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Somos del mismo material del que se tejen los sueños, nuestra pequeña vida está rodeada de sueños.
William Shakespeare

Significado de "material" en el diccionario de español



La palabra material procede del latín materiālis.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


ma · te · rial play
Material es una palabra aguda de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras agudas van acentuadas en la última sílaba.


Material puede actuar como un sustantivo y un adjetivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adjetivo es la palabra que acompaña al nombre para determinarlo o calificarlo.



Un material es un elemento que puede transformarse y agruparse en un conjunto. Los elementos del conjunto pueden tener naturaleza real, naturaleza virtual o ser totalmente abstractos. Por ejemplo, el conjunto formado por cuaderno, témperas, plastilinas, etc. se le puede denominar materiales escolares. El conjunto de cemento, acero, grava, arena, etc. se le puede llamar materiales de construcción. Se habla de material educativo refiriéndose a elementos como pinturas, lienzos, papel, etc.; pero también contener elementos abstractos como el conocimiento divulgado en los libros, la didáctica, apoyo multimedia y audiovisual. El material puede ser simple o complejo. Y también heterogéneo. La palabra material adquiere diferentes significados según el contexto en el que se encuentre: ▪ En economía, material se refiere a un recurso utilizado en la alimentación de un proceso productivo. ▪ En ciencia, un material es cualquier conglomerado de materia o masa. ▪ En ingeniería, un material es una sustancia con alguna propiedad útil, sea mecánica, eléctrica, óptica, térmica o magnética.

definición de material en el diccionario español

La primera definición de material en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es perteneciente o relativo a la materia. Otro significado de material en el diccionario es opuesto a lo espiritual. Material es también opuesto a la forma. Esta alhaja es de poco valor material.







Sinónimos y antónimos de material en el diccionario español de sinónimos



material pecado elemento puede transformarse agruparse conjunto elementos pueden tener naturaleza virtual totalmente abstractos ejemplo formado cuaderno témperas plastilinas denominar materiales primera lengua española perteneciente relativo otro opuesto espiritual material forma esta alhaja poco valor sensorial años manipulación experimentación libro lleno olores texturas para saborear compañía atractivo lectura ágil resultará imprescindible quienes diseñan participan actividades exploración infancia ejercicios juegos alternativo históricamente deporte estado ligada conceptos recreación ocio entrenamiento leer aprendizaje ribera coord utilización

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Las traducciones de material presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de material en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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190 millones de hablantes

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180 millones de hablantes

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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vật chất
80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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70 millones de hablantes

