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Meaning of "período" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra período procede del latín periŏdus, la cual a su vez procede del griego περίοδος.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pe ·  · o · do


Período is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



Period or period, is word that derives from the Latin periŏdus. This term is used regularly to designate the interval of time necessary to complete a repetitive cycle, or simply the space of time that something lasts. ▪ In geology, geological period is a unit of geological time of second order, inferior to the geological era and superior to the geological epoch. ▪ There are also geological periods in celestial bodies external to Earth. ▪ In mathematics: ▪ period and sentence organized in one or more sentences or later to the first decimal number. ▪ The period of a periodic function is the part of it that, as added to the independent variable, repeats the values ​​of the dependent variable: ▪ In physics, oscillation period is the time interval between 2 equivalent points of a Wave or oscillation, can also be associated with frequency by the relation: ▪ In astronomy, the orbital period is the amount of time it takes a planet or celestial body to describe a complete orbit.

Definition of período in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of period in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is time that something takes to return to the state or position that had at the beginning. Another meaning of period in the dictionary is a space of time that includes the entire duration of something. Period is also menstruous of women and females of certain animals.


anfípodo · ánodo · ápodo · artrópodo · cátodo · cefalópodo · cómodo · copépodo · decápodo · éxodo · gasterópodo · hexápodo · incómodo · isópodo · método · miriápodo · octópodo · omnímodo · semiperíodo · sínodo


períoca · periódica · periódicamente · periodicidad · periódico · periodicucho · periodismo · periodista · periodística · periodísticamente · periodístico · periodización · periodizar · periodo · periodoncia · periodontal · periodontitis · periodonto · periostio · periostitis


acomodo · apodo · codo · diodo · dodo · electrodo · godo · incomodo · lodo · modo · nodo · periodo · podo · recodo · rodo · sabelotodo · sobretodo · todo · triodo · yodo

Synonyms and antonyms of período in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «período» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «período» into 25 languages



