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Meaning of "tasa" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra tasa procede de tasar.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ta · sa


Tasa is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



Rate can refer to several concepts: ▪ The rate as a tax. ▪ The rate as price control or price. ▪ The rate as a coefficient, the relationship between the quantity and the frequency of a phenomenon.

Definition of tasa in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of rate in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is action and effect of pricing. Another meaning of rate in the dictionary is the relationship between two magnitudes. Rate of inflation, unemployment, birth rate. Rate is also a tax imposed on the enjoyment of certain services or the exercise of certain activities.


antigrasa · asa · basa · biomasa · brasa · carcasa · casa · escasa · gasa · grasa · guasa · jasa · lasa · masa · nasa · pasa · payasa · rasa · sarasa · vasa


tas · tasación · tasadamente · tasado · tasador · tasadora · tasajear · tasajeo · tasajera · tasajero · tasajo · tasar · tasarte · tasca · tascador · tascar · tasco · tasconio · tascucia · tascucio


amilasa · argamasa · celulasa · crasa · crisoprasa · detasa · ecotasa · gabasa · lactasa · lipasa · plagioclasa · polimerasa · potasa · proteasa · remasa · retasa · sasasa · sobretasa · tábula rasa · transaminasa

Synonyms and antonyms of tasa in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «tasa» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «tasa» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of tasa to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of tasa from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «tasa» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of tasa in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

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278 millions of speakers

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270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

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190 millions of speakers

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180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