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65 millones de hablantes

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50 millones de hablantes

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40 millones de hablantes

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30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de material en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  equipment ; material ; matter ; stuff ; fare ; infrastructure ; fodder ; material.
 A post-coordinate index depends upon specialised equipment and storage devices.
 It is my understanding that the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition, (AACR2) will prescribe the same entry rules for all materials.
 A plate is a leaf containing illustrative matter, with or without explanatory text, that does not form part of either the preliminary or the main sequences of pages or leaves.
 Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.
 Children seek education deliberately when they use the library to do their homework while many of the other borrowers are looking for recreational fare.
 Priority sectors are in energy, industry and infrastructure.
 The diverse range of perspectives represented provides fodder for lively debates.
 The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
archivero especializado en material audiovisual 
audiovisual archivist
 The most important problem facing educators of future audiovisual archivists and librarians is the lack of international standards for description and indexing of audiovisual documentation.
basado en material impreso 
 Universities in the UK still have predominantly print-based libraries unlike colleges and polytechnics which now provide a similar range of course and most of which have multimedia libraries.
bibliotecario especializado en material audiovisual 
audiovisual librarian
 The most important problem facing educators of future audiovisual archivists and librarians is the lack of international standards for description and indexing of audiovisual documentation.
biblioteconomía especializada en el material audiovisual 
audiovisual librarianship
 It is an honour to be asked to edit this issue and to bring together a collection of articles on audiovisual librarianship.
buscar material 
pursue + material
 Working back from the most recent issues may reveal reviews, rebuttals, and revisions before time is squandered pursuing outdated or refuted materials.
catalogación de material no librario 
non-book cataloguing
 I am the original music inputter; I do a lot of music scores and a lot of the nonbook cataloging as well.
censurar material 
challenge + materials
 This article reports a survey of materials that were challenged in Manitoba, Canada, school and public libraries.
censuras a los materiales 
challenges to materials
 This article summarizes results of surveys conducted between 1985 and 1995 on challenges to materials in public libraries.
centrado en el material impreso 
print-centred [print-centered, -USA]
 Many libraries have certainly been transformed over the past decade from being print-centered 'places' to also providing web-based content and services to users who may never enter the building.
centro de material didáctico escolar  [Institución encargada de contener material didáctico especial de uso común por las escuelas de una región/provincia/estado]
school resource centre
 This article considers the impact of cooperation on collections and technical services in school resource centres belonging to multistate, multitype library network.
ciencias de los materiales 
materials sciences
 This paper lists 28 earth sciences and materials sciences data bases indicating major subject, producer and starting date.
ciencia y tecnología de los materiales 
materials science and technology
 This illustrates the all-encompassing nature of the study of materials science and technology.
colocación del material de vuelta en los estantes  [En biblioteconomía, tarea que consiste en la devolución del material que se ha usado a su emplazamiento original normalmente por parte del personal de la biblioteca]
 The article 'Cavalry to the rescue' describes how a library experimented with the use of temporary employees for the purpose of shelving and shelf reading.
Conferencia Panafricana sobre Preservacion y Conservación de Material Bibliográfico 
Pan-African Conference on the Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials
 This article reports the 1993 Pan-African Conference on the Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials, held in Nairobi.
desarrollo de material educativo 
instructional development
 Instructional development is a goal-oriented, problem-solving process involving techniques such as development of specific objectives, analysis of learners and tasks, preliminary trials, formative and summative evaluation, and continued revision.
editor de material electrónico 
electronic publisher [e-publisher]
 This article is a preliminary study of the management of intellectual property by electronic publishers.
editor de material multimedia 
multimedia publisher
 He believes that the lack of such harmonization is actually deterring some multimedia publishers from launching new products.
envío de material 
freight forwarding
 This will include a time schedule for the Exhibition and order forms for services such as audio-visual equipment, freight forwarding, furniture, insurance, Internet and telephone connections etc.
fondos de material audiovisual 
AV holdings
 This represented a 9.9 per cent reduction in the library's book and AV holdings.
frecuencia de préstamo del material  [En circulación, promedio de veces que se prestan los documentos]
turnover rate
 This article describes an experiment which tested the broader effect of displays on turnover rate and total circulation = Este artículo describe un experimento para comprobar el efecto general de los expositores en la frecuencia de préstamo del material y en la circulación total.
imprenta de material efímero   
jobbing house
jobbing office
jobbing printer
 The division of the printing trade into specialized book, news and jobbing houses had already begun to take place by the beginning of the nineteenth century.
