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Meaning of "hora" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra hora procede del latín hora.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ho · ra


Hora can act as a noun and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.



The time is a unit of time that corresponds to the twenty-fourth of an average solar day. It is used for civilian time and comprises 60 minutes or 3600 seconds, although small irregularities in the rotation of the Earth make adjustments necessary. Since since 1967 the second is measured from very precise atomic properties, to maintain the standards of time close to the average solar day we use second intercalars. In Spanish the term hour has no abbreviation, but it is used as an indication of the moment in which a thing happens or is done in relation to each of the twenty-four parts in which the day is divided and written with figures, optionally it can be used Symbol h, and in that case must be written without a point and is invariable in the plural. However, in American countries that have Castilian as their main language, the abbreviation "hs." Is common. Although it is used to signal a singular.

Definition of hora in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of time in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is time that is equivalent to 60 minutes, that is, 3600 seconds. Two consecutive periods of 12 hours, or one of 24, counted from 12 noon, constitute a solar day. Another meaning of time in the dictionary is timely and determined for something. It's time to eat. Time is also last moments of life. Get someone the time, or your time, or your last hour.


ahora · allora · amadora · aurora · autora · calculadora · computadora · constructora · consultora · coordinadora · directora · distribuidora · impresora · lavadora · mejora · mora · ora · profesora · señora · sonora


hoque · horacar · horaciana · horaciano · horaco · horadable · horadación · horadado · horadador · horadadora · horadar · horado · horambre · horaria · horario · horca · horcada · horcado · horcadura · horcajadas


administradora · agora · angora · asesora · demora · diseñadora · doctora · editora · emisora · encantadora · flora · ganadora · importadora · innovadora · pastora · productora · promotora · protectora · secadora · trabajadora

Synonyms and antonyms of hora in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «hora» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «hora» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of hora to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of hora from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «hora» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of hora in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

