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Definition of उदमदना in the Hindi dictionary
Breeding pc 0a [non generating item] to be mad . Manic Happen . Forget me A- (a) say your own toll Vrajbasi I If you want to take the fruit, you will come. Autumn Kal Season Jani Deepmalka made. Coryza Rotating umadata kanhai Sur 0 (word 0). उदमदना पु क्रि० अ० [सं० उद् + मद]
पागल होना । उन्मत्त
होना । आपे को भूलना । उ०—(क) अपने अपने टोल कहत
व्रजबासी आई । आव भगति ले चले सुदंपति आसी आई ।
शरद काल ऋतु जानि दीपमालिका बनाई । गोपन के उदमाद
फिरत उदमदे कन्हाई । सूर० (शब्द०) ।
Click to see the original definition of «उदमदना» in the Hindi dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.
The translations of उदमदना from Hindi to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «उदमदना» in Hindi.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «उदमदना» in the different countries.
Examples of use in the Hindi literature, quotes and news about उदमदना
Discover the use of उदमदना in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to उदमदना and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Hindi literature.
Briat Pramanik Hindi Kosh - Page 115
अ० दे० 'उदमदना' । उदय चु० [सं०] [वि० उदित, उदीयमान] १, (विशेषता गहन के लिए) ऊपर आना, निकलना, प्रकट कोना । २. किसी नई चीज, अत शक्ति, आदि वन उत्पन्न होकर भामने आना जैसे किसी नए राष्ट्र या देश ...
Badrinath Kapoor, 2006
« EDUCALINGO. उदमदना [online]. Available <>. Feb 2025 ».