporte.
Juan Rodríguez López, 1995
Entrenamiento de fuerza y explosividad para la actividad ...
Este libro ha buscado recopilar los distintos aspectos que dentro del campo de la fuerza y la explosividad pueden ayudar a los profesionales en la Educación Física, el deporte de competición, la salud y el fitness.
Vicente Ortiz Cervera, 1996
El calentamiento: una vía para la autogestión de la ...
También invita a plantearse el calentamiento como una acción personalizada e individual que debe ser autogestionada por el propio practicante.
Domingo Blázquez Sánchez, 2004
Metodologías de investigación en las ciencias de la ...
Josefa Eugenia Blasco Mira y Dr. D. José Antonio Pérez Turpín, que aquí tenemos el honor de prologar, entra en resonancia, justamente, con el consenso paradigmático emergente inclusivo, que opta por utilizar las herramientas ...
Josefa Eugenia Blasco Mira, José Antonio Pérez Turpín, 2007
Motivar para el aprendizaje desde la actividad orientadora
La obra, Tercer Premio de los Nacionales de Investigación e Innovación Educativa 2005, explica los problemas y factores de la falta de motivación para el aprendizaje, e incluye un programa para su mejora.
Félix García Legazpe, 2008


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term actividad is used in the context of the following news items.
Actividad económica de Brasil sube en abril por primera vez desde …
Un sondeo de Reuters entre 18 analistas proyectaba un incremento de 0,3% en el indicador, que es una medición de la actividad en los sectores agrícola, de la ... «AméricaEconomí, Jun 16»
Actividad económica en Chile crece 0,7% en abril y expansión …
El Indicador Mensual de Actividad Económica (Imacec) se ubicó muy por debajo del 1,8% estimado por el mercado para el cuarto mes, según el último sondeo ... «AméricaEconomí, Jun 16»
Economía La actividad industrial de abril cayó 6,7 por ciento
El nivel de actividad industrial retrocedió 6,7% durante abril en relación a igual mes del año pasado, y acumuló una merma de 2,4% durante el primer ... «Télam, May 16»
Instituto de estadísticas de Argentina volverá a dar datos sobre …
El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (Indec) difundirá este martes la evolución de la Actividad Industrial, y de la Construcción, luego de seis meses en ... «AméricaEconomí, May 16»
Actividad económica de Chile crece 2,1% en marzo
El Indicador Mensual de Actividad Económica (Imacec) se ubicó por encima del 2% estimado por el mercado para el tercer mes, según el último sondeo de ... «AméricaEconomí, May 16»
Actividad física es benéfica aún con contaminación
El impacto de realizar una actividad física, como caminar o andar en bicicleta, ... tipos de actividad física y los diferentes niveles de contaminación del aire en ... «, May 16»
Chihuahua, Colima, NL y SLP; los estados con más actividad
Entre los estados con los menores crecimientos en su actividad económica estuvieron Campeche, Veracruz y Tabasco, en su comparación anual, informó el ... «Aristeguinoticias, Apr 16»
Actividad económica crece 4.2% en febrero
Las actividades económicas que presentaron un buen comportamiento fueron transporte, almacenamiento y comunicaciones, explotación de minas y canteras, ... «La Estrella de Panamá, Apr 16»
América Latina celebra el Día Mundial de la Actividad Física
La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas decidió proclamar el 6 de abril Día Internacional del Deporte para el Desarrollo y la Paz. La fecha conmemora la ... «teleSUR TV, Apr 16»
Actividad económica en Chile crece 2,8% en febrero y anota la …
El Indicador Mensual de Actividad Económica (Imacec) estuvo influido además por un favorable efecto calendario y se ubicó por encima del 2,5% que ... «AméricaEconomí, Apr 16»


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