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  period ; phase ; stage ; term ; chapter ; interregnum ; span ; spell ; stint ; stretch.
 Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.
 This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.
 The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.
 The board consists of seven members elected by popular ballot for three-year terms.
 The late 18th century heyday of aristocratic libraries was a brief but important chapter in Hungarian library history.
 In American higher education the interregnum between world wars was a time of drift and disappointment.
 The disc held an 18-month span of data from CAB ABSTRACTS.
 The outstanding example is Ian Sillitoe, who started writing seriously only after reading undisturbed during a lengthy spell in hospital.
 Evidence for identification is rarely available, but in a few cases very full printers' records have survived in which individual stints are accounted for.
 After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.
breve período de tiempo 
 The former library was in fact only used as a store for a while.
durante el período vacacional 
during the holidays
 When 165 of the study volunteers were weighed a year after the study began, they had not lost the extra weight gained during the holidays.
durante este período  
in the course of events
during the course of events
 In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.
 Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.
durante largos períodos 
for extended durations
 Is sitting in a chair with the legs crossed for extended durations detrimental to the spine?.
durante largos períodos de tiempo 
over long periods of time
 Separate batches might be bound up more or less simultaneously (perhaps by different binders), but more often they were bound seriatim, occasionally over long periods of time.
durante un gran período 
for a long period
 She also struggled for a long period with alcoholism and smoking, both of which led to the throat cancer that would take her life.
durante un gran período de tiempo 
for a long period of time
 High quality work is cited for a long period of time.
durante un largo período   
for a long period
for a long period
for an extended duration
 She also struggled for a long period with alcoholism and smoking, both of which led to the throat cancer that would take her life.
 She also struggled for a long period with alcoholism and smoking, both of which led to the throat cancer that would take her life.
 While most symptoms of dizziness last seconds, they can make a person feel out of sorts for an extended duration.
durante un largo período de tiempo    
over a long time scale
over a long period of time
for a long period of time
over a long period
 As items are recorded in bibliographic publications over a long time scale you may already have it in stock.
 This article assesses the development of authority control thinking and practice over a long period of time.
 High quality work is cited for a long period of time.
 Staff of Oldham public libraries decided to opt for a week-long event in 1988 rather than several smaller events spread over a long period.
durante un período de + Expresión Temporal 
over a period of + Expresión Temporal
 The research will be carried out over a period of several years.
durante un período de prueba 
on a trial basis
 The Pennsylvania State University's Library is currently using Academic Indiz on Info Trac 2 on a trial basis.
durante un período de tiempo 
for a number of years
 So, unlike most state association or municipal library awarded grants, there was no stipulation of indenture to a state or a library for a number of years if the award was accepted.
durante un periodo de tiempo determinado 
over a period of time
 Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.
durante un período de tiempo indefinido  
over an indefinite period of time
over an indefinite span of time
 Such documents are often not, strictly speaking, anonymous but, because they are written by several authors or appear at intervals over an indefinite period of time as in the case of periodicals and directories they tend to be known by their titles.
 A periodical, unlike a book, appears at intervals over an indefinite span of time.
durante un período indefinido 
for an indefinite period
 The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.
durante un período prolongado 
for a prolonged period
 In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.
el período neolítico 
the Neolithic period
 These routes have been used by stock-breeders from the Neolithic period until today.
en el período penoso de 
in the throes of
 The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.
en el período previo a  
in the run up to
during the run up to
 State libraries are expected to provide leadership in the run up to the 1991 White House Conference on Libraries on issues such as censorship, literacy and multiculturalism.
 A good illustration of this is the two-page advertisement placed in the Financial Times during the run up to the 1984 European Parliament election.
en el período vacacional 
during the holidays
 When 165 of the study volunteers were weighed a year after the study began, they had not lost the extra weight gained during the holidays.
en este período  
in the course of events
during the course of events
 In the course of the events and also thereafter, rumors spread that they were perpetrating a massacre.
 Questionnaires will be collected from participants during the course of the events over an 18-month period.
