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Meaning of "privado" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra privado tiene su procedencia en el participio de privar; latín privātus; y también en el celta *brigos, brío.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pri · va · do


Privado can act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.



The Valido was a political figure typical of the Old Regime in the Hispanic Monarchy, which reached its fullness under the so-called Austrias minor in the seventeenth century. It can not be considered an institution, since at no time was it an official position, since it served only the king while he had confidence in the person chosen. Although not a position with a formal appointment, the de valid was the most trusted position of the monarch in temporal matters. The nuance is important, because spiritual matters were the competence of the royal confessor, figure of political importance not insignificant. The functions of a valid one were the highest level in political decision-making, rather than a counselor, since in practice he ruled on behalf of the king, at a time when authoritarian monarchies have concentrated enormous power on his figure . If the king can not or does not want to govern by himself, it is essential the valid. Favorite or private terms are used as synonyms.

Definition of privado in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of private in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is that it is executed in the light of few, familiar and domestically, without formality or ceremony. Another meaning of private in the dictionary is particular and personal of each individual. Private is also that it is not public or state property, but belongs to individuals. Private clinic.


avivado · chivado · clavado · cultivado · curvado · dadivado · depravado · derivado · elevado · hemoderivado · incultivado · inmotivado · lavado · llevado · malvado · nevado · positivado · reservado · salvado · vado


priva · privacidad · privación · privada · privadamente · privadero · privanza · privar · privatista · privativa · privativamente · privatividad · privativo · privatización · privatizador · privatizadora · privatizar · privilegiada · privilegiadamente · privilegiado


agüevado · ahuevado · aovado · cavado · corcovado · deslavado · desnevado · empolvado · enclavado · encovado · enselvado · estevado · larvado · nervado · ochavado · ovado · patiestevado · recurvado · sextavado · trasovado

Synonyms and antonyms of privado in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «privado» and belong to the same grammatical category.


