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" Es preciso que se encierre algo inútil en la felicidad. La felicidad es algo más que lo necesario."
Victor Hugo

Significado de "algo" en el diccionario de español



La palabra algo procede del latín alĭquod.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


al · go

Algo es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Algo puede actuar como un sustantivo, un adverbio y un pronombre.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.

El adverbio es una parte invariable de la oración que puede modificar, matizar o determinar a un verbo o a otro adverbio.

El pronombre es la palabra que sustituye a otros términos que designan personas o cosas en un momento determinado.



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definición de algo en el diccionario español

La primera definición de algo en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es designa lo que no se quiere o no se puede nombrar. Leeré algo mientras vuelves Aquí hay algo que no comprendo. Otro significado de algo en el diccionario es denota cantidad indeterminada, grande o pequeña, especialmente lo segundo, considerada a veces en absoluto y a veces en relación a otra cantidad mayor o a la totalidad de la cual forma parte. Apostemos algo Falta algo para llegar a la ciudad Dio algo de sus ahorros. Algo es también hacienda, caudal. Era en con el mismo significado que en El magnífico debe ser muy sabio porque sepa cómo ha de partir sus algos.


bielgo · dalgo · espulgo · fidalgo · fijodalgo · folgo · fuelgo · galgo · hidalgo · hijodalgo · huelgo · jamelgo · melgo · mielgo · pintacilgo · remilgo · repulgo · talgo · valgo · vulgo


algodón · algodonal · algodonar · algodoncillo · algodoncito · algodonera · algodonero · algodonosa · algodonoso · algol · algonquina · algonquino · algorfa · algorín · algoritmia · algorítmica · algorítmico · algoritmo · algorto


almojarifalgo · almotacenalgo · amigo · cargo · catálogo · código · conmigo · contigo · diego · domingo · embargo · fijadalgo · fuego · hijadalgo · juego · logo · pago · pecilgo · pielgo · yelgo

Sinónimos y antónimos de algo en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «algo» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


Las siguientes palabras significan lo contrario que «algo» y también pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


algo · migaja · pellizco · pizca · poco · abundante · mucho · qué · hijo · darle · alguien · esta · página · sido · borrada · registro · borrado · traslados · proveen · debajo · para · más · detalle · sabbut · discusión · contribuciones · borró · algo · artículo · enciclopédico · primera · lengua · española · designa · quiere · puede · nombrar · leeré · mientras · vuelves · aquí · comprendo · otro · denota · cantidad · indeterminada · grande · pequeña · especialmente · segundo · considerada · veces · absoluto · relación · otra · mayor · totalidad · cual · forma · parte · apostemos · falta · llegar · ciudad · ahorros · también · hacienda · caudal · mismo · magnífico · debe · sabio · porque · sepa · cómo · partir · algos · montaña · inmensa · estepa · verde · libro · conjunto · cuentos · imaginarios · inspirados · veintitrés · niños · reales · encontrar · educación · ciudadanía · asignatura · propuestas · innovadoras · sobre · articulación · escuela · comunidad · currículo · básico · indispensable · todo · ciudadano · poseer · término · escolaridad · obligatoria · dicho · susana · guía · mujeres · desean · mermelada · destinado · años · autobiografía · parecido · muertos · mejor · propio · distinto · ensayos · dante · sucede · inestimable · obsequio · futuras · generaciones ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de algo a 25 idiomas



Conoce la traducción de algo a 25 idiomas con nuestro traductor multilingüe.

Las traducciones de algo presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de algo en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

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1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

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510 millones de hablantes

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380 millones de hablantes

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280 millones de hablantes

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278 millones de hablantes

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270 millones de hablantes

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260 millones de hablantes

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quelque chose
220 millones de hablantes

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190 millones de hablantes

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180 millones de hablantes

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130 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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85 millones de hablantes

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một cái gì đó
80 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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75 millones de hablantes

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bir şey
70 millones de hablantes