thời gian
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


 Most host are not available twenty-four hours a day, seven days of the week.
-2-4 horas al día 
(a)round the clock
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
a altas horas de la noche    
late at night
in the dead of night
in the small hours (of the morning)
in the wee hours (of the morning)
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
 The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".
 My Jewish grandfather/mentor always tells me how he gets the most work done in the small hours of the morning before the rest of the world.
 Get up in the wee hours of the morning and head out into the country, far from the city lights so you can observe tomorrow's meteor shower.
acercarse la hora de 
come up for
 This article discusses the issues now facing faculty who are coming up for promotion and the issues with which their evaluators must grapple in reviewing their promotion.
a cualquier hora  
(a)round the clock
 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
a cualquier hora del día o de la noche  
at any hour of the day or night
at any time of the day or night
 The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.
 This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.
aguja de las horas 
hour hand
 Students first practiced counting by 1s and 5s around a clock with no hands before being introduced to the differing functions of the second, minute and hour hands.
a la hora de acostarse 
at bedtime
 He bonked his head on the tub right at bedtime and immediately got a goose egg.
a la hora de + Infinitivo  
when it came to + Gerundio
when it comes to + Gerundio
 Its main value, however, was in forging close links with the community workers, which proved invaluable when it came to compiling the local information file.
 Even such devices are much too slow when it comes, for example, to matching a set of finger prints with one of five million on file.
a la hora de la verdad        
when push comes to shove
if it comes to the crunch
when it comes to the crunch
when the worst comes to the worst
if (the) worst comes to (the) worst
when the crunch comes to the crunch
if the crunch comes to the crunch
if (the) worse comes to (the) worst
 When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.
 You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.
 Interestingly, when it comes to the crunch, there seem to be a hell of a lot of agnostics out there.
 When the worst comes to the worst what we should really fear is ourselves, and each other.
 If the worst comes to the worst and you are attacked, try to escape rather than fight back, especially if you believe that your assailant may be armed.
 But above all, he is still my brother and when the crunch comes to the crunch, we will all be there for him, no matter what the circumstances.
 He's told the Argies that if the crunch comes to the crunch America will side with Britain.
 If worse comes to worst, you can always see if your employer may be amenable this time to giving you a cash advance.
a la hora del café 
at coffee
 At coffee yesterday Jeff Gordon had apprised her of the fact that three of his engineers had been summarily terminated.
a primera hora de la mañana 
first thing in the morning
 O'Brien prevailed upon them to stay that night with the promise that she would take the matter up with Modjeski first thing in the morning.
a primera hora de + Período del Día 
first thing + Período del Día
 I spoke to him first thing this morning when I met him at nine in the foyer.
a primeras horas de la mañana  
in the early hours
in the early hours of/in the morning
 Up to 60 people were feared drowned last night after a pleasure cruiseru was rammed, run over, and sunk by a huge dredger in the early hours.
 People with depression, for example, often wake up in the early hours of the morning and find themselves unable to get back to sleep.
a primeras horas de la tarde   
late afternoon
early evening
in (the) early evening
 The pattern of changes in embolisms indicated almost no embolisms before dawn, followed by a rapid rise to a peak in mid-morning, then a progressive loss of embolisms in late afternoon.
 Early evening dosage is more effective than late evening dosage.
 Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, can be seen in the southern sky in the early evening from winter to spring.
a todas horas  
at all hours
(a)round the clock
 Since many people go into and out of the hospital at all hours, theft is a concern.
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
a última hora      
at the last minute
at the eleventh hour
last minute [last-minute]
at the very last minute
at the very last moment
at the very last
 Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.
 The final versions were agreed at the eleventh hour, late on Tuesday 9 December, just before the opening of the Summit.
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
 They always chicken out at the very last minute.
 By the time the 50 minutes of the show were up, everybody was moved to tears, but then, at the very last moment, it left them smiling.
 She had lived alone, except for her dog who, at the very last, sat patiently beside the bed and licked her hands until they grew cold.
a última hora de anoche 
late last night
 Police confirmed late last night that bomb scares had forced the closure of 13 police stations across the island.
a última hora de la noche 
late at night
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
a últimas horas de la tarde 
late evening
 They are open normal office hours, though some have experimented with late evening opening and some now open on Saturday mornings.
cada hora 
 If a study must be conducted of the use made of the reference room, hourly head counts, shelving statistics, and inquiries as to the users' school or industrial affiliation may be employed.
cambio de hora estacional 
daylight saving time