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «privado» and also belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «privado» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of privado to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of privado from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «privado» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of privado in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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15 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  personal ; private ; confidential ; privately run.
 Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.
 SWALCAP supports a network arrangement of remote terminals and minicomputers linked to the central computer via private lines.
 There is also a large amount of information that is kept secret: not merely cloak-and-dagger state secrets, but vast quantities of confidential technical and commercial data.
 It is a project that has been incubating since he lost the space for his privately run museum in Gloucester docks two years ago.
ámbito privado, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
private sector, the
 Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.
archivo privado 
private archives
 It houses a large collection of archives from national institutions and associations as well as private archives and personal papers from politicians, civil servants, etc.
biblioteca privada 
private library
 The cardinal managed to build up a magnificent private library, of immense bibliographical and cultural value in eighteenth century Europe.
ceremonia privada 
private ceremony
 He then rented a hidden camera and weaseled his way into the private ceremony to take a shot of the singer.
colección privada 
private collection
 This is a private collection of Canadian material formed by the 9th Earl of Dalhousie during his 12 years in Canada as a colonial administrator.
consejero del consejo privado  [Miembro del consejo privado de un monarca]
privy councillor
 On 4 Nov 1986 privy councillor Dr Franz Pagitz died in Salzburg.
conversación privada  
confidential conversation
private conversation
 He was accused of leaking the contents of a confidential conversation.
 If that's the case, then it's her own fault for not keeping her private conversation private.
decirle Algo a Alguien en privado 
have + a word in + Posesivo + ear
 Someone should take her aside and have a word in her ear.
detective privado   
private eye
private detective
private investigator
 The article is entitled 'Pioneers, passionate ladies and private eyes: dime novels, series books and paperbacks.
 Chandler's legendary private detective Phillip Marlowe is brought moodily to life in a film that epitomises the very soul of film noir.
 The Ministry of Justice is currently responsible for administering the licensing of private investigators and security guards.
editor privado  [Como opuesto a al editor oficial de un organismo de gobierno]
private publisher
 There are also well-advanced plans for private publishers to cooperate with the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities in the creation of an extensive online data base.
empresa privada   
private firm
private business
private vendor
 Competition between public and private firms will enable farmers to obtain a higher share of world commodity prices.
 Slanker claims that money is the only serious difference between private business and the public library.
 If the NLM raises its prices to match those charged by private vendors, it will jeopardise access to information by those unable to afford it.
en privado      
a word in + Posesivo + ear
in private
behind closed doors
in camera
in chambers
 Pressmen sometimes employed boys privately by the week to take printed sheets off the tympan, and thus speed up their rate of work = Los impresores algunas veces empleaban por su cuenta y por semanas a chicos aprendices para retirar del tímpano los pliegos impresos y así acelerar su ritmo de trabajo.
 The article 'Word in your ear: a techno assisted revival of an ancient art' discusses the substantial market for talking or audiobooks in the UK and the USA.
 This need can be influenced by only offering criticism in private but by giving praise in public.
 Committee meetings are normally held behind closed doors but, occasionally, a committee will decide to hold a public hearing on a given topic.
 From time to time, depending on the subject matter, Council decides to discuss the topic in an 'in camera' session.
 The prosecutor and the defense counsel shall be permitted to submit proposed questions to the court prior to the session in chambers.
entidad privada 
private institution
 Though these suggestions, taken separately or together, cannot guarantee that we will successfully ford the current crisis, they may help us avoid some of the rocks and shoals on which other private institutions have foundered.
espacio privado   
personal space
territorial space
personal space territory
 The article 'How to set up your own Web cam' describes ways of linking cameras, including camcorders, to a World Wide Web personal web site to make available to the world at large images of personal spaces and other similar areas.
 This is a report on a study of how male and female library users use the space at library tables based on the ways in which people reveal their territorial space (defined as personal space territory).
 This is a report on a study of how male and female library users use the space at library tables based on the ways in which people reveal their territorial space (defined as personal space territory).
espectáculo privado  [Generalmente aquél que por su contenido es de acceso restringido]
peep show
 Internet peep shows, known as cam pages, spy pages, and office cams offer a type of telepresence.
