Discover the use of
S-HTTP in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
S-HTTP and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition
Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (S/HTTP) is a message-oriented security
protocol designed to provide end-to-end confidentiality, integrity, authentication,
and non-repudiation services for HTTP clients and servers. It was originally ...
Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause, 2003
An S-HTTP message consists of a request or status line (as in HTTP) with a
series of headers following the message, which the encapsulated content follows
. After the receiving party decodes the encapsulated content, the content should ...
Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition
Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (S/HTTP) is a message-oriented security
protocol designed to provide end-to-end confidentiality, integrity, authentication,
and non-repudiation services for HTTP clients and servers. It was originally ...
Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause, 2007
Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, Second Edition
As opposed to the HTTP over SSL/TLS protocol, which relies on an underlying
TLS or SSL tunnel to protect its connection, S-HTTP (see Table 10.27) is an
enhancement to HTTP 1.1 and aims to manage encryption entirely on the
application ...
Steven Hernandez, CISSP, 2009
IT Infrastructure and Management (For the GBTU and MMTU)
The SSL handshake protocol involves the use of SSL record protocol to
exchange a sequence of messages between an SSL-enabled server and an SSL
-enabled client when they first try to establish an SSL connection. 6.3.4 S-HTTP
Secure ...
Handbook of Communications Security
S-HTTP is compatible with HTTP, supporting all its commands. This is possible
because S— HTTP encapsulates the HTTP commands in the encrypted message
. S—HTTP extends the HTTP model to the bare minimum in order to add the ...
Network Tutorial: A Complete Introduction to Networks ...
S-HTTP, as you might have guessed, is simply an extension of HTTP, the
communications protocol of the World Wide Web. S-HTTP is created by SSL
running under HTTP. The protocol was developed in 1994 by Enterprise
Integration ...
Network Protocols Handbook
Protocol Description Secure HTTP (S-HTTP) is a secure message-oriented
communications protocol designed for use in conjunction with HTTP. S-HTTP is
designed to coexist with HTTP's messaging model and to be easily integrated
with ...
Computer Network Security
Cryptographic technologies used by S-HTTP include Privacy Enhanced Mail (
PEM), Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), and Public Key Cryptography Standard 7 (
PKGS-7). Although S-HTTP uses encryption facilities, Non-S-HTTP browsers can
still ...
Textbook on Management Information Systems
Secure HTTP (S—HTTP) provides secure communication mechanisms between
an HTTP client-server pair in order to enable spontaneous commercial
transactions for a wide range of applications. Our design intent is to provide a
flexible ...