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Meaning of "objeto" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra objeto procede del latín obiectus.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ob · je · to


Objeto is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of objeto in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of object in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is all that can be subject matter of knowledge or sensitivity on the part of the subject, even this one. Another meaning of object in the dictionary is that which serves as subject matter or the exercise of the mental faculties. Object is also the term or purpose of the acts of the powers.


cubreobjeto · jeto · portaobjeto · rojeto · subjeto · sujeto


objeción · objecto · objetable · objetante · objetar · objetiva · objetivación · objetivamente · objetivar · objetividad · objetivismo · objetivista · objetivo · objetor · objetual · oblación · oblada · oblata · oblativa · oblativo


alfabeto · boceto · boleto · completo · concreto · cuarteto · cueto · decreto · discreto · dueto · esqueleto · folleto · neto · nieto · prieto · quieto · repleto · respeto · reto · secreto

Synonyms and antonyms of objeto in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «objeto» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of objeto to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of objeto from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «objeto» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of objeto in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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vật thể
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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  artifact [artefact] ; body ; object ; physical object ; artefact [artifact].
 There is also a review by Ken Bierman of the future of the catalog insofar as it is a physical artifact.
 Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body.
 An object is a tree-dimensional artefact (or replica of an artefact) or a specimen of a naturally occurring entity.
 The rolls, which it was customary to keep in the bosom, contained exhortations, messages and promises and were considered very valuable as physical objects.
 An artefact is any object made or modified by man.
basado en el objeto 
artefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA]
 The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.
basado en los objetos 
 Object knowledge progresses stepwise from the object as a whole to its parts, subparts, etc, and can be visualised as an object-specific tree structure.
centrado en el objeto 
artefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA]
 The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.
colección de objetos de las artes escénicas 
theatre arts collection
 This article outlines the collection of books, manuscripts, photographs and an exhaustive theatre arts collection.
conocimiento del objeto 
object knowledge
 Object knowledge progresses stepwise from the object as a whole to its parts, subparts, etc, and can be visualised as an object-specific tree structure.
DOI (Identificador de Objeto Digital)  [En Internet, número de identificación de todo elemento digital, equivalente al ISBN o ISSN]
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
 The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique identifier (similar to an ISBN or ISSN), which will allow access to electronic documents - even when their URL changes.
gestión de objetos 
object management
 Many faculty would like to conceive of the 21st-century librarian as a polymath who is as sensitive to issues in the arts and humanities as he or she is knowledgeable about computers, networking and about related programming object management issues.
indización según el objeto  [En lenguajes documentales, indización que consiste en asignar encabezamientos a los documentos que mejor describan su contenido]
entity-oriented indexing
 Hutchins' and Moron's concepts of aboutness are described and compared to Soergel's ideas of request-oriented and entity-oriented indexing.
lenguaje de objetos 
object language
 Object language comprises all intentional and non-intentional display of material things, such as implements, machines, art objects, architectural structures, and last but not least, the human body and whatever clothes cover it.
libro como objeto 
 A reader's experience of a book is influenced by both the book-object itself, and by the patterns of meaning created quite intangibly in the reader's head.
mujer objeto 
sex object
 Indian advertisements contain more traditional images of women as unequal in status with men, whereas the US examples tend to highlight women as sex objects.
objeto coleccionable  [También escrito collectible item]  [También escrito collectible]  [También escrito collectable]  [También escrito collectable item]
collectable item
collectible item
 It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.
 This Web site covers articles on basketball with links to basketball related merchandise and collectables.
 This paper presents an annotated bibliography of books on decorative arts collectibles as an aid to collection development in the area.
 This is a guide to identifying, maintaining, and sharing rare or collectible items.
objeto cultural 
cultural object
 The war involved not only extensive loss of life and destruction of property, but also widespread damage to cultural monuments and objects.
objeto curioso 
knick knack
 We'll show you how to build a beautiful knick-knack shelf for displaying all of your trophies, statuettes, china plates and other knick knacks.
objeto de arte 
art object
 Despite a 20-year effort to develop a code for the description and cataloguing of art objects, the art world has not yet developed standard practices for these functions.
objeto de barro 
 It was produced in earthenware, metalwork and bone china and in its heyday was used by the great transatlantic liners and by hotel and restaurant chains.
objeto de bronce 
 Exhibits consisted of bronzes of Tibetan deities and famous Lamas, and ritual objects such as mirrors, flasks, fly whisks, and seals.
