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Definition of 십미온담탕 in the Korean dictionary
Minimal summer dwarf bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, dandelion, 120g each, white bamboo shoots 60g, raw leaves (farji: except for the woody part and liquorice water The juice is then boiled in the ginger juice.) · Sanjojin (棗 仁 덖 약간) · 熟地 黄 (熟地黄) · Ginseng (人 学) · Omiza 40g each, licorice 20g. ["Dong-bok-bang (醫 감)"] I am amazed by the hearing, I am scared dreaming, I am unable to sleep, my heart aches and sweat. Take the above medicine at a time with 16g of ginger 5 times, one jujube with water dalyeoseo. 십미온담탕 반하(半夏) · 지실(枳實) · 진피(陳皮: 안쪽 면의 흰 부분을 긁어 버린 것) 각 120g, 백복령(白茯苓) 60g, 원지(遠志: 목질부를 빼고 감초 달인 물에 삶은 다음 생강즙에 버무려 덖은 것) · 산조인(酸棗仁: 약간 덖은 것) · 숙지황(熟地黃) · 인삼(人參) · 오미자(五味子) 각 40g, 감초(甘草) 20g. [《동의보감(東醫寶鑑)》] 심담허겁(心膽虛怯)으로 잘 놀라고 무서운 꿈을 꾸며 잠을 이루지 못하고 가슴이 답답하며 땀을 흘리는 데 쓴다. 위의 약을 한 번에 16g씩 생강 5쪽, 대추 1개와 함께 물에 달여서 먹는다.
Click to see the original definition of «십미온담탕» in the Korean dictionary.
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The translations of 십미온담탕 from Korean to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «십미온담탕» in Korean.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «십미온담탕» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Korean literature, quotes and news about 십미온담탕
We continue working to improve educalingo. We will very soon complete this bibliographical section with extracts from Korean books in which the term 십미온담탕 is used.
« EDUCALINGO. 십미온담탕 [online]. Available <>. Oct 2024 ».