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Bien Temple
Cien Temple can refer to: ▪ Great Cien Temple: located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Han nationality, one of the key Buddhist monasteries, the law phase Zun Ting. ▪ Cien Temple: located in Shenyang, Liaoning, Han nationality, one of the national key Buddhist monasteries. ▪ Cien Temple: located in Saitama, Saitama, Japan, dedicated to the top of Xuanzang. ... 慈恩寺可以指: ▪ 大慈恩寺:位于陕西西安市,汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院之一,法相宗祖庭。 ▪ 慈恩寺 :位于辽宁沈阳市,汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院之一。 ▪ 慈恩寺 :位于日本埼玉县埼玉市,供奉玄奘法师顶骨。...
Ci'en Temple Tang Dynasty temple name. The old temple in Chang'an, Shaanxi southeast Qujiang North, Song has been destroyed, only remaining goose tower. This temple is newly built in modern times, in the southern suburbs of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province. Twenty-two years Tang Zhenguan Li as the prince, the Sui Nongniu site for the mother Wende the Queen's fortune built, hence the name Ci'en Temple. Tang Xuanzang returned from studying Buddhism in India and lived there for eight years in translation of the Buddhist scriptures. He proposed building a wild goose pagoda beside the temple to collect images of the Buddhist scriptures brought back from India. At its heyday, the temple has more than a dozen or so courtyards, 1,897 rooms, and 300 monks. Since the beginning of the Dragon, Jinshi Dengke, the emperor gave feast Qujiang, the title of the wild goose pagoda. Wild Goose Pagoda is listed as one of the national key protected cultural relics. See Song Pu "Tang will want. Temple. " 慈恩寺 唐代寺院名。旧寺在陕西长安东南曲江北,宋时已毁,仅存雁塔。今寺为近代新建,在陕西省西安市南郊。唐贞观二十二年李治为太子时,就隋无漏寺旧址为母文德皇后追福所建,故名慈恩寺。唐玄奘自印度学佛归国,曾住此从事佛经翻译工作达八年之久,并倡议在寺旁建雁塔,用以收藏从印度带回的经像。寺在全盛时有十馀院,室一千八百九十七,僧三百人。自神龙始,进士登科,皇帝均赐宴曲江上,题名雁塔。雁塔今列为全国重点保护文物之一。参阅宋王溥《唐会要.寺》。
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Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 慈恩寺
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