objeto de hierro 
 In the past, the local smith would do a bit of everything involving ironwork, including shoeing horses and even draught oxen.
objeto de información electrónico 
electronic information object
 The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.
objeto en forma de caja 
 Maps should lie unfolded one on the other, without intermediate fasteners and other objects that may cause abrasion, corrosion or discoloration, in appropriate enclosures made of suitable materials.
objeto expuesto 
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of a three-dimensional artefact or object and gives one of the terms listed below, as appropriate: diorama, exhibit, game, etc.
objeto inservible 
useless object
 The human race has been making useless objects from the very earliest times.
objeto inútil 
useless object
 The human race has been making useless objects from the very earliest times.
objeto lacado 
 Japanese lacquers offer a wide and varied range of subtly differentiated manufacturing techniques and decoration.
objeto material 
material object
 Cave paintings, baked clay tablets, papyrus rolls, vellum, parchment and paper manuscripts, movable type printing; these have been the material objects by means of which man have communicated with their fellows.
objeto natural 
natural object
 The author discusses the works of Michelle Stuart, a New York-based artist who uses natural objects, such as seeds, twigs and leaves, in her art.
objeto que da consuelo 
 They understand their role in a merely conciliatory fashion as that of a 'comforter, mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor'.
objetos curiosos 
 In industrial societies even the poorest people acquire artefacts to embellish their surroundings; such 'bric-a-brac' may in some cases be the detritus of a previous age or a more affluent environment, and in some cases is destined to become 'collectable' in time to come.
objetos de bronce 
 Whether making shoes, carpets, brassware, textiles or as prostitutes, children play a crucial part in many economies and in much international trade.
objetos de Eslovenia 
 The article 'Libraries in profile: a look at Harvard's Slovenica' describes the history and composition of the Slovenian collection in the University of Harvard Libraries.
objetos de valor 
 Music has notorious magpie tendencies, snapping up stylistic valuables wherever they may be found.
objetos esotéricos 
 This is a publisher of titles focusing on spiritual life including religions, mysticism and esoterica.
objeto sexual 
sex object
 Indian advertisements contain more traditional images of women as unequal in status with men, whereas the US examples tend to highlight women as sex objects.
objetos naturales  [Objetos reales (artefactos, especímenes, fósiles) en contraposición a objetos artificiales o hechos por el hombre]
 The term realia refers to natural objects (eg., fossils) as opposed to man-made ones.
objetos o estilo asociado a Canadá 
 The notation 'z' is used for generalia materials on a specific area or a particular person, eg z7 Americana, z9 Canadiana, zG Gandhiana.
objetos o estilo asociado a los Estados Unidos de América 
 The notation 'z' is used for generalia materials on a specific area or a particular person, eg z7 Americana, z9 Canadiana, zG Gandhiana.
objetos o estilo asociado o conmemorativo de Gandhi 
 The notation 'z' is used for generalia materials on a specific area or a particular person, eg z7 Americana, z9 Canadiana, zG Gandhiana.
objetos perdidos   
lost property
lost property
lost and found
 Libraries can acquire material free of charge by gift, various forms of bequest, and appropriation of lost property.
 Libraries can acquire material free of charge by gift, various forms of bequest, and appropriation of lost property.
 Possible applications include a lost and found service.
objetos y utensilios de escritura 
 The bookshops found in most towns are hybrid affairs dealing in newspapers, magazines, stationery, trinkets and a motley collection of paperbacks in revolving wire racks.
objeto tridimensional 
three-dimensional object
 Non-book media is defined as information-bearing media which are not in the form of a book such as visual images, geographical artifacts, three-dimensional objects, music scores and recorded sound and microfilms.
objeto volador 
flying object
 This is a new method for guiding a flying object, as a projectile, towards a target.
Objeto Volador No Identificado (OVNI) 
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)
 The space man, poor fellow, has presumably wandered up and somehow indicated that his UFO has conked out.
orientado hacia el objeto  
artefact-centred [artefact-centered, -USA]
 With the graphics component both bit-mapped and object-oriented illustrations can be created.
 The panellists discussed the interdisciplinary issues digital libraries researchers are considering concerning: human-centred, artefact-centred and technology-centred research issues.
perder un objeto personal 
lose + property
 All three escaped injury, but one lost property.
programación orientada a objetos 
object-oriented programming (OOP)
 This article defines hypertext and its relation to object-oriented programming in the use of computers.
programa objeto 
object program(me)
 An object program is the computer-language program prepared by an assembler or a compiler after acting on a programmer-written source program.
tratar como un objeto 
 This was is likely to be seen to objectify and degrade women by linking attributes of a woman to attributes of a car.
  focus ; object ; locus [loci, -pl.] ; butt.
 Our focus in this text is on the first stage in the following diagram.
 The object of classification is to group related subjects.
 The locus of government policy making has been shifted to the Ministry of Research and Technology.
 The author discusses art critic Harry Quilter, usually remembered today as 'Arry,' the butt of merciless lampooning by J.M. Whistler.
con (el) objeto de              [Más común en plural] 
in order to
in the attempt to
in an attempt to
in an effort to
aimed at
with the purpose of
in a bid to/for
with the aim of
in the drive to
in a drive to
