Discover the use of
S.Am. in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to
S.Am. and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Bubbles of Canada. By the Author of “The Clockmaker” ...
Thomas Chandler Haliburton. such practices; for I am well convinced, that it is by
very difl'erent methods that the legitimate authority and influence of the King's
government in Canada is to be maintained. 7. l have read, not without deep ...
Thomas Chandler Haliburton, 1839
Theoretical Studies of Rates of Electron Transfer Between ...
(NAsNBsNCsNDs) am FE 0.2500 (ClAaC4D aHHAs) am CD -0.1100 (CHA s) am
HC 0.1500 (C4AaClB aHHB s) am CD ... s) am HC 0.1500 (C4CaClDaHHDs) am
CD -0.1100 (CHD s) am HC 0.1500 (FEsClAaC4Aa) am NP -0.1800 (CHA a ...
Index to the Principal Places in the World (modern): With ...
W. In. S. Am. S. Am. N.Am. G. S. Am. W. In. S. Am. S. Am. S. Am. Spain S. Am.
Africa Spain Spain Spain Africa S. Am. S. Am. S. Am. Asia Italy W. In. N.Am. G. N.
Am. G. S. Am. S. Am. S. ( Am. I S. Am. W. In. N.Am. G W. In. S. Am. S. Am. S, Am.
Wisconsin Session Laws, 1929
195.16 504 . .rn. from 195.44 504 . .am. rn. 195.33 504 . .rn. from 195.54 504 . .
am. rn. 195.17 504 . .rn. from 195.18 504 s. . .am. rn. 195.11 504 s. • .cr 504 s. . .
am. rn. 195.12 504 s. . .am. rn. 195.13 504 s. . .rn. 195.35 504 s. . .r 504 s. . .am.
The Vegetation of New Zealand
(Iridac) 3 N. Z.. 1 N. Z.-Aus., 1 Aus., 5 Sub. S. Am., Nothofagus (Fagae) 5 N. Z., 8
Sub. S. Am., 3 Aus. — the evergreen section has 5 N. Z., 2 Aus. and 3 Sub. S. Am.
; Colobanthus (Oaryophyll) 10 N. Z., 1 N. Z.—Sub. S. Am., 1 Aus., 8 Sub. S. Am.
A short course in qualitative analysis, with the new notation
s. s.s. 8. OO 8. 00. 8. s.s. — 8. s. s.s. — s.; am. s. Borax 12. s.s.. — s. s.s.. 0,9 del.
0s. 6. s.s. — 8. s.s. 8. s. — s. al. s.s. — s. ; am. s. al. s.s. ,5 2,5. 4. 3. s.s. 2,6 al.
s.s. s. al. s. 8. 0,3 al. 1. Al. 8>8. — oo.jam.s. al. s. del. 16,7 al. 120. 11. 1, del. . s. 2.
Parent-child Relations: New Research
Wave 1 Secure Ambivalent Avoidant Univariate Scheffe (n = 360) (n= 116) (n =
220) F-tests contrast tests Self-esteem 3.36 3.09 2.96 52.43*** S > Am > Av
Stress 1.96 2.38 2.48 82.75*** S < Am, Av Loneliness 1.39 1.66 1.96 88.00*** S <
Am ...
Allied Chambers transliterated Hindi-Hindi-English dictionary
possessing unUmited brilliance. S am la 3T»^T" (m.) sourness, acidity; tartness;
an acid; (adj.) sour, tart, acid. S am la I (m.) staff; paraphernalia. A am-lak arRrnrr
(m.) see anvia arfarrr. s am Ian 3<*<HH (adj.) unwithered; bright, fresh. S am la ta
S. S. Parikh, D. F. Plukker, R. Veldhuijzen van Zanten, 1993
The Origins of the World'
s Mythologies
Escape from deluge on mountain, Greek, Hebrew, Hindu/India, Philippines,
Borneo, West Caroline Is.; Polynesian, Cook Group, Hawaii; N. Am. Indian (Bella
—Bella, Tahltan, Luisefio, Shasta, Blackfoot, Chiricahua Apache, Zuni); S. Am.
Indian ...
Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue
Formally, a POMDP is defined as a tuple {S,A m ,T,R,O,Z}, where S is a set of
states, Am is a set of actions that an agent may take,1 T defines a transition
probability p(s|s,a m), R defines the expected (immediate, real-valued) reward r(s
,a m), ...
Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, 2008