en período de 
in the throes of
 The scope and methodology of enumeration is, however, in the throes of revolution.
en período de desarrollo 
in ascendancy
 Library automation was in its ascendancy at precisely the same time that the nation's economy was firmly embarked on its present calamitous decline.
en período de gestación 
 This fact sheet will detail current research and feeding recommendations for gestating sows.
en un corto período de tiempo 
in a short period of time
 This information can be difficult to read, memorize, and reproduce in a short period of time, such as in the case of recall of hit-and-run accidents.
en un período de 
at a time of
 CD-ROM has given the library a public relations boost but this has led to higher expectations of the library by users at a time of budgetary restraint.
en un período de transición 
in a period of transition
 The message is, of course, that we are always in a period of transition and have been from the beginning of time.
en un período más o menos cercano 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
en un período más o menos lejano 
in the near future
 In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.
Inglaterra del período Isabelino 
Elizabethan England
 Nor can we experience what it was like to be alive in an historical time - in, say, Elizabethan England - because the space-time barrier prevents it.
largos períodos de tiempo 
long periods of time
 The model of the information process is made up of 5 stages which happen one after the other, but which may be separated by long periods of time.
madre en período de lactancia 
nursing mother
 This program was designed to provide food and nutrition information for low-income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 4.
mujer en período de lactancia 
nursing woman
 It is especially important, therefore, for pregnant and nursing women to supplement their diets.
pasar por un período de 
go through + a period of
 I wonder if this is not altogether unrelated to the fact that this stage immediately precedes puberty, during the last flush of childhood, after which young people commonly go through a period of disenchantment with adults.
período álgido 
peak period
 Where relevant, to monitor change, this is set in the context of earlier research, notably during the peak period of the 70s.
período bajo 
dry spell
 After ten years of glut in the economy, a dry spell is due, and it will last for more than a year or two.
período culminante 
peak period
 Where relevant, to monitor change, this is set in the context of earlier research, notably during the peak period of the 70s.
período de baja actividad 
dry spell
 After ten years of glut in the economy, a dry spell is due, and it will last for more than a year or two.
período de calma 
 The author observes that there was no lull in the construction of Scottish castellated architecture between 1480 and 1560.
período de cinco años  
five-year period
period of five years
 The views of a sample of parents with children in secondary schools in London were examined over a five-year period.
 The tribunal ordered his name to be removed from the register and that a period of five years must elapse before he would be allowed to apply for reregistration.
período de cobertura  [Período que abarca el contenido de una publicación] 
date of coverage
period of coverage
 The date of coverage is the period or date designated by the publisher on a bibliographic unit to define the chronological limits of the content of the unit.
 The author presents detailed information about 37 on-line data bases specifically concerned with patents information including content, period of coverage, frequency of updating and maximum costs.
período de cultivo 
growing season
 Parasitization rates were low, but wasps actively attacked the weevil throughout the cauliflower growing season.
período de descanso 
rest time
 Other pupils will need help in developing stamina and concentration by having rest times when what they are reading can be discussed.
período de descuento por inscripción anticipada 
early bird period
 Early bird period extended until September 20.
período de entreguerras, el 
interwar period, the
 Why did socialists win elections in some countries in Europe, and fascists in others, during the interwar period?.
período de espera 
waiting period
 This article presents a fuzzy system of determining the required waiting period after traffic accidents.
período de estancamiento 
plateau [plateaux, -pl.]
 The research is intended to highlight ways forward for librarians at a plateau in their careers.
período de financiación 
funding period
 The article 'Clumps come up trumps' reviews four clump projects now at the end of their funding period = El artículo "Los catálogos colectivos virtuales triunfan' analiza cuatro proyectos sobre catálogos colectivos virtuales que se encuentran al final de su período de financiación.
período de formación 
formative period
 The exhibition focuses on the years between 1961 and 1964, the formative period of Warhol as a painter and graphic artist.
período de gestación 
gestation period
 The gestation period of a human, from time of conception to birth, is approximately 9 months.
período de gracia  
grace period
time of grace
 For monographs, undergraduates have a one-day grace period.
 This file has to checked every day, and after a time of grace of a week, a reminder is to be sent to the borrower.
período de inactividad 
 The article 'Publishing in Russia - the heady doldrums of change' lists inflation; piracy; bribery; and lack of organization as the main drawbacks of the new Russian publishing industry.