financiación privada  
private funding
private funding
 This article discusses management issues experienced by the information service of Employment Relations, a human resource consulting service, during a period of transition from government funding to private funding.
 This article discusses management issues experienced by the information service of Employment Relations, a human resource consulting service, during a period of transition from government funding to private funding.
financiado con fondos privados   
privately supported [privately-supported]
privately funded
privately financed
 This university is a privately supported and largely residential institution and it offers a full roster of degrees.
 This is a privately funded civic group involved in the restoration and preservation of the city's old town and historic landmarks.
 Politics as a whole is debased when public servants are privately financed.
finca privada 
private estate
 Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.
hablar con Alguien en privado 
have + a word in + Posesivo + ear
 Someone should take her aside and have a word in her ear.
hablar en privado con   
have + a quiet word with
have + a brief word with
have + a short word with
 If you feel it's safe, have a quiet word with the person who is bullying your friend.
 We would recommend having a brief word with your ophthalmologist at the hospital to make sure he thinks your running is OK.
 Sadly I was busy so I only got to have a short word with them.
imprenta privada 
private press
 A private press is a printing press that issues small editions at the pleasure of its owner, not necessarily for financial gain.
información privada 
private information
 The author discusses the influence of technology on the processing of personal and private information.
iniciativa privada 
private initiative
 Both approaches have in common, however, the problem of establishing a borderline between public interest and private initiative.
investigador privado   
private eye
private detective
private investigator
 The article is entitled 'Pioneers, passionate ladies and private eyes: dime novels, series books and paperbacks.
 Chandler's legendary private detective Phillip Marlowe is brought moodily to life in a film that epitomises the very soul of film noir.
 The Ministry of Justice is currently responsible for administering the licensing of private investigators and security guards.
invitación a inauguración privada 
private view card (PVC)
 A private view card (PVC) is annnouncement of or invitation to a private viewing of an exhibition, usually at the time the exhibition opens.
mantener en privado 
be out of the public eye
 The cause of the damage to his reputation was the fact that most of his important early works were out of the public eye for much of the 20th c.
no tener vida privada 
like being in a (gold)fish bowl
 Living in residence is like being in a fish bowl, something happens and then minutes later the whole house knows.
Posesivo + partes privadas   [Generalmente usado para los órganos genitales masculinos]  
Posesivo + crown jewels
Posesivo + family jewels
Posesivo + privates
Posesivo + prize(d) jewels
 He was unconcious and drunk as a newt but still with enough presence of mind to protect his crown jewels.
 His tunic was so short that he showed his family jewels.
 A Brit man had his privates torched, while on holiday in Crete, by a woman who accuses him of being a sex pest.
 I was fascinated by the monkey's bright blue scrotum and dark pink penis, and by its ability to unashamedly show his prized jewels off.
propiedad privada  
private estate
private property
 Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.
 In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties.
red privada 
peer-to-peer network
 Peer-to-peer networks allow electronic connections between two users directly, without mediation through a central server.
red privada virtual (VPN) 
virtual private network (VPN)
 The concept of virtual private networks (VPNs) provides an economical and efficient solution on communicating private information securely over public network infrastructure.
sector privado 
private enterprise
 Just as libraries can exist alongside bookshops and video rental shops, so there is room for both libraries and private enterprise in the computer area.
sector privado, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] 
private sector, the
profit sector, the
 Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.
 This article describes a questionnaire survey of special librarians in the profit and not-for-profit sector to determine their use of interactive communications technology.
sociedad privada 
private society
 They include private societies, associations and institutions which publish reports, local guides and booklets.
televisión privada 
private television
 As in Italy, the emergence of private television in Germany was partly due to the inability of the existing system to reform itself and expand.
universidad privada 
private university
 Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.
urbanización privada 
private estate
 According to the law, commercial vehicles are not allowed to park in private estates = Por ley, a los vehículos privados no se le está permitido aparcar en fincas privadas.
vida privada 
private life
 Moreover, the citizens of Europe have a right to know about the various measures and decisions taken in their name and which can have a direct impact upon their private or professional lives.
visita de carácter privado 
private visit
 The Prince of Wales made a five-day private visit to one of his favourite places, Transylvania.
visita privada 
private visit
 The Prince of Wales made a five-day private visit to one of his favourite places, Transylvania.

