Opium (opium, opium), commonly known as big smoke, hibiscus (Arabic: Afyūm) or Fu Shou cream, is a natural anesthesia inhibitor, medical narcotic analgesics; non-scientific or non-medical, In the drug. As a drug, the traditional drug addicts used in opium smoking, cigarettes, smokers, etc., generally raw opium processing mature opium, and then twisted into pellets or strips, roasted on the fire soft, stuffed into the pipe Smoke smokers, flue the smoke on the flames, smoking the smoke produced; smoking addicts are not smoking 10 to 20 times a day, more than a hundred times a day; now drug users often swallow opium pills, or Opium dissolved in water directly with the needle for intravenous injection, and intravenous injection of AIDS as one of the main ways of transmission. ...