Discover the use of
cuticle in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
cuticle and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Attachment Devices of Insect
Audience: This volume provides an excellent introduction to biological attachment and will be of interest to biologist, zoologist, materials scientists and engineers.
Annual Plant Reviews, Biology of the Plant
This volume details the major developments of recent years in this important interdisciplinary area.
Markus Riederer, Caroline Muller, 2008
Air pollutants and the leaf
The book provides a comprehensive review of air pollutant effects on the cuticle and covers the following thematic areas: - Cuticular physicochemical characteristics, physiological, regulatory, and protective roles.
Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and ...
Wellcome Centre of Molecular Parasitology, The Anderson College, The
University of Glasgow, 56 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G 11 6NU, UK Nematode
Cuticle: Structure Nematodes form a diverse phylum composed of both free-living
and ...
Malcolm W. Kennedy, William Harnett, 2001
Chemistry and Genetics of Plant
Cuticle Function as a ...
The plant cuticle is a lipidic heterogeneous polymer layer covering the epidermis of all aerial plant tissues. The research described here examines associations between lipid composition and cuticle permeability.
Steven Mark Goodwin, 2006
The Mussel Thread
Cuticle: A Protective Coating of an ...
sections but not on whole thread cuticle material is believed to be due to loss of
Ca- mediated cross-links combined with the thickness of the sections (only
100nm). The matrix phase appeared to break up faster than the granule phase, ...
Niels Holten-Andersen, 2008
Atlas of Human Hair: Microscopic Characteristics
The term Distinct refers to the condition when the border between the cuticle and
the cortex is readily apparent and is well denned. The term Varies refers to those
hairs with an inner cuticle margin that varies in its distinctness due to a variation ...
Robert R. Ogle, Jr., Michelle J. Fox, 1998
1.2 Cuticle (External Mucoid Layer; Mucous Cuticle) The presence of an outer
amorphous layer overlying the epidermis has long been recognized. It is perhaps
not surprising that the vast majority of studies on the fish integument appear to ...
B.G. Kapoor, Bhavna Khanna, 2004
Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques
21. The ultrastructure of fossil cuticle THOMAS N. TAYLOR Taylor, T. N. 1999.
The ultrastructure of fossil cuticle. In: Jones, T. P. & Rowe, N. P. (eds) Fossil
Plants and Spores: modern techniques. Geological Society. London. 113-115.
Fig. 21.1.
Tim P. Jones, Nick P. Rowe, 1999
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology
a) Coefficient of friction 0.2 Against cuticle Normal load (mN) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1000
10 b) Fig. M).31 (a) Coefficient of friction and scratch depth profiles as a function
of normal load and tip location on multiple cuticle cells from damaged Caucasian
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term
cuticle is used in the context of the following news items.
Hair Plopping For Perfect Curls: A How-To Guide
The principle is simple: when your hair is damp after washing, you lay a cotton (and it must be cotton, as terrycloth roughs up the hair cuticle) ... «Grazia, Jul 15»
Pinterest Party: Marbling Your Manicure
Wrap around your cuticle with masking tape. That'll help excess nail polish peel off. 5. Dip nails into the nail polish/water mixture and "scoop ... «WTXL ABC 27, Jul 15»
Coarse Curly Hair Types, Products & Techniques: Quick Styling Tips …
"The heat loosens the hair follicle, while the cold air locks in the cuticle and shine," he said. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the lob cut is ... «Fashion Times, Jul 15»
WRENTHAM NOTEBOOK: Nurses pitching in for homeless veterans
... lotions (large and small bottles), liquid soap, nail files and cuticle sticks (hard/rough files), Dr. Scholl bunion cushions (round or oval precut), ... «The Sun Chronicle, Jul 15»
Researchers turn to insect legs to improve safety of tubular structures
"Essentially they get close to the limit. This is evolution operating close to the edge", said Taylor. It is hoped that understanding insect cuticle will ... «Plastics Today, Jul 15»
Six Simple Steps To Get Your Feet Sandal-Ready For Summer
Apply a cuticle remover (roughly two - three weeks), push back the cuticle and gently trim any hanging skin with cuticle clippers. 6. And finally, make them look ... «Her.ie, Jul 15»
#BeautyHero: A Hair-Mending Giveaway
But, that's not at all - as well as your hair feeling rougher thanks to a weakened cuticle, the strength, lipid structure, colour intensity and strength ... «Grazia, Jul 15»
Friedreich's Ataxia Patients Experience Hair Abnormalities, Study …
Erosions on the surface of the cuticle and local deep cavities just under the cuticular level were only detected in Friedreich's ataxia patients. «Friedreich's Ataxia News, Jul 15»
Affinage Takes on America
Models were cut and styled with Affinage Styling line of products including Glazer, a great cutting aid to close down the cuticle before cutting; ... «ModernSalon.com, Jul 15»
The Heat Damage S.O.S Guide!
This little gem can also be used as a moisturiser and a cuticle oil - pretty nifty right? So there we have it, our top products for giving your sun ... «FemaleFirst.co.uk, Jul 15»