tốc độ
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  rate ; rate ; incidence.
 Whether, in the future, the co-operatives will be able to fund appropriate developments at a sufficiently rapid rate remains an unanswered question.
 There will be special rates for additional services such as SDI or document delivery.
 The number of entries in pre-co-ordinate system will depend upon the incidence of references and multiple entries.
subida de las tasas 
rate increase
 They are not going to cough up additional money to pay for these rate increases.
tasa anual 
annual rate
 Furniture polish and floor polish are et to drop by average annual rates of more than 3% and 2% respectively.
tasa bancaria 
bank fee
 One of the drawbacks the programme has is its hugely increased cost, particularly through bank fees.
tasa de abandono escolar 
dropout rate
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
tasa de aceptación  
adoption rate
acceptance rate
 Bibliometric based document analyses were used to assess New York State dairy farmers' adoption rate of selected veterinary recommendations.
 The acceptance rate of articles which are collaboratively authored tends to be higher than that for single-authored papers, thereby suggesting a positive relationship between collaboration and quality.
tasa de acierto  [En recuperación de información, porcentaje de documentos válidos en relación con los documentos obtenidos en una búsqueda]
hit rate
 Some individuals are satisfied with a 50% 'hit' rate because they feel they can more quickly weed out the 'garbage' than they could compile the needed bibliography by hand.
tasa de actividad  [Relación entre la población activa y la población en edad laboral]
activity rate
 Also examined in this section are two other aspects of the population structure: the dependency ratio and the activity rate (the ratio of the labor force to the total population).
tasa de adopción 
adoption rate
 Bibliometric based document analyses were used to assess New York State dairy farmers' adoption rate of selected veterinary recommendations.
tasa de alcoholemia 
blood alcohol level
 A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
tasa de alcohol en sangre 
blood alcohol level
 A common defence of drivers against disqualification from driving for having a high blood alcohol level is to claim that they had unwittingly consumed a drink laced with added spirits.
tasa de alfabetización 
literacy rate
 In Japan, where literacy rates are high, the importance of illiteracy as a problem is not well recognised and 'illiterate' is equated with 'uncultured'.
tasa de asistencia 
attendance rate
 If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.
tasa de aumento   
growth rate
rate of growth
rate of increase
 After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.
 The rate of growth in Australian data base activity is second to none in the world.
 Analysis of prices over the first 4 months of 1976 shows an apparent steadying of the rate of increase.
tasa de citación  [En bibliometría, número de veces que un artículo dado es citado]
citation rate
 Using the data presented by Lea Velho on the citation rates in and on Brazilian agricultural periodical articles, it is suggested that a given paper is cited by the non-Brazilian scientific literature at the same rate as a paper written anywhere else in the world would be.
tasa de correos 
postage rate
 This paper discusses the three periodical postage rates in the UK and conditions governing their use.
tasa de crecimiento   
growth allowance
growth rate
rate of growth
 The growth allowance for the next ten years was to be calculated at 0.2 sq. m. for every student.
 After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.
 The rate of growth in Australian data base activity is second to none in the world.
tasa de criminalidad 
crime rate
 Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.
tasa de dependencia  [Relación entre la población activa y el total de pensionistas]
dependency ratio
 Also examined in this section are two other aspects of the population structure: the dependency ratio and the activity rate (the ratio of the labor force to the total population).
tasa de desempleo   
unemployment rate
jobless rate
joblessness rate
 A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.
 Although the nation's jobless rate hovers around 4-5%, 70% of the working-age blind who want jobs cannot find one, and 30% of those who are working are underemployed.
 A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
tasa de deserción escolar 
dropout rate
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
tasa de devolución  [En el préstamo bibliotecario, número de documentos devueltos]  [En el préstamo bibliotecario, número de documentos devueltos]
rate of return
return rate
 The percent of overdue books, and their rate of return, appear to be strongly influenced by the penalty associated with late returns.
 A computer program was used to analyse the return rates of books at libraries with automated issue systems.
tasa de error 
error rate
 This article examines the effect of increasing word list size on the error rate of spelling correctors.
tasa de evaporación 
evaporation rate
 The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.
tasa de exhaustividad  [Relación entre el número de documentos pertinentes recuperados y el número total de documentos pertinentes en el sistema]
recall ratio
 The recall ratio is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of relevant documents in the collection.
tasa de fracaso escolar  
dropout rate
failure rate
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
 However, the failure rate in examinations at Sheffield does not seem to be at all high = No obstante, el número de suspensos en los exámenes de Sheffield no parece ser del todo alto.
tasa de incidencia 
incidence rate
 As a particular example, considers the incidence rate of the disease mumps.
tasa de inflación  
inflation rate
rate of inflation
 This information is compared to the general US inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Price Index.
 Findings indicate that the prices of the journals studied rose faster than the general rate of inflation.
tasa de inscripción  
registration fee(s)
enrolment fee
 Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.
 Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.
tasa de irrelevancia  [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección]
fallout ratio
 The fallout ratio is particularly useful when comparing performances of document collections of different sizes.
tasa de matrícula  
enrolment fee
registration fee(s)
 Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.
 Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.
tasa de movimiento de mercancías  
turnover rate
turnover rate
 Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.
 Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.
tasa de movimiento de personal 
turnover rate
 Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.
tasa de natalidad 
birthrate [birth rate]
 The base of higher education is shrinking because of the drop in the birthrate and rising costs.
tasa de ocupación   
bed occupancy rate
occupancy rate
room occupancy rate
 It shows that tourist bed occupancy rates were highest during summer months, when the majority of tourists visit seaside tourist resorts.
 Average occupancy rates for Boston and Cambridge hotels increased over last year's numbers for the second month in a row.
 This paper reports on a study about applying neural networks to the forecasting of room occupancy rates.
tasa de ocupación hotelera 
hotel occupancy rate
 In San Francisco, the hotel occupancy rate is up, the room rates are higher, and there is an air of optimism about tourism.
tasa de parados 
jobless rate
 Although the nation's jobless rate hovers around 4-5%, 70% of the working-age blind who want jobs cannot find one, and 30% of those who are working are underemployed.
tasa de participación 
participation rate
 The author discusses the factors affecting the participation rate of professional librarians/information workers in joining the Hong Kong Library Association.
tasa de pertinencia  [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes]
precision ratio
 The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.
tasa de pobreza 
poverty rate
 A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.
tasa de préstamo   
lending rate
lending rate
lending fee
 This paper discusses the importance of the urban public library for the poor, newly literate Africans; implications for the library (high lending rate and high maintenance, repair and replacement costs); and economic constraints.
 This paper discusses the importance of the urban public library for the poor, newly literate Africans; implications for the library (high lending rate and high maintenance, repair and replacement costs); and economic constraints.
 Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.
tasa de procesamiento  [Número de documentos procesados]
processing rate
 The initial decision to refolder all of the senatorial papers affected the processing rates.
tasa de producción 
production rate
 Spreadsheet programs allow the manager to set up mathematical models of various aspects of the organization such as cash flow and production rates.
tasa de rendimiento 
rate of return
 The author outlines quantitative metrics that measure information technology productivity from the perspective of the overall rate of return to the organization.
tasa de reproducción 
rate of reproduction
 If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
tasa de respuesta   [En estadística, número de cuestionarios contestados]  [En estadística, número de cuestionarios contestados] 
response rate
rate of return
return rate
rate of response
 The response rate to her questionnaire was 84% = La tasa de respuesta a su cuestionario was del 84%.
 The instrument used was a mailed questionnaire, which elicited a 63.6% rate of return.
 212 questionnaires were sent out; the net return rate was 62.74 per cent.
 The rate of response for this survey was 33%.
tasa de satisfacción 
satisfaction rating
 The table below measures sales satisfaction ratings among the major automakers.
tasa de suicidios 
suicide rate
 The majority of such Internet-related suicide pacts have occurred in Japan, which has one of the highest overall suicide rates in the world.
tasa de suspensos 
flunk-out rate
 A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.
tasa para cubrir gastos 
cost-recovery fee
 The board of regents may establish a cost-recovery fee for training of commercially employed firefighters, and such fees shall be deposited to the general fund.
tasa respiratoria 
breathing rate
 The standard method of polygraphy depends on four measurements: heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin electrical conductivity.
 No dues or associated costs were involved in membership.