 The software displays sunrise and sunset and automatically adjusts to summer or daylight saving time.
compras de última hora 
last-minute shopping
 Today many major cities and towns around the world are going to be thronged with shoppers doing last-minute shopping before Christmas Day.
cuando llegó la hora de + Infinitivo 
when it came to + Gerundio
 Its main value, however, was in forging close links with the community workers, which proved invaluable when it came to compiling the local information file.
cuando llegue la hora 
when the time comes
 It will pay, incidentally, to study the user's manual as much as possible: while all the technical details may not be of immediate interest, it will be easier to discuss faults, modifications and extensions with the supplier when the time comes.
decisión de última hora 
last-minute decision
 Last-minute decisions could have long-lasting effect.
dejarlo para última hora 
leave + it until the last minute
 Please do not leave it until the last minute.
depósito de préstamos después de las horas de apertura 
after-hours book drop
 However, he would prefer a binding that will stand up to being stuffed into after-hours book drops and being hauled from one library to another.
de última hora     [Generalmente referido a una noticia]
last minute [last-minute]
late breaking [late-breaking]
hot off the griddle
 In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.
 These systems carry up-to-the-minute information on stock prices, currency rates, world and national events, etc.
 This is a late breaking full text database designed for online searchers who need instant access to the texts of trade journals, newsletters, and business publication at or near the time of their original publication.
 'As long as I'm the editor I want news that's hot off the griddle!' she says, rejecting any story more than 15 minutes old = "¡Mientras que yo sea la editora quiero noticias de última hora!" dijo rechazando cualquier noticia que durase más de 15 minutos.
durante horas 
for hours
 A good novel will engross me and have me switched off from the real world for hours.
durante horas y horas  
for hours on end
for hours upon hours
 We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.
 Moving day is stressful enough without having to sit for hours upon hours in bumper to bumper traffic to schlep one trunkful of boxes over at a time.
durante las horas de más calor 
during the heat of the day
 This is the epitome of a casual beachside bar, offering long cool drinks during the heat of the day, and cocktails to salute the setting sun.
durante las horas puntas 
at peak periods
 All telephone lines to the computer may be engaged at peak periods.
durante muchas horas   
for many long hours
for hours on end
for hours upon hours
 They work terribly, terribly, hard, for many long hours.
 We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.
 Moving day is stressful enough without having to sit for hours upon hours in bumper to bumper traffic to schlep one trunkful of boxes over at a time.
durante varias horas 
over several hours
 The crock pot is one of the best tools for low-effort cooking, especially for meals designed to cook over several hours.
echar muchas horas al día 
work + long hours
 In the 80s and 90s, I used to work long hours, often fly coast-to-coast on my assignments, and was deadbeat at the end of the day.
en cuestión de una hora 
in the span of one hour
 In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.
en el espacio de una hora 
in the span of one hour
 In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.
en el plazo de una hora 
in the span of one hour
 In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.
en el transcurso de una hora 
in the span of one hour
 In the span of one hour, a new mother can experience more emotions than she did in the previous two months: joy, rage, ambivalence, ecstasy, despair, aggravation, bewilderment, bliss - and everything in between.
en las horas clave 
at busy times
 High demand often leads to queues at busy times.
en las horas de más calor 
in the heat of the day
 What I neglected to realize, however, was the idea that track meets were held during Saturdays, often times all day, in the heat of the day.
en las horas punta 
at busy times
 High demand often leads to queues at busy times.
fondo de préstamo por horas  [En el préstamo bibliotecario, conjunto de material de gran uso cuyo préstamo normalmente está restringido por horas]
short-loan collection
 If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.
hablar durante horas 
talk for + hours
 They say that guys keep conversation short and sweet while girls can talk for hours till they put you to sleep.
hablar horas y horas 
talk for + hours
 They say that guys keep conversation short and sweet while girls can talk for hours till they put you to sleep.
hacer horas extraordinarias 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
hacer horas extras 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
hasta (las) altas horas de la madrugada  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta (las) altas horas de la noche  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta última hora 
until the last minute
 The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.
hora con el dentista 
dental appointment
 A dental appointment is one of the scariest things for about thirty percent of the population in the world.
hora de acostarse 
 6 years ago the Monroe County Library in Indiana began weekly bedtime story hours for 2 to 6 year olds.
hora de apertura 
opening time
 On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.
hora de cierre  
closing hour
closing time
 Confirmation of the opening and closing hours for the library.
 On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.
hora de clase 
class period