in a move to
in order that
in the interest(s) of
with an aim to
 Any attempt to organise knowledge must, in order to justify the effort of organisation, have an objective.
 In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.
 The first treaty of all was designed to pool the coal and steel resources of Europe in an attempt to overcome the devastation of the Second World War and to foster the concept of European unity.
 Many libraries have had fine free days or weeks in an effort to entice strayed material back.
 In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson initiated the 'Neighborhood Pilot Centres' programme aimed at providing a neighbourhood centre to co-ordinate the programmes of other federal agencies in every urban ghetto.
 Many libraries were visited with the purpose of understanding the structure and management of library services to children in that country = Se visitaron muchas bibliotecas con objeto de de conocer la organización y gestión de los servicios bibliotecarios para niños en este país.
 In a bid to leapfrog stages of development, some transitional economies are investing heavily in building up information age infrastructures.
 A wide area network with the aim of connecting all Arab Gulf countries in the near future.
 The story of the postwar diner suggests some ways that purveyors of consumer commodities finessed and exploited emergent social dislocations in the drive to expand and diversify markets.
 The library has contracted out the management of its computerized information system to Dynix in a drive to improve library service.
 In a move to cut costs, Mayor Tavares has proposed slashing, but not eliminating, funds to two bus programs that serve the elderly.
 In order that the plans be better understood, it is essential that the aims of the library be outlined first.
 In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
 The four of us, mum, dad and two kids, set off from Melbourne, Australia, in April 2008 with an aim to drive around the world.
con (el) objeto de hacer 
 An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.
con (el) objeto de (+ Infinitivo) 
with a view to (+ Gerundio)
 Read the document with a view to gaining an understanding of its content and an appreciation of its scope.
con (el) objeto de + Verbo 
for the purpose of + Nombre
 Taking the second situation for the purpose of illustration, there are four options for choice of title.
objeto de aprendizaje 
learning object
 A learning object is any digital resource that can be reused to mediate learning.
objeto de burla 
object of ridicule
 But once the Community becomes an object of ridicule in the minds of the public, truth falls victim to ignorance and prejudice.
objeto de culto 
cult object
 The author examines the history of the image, understood as personal simulacrum and cult object.
objeto de curiosidad 
object of curiosity
 With their massive amount of luggage, they were an object of curiosity from the folks sitting on benches.
objeto de delito contra el estado 
 The author categorizes an impeachable offense as one that threatens the safety of the country, either as treason or bribery.
objeto de estudio   
object of study
under study
 Some early codes included recommendations for filing practices and subject headings, but these are usually now the subject of a separate list or set of rules.
 The results show that theses made at the two departments represent two distinctly different approaches to a common object of study.
 Bereday calls this type of comparison 'balanced' and describes it as 'a systematic shuttling back and forth between the areas under study'.
objeto de interés 
object of interest
 The book sought by a person is really, most frequently, not the object of his/her interest, but the work contained in it is.
objeto del debate 
at issue
 A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.
objeto de valor 
 Swimmers should not bring valuables to meets where they may be unattended.
objeto de valor cultural 
cultural valuable
 But talks have not resolved ownership disputes for most of more than one million cultural valuables Germany claims Soviets troops took.
ser objeto de      
be a matter for/of
be subject to
come in for
run + the gauntlet of
make + Nombre + subject to
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
 I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books.
 If facilities like these are not supported by the data base design, the users of the system will experience slow response times.
 The role of librarians in bibliographic instruction has come in for special criticism.
 Sometimes running the gauntlet of criticism and ridicule allows an opportunity for defending oneself.
 This article discusses the proposal by the European Parliament to make books and journals subject to a band of taxation between 4 and 9%.
ser objeto de crítica      
attract + criticism
come in + for criticism
be under criticism
be subjected to + criticism
be (the) subject of/to criticism
take + heat
 Some of the features of KWIC indexes that have attracted criticism may be rectified moderately easily.
 However, both BTI and LCSH occasionally use headings of this kind, though one could argue strongly that these are out of place in direct entry methods, and they come in for trenchant criticism from Metcalfe.
 The article 'Record management professionals: suffering from self-inflicted wounds' discusses how since its creation in 1975 the Institute of Certified Records Managers has been under constant criticism.
 Over the years, the AACR has been subjected to criticism for provisions that sanction the use of form subdivisions in headings for certain legal and religious publications.
 Both indexes were subject to considerable criticism but it was not found possible to allocate blame to the computer program.
 In general, librarians commented that 'the smaller the town, the more heat the library takes about weeding'.
ser objeto de debate 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser objeto de discriminación 
suffer + discrimination
 Women have consistently earned less for the same education and experience and have always suffered discrimination for the top positions.