 The average performance of cylinder machines in jobbing offices, on long and short runs, rarely exceeds 3,500 impressions a day, and oftener falls below that number.
 A great deal of ephemera is produced by jobbing printers for individuals and organizations.
inmovilizado material 
tangible assets
 Tangible assets will increase in quantity and value from 27 per cent to 82 per cent.
ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material antiguo) 
ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian)
 To meet the especial problems posed by early books a special International Standard Bibliographic Description (Antiquarian), familiarly known as ISBD(A), has been evolved.
material anejo  [Material publicado al mismo tiempo que una obra y que ha de usarse como complementario de ella, como transparencias, casetes, películas, etc]
accompanying material
 Accompanying material is that material which is issued with, and intended to be used with, the item being catalogued.
material archivístico 
archival material
 There are a large number of learned societies concerned with the collection, preservation and even the reprinting of important archival and manuscript materials.
material audiovisual    [Material consistente en imágenes fijas o móviles o en grabaciones de sonido de cualquier tipo sobre cualquier soporte]   
a-v material
audiovisual item
audiovisual material
AV material
audiovisual aids
audiovisual media
 1/3 of a-v material bought by New York libraries is for the young but placed in the adult section.
 The data base contains a large number of audio-visual items, music and serials.
 For example, NEMROC provides a forum for libraries in the region of Newcastle with good collections of audio-visual materials to pool their ideas.
 Overhead projector transparencies, and slides are the AV materials most used.
 Pupil's creativity and inquisitiveness must be encouraged through up-dated school libraries equipped with audio-visual aids and information technology.
 Academic libraries house an even wider range of audiovisual media to meet the needs of pupils, students and staff.
material bibliotecario  
library stock
library materials
 The majority of students condemn the theft or mutilation of library stock and welcome security measures to combat this problem.
 This article examines the problems facing libraries as acquisitions budgets are severely reduced and library materials continue to rise in price.
material cartográfico  [Documentos que representan, en su totalidad o en parte, la tierra o los cuerpos celestes a cualquier escala, como los mapas y planos en dos y tres dimensiones, las cartas aeronáuticas, marinas y celestes, los globos, los bloques-diagramas, los cortes de terreno, las fotografías aéreas, los atlas, las vistas a vuelo de pájaro, etc]
cartographic material
 Cartographic materials are, according to AACR2, all the materials that represent, in whole or in part, the earth or any celestial body at any scale and include two- and three-dimensional maps and plans; aeronautical, navigational, and celestial charts; globes; block diagrams; sections; aerial, satellite, and space photographs; atlases; bird's eye views, etc.
material complementario  [Material publicado al mismo tiempo que una obra y que ha de usarse como complementario de ella, como transparencias, casetes, películas, etc]
accompanying material
 Accompanying material is that material which is issued with, and intended to be used with, the item being catalogued.
material con copyright  
copyright material
copyrighted material
 Problems of controlling the reproduction of copyright material are increasing with the development of new technology.
 A solution needs to be developed for solving the problem of making copyrighted material available over the Internet.
material crítico 
critical matter
 An editor is a person who prepares for publication an item not his own and whose labour may be limited to the addition of an introduction, notes, and other critical matter.
material de archivo  
archival material
archive material
 There are a large number of learned societies concerned with the collection, preservation and even the reprinting of important archival and manuscript materials.
 Careful and detailed document processing is important since archive material is useful at council meetings and conferences and as a source of information for long-term research planning.
material de arte 
art material
 His article, 'The skeleton in the our closet: public libraries art collections suffer appalling losses,' examines the problem of theft and mutilation of art materials in public libraries.
material de ayuda 
help pack
 This article describes the contents of a help pack, produced by Bradford Public Library to help library staff when dealing with violence and aggression at work.
material de construcción 
building material
 This hierarchy shows a general subject area, buildings, and its subordinate subject areas: building materials, auxiliary construction practices, construction in specific materials, wood construction, roofing and soon.
material de empaste 
filling material
 In a thesaurus on dentistry, for example, the term GOLD will be an NT under filling materials; it would make little sense to create a 'metals' or 'precious metals' hierarchy.
material de encuadernación 
covering material
 Tanned calfskin was the commonest covering material in the sixteenth century, followed by vellum and pigskin.
material de enseñanza programada  [Documento que presenta el material objeto de aprendizaje en pequeñas dosis y al final de cada una de estas dosis se hace una pequeña prueba teniendo que volver atrás si no se supera]
programmed material
 One of the aims of our library is to strengthen collection of 'how-to-do-it' books and programmed materials for individual instruction.
material de estudio     
study material
course material
curriculum material
curriculum resource
study package
 This highlighted the barrier which paper based study materials presented to those with motor disabilities.
 The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.
 This article compares several sources of curriculum materials.
 There are educational, economic and technical benefits to properly managing the provision and usage of all curriculum resources for schools.
 A multimedia study package is used to teach online searching and to make students aware of teaching principles.