 When the point is reached at which the instructor begins to fade into the background, individual students can select cases to analyze and solve on their own before the class period, literally pulling them apart and putting them together again - 'working them to death'.
hora de comer 
mealtime [meal time]
 Comments were made on the starting time of the conference, mealtimes, the quality of speakers and the subject of next conference.
hora de comienzo  
starting time
start time
 Comments were made on the starting time of the conference, mealtimes, the quality of speakers and the subject of next conference.
 Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
hora de conexión 
connect hour
 Discount charges are available by contracting to buy a predetermined number of connect hours per year.
hora de encerrarse 
 Juvenile arrests for curfew and loitering violations increased 113 percent between 1990-99.
hora de entrada 
check-in time
 A block of rooms at a group rate of $159 single/double has been reserved for conference attendants - check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and check-out time is 12 noon.
hora de Greenwich 
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
 The service entails loading the current day's FT content onto Dialog's three main platforms (Profound, DIALOG, DataStar) by 5 am GMT.
hora de inicio  
trigger time
start time
 Cyberattacks involve routers acting at a predesignated time or trigger time and flooding various targeted Web sites with data - effectively shutting down the Web site.
 Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
hora de la cerveza, la 
beer time
 I'm embarrassed that you are my house guest and have to ask at 4pm if it's beer time yet - it's always beer time on holidays around here.
hora de la comida 
mealtime [meal time]
 Comments were made on the starting time of the conference, mealtimes, the quality of speakers and the subject of next conference.
hora del almuerzo  
lunch hour
 One of the supervisor's jobs is to see that work is prepared for the duty librarian to do during recess and lunchtime.
 Peak use of the libraries occurs during lunch hours.
hora de la verdad 
moment of truth
 Some single concepts can only be denoted by more than one word, eg mother of pearl, moment of truth.
hora de la verdad, la 
 The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.
hora del cuento   
story hour [storyhour]
storytelling [story-telling]
storytime [story time]
 The mediatheque serves the local, deprived population with story hours, film shows, exchange of stamps and postcards.
 She accepts that at all sorts of intellectual and aesthetic levels there are people who read 'for the enjoyment of good storytelling and a good story'.
 Traditionally these books have been shunned because of their fragile nature, but librarians are finding that a small collection can enliven story times.
hora de llegada 
arrival time
 The arrival times are well advertised.
hora del té  
 To most people in Britain, the phrase 'clotted cream' instantly summons up an image of teatime.
 Before tea invaded Britain, the English ate only breakfast and dinner.
hora de mayor demanda  [Período durante el cual la utilización de algo o la frecuencia de alguna actividad es mayor]
peak time
 April and September are peak times for meetings.
hora de reloj 
clock hour
 However, real time is defined in clock hours - specifically, the hours that the library's products are available to the clients.
hora de salida  
departure time
check-out time
 For example, information on train departure times becomes the more 'valuable' the more crucial is the purpose of the journey.
 A block of rooms at a group rate of $159 single/double has been reserved for conference attendants - check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and check-out time is 12 noon.
hora de trabajo  [Trabajo realizado por una persona en una hora]
 To assist public library staff with the increased workload the Provincial Library Centre loans 2 staff for 20 man-hours each week.
hora de vencimiento 
time due
 Searchable fields include accession number, supplier, order number, invoice number, loan category, borrower number, date due and time due.
hora de volver a casa 
 Juvenile arrests for curfew and loitering violations increased 113 percent between 1990-99.
hora feliz  [En un bar, período de tiempo durante el cual las consumiciones son más baratas]
happy hour
 Even the U.S. military got in the act, when in 1984 they abolished happy hours at military base clubs.
hora fija 
set time
 Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.
hora hombre  [Trabajo realizado por una persona en una hora]
 To assist public library staff with the increased workload the Provincial Library Centre loans 2 staff for 20 man-hours each week.
hora intempestiva  
unearthly time
unearthly hour
 Of course, the call to prayer from the local Mosque wakes virtually everyone at 5:30 (or some unearthly time like that).
 More people are taking the dip into online business and abandoning the huge corporations with overwhelming superiors and unearthly hours.
hora punta   
peak period
rush hour
peak hour
 Libraries which had to cope with peak periods of borrowing faced the embarrassing prospect of queues of irate readers waiting at the discharge side of the issue desk.
 The prospect of transporting more than 2600 individuals through a capital city, in the middle of rush hour, would daunt even the most experienced conference organizers.
 Many demonstrations also suffered from the time delay which plagues Internet use at peak hours in the USA.
horas activas  [En inglés, esta expresión connota las horas en que una persona está despierta]  [En inglés, esta expresión connota las horas en que una persona está despierta]
waking day
waking hours
 During as much as one fourth of his waking day the average adult is engaged in one or another of these activities.
 Librarians, led by men like Melvil Dewey, spent the majority of their waking hours attempting to reduce library work to a 'mechanical art', and their mind-numbing articles weighed heavily upon the pages of 'Library Journal'.