Trends of use of objeto



Principal search tendencies and common uses of objeto
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «objeto».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about objeto



Famous quotes and sentences with the word objeto.
Eduardo Marquina
El verdadero objeto de la gran ciudad es hacernos desear el campo.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Llegamos a amar nuestro deseo, y no al objeto de ese deseo.
George Meredith
Es menos doloroso ver el objeto por el cual suspiramos en vano, que suspirar vanamente por un objeto invisible.
Ludwig Feuerbach
La moral que no tiene por objeto la felicidad es una palabra vacía de sentido.
Marcel Proust
Una obra de arte que encierre teorías es como un objeto sobre el que se ha dejado la etiqueta del precio.
Marco Aurelio
Es una locura trabajar toda la vida si nuestra imaginación y nuestros esfuerzos no tienden hacia un objeto determinado.
José Bergamín
Si me hubieran hecho objeto sería objetivo, pero me hicieron sujeto.
Joseph Joubert
El objeto de toda discusión no debe ser el triunfo, sino el progreso.
Francisco Umbral
Los deseos se tienen, no se piden. Lo que se pide es el objeto del deseo.
La vida feliz y dichosa es el objeto único de toda la filosofía.


Discover the use of objeto in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to objeto and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El objeto y el aura
El objeto y el aura es un libro insólito por su voluntad de plantear los grandes problemas del arte contemporáneo desde una perspectiva histórica distinta a la privilegiada por la crítica de arte habitual.
Juan Antonio Ramírez, 2009
El sublime objeto de la ideología
Por esta razón, El sublime objeto de la ideología representa una notoria contribución a la teoría psicoanalítica de la ideología, además de ofrecer interpretaciones convincentes de una serie de formaciones culturales contemporáneas.
Slavoj Zizek, 1992
Un objeto de belleza
Su trayectoria en las altas esferas de la vida social de la ciudad reflejará las vertiginosas alturas y, también, los profundos abismos que alcanzó el mundo del arte en los años noventa en Nueva York. «Un objeto de belleza es una ...
Steve Martin, 2012
Diseño de bases de datos objeto-relacionales con UML
3 Modelo objeto-relacional En este apartado se estudia el modelo de objeto- relacional. Para ello, se presenta en primer lugar el modelo propuesto por el SQL:1999, estándar para BDOR, pasando posteriormente a exponer el modelo de ...
Esperanza Marcos, 2005
Cómo enseñar el objeto cultural
El problema surge de cómo enseñar al visitante una obra de arte: es necesario sustituir el concepto de colección por el de objeto cultural.
Juan Carlos Rico, 2008
Fisica Volumen i
La tercera ley de Newton afirma que siempre que un objeto ejerce una fuerza sobre un segundo objeto, este último siempre ejerce una fuerza sobre el primero que es igual en magnitud pero opuesta en dirección: Fab = -FBa (4-2) donde FgA ...
Víctor Campos Olguín, 2006
El Inestimable Objeto de la Transmision
Las instituciones son un fenómeno de la vida.
Pierre Legendre, 1996
El peso de un objeto sumergido es w0 = mg = p0Vg, donde p0 es la densidad del objeto. Dado que ay = p,— Vg y w0 = p0Vg, vemos que si la densidad del objeto es mayor que la densidad del fluido, el objeto carente de apoyo se hunde.