material de fondo 
 A picture is a two-dimensional visual representation accessible to the naked eye and generally on an opaque backing.
material del centro de recursos 
resource centre material
 Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.
material del curso   
course material
curriculum material
curriculum resource
 The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.
 This article compares several sources of curriculum materials.
 There are educational, economic and technical benefits to properly managing the provision and usage of all curriculum resources for schools.
material de lectura  
reading material
reading matter
 The main library may the be flagship of the system, and its large collection and monumental architecture the pride and joy of the community boosters, but it is the branch library where people come to get their reading material.
 Their reading matter was in the form of rolls (scrolls), books, and inscriptions on monuments.
material de lectura para adultos 
adult reading matter
 Public libraries provide about a fourth of adult reading matter in book form.
material del rodillo 
roller stock
 The solution was found to be a composition of glue and treacle which could be cast at first on to a cloth backing and later directly on to the roller stock.
material de ocio 
entertainment material
 In West Germany 6,100 independent video libraries have been established providing largely entertainment material.
material de oficina  
office equipment
office supplies
 Other office equipment to be found in libraries may include: Adding machines or calculators to cope with statistics related to petty cash, issues, membership, etc.
 What's worse, the office supplies peddled by these bogus firms often are overpriced and of poor quality.
material de papelería 
printing supplies
 Problems include: high cost of paper and printing supplies; high capital investment required; small and inelastic markets; low literacy = Los problemas incluyen: alto coste del papel y del material de papelería, gran inversión de capital, mercados pequeños y poco flexibles y bajo de nivel de alfabetización.
material de referencia 
reference material
 Some library material may be not be borrowed at all, as is the case for undergraduates who wish to borrow reference material.
material de relleno 
 The days will be packed full, without any filler and without a moment wasted.
material de reserva 
reserve stock
 Naturally people will handle books before they decide to buy them, which means that no more than a couple of copies of each title should be put out so that reserve stock is prevented from getting grubby.
material de tamaño mayor de lo normal 
outsize material
 Consider sequences of references works, pamphlets, periodicals, outsize material, all shelved possibly according to their subject sequence (for example, the same classification scheme) then these will constitute parallel sequences.
material didáctico      
teaching material
learning materials
course material
curriculum material
study package
instructional material
 The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.
 More than 15,000 agricultural students have used the learning materials, which include incubators.
 The author focuses on some of the barriers encountered in accesing the course materials used in correspondence courses on library and information science.
 This article compares several sources of curriculum materials.
 A multimedia study package is used to teach online searching and to make students aware of teaching principles.
 Instructional materials can be taken from room to room within the library in mesh carryall bags, rucksacks, and paper carriers.
material didáctico de apoyo 
study aide
 This series combines the complete original works (in reduced size) with brief essays and study aides.
material didáctico entregado en clase 
class handout
 Each section includes one full lesson and a class handout, plus a list of additional activities.
material digital 
digital media
 This paper examines the options currently available for mass storage of digital media.
material docente 
study material
 This highlighted the barrier which paper based study materials presented to those with motor disabilities.
material documental de interés para los vecinos del barrio 
community literature
 Many libraries amass a considerable amount of community literature, some of which is kept on permanent display.
material donado de segunda mano 
hand-me-down material
 There had been no problems organizing the collection of 'hand-me-down' materials.
material editado por el propio autor 
self-published material
 Research into self-published material is very recent and has been hampered by difficulties in defining such publications and in gaining access to such material = La investigación sobre el material editado por el propio autor es muy reciente y se ha visto obstaculizada por las dificultades de definir este tipo de publicaciones y de acceder a ellas.
material educativo     
study material
teaching material
learning materials
study package
instructional material
 This highlighted the barrier which paper based study materials presented to those with motor disabilities.
 The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.
 More than 15,000 agricultural students have used the learning materials, which include incubators.
 A multimedia study package is used to teach online searching and to make students aware of teaching principles.
 Instructional materials can be taken from room to room within the library in mesh carryall bags, rucksacks, and paper carriers.
material efímero   [Documentación cuya validez de contenido caduca rápidamente]  
fugitive material
ephemeral material
 A great deal of ephemera is produced by jobbing printers for individuals and organizations.
 Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
 But at the moment we have only such fugitive materials as have appeared in the early issues of the Journal of Documentary Reproduction.
 In actuality every librarian has a different concept of ephemeral materials.
material electrónico  
electronic material [e-material]
online material
 Another example of meta-organization are proposals to integrate MARC records for electronic material, judged to be of long-term value, into the existing information infrastructure of libraries.