horas al volante 
driver's hours
 Into this category would come the regulations covering social provisions in respect of road transport, such as drivers' hours and the use of tachographs, which have an impact on the provision of public transport.
horas de apertura 
business hours
 In order to improve the quality of library services it is essential to provide suitable equipment and premises and to determine suitable library business hours.
horas de clase  
class time
school hours
 Many respondents would have welcomed a less theoretical syllabus with a greater allocation of class time in the lower rather than upper school.
 Even though we were asked to by the truant officer we don't even report school age children who are in the library during school hours.
horas de consulta 
 The library may also arrange for local councillors to hold a rota of surgeries once a week.
horas de funcionamiento 
operating hours
 Accurate determination of operating hours is vital in analyzing operating costs.
horas de menos aglomeración 
off-peak times
 It also stores any messages which it cannot forward because the receiving terminal is busy or which can be sent at off-peak times.
horas de oficina  
office hours
business hours
 They are open normal office hours, though some have experimented with late evening opening and some now open on Saturday mornings.
 In order to improve the quality of library services it is essential to provide suitable equipment and premises and to determine suitable library business hours.
horas de poca actividad 
slack hours
 Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.
horas de poco movimiento 
slack hours
 Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.
horas después de la escuela  
after-school hours
after-school time
 The article 'The public library and the latchkey children' concludes that the majority of public libraries are being used to some extent for the purpose of caring for children during after-school hours.
 Today, far too many children spend most of their out-of-school time in unsupervised, non-educational activities.
horas de vuelo  [Expresión usada generalmente en plural]
flying hours
 But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.
horas en las que Uno está despierto 
waking time
 My baby is 2 months old, he spends most of his waking time either whining or whimpering, only occasionally seems content.
hora señalada 
set time
 Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.
horas extraordinarias 
 The New Zealand Post Office Museum and Archives acquired the outward letterbooks and a number of registers (of correspondence, paid vouchers, overtime payments, registered letters etc) from several post offices in New Zealand.
horas extras 
 The New Zealand Post Office Museum and Archives acquired the outward letterbooks and a number of registers (of correspondence, paid vouchers, overtime payments, registered letters etc) from several post offices in New Zealand.
horas fuera de lo normal  [Generalmente referido al trabajo]
unsocial hours
 Current interests in greater flexibility in working time are leading to an increase in the extent of unsocial hours working.
horas intespestivas  [Generalmente referido al trabajo]
unsocial hours
 Current interests in greater flexibility in working time are leading to an increase in the extent of unsocial hours working.
horas libres  [Tiempo libre que se le concede a un empleado normalmente para que se dedique a tareas que contribuyan a mejorar su formación]
released time
 Specific topics considered were faculty versus academic status, criteria used for evaluation, tenure, support for research, sabbaticals and released time.
horas no punta 
off-peak times
 It also stores any messages which it cannot forward because the receiving terminal is busy or which can be sent at off-peak times.
horas posteriores al mediodía 
afternoon times
 Afternoon times must be entered as 1300 to 2359.
Hora + y media 
half past + Hora
 Dexter Rundle had plenty of moments to spare, however, for his next appointment was not until half past eleven.
información de última hora 
news flash
 The idea of teletext is to supply, over the airwaves, such items of information as news flashes, the latest sport results, and commodity prices.
las -2-4 horas 
(a)round the clock
 Digitization is a value-added way of making library collections and materials available around the world, around the clock.
las veinticuatro horas   
day and night
day or night
night and day
 As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.
 Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.
 And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.
liberar horas 
time off
 The personnel policy should also include a statement concerning number and length of work breaks and a statement regarding attendance at library meetings - who attends, whether time off with pay and/or travel expenses are awarded.
llegada la hora de la verdad   
if it comes to the crunch
when the crunch comes to the crunch
if the crunch comes to the crunch
 You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.
 But above all, he is still my brother and when the crunch comes to the crunch, we will all be there for him, no matter what the circumstances.
 He's told the Argies that if the crunch comes to the crunch America will side with Britain.
llegar la hora de 
time + come
 The time will come, these writers predict, when the composition, publishing and retrieval of information will be done electronically through online systems.
llegar + Posesivo + hora 
Posesivo + number + come up
 No matter what he did in his life, on the day his number came up the only thing folks did was revisit any of his past indiscretions and share it with everyone.
manecilla de las horas 
hour hand
 Students first practiced counting by 1s and 5s around a clock with no hands before being introduced to the differing functions of the second, minute and hour hands.
media hora 