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65 millones de hablantes

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50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de algo en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  anything ; somewhat ; something ; business [businesses, -pl.] ; kinda [kind of] ; something or other ; sorta [sort of].
 It may or may not be too late to do anything about it.
 Both definitions have common roots, but their perspectives differ somewhat, the second definition being slightly broader in scope.
 Bibliographic coupling is based on the idea that two articles which both cite another earlier article must have something in common; if they both cite two earlier articles, the linking is increased; while if their bibliographies had half a dozen earlier articles in common we should be justified in assuming that they covered very much the same subject.
 I think this whole business about whether punctuation is obtrusive or not is quite honestly not worth discussing.
 This paper examines colloquial contractions (spelling variants such as 'kinda' and 'hafta') against a background of other variations in the English writing system.
 The article is entitled 'Participatory something or other through bargaining'.
 I feel sorta guilty for spending most of this beautiful afternoon bed.
algas  [Singular alga]
 Algae comprise a much more diverse group of organisms than do the flowering plants, but this is ignored by Library of Congress Classification (LCC).
algo absurdo 
 Since 'added entry' maps to 'access point' and 'main entry' maps to 'access point', some curious, but harmless non-sense results.
Algo a cargo de una sola persona 
one-person operation
 This organization may vary from a one-person operation in a special library all the way up to an internationally known indexing and abstracting agency.
algo anda mal 
something is amiss
 'You've noticed something is amiss!' she grinned, tapping her forehead.
algo antiestético 
a blot on the landscape
 The priest is just another body, however, a dark blot on the landscape, a mere spectator who becomes transparent in the eyes of his flock.
algo así como 
something like
 First, Sholom Aleichem I recently spent something like twenty minutes talking over the telephone with a suitably irate and properly frustrated borrower.
algo banal 
 She is not a 'progressive' educator in any sense of the word, and vehemently resists what she calls 'undigested novelties' and 'frills and fripperies' in teaching methodologies.
algo básico 
 Books may be useful to many people, but it is by no means common for them to be necessities.
algo bueno 
a good thing
 The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing.
algo bueno aportará 
something is bound to come of it
 The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability, and something is bound to come of it.
algo casi seguro  
a sure bet
safe bet
 The article 'The electronic boom: a gamble or a sure bet?' considers the threat of the new technology to the future of newspapers.
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
algo concreto 
that certain something
 When people walk into a library, I reflect, they too are seeking that certain something.
algo demoledor 
 Mark my words: this can easily turn into a steamroller to the civil rights of African-Americans.
Algo desacertado 
 He took it upon himself to correct what he appears to have considered typographical mistakes and even infelicities in the text = Asumió la responsabilidad de corregir lo que parece que había considerado que eran errores tipográficos e incluso cosas desacertadas que contenía el texto.
Algo desafortunado 
 He took it upon himself to correct what he appears to have considered typographical mistakes and even infelicities in the text = Asumió la responsabilidad de corregir lo que parece que había considerado que eran errores tipográficos e incluso cosas desacertadas que contenía el texto.
algo desagradable a la vista 
a blot on the landscape
 The priest is just another body, however, a dark blot on the landscape, a mere spectator who becomes transparent in the eyes of his flock.
algo desconocido 
virgin territory
 Today there is no virgin territory to be had - only by invasion of another country can one nation extend its borders.
algo diferente 
something else
 In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.
algo diferente de 
something other than
 The key field could, of course, be something other than a number, eg the author.
algo difícil 
tall order
 It is a tall order for information workers to avoid objective obsolescence and subjective burnout, and enhance the joie de vivre of the work setting.
algo digno de contemplar 
a sight to behold
 Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.
algo digno de ver 
a sight to behold
 Nick speaking with his mouth full is a sight to behold.
algo distinto de 
something other than
 The key field could, of course, be something other than a number, eg the author.
algo diverto que hacer 
fun thing to do
 Sailing is another fun thing to do on a windy day.
algo emocionante 
 The climax, where Goku takes on the entire Red Ribbon army (including its air force) single-handed, is a real rouser.
algo en particular 
that certain something
 When people walk into a library, I reflect, they too are seeking that certain something.
algo esencial 
 The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.