período de incubación 
incubation period
 The library has emerged from a 400-year incubation period as a ducal library to become a modern research and study centre dedicated to European culture 1400-1830.
período de la prensa manual, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
hand-press period, the
 Many cheap books and most of the jobbing work of the earlier hand-press period have disappeared completely.
período de la prensa mecánica, el 
machine-press period, the
 But the situation in the machine-press period differed chiefly in degree, not in kind.
período de lluvia 
wet spell
 Negative values denote dry spells; positive values denote wet spells.
periodo de mandato 
period of office
 This paper identifies the librarians of Glasgow University since 1641 and assesses their periods of office.
período de mayor demanda  [Período durante el cual la utilización de algo o la frecuencia de alguna actividad es mayor]
peak time
 April and September are peak times for meetings.
período de McCarthy, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
McCarthy period, the
 This article discusses several specific instances of abuses of public power that involved a questionable relationship between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and various universities during the McCarthy period.
período de observación 
observation period
 Impact factors based on the usual 2 years' observation period may therefore be distorted by deviating ageing behaviour.
período de Pascua 
Easter Season
 Eastertide, or the Easter Season, begins on Easter Sunday and continues until Pentecost in the Christian liturgical calendar, thus spanning a total of seven weeks.
período de poca actividad   
slack time
slack period
slack activity time
 It may also make administrators aware of the comparatively large percentage of slack time required by public service staff for the library to serve its patrons effectively.
 The issue desk is staffed at all times by part-time help; they receive no training, are paid the minimum wage, and are permitted to read or study during slack periods.
 Also, through this sequence of activities and events, slack activity times are established that have the potential of reducing time and cost for a given project by reallocation of sources.
período de prácticas  
work placement
training attachment
 3% of those surveyed had been on a work placement within the film industry in the past year.
 But only 20% had attended a taught course, been on atraining attachment or received on-the-job training.
período de prácticas en centros 
 The importance of the practicum in the curriculum has ebbed and flowed tremendously throughout the history of library education.
período de prácticas en la industria 
industrial placement
 Another common trend is to include an industrial placement of a significant duration (3-6 months, even 1 year) in the last but one year of studies.
período de préstamo 
lending period
 Return borrowed books on time or extend the lending period in order to avoid reminder procedures for which fees will be charged.
período de prueba      
probationary period
trial period
trial run
period of probation
probation period
 That probationary period may vary from one month for clerical positions or jobs in which there may be rapid turnover to one year for professional positions.
 Eight thousand Prestel frames were earmarked for community information during the trial period.
 This course can be taken by librarians as well as readers and its trial run started in 1987.
 The length of probation may well vary, but the reason for it is to enable the employer and the employee to assess one another.
 If this is to be done, it is important that adequate warnings be given to the employee throughout the period of probation.
 In the case of new hires, there is normally a probation period of twelve months.
período de recortes presupuestarios 
budget-slashing times
 He then said: 'Look, pal, your budget will probably be one of the first to be cut in these budget-slashing times'.
período de reflexión  [Período que en una negociación se da para que se reflexione sobre las posiciones intransigentes]
cooling-off period
 In 1926 collective bargaining was established in the railway system and procedures for the handling of grievances, arbitration, 'cooling-off' periods, fact finding, and mediation.
período de sequía 
dry spell
 There seems to be some authorities that still believe this 'dry-spell' will eventually right itself and things will get back to normal weather and rainfall.
período de servicio 
tour of duty
 Her 'tour of duty' extended from the end of September 1987 to the end of March of the following year, summertime for the Southern Hemisphere.
período de tiempo    [Período de tiempo establecido para realizar una actividad]       
amount of time
time frame [timeframe]
time lapse
time period
time span [time-span]
time slot
period of time
date range
window of time
 If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.
 The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.
 This not only gives the decision maker an idea of the time frame involved but also aids in identifying potential weaknesses.
 The time lapse before the required page appears can become irritating.
 When the search is run online, those time periods already searched ondisc will be excluded automatically from your search results.
 The source index lists all documents included in the journals covered by the index, and issues published in the time span of the particular cumulation.