 In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.
mph [millas por hora] 
mph [miles per hour]
 Wind generators are certainly cost effective in the nine to eight mph average wind.
muchas horas 
long hours
 Long hours of opening are facilitated by the use of part-time student staff.
no se ganó Zamora en una hora 
Rome wasn't built in a day
 Her husband is still as thick as a brick and he still thinks he's been the model husband but Rome wasn't built in a day.
noticia de última hora 
hot off the press(es)
 The article is entitled 'Hot Off the Press: Differential Forms in Electromagnetics'.
noticias de última hora 
breaking news
 Many Web pages contain out of date information, while others have time-critical information, such as breaking news.
pagar la hora a la mitad más de lo normal 
get + time-and-a-half
 'We've all been working a couple of extra hours a day and we'll get time-and-a-half', she added in a casual tone.
pagar por horas extra 
pay + overtime
 On one occasion we were also printing on our days off which meant that the journeymen had to be fed and paid overtime.
por fin llegó la hora (de) 
it's about time (that)
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
por hora 
 If a study must be conducted of the use made of the reference room, hourly head counts, shelving statistics, and inquiries as to the users' school or industrial affiliation may be employed.
por horas 
on an hourly basis
 The document is to be loaned on an hourly basis which converts to overnight.
precipitación de última hora 
last-minute rush
 There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
préstamo por horas 
hourly loan
 A university library, for example, might group its holdings into hourly loans for some reference materials.
primeras horas de la madrugada 
late night
 In 1996 the library expanded its opening hours to meet the needs of the students for a late night quiet study facility.
prisa de última hora 
last-minute rush
 There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.
reservar hora 
book + time
 Interested parties can book time to visit our stores, but this is often inconvenient for them and expensive in terms of staff time.
ser hora de 
it + be + time to/for
 If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.
ser hora de definirse 
time to climb off the fence
 The article 'Time to climb off the fence' discusses the policy concerning publicly held data both in the USA and Europe.
ser hora de irse 
be time to go
 He politely got up and explained they had an early morning and it was time to go.
ser hora de marcharse 
be time to go
 He politely got up and explained they had an early morning and it was time to go.
ser hora ya de que  
be about time (that)
be high time (that/to/for)
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
servicio las -2-4 horas 
24 hour(s) service
 Librarians have begun building Web sites as a means of providing 24 hour services.
ser ya hora de que  
it + be + well past the time for
be high time (that/to/for)
 It is well past the time for academics to challenge growing unconstitutional restraints on freedom to publish.
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
trabajador por horas 
time hand [time-hand]
 Time hands were employed on such jobs as authors' corrections, and were paid about as much as the average piecework hand actually earned.
trabajar a horas fuera de lo normal 
work + unsocial hours
 The author compares British parents who work 'unsocial' hours with and with the Australian situation.
trabajar a horas intespestivas 
work + unsocial hours
 The author compares British parents who work 'unsocial' hours with and with the Australian situation.
trabajar horas extraordinarias 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
trabajar horas extras 
work + overtime
 But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant - either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.
trabajar las veinticuatro horas del día 
work (a)round + the clock
 Doctors worked around the clock in its three operating rooms while stretchers crowded the sidewalks outside the building.
trabajar muchas horas al día 
work + long hours
 In the 80s and 90s, I used to work long hours, often fly coast-to-coast on my assignments, and was deadbeat at the end of the day.
un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche 
a late night + Nombre
 These pants pants are perfect for lazy mornings around the house or having a late night sandwich before hitting the sack.
un + Nombre + a primera hora de la mañana 
an early morning + Nombre
 Several studies show that many people have an early morning increase in blood pressure called 'morning hypertension'.
un + Nombre + a última hora de la mañana 
a late morning + Nombre
 A late morning wedding ceremony is generally followed by a brunch.
un servicio las -2-4 horas 
a 24-hour service
 For our customers we offer a 24-hour-service hotline.
veinticuatro horas al día 
 Toll free telephone support is available 24/7/365 and utilizes a state of the art system.
veinticuatro horas al día, siete días a la semana  [Usado para indicar que un servico es ininterrumpido]
 Local councils in the UK have moved to a '24/7 culture' after making almost all of their services 'e-enabled'.
vivir siempre pendiente de la hora 
live by + the clock
 'Professional people don't live by the clock: you wouldn't tell a doctor or a lawyer that he couldn't make a decision to call it quits on a particular day'.
ya era hora  
not a moment too soon
not a minute too soon
 Spring comes has come to Bloomington - not a moment too soon.
 This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
ya es hora (de que) 
it's about time (that)
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
ya ir siendo hora de que  
be high time (that/to/for)
be about time (that)
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
ya ser hora de que 
be high time (that/to/for)
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.