 Practices that work books and other offline materials do not always translate directly to online materials.
materiales menores 
minor materials
 Local publications are defined as the minor material, such as newsletters and pamphlets, which originates in a particular locality and could appropriately be acquired by a local studies library.
material fotográfico 
photographic material
 Household chemicals such as white spirit, paint stripper, weed killers, fertilisers, pesticides and photographic materials are considered to be hazardous.
material genético 
genetic material
 These people should be shot on sight and all their genetic material vaporized... fucking losers.
material gráfico 
graphic material
 A suitable framework for the citation of microforms, patents, machine-readable data, sound recordings, samples, maps and graphic materials is the ISBD(G).
material histórico 
historical material
 Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
material impreso     
print media
print material
offline material
printed material
 Other items are print and these include maps, charts, posters, and others are non-print.
 The studies also revealed that the research journals received highest credibility among print media for information gathering by the scientists followed by books.
 In a perfect world, what would you personally do with the print material that your library designates for weeding?.
 Practices that work books and other offline materials do not always translate directly to online materials.
 The second part of the project addressed the current options for digitising printed material in the form of books.
material inflamable 
flammable material
 Never use flammable materials near sources of heat, flame, sparks or static discharge.
material informativo 
information material
 In the United Kingdom an 'information double-decker bus' is used, complete with information material and manned by a team of staff from the main library.
material multimedia  
media material
media title
 A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.
 MediaSource is a locator of rental, loan and sales sources for specific media titles.
material no bibliográfico  [Cualquier formato de documento que no esté impreso en papel, generalmente grabado en imagen o sonido analógico o digital]
non-book material
 Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.
material no devuelto 
 Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.
material no impreso  
non-print [nonprint]
non-print media
 Other items are print and these include maps, charts, posters, and others are non-print.
 As Musiker indicates there is no question that librarians must take full account of non-print media in their collection building and exploitation.
material no librario  [Cualquier formato de documento que no esté impreso en papel, generalmente grabado en imagen o sonido analógico o digital]
non-book material
 Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.
material oculto  [En una biblioteca o centro de documentación, documentos que no se pueden encontrar generalmente debido a que están mal colocados]
buried material
 Perhaps the computer could resolve the dilemma of dead headings vs. buried material.
material para adultos 
adult materials
 Topics covered included privacy, hate speech, defamation, copyright, and adult materials = Entre los temas tratados están la privacidad, los insultos y amenazas racistas, las calumnias, los derechos de autor y el material para adultos.
material polémico 
challenged materials
 No selection policy and procedures for challenged materials have been established.
material procedente del dragado 
dredged material
 This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.
material protegido por el derecho de autor  
copyright material
copyrighted material
 Problems of controlling the reproduction of copyright material are increasing with the development of new technology.
 A solution needs to be developed for solving the problem of making copyrighted material available over the Internet.
material publicitario  
publicity material
advertising material
 Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.
 Sources include trade magazines, newspapers, advertising material, and fashion magazines.
material que no es revista científica 
non-journal material
 The database is comprised of annotated references to nonjournal material issued in the monthly Resources in Education and to journal articles issued in the monthly Current Index to Journals in Education.
material radioactivo 
radioactive material
 The cellulose fibres used in the manufacture of paper for books readily become contaminated with radioactive materials through their ecological cycle.
material reflectante 
reflective material
 They are lightweight panels made from reflective material that act like the sails of a boat.
material renovable 
renewable material
 Renewable materials are substances derived from a living tree, plant, animal or ecosystem which has the ability to regenerate itself.
material reprográfico 
reprographic equipment
 Reprographic equipment of one kind or another is to be found in practically every library.
material táctil  [Material con símbolos en relieve para ser usado por los invidentes]
tactile material
 Tactile material embraces materials with raised symbols and/or differently textured surfaces that are intended for use by the visually impaired.
material técnico 
technical equipment
 Soviet libraries are not sufficiently well equipped with technical equipment, such as word processors, copiers, and information systems.
material tecnológico 
technological equipment
 The general purpose for this programme is to assist university libraries in acquiring technological equipment.
material termoplástico  [Nombre]
 The first is dry leafcasting, (a method to fill in missing parts with fibres by suction removal of dust and impregnation with a thermoplastic).
material tipográfico 
typographical equipment
 Add to this his stock of unique woodcut ornaments and initials, and his finger-print is plain, a typographical equipment that belonged to him alone.
material y equipos de oficina 
office supply and equipment
 The incumbent is responsible for maintaining the department office supply and equipment inventory.
orientado hacia el material impreso 