Trends of use of tasa



Principal search tendencies and common uses of tasa
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «tasa».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about tasa



Confianza sin tasa empobrecerá tu casa.


Discover the use of tasa in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to tasa and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Factores metabólicos 2. Microallbuminuria y tasa de filtrado ...
Microalbuminaria: introducción; epidemiología; diagnóstico; ¿cuál debe ser el punto de corte de la MA para ser considerado FRCV?
José Sabán Ruiz, 2012
Macroeconomía: introducción a la Economía
La tasa de desempleo no aceleradora de los precios o NAIRU es la tasa de desempleo a la que la inflación permanece constante en el tiempo. La curva de Phillips a largo plazo muestra la relación existente entre el desempleo y la inflación, ...
Paul R. Krugman, Robin Wells, 2007
Administración de pequeñas empresas: enfoque emprendedor
tasa prime Tasa de interés sobre préstamos que cobra un banco comercial a sus clientes más confiables. LIBOR (tasa de oferta inter- bancaría en Londres) Tasa de interés que cobran los bancos en Londres a otros bancos londinenses.
Justin C. Longenecker, 2007
Macroeconomía en la economía global
Entonces, la tasa de interés real presente es aproximadamente igual a la tasa de interés nominal actual menos la tasa de inflación entre ese período y el próximo. Obsérvese en la definición de la ecuación (5.5) que cuando la inflación es ...
Felipe Larraín B., Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jeffrey Sachs, 2002
Fisiología animal
Ello determina que exista una relación inversa entre la tasa de consumo de oxígeno /g masa corporal (tasa específica metabólica o intensidad metabólica) y la masa total del animal. La tasa metabólica es una función exponencial de la masa ...
Luis Palacios Raufast Josefina Blasco Mínguez Teresa Pagés Costas Vicente Alfaro González, 2005
Diccionario De Derecho Comercial/ Commercial Law Diccionary
419 TASA REAL TASA DE BENEFICIO: margen de utilidad del que se apropia el patrón o inversor. TASA DE DESCUENTO: la tasa que le cobra un banco a un sujeto que presenta un documento para su descuento, es decir para recibir a ...
L. Valletta, 2000
Macroeconomía: versión para latinoamérica
Mujeres 1980 1985 1990 1995 • 2000 • 2005 La tasa de actividad económica en América Latina ha mostrado una tendencia ascendente en los últimos veinte años. Fuente: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL).
Mercedes Muñoz, 2007
Economics (Spanish Translation)
Las cuatro metas principales de la política macroeconómica interna son: • Alcanzar la tasa sostenible de crecimiento del PIB potencial más alta posible • Suavizar las fluctuaciones del ciclo económico • Mantener bajo el desempleo ...
Michael Parkin, 2004
Análisis y evaluación de proyectos de inversión
El propósito de este capítulo es mostrar un análisis completo del método de la tasa interna de rendimiento. En la primera parte se explica el procedimiento que se debe seguir cuando se analiza un proyecto individual, así como también el ...
Raúl Coss Bu, 1981
Diccionario de comercio internacional
Este sistema señala ciertos puntos de importancia, cualquiera que sea su origen. TASA. Retribución que se percibe por concepto de servicios efectivos o por el uso de materiales que se proporcionan. TASA CRUZADA. En divisas, es el ...
Cristóbal Osorio Arcila, 2006