Trends of use of hora



Principal search tendencies and common uses of hora
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «hora».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about hora



Famous quotes and sentences with the word hora.
Claude Mermet
Los amigos de la hora presente son como los melones: hay que probar cincuenta antes de encontrar uno bueno.
Clive S. Lewis
El futuro es algo que cada cual alcanza a un ritmo de sesenta minutos por hora, haga lo que haga y sea quien sea.
Conde De Romanones
Los amigos suelen abandonarnos a la hora de la desgracia; los enemigos nos siguen hasta la muerte.
Francesco Petrarca
La vida pasa y no se detiene una hora.
Francisco De Quevedo
Bien se puede perdonar a un hombre ser necio una hora, cuando hay tontos que no lo dejan de ser una hora en toda su vida.
Henry W. Beecher
La primera hora de la mañana es el timón de la jornada.
Piensa que cada día es el último que luce para ti, y recibirás agradecido la hora que se te da y no esperabas.
Immanuel Kant
¿Qué recuerdo queda de los hombres? Una hora de trabajo para el marmolista.
Jacinto Benavente
Nunca he comprendido que los hombres ni los pueblos quieran volver a vivir una sola hora de su vida pasada. Bien pasado está todo lo pasado.
Jean-Baptiste Massillon
Es conveniente meditar días después de haber leído una hora.


-¿Qué es la vejez? -Estornudar, toser y preguntar qué hora es.
Quien de dos relojes se sirve, nunca sabe en qué hora vive.
A buena hora pidió el rey gachas.
A hora mala, no ladran canes.
A la hora de la quema, se verá el humo.
A la mesa y a la cama, a su hora honrada.
Cuando canta el cuco, una hora llueve y otra hace enjuto.
De hora en hora Dios mejora.
Desde San Antón, una hora más de sol.
Dios te guarde de hora menguada y de gente que no tiene nada.