print-centred [print-centered, -USA]
 Many libraries have certainly been transformed over the past decade from being print-centered 'places' to also providing web-based content and services to users who may never enter the building.
paquete de material didáctico 
training package
 The relative merits of this self-contained training package were compared with more traditional training methods in tests on end users.
petición de material  [Petición que hace el usario de documentos sobre un tema y que se contrapone a las peticiones de información simplemente]
material-finding enquiry
 Firstly, there will be those material-finding enquiries where merely 'something on' the topic will not suffice.
plan de adquisición de material a vista 
approval plan
 Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.
preservar material 
preserve + material
 There is a need to preserve some materials from possible damage caused by dust, scratching, greasy fingerprints, and so forth.
presupuesto para adquisición de material  [En gestión de bibliotecas, cantidad dedicada a la comprar de equipos, reformas, etc cuya utilidad sobrepasa el año fiscal]
capital budget
 The two components of the budget are: the operating budget which can be broken down into staff costs and general costs; and the capital budget which covers purchases expected to have a lifetime of longer than 1 year such as facilities or equipment.
presupuesto para la compra de material 
materials budget
 It is vital that librarians manage effectively the allocation of the materials budget and the development of the collections as the purchasing power of the materials budget declines.
proveedor de material de oficina 
office supplier
 The article 'Nervy Days for Office Suppliers' reviews the present state of affairs of office automation.
proveedor de materiales 
materials vendor
 Every publisher, materials vendor, systems vendor and bibliographic utility that serve libraries face sharp competition for a share of the ebbing library market.
recoger material 
gather + material
 The WILSONDISC system appears easier to the trained searcher who can gather a great body of relevant material by using Boolean free text searching.
reunir material 
gather + material
 The WILSONDISC system appears easier to the trained searcher who can gather a great body of relevant material by using Boolean free text searching.
sala de material audiovisual 
audiovisual room
 The building includes seminar rooms, lecture theatres and a well-equipped library which houses audio-visual rooms, study carrels, display and reading rooms and stacks.
selección de material  [Acción de buscar y decidir el material que va a ser adquirido por la biblioteca o centro de documentación]
materials selection
 Many prominent librarians believe that materials selection is the single element of librarianship which gives it credence as a profession.
suministrar material de equipo 
supply + equipment
 The European Development Fund finances projects in overseas countries for which European-based firms can supply equipment and know-how.
suministro de material multimedia 
media supply
 In this context, the supply houses are those dealing in furniture, media supply (wholesalers), technical services, circulation systems, and bibliographic service.
trabajo de impresión de material efímero 
ephemeral jobbing
 A printer's orders varied enormously in size, from ephemeral jobbing - labels, bills and the like - to books both short and long.
trabajos de impresión de material efímero 
jobbing work
 Many cheap books and most of the jobbing work of the earlier hand-press period have disappeared completely.
transporte de material 
freight forwarding
 This will include a time schedule for the Exhibition and order forms for services such as audio-visual equipment, freight forwarding, furniture, insurance, Internet and telephone connections etc.
venta de material impreso 
print sale
 Different publishers are exploring the marketplace to see what makes sense and how to protect their revenue streams from declining print sales.
  artifactual ; material.
 Unless the filmed material is deemed of high artistic or artifactual value, it is subsequently pulped.
 His paintings suggest the possibility that material things can be transformed to accommodate a transcendent and spiritual vision.
beneficio material 
material benefit
 These conditions include that the landowner 'must not receive any money, property or other material benefit for entering into the covenant'.
causar daño material 
cause + material injury
 If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is causing material injury to EC industry, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.
cultura material 
material culture
 Thus, bric-a-brac is of interest to those concerned with popular art and material culture (presumably it will be of interest to archaeologists in the future).
daño material 
material damage
 This includes the liability for all bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, caused to any third party within the framework of their commercial activity.
daño no material 
immaterial damage
 This includes the liability for all bodily injury, material or immaterial damage, caused to any third party within the framework of their commercial activity.
mundo material 
material world
 He wrote about the titanic struggle of human physical and moral forces to be freed from this material world.
objeto material 
material object
 Cave paintings, baked clay tablets, papyrus rolls, vellum, parchment and paper manuscripts, movable type printing; these have been the material objects by means of which man have communicated with their fellows.
posesión material 
material possession
 Young people are exposed to adults with ill-gotten material possessions & begin to question whether personal honesty pays off in the long run.
prueba material 
physical evidence
 Forecasting the weather does not come under the heading of astrology or claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, rather it is based on physical evidence and experience.
recursos materiales 
material resources
 If the staff is not competent and client-centered, these material resources will not be effectual in meeting community needs.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra material



