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Yu Shiming words
"Yu Shi Ming Yan", formerly known as "ancient and modern novels", also known as "all-like ancient and modern novels", is the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty writer Feng Menglong compilation of vernacular novels, published in the Ming Dynasty Taichang, Apocalypse (around 1621). And later published "warning language", "awakening constant words" and said "three words". Later, the Ming Dynasty Ling Mengchu in the "three words" under the direct influence of writing two short stories: "first moment shot surprise", "two moments surprise", known as the "second shot." "Three words and two beats" is the ancient Chinese achievements of the two largest short stories of vernacular. ... 《喻世明言》,原名《古今小说》,又称《全像古今小说》,是中国明末清初作家冯梦龙编撰的白话小说集,大约出版于明朝泰昌、天启年间(1621年左右)。 与其后出版的《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》并称“三言”。后来明代凌濛初在“三言”的直接影响下写下两部短篇小说集:《初刻拍案惊奇 》、《二刻拍案惊奇》,称为“二拍”。“三言两拍”是中国古代成就最大的两个白话短篇小说集。...
Ancient and modern novels vernacular short stories. Later renamed "Yu Shi Ming Yan", and "Psalter", "Awaken the common saying" collectively "three words." Feng Menglong Ming Dynasty. Forty chapters. Most of them are edited by the editor of the Song and Yuan dynasties literati quarrel. The works collected gave a more detailed description of the life and values of the society at the time, especially the citizens. 古今小说 白话短篇小说集。后改名为《喻世明言》,与《警世通言》、《醒世恒言》合称“三言”。明代冯梦龙编著。四十篇。其中多数是经过编者润色的宋元话本和明代文人的拟话本。所收作品对当时的社会,特别是市民的生活和价值观念有较细致的描写。
Click to see the original definition of «古今小说» in the Chinese dictionary.
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The translations of 古今小说 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «古今小说» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «古今小说» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «古今小说» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «古今小说» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 古今小说
Discover the use of 古今小说 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 古今小说 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.