Raymond A. Serway, Jerry S. Faughn, 2001
Casi un objeto
Casi un objeto es un libro de relatos excepcionales por un autor que el público español ha aprendido a considerar tan suyo como el que más.
José Saramago, 2010
Java Para Estudiantes
Creación. de. un. objeto. utilizando. new. Ahora es tiempo de crear algunos objetos, ya que hasta ahora sólo hemos descrito a una clase. La declaración de una clase es algo muy parecido a definir un nuevo tipo para agregarlo a los que ya ...
Douglas Bell, Mike Parr, Douglas Bell Mike Parr Alfonso Vidal Romero Elizondo Guillermo Levine Gutiérrez, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term objeto is used in the context of the following news items.
La NASA indaga en un misterioso objeto de edad incierta
Sin embargo, un nuevo estudio realizado por investigadores de la NASA sugiere que el objeto, etiquetado IRAS 19312 + 1950, podría ser algo muy diferente: ... «Europa Press, Aug 16»
VIDEO: Filman un gran objeto misterioso en el cielo de Nueva York
Un gran objeto negro ha sido filmado por varios automovilistas sobrevolando la ciudad de Nueva York, EE.UU., aunque también pudo ser observado desde ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
La NASA corta un video en directo de la EEI durante la entrada de ...
Según los entusiastas de la ufologia, el objeto espacial fue captado durante un 'live' de la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) mientras entraba en la ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
Avistan un objeto resplandeciente en el cielo en Argentina (fotos ...
Los habitantes de un tramo de la costa bonaerense entre Pinamar y Mar del Plata (Argentina) han sido sorprendidos por un fenómeno u objeto extraño en el ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, May 16»
Exhiben discreta seducción en el Museo del Objeto del Objeto
Reunió por aquí y por allá casi un millar de objetos, todas cosas cotidianas, fabricadas para ser utilizadas; identificó a los personajes que se han acercado a la ... «Excélsior, Apr 16»
Captan 'extraño' objeto siguiendo a la Estación Espacial Internacional
Un video grabado supuestamente por una de las cámaras de la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI), logró captar los instantes en que un extraño objeto con ... «, Feb 16»
Una mirada diferente de Miró en la nueva exposición del ...
El espacio CaixaForum de Madrid (Prado, 36) acoge, desde el 10 de febrero y hasta el próximo 22 de mayo, la exposición Miró y el objeto, que intenta arrojar ... «, Feb 16»
El misterioso objeto que intrigaba a la Autoridad de Antigüedades ...
«¿Qué es este objeto de metal dorado que fue enterrado en una vieja construcción en un cementerio en Jerusalén?», pregunta en su web la Autoridad de ... «, Dec 15»
Tayna, el objeto más tenue del Universo
El nuevo objeto es comparable en tamaño a la Gran Nube de Magallanes, una galaxia satélite de nuestra Vía Láctea, pero forma estrellas rápidamente a un ... «, Dec 15»
El Museo del Objeto homenajea a la Lucha Libre [Galería]
El Museo del Objeto del Objeto (MODO) celebra cinco años de existencia, y con la finalidad de mantenerse como un espacio innovador en el panorama ... «Diario de México, Nov 15»


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