Discover the use of hora in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to hora and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
A la hora de la tarde y de los juegos
"Colección de microrelatos que narran con aire de nostalgia experiencias infantiles en la ciudad andina de Jauja. Muchos de los textos logran transmitir un ambiente mágico y de intenso lirismo"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
Edgardo Rivera Martínez, 1996
La Hora de embriagarse: tiene sentido el universo?
Pero la eficacia no engendra necesariamente el sentido: también puede conducir al sinsentido. Según H. Reeves, reconocido astrofísico y divulgador científico, corresponde al ser humano darle un sentido a la realidad.
Hubert Reeves, 1988
La hora de Tomás Moro: Solo frente al poder
Escritor, erudito, mecenas, abogado, relator del Consejo de Estado, juez, Canciller del Reino, Consejero de Enrique VIII, embajador... y condenado a muerte por el mismo rey al que sirvió con lealtad.
Peter Berglar, 2004
Nuestra hora final: ¿Será el siglo XXI el último de la ...
Una luz roja que si se transgrede puede poner en riesgo nuestra propia existencia como especie. Esta es la pregunta que se formula y analiza en este libro el eminente astrofísico y cosmólogo británico Martín Rees.
Martin Rees, 2004
La Hora de Las Pesadillas
Each heart-pounding, fast-paced story in this collection features lively writing and young characters who come into contact with the tricks and illusions on life's darker side.
R. L. Stine, 2000
¡La bruja divertida aprende la hora!
Lectores a partir de los 5 años. Peldaño 1 de la Escalera de Lectura Edaf. Una historia interesante. Los pictogramas sustituyen nombres. Para leer acompañado.
Nueva York: Hora Z
Una nueva plaga parecida al virus de la rabia asola el mundo e infecta a millones de personas.
Craig DiLouie, 2012
Una hora de España
Cada uno de los capítulos del libro posee muy corta extensión.
Azorín, José Montero Padilla, 1993
Artemis Fowl 7. La hora de la verdad
Los actos criminales de Artemis Fowl han sacado, finalmente, lo mejor de él.
Eoin Colfer, 2011
Es hora de vencer al enemigo / Time to Defeat the Devil: ...
Debemos recordar que el Cuerpo está llamado a ser cabeza y no cola. En Es hora de vencer al enemigo, Churck D. Pierce trae su mensaje revolucionario sobre los tiempos al tema de la guerra espiritual.
Chuck Pierce, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term hora is used in the context of the following news items.
Prepárate desde hoy para el cambio de hora del sábado
"Las consecuencias de adelantar el horario en una hora se apreciarán en distintos escenarios, afectando sobre todo a los escolares, las personas que hacen ... «Nueva Mujer, Aug 16»
Una hora de ejercicio al día contrarresta los riesgos de pasar 8 ...
Una revisión de estudios publicada en la revista The Lancet ha revelado que los riesgos del sedentarismo que sufren quienes pasan ocho horas diarias ... «, Jul 16»
E3 2016: Sonic, Harry Potter y Hora de Aventuras entre los nuevos ...
Llevaba días rumoreándose, pero el nuevo tráiler lanzado con motivo del E3 2016 para LEGO Dimensions, que te hemos publicado hace unos minutos ha ... «IGN España, Jun 16»
¿Qué hora es?: Si el cambio de horario te confundió mira aquí la ...
Si el cambio de horario lo confundió o no estás seguro de si la hora que ves en tu celular es correcta o no, la hora oficial para Chile te sacará de dudas. «Teletrece, May 16»
Venezuela adelanta la hora
Los venezolanos debieron cambiar este domingo la hora de sus relojes 30 minutos por decisión del presidente Nicolás Maduro. El objetivo es reducir el ... «RFI, May 16»
California se convertirá en el primer estado con un salario mínimo ...
Trabajadores de restaurantes de comida rápida lograron finalmente que el sueldo mínimo en California sea de $15 por hora en 2022. (Photo by Aurelia ... «La Opinión, Mar 16»
El cambio de hora, ¿cómo afecta a nuestro organismo?
Este cambio de hora supone la entrada del horario de verano, como ... El cambio de hora supone perder una hora de sueño, una medida que tiene un mínimo ... «Hipertextual, Mar 16»
Cambio de hora: así nos beneficiaría que nadie modificara su reloj ...
ARHOE-Comisión Nacional para la Racionalización de los Horarios Españoles ha vuelto a manifestar su oposición al cambio de hora de este fin de semana, ... «La Vanguardia, Mar 16»
Este domingo 27 de marzo se han adelantado los relojes una hora ...
El cambio de horario de verano (así se llama) ha llegado este domingo 27 de marzo a las 2.00 de la madrugada. Desde esa hora se han adelantado los relojes ... «, Mar 16»
Bolivia participa en la llamada Hora del Planeta contra el cambio ...
Sesenta minutos por el cambio es la denominada Hora del Planeta. Es apagar las luces, desenchufar los electrodomésticos, prescindir de cualquier tipo de ... «teleSUR TV, Mar 16»


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