Discover the use of
मंत्रविद् in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
मंत्रविद् and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Hindi literature.
Namaskāra mahāmantra: eka anuśīlana
... से वह प्रसन्न भी होता हैं कि जिसमें मैं परिभ्रमण कर रहा हूँ वह आकाश अनन्त हैं। मंत्र के रहस्यों का उद्घाटन एक मंत्रविद् आचाय या बहुत कुछ लिखा हैं, कहा हैं, किन्तु फिर भी वह (10)
Ancient Indian Historical Tradition - Page 27
0 e.g. Rgveda-vid and Sdrna-vid, Mat 274, 39. Yajur-vid, Mat 58, 35 ; .93. 129;" 274, 39. Mantra-vid, Mat 93, 41 ; 102, 2 : 240, 27; Lg i, 25, 16. Also brahma-vid, sutra-vid, nyaya-vid, &c. 10 Va 99, 432. Bd iii, 74, 245. Mat 273, 53. II VaSS, 169.
J.L. Mehta on Heidegger, Hermeneutics, and Indian Tradition
... a rational, talking animal, and man as intoxicated with speechless love of the divine; between the mantra-vid and the atma-vid; between the way of the Rishi and the way of the Muni; between living in a world of words, creatively or otherwise, ...
Jarava Lal Mehta, William Joseph Jackson, 1992
The Secret Sankara: On Multivocality and Truth in ... - Page 96
6 One recalls nārada's confession according to ChU 7.1: i am a knower of mantra (mantra-vid), not a knower of the self (ātma-vid). if in addition to the works the consequences of which 96 chapter seven.
Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and History of the ... - Page 32
So 'ham bhagavo mantra-vid erusmi na atma-vit \ irutam hy eva me bhagavaddrisebhyas ' tarati iokam dtma-vid ' iti so 'ham bhagavah iochdmi tarn ma bhagavdn iokasya pdram tdrayatv " iti | tarn ha uvacha " yad vai Mncha etad ...
Ancient Indian Education: Brahmanical and Buddhist - Page 111
and the fine arts — these things, most reverend Sir, have I studied ; therefore am I, most reverend Sir, learned indeed in the scripture [Mantra-vid) but not learned in the Atman (Atma-vid). Yet have I heard from such as are like you that he who ...
Radha Kumud Mookerji, 1998
Mantramañjari: - Page 480
sacred prayers: mantra -vid, as against atmavid. Transcends: lit. to cross (to the other side of the ocean of) sorrow. The Buddhist flavor is very noticeable in this test. Sorrow: toka. 1, 3b Cf § VI 3. For the rest of CU VII and all the ref. cf § VI 3 (v) ...
Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and History of the ...
So 'ham bhagavo mantra-vid evdsmi na dtma-vit \ irutam hy eva me bhagavaddrisebhyas ' tarati sokam dtma-vid ' iti so 'ham bhagavah sochdmi tam md bhagavdn sokasya puraiii tdrayatv " Hi | tam ha uvucha " yad vai kincha etad ...
Kaalsarpayog - Shodh Samgyaan:
द्वितीयेश, मंगल और राहु की युति से जातक मंत्रविद् होता है। २. राहु, बुध और द्वितीयेश की युति षष्ठ भाव में होने पर जातक मुख रोग से पीड़ित रहता है। ३. राहु और मांदि की द्वितीय भाव ...
Mr̥dulā Trivedī, Tejaprakāśa Trivedī, 2006
The Vicissitudes of Åryan Civilization in India: An Essay, ... - Page 580
Contradistinguished from the Tantras, 478. Mantra-vid, a theologian, 255. Manu, a royal Risi, 58. Identification of, 59. Boundaries of Aryavarta fixed in his time, 380. Manufactures are liberally patronized, 125. Show great progress in civilization, ...
Mahadev Moreshwar Kunte, 1880