 each professional group (i.e., Sections and Round Tables) will receive one time slot of 2 1/2 hours.
 Bench studies, on the other hand, record the sequence of behaviors at particular benches within the shopping center over an extended period of time = Por otro lado, los estudios de los bancos para sentarse toma nota del comportamiento de la gente en bancos concretos dentro de un centro comercial durante un amplio período de tiempo.
 It would be great to have a user selectable date range, rather than choosing a day or a week.
 Larks living in areas with long breeding seasons can have two or three clutches, while those in areas with a short window of time for breeding will have only one.
período de vacaciones 
vacation period
 Vacations periods are indicated by entering each day the library is closed.
período de validez 
period of validity
 Travel cards can be used for as many journeys as you like during their period of validity.
período de vigencia 
time span [time-span]
 The source index lists all documents included in the journals covered by the index, and issues published in the time span of the particular cumulation.
período de votación 
balloting period
 The balloting period for this proposed standard is May 24 through July 8, 2002.
período difícil 
tough period
 Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
período escolar 
school days
 Don't go to France thinking that your cherished ancient institution from your 50s/60s school days remains unchanged amid the splendour of its beautiful if dingy old digs.
período formativo 
formative period
 The exhibition focuses on the years between 1961 and 1964, the formative period of Warhol as a painter and graphic artist.
período glacial 
ice age
 A bewildering array of information devices must now be exploited as effectively as books were during the ice age of librarianship.
periodo histórico 
historical period
 Observations of how this process has changed are divided into three historical periods: the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, and the Modern Era.
período medieval  
mediaeval period [medieval period, -USA]
mediaeval times [medieval times, -USA]
 Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.
 Dubrovnik, Croatia, is a walled city, preserved as it existed in medieval times.
período positivo 
 The long awaited bonanza in optical storage has finally arisen.
período previo 
 With deep concern we have witnessed the attempts by Tunisian authorities to silence journalists and human rights activists in the run-up and during the summit.
período previo a la lectura 
 At the time, I thought it was a form of prereading, a mimicking of his parents whom he constantly saw engrossed in books.
período prolongado 
extended period
 A heat wave is an extended period of extreme heat, and is often accompanied by high humidity = Una ola de calor es un período prolongado de calor extremo y que ocasionalmente va acompañada de una alta humedad.
período seco 
dry spell
 There seems to be some authorities that still believe this 'dry-spell' will eventually right itself and things will get back to normal weather and rainfall.
período transitorio  
transitional period
transition period
 If we look at it that way we can pour reference personnel into helping with troubles with the catalog for a transitional period.
 The author examines the challenges that face the library community during the transition period from a traditional library to an electronic library.
período ventajoso 
 The long awaited bonanza in optical storage has finally arisen.
por un período de tiempo limitado 
on a short-term basis
 The government of this country has accepted the responsibility for providing a functional school media resource service, albeit on a short-term basis.
préstamo de periodo fijo 
fixed date loan period
 This is called a fixed date loan period.
trabajar durante un período de tiempo 
serve + stint
 He graduated from library school a year and a half ago, and served a one year stint as an assistant media specialist in a middle school media center = El se graduó en biblioteconomía hace un año y medio y durante un año trabajó como auxiliar especialista en multimedia en un centro multimedia de una escuela secundaria.
un gran período de 
a long period of
 Haiti is slowly emerging from a long period of political turmoil and bad governance directly responsible for an acute deterioration in the standard of living.
un largo período de 
a long period of
 Haiti is slowly emerging from a long period of political turmoil and bad governance directly responsible for an acute deterioration in the standard of living.
un período de 
a stretch of
 But then a stretch of warm weather, even some rain, melted one of the rinks and left the other two in bad shape.
un período determinado 
a frozen moment in time
 The printed catalog could only represent a frozen moment in time.
un periodo intenso de 
a flurry of
 While the eventual results of this flurry of partnerships that has recently occurred are uncertain, there are certain trends that are becoming increasingly apparent.
 The debate on whether or not a woman can get pregnant during her period has been going on for decades now.
del período 
 Her art works incorporate such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood and rotting food in order to confront taboo issues of gender and sexuality.
período menstrual 
menstrual period
 Pregnancy is measured in trimesters from the first day of your last menstrual period and normally lasts about 40 weeks from conception to the birth of a baby.