algo es seguro 
one thing is for sure
 Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it takes two to tango.
algo estúpido 
 Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.
algo excitante 
 The climax, where Goku takes on the entire Red Ribbon army (including its air force) single-handed, is a real rouser.
algo extra 
 She is not a 'progressive' educator in any sense of the word, and vehemently resists what she calls 'undigested novelties' and 'frills and fripperies' in teaching methodologies.
algo fácil 
 Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.
Algo falso 
 This article examines several controversial cataloguing problems, including the classification of anti-Semitic works and books proven to be forgeries or hoaxes.
algo grabado en piedra 
tablet of stone
 While the operating instructions must be regarded as authoritative, they should not be seen as sacrosanct tablets of stone.
Algo hecho rápidamente 
 The pop star seemed puzzled that her quickie wedding was all over the tabloids as 2004 began.
algo incompatible 
a square peg in a round hole
 The article has the title 'a square peg in a round hole: applying AACR2 to electronic journals'.
algo insignificante 
just a little dot
 It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draw the dot with a permanent marker.
algo instintivo  
gut feeling
gut instinct
 There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.
 There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.
algo inútil 
a dead dog
 For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.
algo irrelevante 
 Moreover, the perpetuation in certain quarters in the UK of the image of the Community as a remote interfering irrelevance is assisted by the general level of ignorance on Community matters.
algo mal visto 
dirty word
 The article is entitled 'Profit is not a dirty word: an argument for and development of fee-for-service programs in medical libraries'.
algo maravilloso pero pasajero 
a nine days wonder
 It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.
algo más  [En frase positiva "algo más", en frase negativa "nada más"]
anything else
 His work is criticized for its triviality and quantity (the argument goes that children need never and might never read anything else).
algo más de 
more of
 Close attention to the role of the computer specialist reveals more of the character of reference activities.
algo minúsculo 
just a little dot
 It might be just a little dot in the huge canvas of our whole lives, but there are those special few that draw the dot with a permanent marker.
algo muy agradable de oír  [Generalmente usado en la expresión "It sounds like music to + Posesivo + ears" (ser algo muy agradable de oír)]
music to + Posesivo + ears
 The article 'Music to our ears?' compares the book and music trades suggesting that music retailing can offer many useful similarities and pointers.
algo muy diferente de 
a far cry from
 Puberty, he describes as 'dreamy and sentimental' and though this may seem a far cry from the teenagers we would recognize that adolescence brings an awakening of emotions, idealism and commitment to a romantic ideal.
algo muy difícil 
a tough sell
 One librarian explained that 'getting fellow librarians to use the site when answering young adult homework questions is a tough sell'.
algo muy distinto de 
a far cry from
 Puberty, he describes as 'dreamy and sentimental' and though this may seem a far cry from the teenagers we would recognize that adolescence brings an awakening of emotions, idealism and commitment to a romantic ideal.
algo muy socorrido  [Nombre]
standby [stand-by]
 Standbys and understudies rarely get the job when a star needs to be replaced long-term, and Calaway and Patterson know how lucky they are to have beaten the odds.
algo muy valioso 
 Additionally, we were hoping to discover where and to what extent literature nuggets are hidden in non-LIS databases.
algo obvio 
 Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.
algo opcional 
 Volunteers are not substitutes for paid staff; the latter provides the essential services, the volunteers the extras.
algo para picar 
finger food
 The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.
algo parecido 
 I think this should all be interpreted as a challenge, rather than as a mandate for complacency or suchlike.
Algo por lo que se puede cobrar 
 This library can only e furnished with commercial products if usage is billable and protected.
Algo que ahorra tiempo 
time saver [timesaver]
 This article examines the role of information in productivity improvement as either a time saver or a way of increasing cost effectiveness.
Algo que es prescindible  [Nombre]
 We have not been alone, of course, in our concentration on inessentials; and ours is not the only profession that is being encroached upon by alternative professionals.
algo que estropea el paisaje 
a blot on the landscape
 The priest is just another body, however, a dark blot on the landscape, a mere spectator who becomes transparent in the eyes of his flock.
algo que rompe la armonía 
a blot on the landscape
 The priest is just another body, however, a dark blot on the landscape, a mere spectator who becomes transparent in the eyes of his flock.
Algo que se hace para matar el tiempo 
time filler
 Negative reactions included, 'It was no more than a time filler,' 'It was dull' and 'I found it depressing'.
algo recién llegado  [Nombre y adjetivo]