El término «material» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 832 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «material» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de material
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «material».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «material» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «material» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre material



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra material.
Jacinto Benavente
Materializar lo espiritual, hasta hacerlo palpable, y espiritualizar lo material, hasta hacerlo visible.
Rosa Montero
La existencia está tejida de un material de mala calidad que se encoge con el uso.
William Shakespeare
Somos del mismo material del que se tejen los sueños, nuestra pequeña vida está rodeada de sueños.
Si se quisieran estudiar todas las leyes, no habría tiempo material de infringirlas.


Descubre el uso de material en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con material y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Material sensorial (0-3 años): Manipulación y experimentación
Un libro lleno de olores y texturas para saborear en compañía. Un libro atractivo de lectura ágil que resultará imprescindible para quienes diseñan y participan en actividades de exploración con la primera infancia.
Cristina Cardó Florez, Berta Vila Saborit, 2005
Históricamente la palabra deporte ha estado ligada a los conceptos de recreación, ocio y entrenamiento.
Carles Jardi Pinyol, Joan Rius Sant, 2004
Ven a leer: material de apoyo para el aprendizaje de la ...
Ven a leer : material de apoyo .../ P. Ribera (coord.).- v.3.
La utilización del material y del espacio en educación ...
Ya que uno de los problemas ante la actual Reforma del Sistema Educativo es su puesta en práctica, el presente texto, dirigido a todo el profesorado de Educación Física, representa una importante ayuda, una herramienta básica para ...
Julia Blández Ángel, 1995
La arquitectura como material de proyecto
La arquitectura como material de proyecto recoge los enunciados de los ejercicios y una selección de los trabajos de los alumnos de Proyectos III y Proyectos IV de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, en los que el ...
Piñón, Helio, et al., 2009
Fenomenología material: Ensayo preliminar de Miguel García Baró
La fenomenología de material de Michel Henry vuelve a plantear la cuestión fundamental de la filosofía: la cuestión de la donación.
Michel Henry, 2011
La vida cotidiana: Historia de la cultura material
Esta es, en suma, la otra cara de la historia: la de la vida cotidiana del común de los mortales.
Norman J. G. Pounds, 2005
La presencia de material etrusco en la Península Ibérica
La presente obra reúne el material etrusco documentado en territorio peninsular y valorar su papel real dentro del comercio mediterráneo, siendo de este modo un punto de partida indispensable para valorar el papel de los etruscos en el ...
José Remesal Rodríguez, Olimpio Musso, 1991
Caminando con Jesús: Material de Cuaresma para niños
Desde 1998 las revistas CATEQUÉTICA y HOMILÉTICA se han ido ofreciendo diversos materiales para la pastoral de la infancia en los tiempos litúrgicos fuertes, especialmente Adviento y Cuaresma.
Equipo Catequética, 2000
Propedéutica quirúrgica: preoperatorio, operatorio, ...
El material quirúrgico auxiliar debe considerarse como un soporte dentro del normal desarrollo de la práctica quirúrgica cuyo fin es facilitar el desarrollo y evolución del acto operativo y del enfermo como expresión final. Entendemos por ...