Trends of use of período



Principal search tendencies and common uses of período
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «período».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about período



Famous quotes and sentences with the word período.
Sören A. Kierkegaard
Si realmente el noviazgo es el período más bello de todos, ¿por qué se casan las personas?
Ambrose Bierce
En asuntos internacionales, la paz es un período de trampas entre dos luchas.
Sören Aabye Kierkegaard
Si realmente el período de noviazgo es el más bello de todos, ¿por qué se casan los hombres?


Discover the use of período in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to período and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
La evaluación neurológica clínica en el período neonatal: ...
ÍNDICE: Introducción.
Alfredo y Quero García-Alix, José, 2012
Continuidad y cambio en la España urbana en el período de ...
El libro analiza la estructura y las transformaciones de la economía de una ciudad española de rango jerárquico medio (A Coruña) durante el período de entreguerras (1914-1935), que se encuadra dentro del creciente interés que ha ...
Jesús Mirás Araujo, 2007
La caída del hombre nuevo: narrativa cubana del período especial
La caída del Hombre Nuevorefleja una aproximación sociológica al estudio de la narrativa cubana que comienza a desarrollarse en la última década del siglo XX, época que recibe el rótulo de Período Especial en Tiempos de Paz.
Sonia Behar, 2009
La población trabajadora y sindicalizada en México en el ...
Investigacion en la que el autor lleva a cabo una radiografia de las principales estructuras sindicales del pais.
Javier Aguilar García, 2001
Informe del 26 período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca: ...
El Comité de Pesca (COFI) celebró su 26° período de sesiones en Roma del 7 al 1 1 de marzo de 2005. 2. Asistieron a la reunión 1 17 Miembros del Comité, observadores de otros tres Estados Miembros de la FAO, la Santa Sede, y un ...
FAO (Roma), 2005
Informe del 24 período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca: ...
El Comité de Pesca celebró su 24° período de sesiones en Roma del 26 de febrero al 2 de marzo de 2001. 2. Asistieron al período de sesiones 105 Miembros del Comité, observadores de otros cuatro Estados Miembros de la FAO, la Santa ...
FAO (Roma), 2002
Informe del 23 período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca: ...
El Comité de Pesca celebró su 23° período de sesiones en Roma, del 15 al 19 de febrero de 1999. 2. Asistieron al período de sesiones 100 miembros del Comité, observadores de otros 7 Estados Miembros de la FAO, la Santa Sede y un ...
Comité de Pesca. Informe (, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, 1999
Informe del 25 período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca: ...
Inauguración del período de sesiones 2. Aprobación del programa y de las disposiciones para el período de sesiones 3. Elección del Presidente y los Vicepresidentes y designación del Comité de Redacción 4. Logros del Programa principal ...
FAO (Roma), 2003
Informe del 19 Período de Sesiones del Comité de Pesca: ...
El Comité de Pesca celebró su 19c período de sesiones en Roma, del 8 al 12 de abril de 1991. Asistieron a él 87 miembros del Comité, observadores de otros 7 Estados Miembros de la FAO, de un Estado no miembro de la FAO y de la Santa  ...
FAO (Roma), 1991
Informe MERCOSUR número 5 : período 1998-1999 (Subregional ...
Luego de observarse compras de estos bienes del orden del 15% del total, la crisis de los años ochenta las hacen retroceder al 11% pero luego comienza a incrementar la participación hasta que en el período entre 1994 y 1998 representa ...
Taccone, Juan José, ed., Nogueira, Uziel, ed., Machado, Joao Bosco Mesquita


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term período is used in the context of the following news items.
Presidente de la CorteIDH visita Ecuador para promover el Período ...
"Visitamos el Ecuador para preparar el Periodo Extraordinario; nosotros le damos mucha importancia a las sesiones que como CorteIDH desarrollamos fuera ... «El Comercio, Sep 16»
Corte Interamericana de DD.HH realizará su 54 período de ...
El 54 período de sesiones extraordinarias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos se realizará entre el 10 y el 12 de octubre, en la sede de la Unión ... «Agencia Pública de Noticias del Ecuador, Sep 16»
Con normalidad inició segundo período en la Unah
Más de 70,000 estudiantes del país regresaron contentos a las aulas de clases después de las tomas que duraron más de dos meses. Fotos: Andro Rodríguez. «La Prensa de Honduras, Aug 16»
UNAH cancelará el II período académico para más 28 carreras
Si las clases no se reanudan la próxima semana las autoridades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) estaría cancelando el II período ... «, Jul 16»
La crisis de Venezuela despierta los fantasmas del “período ...
LA HABANA (Cuba).- La Habana flashea en las noches desde hace un par de semanas. Las luces de la ciudad son intermitentes, se prenden y se apagan ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
Acuerdan ampliar a 5 años el período de alcaldes y diputados en ...
Para lo anterior, los diputados acordaron un decreto transitorio para que el período para quienes sean electos en 2018 sea de 4 años y a partir de 2022 para ... «El Diario de Hoy, Jul 16»
Cuba: ¿Período Especial II Parte?
El período especial fue aterrador. El valor del peso se evaporó. Mi mujer y yo tuvimos que buscar opciones para sobrevivir. Yo vendía maní y ella vino casero”, ... «Martí Noticias, Jul 16»
Parlamento cubano inicia hoy período ordinario de sesiones
La octava legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (Parlamento) de Cuba inicia hoy su séptimo período ordinario de sesiones, centrada en la ... «CubaSÍ, Jul 16»
Otras 12 carreras más pierden período en Unah
Ya son 12 las carreras que no tienen opción de volver a clases en el tercer período intensivo, que será de nueve semanas, y otras 10 corren el riesgo de ... «La Prensa de Honduras, Jun 16»
Tres carreras de la UNAH no tendrán tercer período académico
Sin embargo, debido a la toma de instalaciones en Ciudad Universitaria, el actual período académico se extiende más a fin de lograr el desarrollo de los planes ... «, Jun 16»


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