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Note the novel
Notebook is a short story of the notebook, the characteristics that is short, the content is complicated. Note novels began to appear in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, academics generally according to Lu Xun's point of view is divided into "novels" and "strange novel" two main types. The narrative novel is basically influenced by the history of the book system, and more advertises its notes, and writes notes with the attitude of historians, so it is not a conscious novel. In the artistic performance, the story of the plot for the development of straight line of the notes, the lack of character and psychological description, there is no special plot development. Based on the above reasons, in addition to the lack of creative consciousness of the author, it can not be regarded as a real, mature novel, at best regarded as the predecessor of the legendary Tang. ... 笔记小说是一种筆記式的短篇故事,特点即是篇幅短小、內容繁雜。筆記小說於魏晉時期開始出現,學界一般均依魯迅的觀點概分為「志人小說」和「志怪小說」兩種主要類型。 筆記小說基本上受到史書體例的影響,多標榜其記事之確實,以史家的態度書寫筆記,所以並非有意識的小說創作。而在藝術表現上,其故事情節多為直線發展的筆記體,缺乏人物形貌與心理的描寫,也沒有特別鋪張情節的發展。基於以上理由,在加上作者欠缺創作的自覺意識,所以不能算是真正的、成熟的小說,頂多算是唐傳奇的前身。...
The translations of 笔记小说 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «笔记小说» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «笔记小说» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «笔记小说» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «笔记小说» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 笔记小说
Discover the use of 笔记小说 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 笔记小说 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.