Trends of use of privado



Principal search tendencies and common uses of privado
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «privado».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about privado



Famous quotes and sentences with the word privado.
Enrique Tierno Galván
Todos tenemos nuestra casa, que es el hogar privado; y la ciudad, que es el hogar público.
Jose Luis de Villalonga
La política es el arte de los incapaces de triunfar en privado.
Benedicto XVI
Allá donde la moral y la religión son reducidas al ámbito exclusivamente privado, faltan las fuerzas que puedan formar una comunidad y mantenerla unida.


Discover the use of privado in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to privado and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Arquitectura y género: espacio público-espacio privado
Para ello he querido manifestar el vínculo entre arquitectura, género y política; entrelazándolos para analizar la idea de espacio.
Mónica Cevedio, 2003
De lo privado a lo público: 30 años de lucha ciudadana de ...
Esta antología reflexiona sobre el significado para la democracia social y política del feminismo, de las madres de desaparecidos, las mujeres del movimiento urbano-popular, las guerrilleras, las sindicalistas, la triple lucha de las ...
Nathalie Lebon, Elizabeth Maier, 2006
Manual del escolta privado
En nuestra sociedad actual, día a día la violencia hacia el prójimo y los bienes ajenos ha venido incrementándose espectacularmente, de tal forma que dicha violencia ha llegado a traducirse en una sensación de inseguridad generalizada.
Héctor Mora Chamorro, 2008
Intervención consular en derecho internacional privado
El objeto de estudio de este libro son las funciones consulares en el Derecho internacional privado en materias como la nacionalidad, la tutela, el matrimonio, la notificación de documentos en el extranjero y la intervención de los ...
Mariano Aguilar Benítez de Lugo, Universidad de Sevilla, 2005
Un Asunto Privado
Y es un libro absurdo, misterioso, en el que se persigue algo para perseguir otra cosa, y esa otra cosa para perseguir otra, y en el que nunca se alcanza el verdadero porqué.» (Italo Calvino) En plena guerra –1944–, entre las colinas ...
Beppe Fenoglio, 2004
Mejoramiento de la gestión vial con aportes específicos del ...
En el mundo moderno las redes viales son indispensables, por constituir una infraestructura de transporte capaz de llegar a todos los rincones de un territorio.
Alberto Bull, 2003
Fuentes para el estudio de los sectores público, privado y ...
Tuvo comofinalidad seleccionar y analizar una bibliografía sobre los tres sectores -público, privado y social- que integran formalmente la economía mexicana. Sólo atendí las publicaciones aparecidas durante los últimos trece años ...
Baile privado
Él seguía sabiendo qué era lo que más la excitaba.
Cami Dalton, 2012
Tratado de derecho internacional privado ó del conflicto de ...
Jean Jacques Gaspard Foelix Charles Demangeat. motivos de conveniencia recíproca (ob reciprocan utilitatem) para las dos naciones, de admitir en sus respectivos territorios la aplicación de las leyes estranjeras, y desde luego venimos á ...
Jean Jacques Gaspard Foelix, Charles Demangeat, 1866
Una tumba acogedora (Detective privado Lincoln Perry, 3)
Con su tercera novela, Michael Koryta se confirma en el aplauso de la crítica y se posiciona como uno de los autores jóvenes de novela negra más interesantes del panorama actual. «Su estilo, seco y conciso, recuerda el de autores como ...
Michael Koryta, 2012


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term privado is used in the context of the following news items.
Consumo privado crece en junio
En junio de este año, el Indicador Mensual del Consumo Privado en el Mercado Interior (IMCPMI) avanzó 3.1 por ciento respecto al mismo mes de 2015, con ... «, Sep 16»
Sector privado espera medidas 'agresivas' para bajar el gasto
El Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado (CEESP) recordó que a más tardar el próximo 8 de septiembre se presentará al Congreso el paquete ... «, Aug 16»
Rafael Guerrero, el detective privado que se escribe a sí mismo
MONTEVIDEO (Sputnik) — El escritor y detective privado español Rafael Guerrero combina con éxito su experiencia de más de dos décadas como investigador ... «Sputnik Mundo, Aug 16»
Consumo privado se repone en mayo
En el reporte de abril, el indicador mensual de consumo privado parecía dar señales de desaceleración; sin embargo, la lectura más reciente del índice revela ... «El Financiero, Aug 16»
Daño al sector privado
Las pérdidas económicas por los actos vandálicos y la obstrucción de caminos y comercios se estiman en $4,200 millones de pesos, según un informe del ... «El Diario de Yucatán, Aug 16»
El CEESP advierte sobre la debilidad del consumo privado
El Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado (CEESP) advirtió que el consumo privado podría debilitarse como soporte del crecimiento económico del ... «, Jul 16»
Consumo privado en México retrocede 2.2% en abril
En su comparación anual, el Indicador Mensual del Consumo Privado en el Mercado Interior creció 1.2% en términos reales en el cuarto mes del año. «Forbes Mexico, Jul 16»
Eficiencia operativa en recursos públicos, propone sector privado
Ciudad de México. La efectividad del gasto no sólo radica en recortes presupuestales, sino también, y en buena medida, en la eficiencia operativa en la gestión ... «La Jornada en linea, Jul 16»
Trabajadores del sector privado tendrán aumento salarial de 0,50%
Los trabajadores del sector privado tendrán un aumento salarial de 0,50% para el segundo semestre de este 2016. Así lo ratificó la tarde de este miércoles el ... «La Nación Costa Rica, Jun 16»
Jorge Guillén: Retos del Sistema Privado de Pensiones
Se han venido dando una serie de medidas en el Congreso que podrían atentar contra la sostenibilidad del ahorro con fin previsional en el sector privado. «Diario Perú21, Jun 16»


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