Discover the use of
quasiparticle in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
quasiparticle and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Quasiparticle Theory of Defects in Solids
Describes the development and application of the quasiparticle method in the modern quantum theory of solids, and presents an original general nonlinear dynamics theory of the deformable solids with quasiparticle excitations.
D. I. Pushkarov, Dmitriĭ I͡Urʹevich Pushcharovskĭ, 1991
Quasiparticle Tunneling and Quantum Coherence in the Single ...
In this thesis, we attempt to improve our understanding of certain processes limiting the performance of the SCB, and work toward practical solutions.
Quasiparticle Calculations for Solids and Molecules
When the interaction is turned on, the general shape of the curve is a narrow
quasiparticle peak superimposed on a smooth background. Compared to the non
- interacting case, the quasiparticle peak shifts position to the renormalized ...
Emmanouil Stylianos Kioupakis, 2008
Quasiparticle Transport and Low Frequency Critical ...
It was discussed, in chapter 1, that an intrinsic source damping of the quantum
mechanical coherent oscillations of flux in an rf-SQUID qubit is provided by
quasiparticle leakage at the oscillation frequency, δ, which we characterized as a
Shawn Paul Swan Pottorf, 2007
Quasiparticle Interferometers in the Quantum Hall ...
Laughlin. Quasiparticle. Interferometers. in. the. Quantum. Hall. Regime. by Wei
Zhou Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Stony Brook University 2007 Laughlin
quasiparticles are the low-energy elementary excitations of the fractional
quantum ...
Concepts in Electron Correlation
SOLIDS Proceedings of the ARW NATO Workshop Hvar, Croatia, October 2002
J.E. HIRSCH Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego La Jolla
Alex C. Hewson, Veljko Zlatic
Quantum Theory of the Electron Liquid
8.4 Simple theory of the quasiparticle lifetime 8.4.1 General formulas The most
relevant process contributing to the decay of a quasiparticle state in the electron
liquid is electron-hole pair production. At zero temperature, given a quasiparticle
Gabriele Giuliani, Giovanni Vignale, 2005
Introduction to the Electron Theory of Metals
14.2 Fermi liquid theory and quasiparticle Landau considered that any
homogeneous system composed of a large number of particles has low-lying
excited states of waves and introduced the concept of the quasiparticle to
describe the ...
The New Physics: For the Twenty-First Century
No quasiparticle picture works in the quantum-critical region, but we have
relaxational dynamics characterized by (9.12). Quantum critical Domain-wall
Flipped-qubit quasiparticles quasiparticles is that this quasiparticle description
works for all ...
Theory of Atomic Nuclei, Quasi-particle and Phonons
In odd nuclei, the expansion begins with single-quasiparticle terms, followed by
quasiparticle ® phonon terms, quasiparticle®two-phonons terms, and so forth.
The quasiparticle-phonon interaction, Hvq, mixes the wave function components
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
quasiparticle is used in the context of the following news items.
'Fibonacci quasiparticle' could form basis of future quantum computers
Illustration of “braids,” i.e., the trajectories of anyon quasiparticles through time as they move around each other. Braiding patterns can form the logic gates in a ... «Phys.Org, Dec 14»
Majorana quasiparticles glimpsed in magnetic chains
The strongest evidence yet that Majorana quasiparticles (MQPs) can be found lurking in some solids has been unveiled by physicists in the US. The team used a ... «physicsworld.com, Oct 14»
Quasiparticles help physicists make sense of the world
dropleton illustration. NOT-SO-REAL PARTICLES Liquidlike particle clusters called dropletons, illustrated here, are a type of quasiparticle. EMail logo ... «Science News, Oct 14»
Quasiparticles carry entanglement, breaking speed limits
In a recent experiment, scientists were able to observe quasiparticles propagating across a string of ions, creating waves of quantum entanglement in their wake. «Ars Technica, Jul 14»
New paths into the world of quasiparticles
Quasiparticles can be used to explain physical phenomena in solid bodies even though they are not actual physical particles. Physicists in Innsbruck have now ... «Phys.Org, Jul 14»
Exciton: Physicists Detect Energy-Carrying Quasiparticle in Metal
A team of physicists led by Dr Hrvoje Petek from the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Physics and Astronomy has detected, for the first time, the exciton ... «Sci-News.com, Jun 14»
Quasiparticle Signatures in Quantum Spin Liquids
The response of quantum spin liquids to an oscillating magnetic field should provide measurable signatures of Majorana fermions and other quasiparticles. «Physics, May 14»
Progress in the fight against quantum dissipation
In the Yale experiment, researchers demonstrated that a type of superconducting quantum bit can be immune to dissipation in presence of a quasiparticle—a ... «Phys.Org, Apr 14»
Scientists Have Discovered A New 'Quasiparticle'
quantum droplet 1 Nature/Hunter, et alAn artist's conception of the dropleton. A dropleton is a new kind of quasiparticle cluster in solids. It's created by light and ... «Business Insider, Feb 14»
Mysterious Quantum 'Dropletons' Form Inside Semiconductors Shot …
By shooting a semiconductor with ultra-fast laser pulses, scientists have discovered a new quasiparticle that behaves like a drop of liquid. They describe it as a ... «Wired, Feb 14»