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término material en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Diputación y Ayuntamiento reparten material escolar a 4.150 ...
Los 4.150 escolares recibirán una bolsa con todo el material básico (estuches, libretas, lápices, rotuladores, gomas, sacapuntas, plastilinas, cartulinas, ... «, Sep 16»
El revolucionario bio-concreto, el material que se repara a sí mismo
En la Universidad Técnica de Delft, en los Países Bajos, han desarrollado el bio-concreto, un material que literalmente está vivo y que puede regenerar el ... «BBC Mundo, Ago 16»
Un material 'inteligente' regula la luz solar que entra por la ventana
"Este nuevo material se puede oscurecer de forma reversible a demanda y puede controlar de forma separada el calor y la luz del Sol para calentar o enfriar de ... «El Mundo, Ago 16»
21 detenidos, 4 en Euskadi, acusados de distribuir material pedófilo
Entre el material incautado hay grabaciones de menores en los vestuarios y duchas de un centro deportivo. Los arrestados utilizaban los equipos informáticos ... «EiTB Radio Televisión Pública Vasca, Jul 16»
Crean un material inteligente que cambia de forma y se 'cura'
El material puede reaccionar a los estímulos externos, como la luz o el calor, cambiando de forma y ensamblándose y desmontándose en estructuras por sí ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jul 16»
Flamingo, un nuevo cliente de Twitter que sigue las líneas de ...
Nos referimos a Flamingo, un cliente de Twitter 100% Material Design. Si has probado algún otro de los múltiples clientes de Twitter que existen actualmente en ... «Andro4all, Jun 16»
ONPE inició el traslado de material para segunda vuelta electoral
Inició el traslado de material electoral en los almacenes de la ONPE, donde camiones con estrictas medidas de seguridad están siendo enviados al interior del ... «América Televisión, May 16»
Cómo probar la nueva versión web de YouTube con Material Design
Hemos hablado ya en muchas ocasiones de Material Design, sobretodo en las ocasiones en las que alguna aplicación de nuestros smartphones Android se ... «Andro4all, May 16»
Así luce Google Chrome con Material Design (y cómo probarlo)
Google Chrome adoptará la apariencia Material Design muy pronto aunque ya podemos ver cómo lucirá en las versiones preliminares del popular navegador. «ADSLZone, Mar 16»
Facebook Messenger se actualiza con Material Design
En otro contexto, también conocíamos que Facebook Messenger empezaría a dejar utilizar la multicuenta, además también de que Spotify se integraba con ... «Andro4all, Mar 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Material [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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