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term tasa is used in the context of the following news items.
Fed mantendría las tasas de interés sin cambios
Los economistas consultados por Reuters ven una pequeña posibilidad de un aumento de las tasas el miércoles, al final de la reunión de política monetaria de ... «AméricaEconomí, Sep 16»
Junta cree que la tasa de agosto "confirma la trayectoria ascendente ...
La Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento considera que la tasa de inflación de Andalucía del mes de agosto, la misma que en España, "confirma la ... «, Sep 16»
El Banco Central volvió a bajar las tasas de interés por menores ...
La autoridad monetaria redujo nuevamente en 50 puntos básicos la tasa de interés de la Lebac a 35 días de plazo, de 28,25% a 27,75% anual, a partir del ... «, Sep 16»
Banxico mantiene en 4.25% su tasa de interés; prevé mayor inflación
El Banco de México decidió mantener el objetivo para su tasa de interés en un nivel de 4.25%, tras observar que el escenario para la inflación continúa siendo ... «El Economista, Aug 16»
El abandono educativo temprano se sitúa con la tasa más baja de la ...
La tasa de abandono educativo temprano, es decir, aquellos jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años que luego de terminar la ESO no continuar su formación, se encuentra ... «Noticias Universia, Aug 16»
La junta del Banrepública subió su tasa de interés a 7,75 por ciento
El Banrepública aclaró que aunque el fenómeno de El Niño terminó y la tasa de cambio no presenta desde hace meses una fuerte tendencia al alza, ... «, Jul 16»
La tasa de paro se sitúa en el 20% con 216.700 parados menos ...
La tasa de paro se situó en el segundo trimestre del año en el 20% —un punto menos que en el primero— y el número de desempleados alcanzó las 4.574.700 ... «, Jul 16»
Guindos: la tasa de paro bajará del 20% en 2016
El ministro de Economía ha remarcado que los datos de empleo del tercer trimestre suelen ser buenos y ha confiado en que también lo sean los de los tres ... «Cinco Días, Jul 16»
Reporte de población: la tasa de homicidios en México presenta ...
Durante los primeros dos años del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto la tasa de homicidios presentó una tendencia a la baja; sin embargo, en 2015 l os ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
El BCRA volvió a recortar tasas de Lebac a 30,25%
El Banco Central decidió recortar en 0,50% las tasas de interés de las Lebac y las ubicó en 30,25% para 35 días, desde los 30,75% de la semana pasada. «, Jul 16»


« EDUCALINGO. Tasa [online]. Available <>. May 2024 ».
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