latecomer [late-comer]
 In China, bibliometrics, though a latecomer, has begun to convince librarians and information scientists that it is a useful aid in collection development.
algo seguro 
safe bet
 Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.
algo sensacional 
show-stopper [showstopper]
 Showstopper is a term used to indicate that some part of a show is so good that the audience literally stops the show by clapping.
algo sobre lo que pensar 
food for thought
 The article 'Food for thought' argues that libraries need to be more competitive and have much to learn from supermarkets.
algo superfluo 
 She is not a 'progressive' educator in any sense of the word, and vehemently resists what she calls 'undigested novelties' and 'frills and fripperies' in teaching methodologies.
algo urgente 
rush on
 In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
algo va mal 
something is amiss
 'You've noticed something is amiss!' she grinned, tapping her forehead.
algo visceral  
gut feeling
gut instinct
 There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.
 There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.
algo ya muy conocido y usado 
old nag
 The article 'Cost-plus pricing: an old nag with a second wind?' suggests that this technique is the most transparent and equitable system yet devised.
andar tramando algo malo  
be up to no good
get up to + no good
 His mom could always tell when he was up to no good - it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
beber algo 
have + a drink
 It's a perfect bar to meet up and have a drink and a natter or simply chill and relax whilst watching the world go by in the park below.
cincuenta y algo 
fifty something
 This change of scene, at fifty-something, turned out be a liberating experience.
con ganas de comer algo 
 During Ramadan, Muslims can only eat during the the hours of darkness, when the faithful, understandably peckish, tend to raid the larder.
conseguir algo de 
get + something out of
 He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.
convertirse en algo normal  
become + standard practice
settle into + the norm
 So far this has only been adopted by four suppliers, but it has so many advantages for the user that it will surely become standard practice in the future.
 In the past 3 or 4 years, over 1/2 of the US libraries have seen their directors change and what was once described as extraordinary turnover seems to have settled into the norm.
cuarenta y algo 
forty something
 At forty something, I face my days with even more push and drive than I did at twenty something.
diez y algo 
ten something
 It's a steal at ten something with shipping.
estar haciendo algo que no se debe  
be up to no good
get up to + no good
 His mom could always tell when he was up to no good - it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
estar tramando algo malo  
be up to no good
get up to + no good
 His mom could always tell when he was up to no good - it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
haber algo raro con 
there + be + something fishy going on with
 I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.
haber algo sospechoso con 
there + be + something fishy going on with
 I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.
hacer algo alocado 
do + something footloose and fancy-free
 I guess he should just break out of the box every once and a while and do something footloose and fancy-free.
hacer algo al respecto 
do + something about it
 The reason this country is going to shit is because we're not willing to give up our creature comforts, not willing to get off our asses and do something about it.
hacer algo con respecto a 
do + something about
 Then he added, yet again frowning, 'You should do something about this young man's attitude'.
merecerse algo 
deserve + a little something
 He always puts others before himself and he deserves a little something in return.
o algo así   
or something of that sort
or something to that effect
or something of that nature
 Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
 Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect.
 If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.
o algo parecido     
or something of that sort
or something to that effect
or something of that nature
or anything like that
or words to that effect
 Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
 Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect.
 If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.
 Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.
 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing (or words to that effect).
o algo similar    
or something of that sort
or something to that effect
or something of that nature
or words to that effect
 Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.
 Like Tolstoy said: man has no effect on history...or something to that effect.
 If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.
 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing (or words to that effect).
obtener algo de 
get + something out of
 He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.
oler algo sospechoso   
smell + a rat
smell + fishy
sound + fishy
 'Something doesn't seem right, and I don't know exactly what it is, but I kind of smell a rat,' Cooper said = "Algo parece que no está bien, y no sé exactamente qué es, pero yo como que tengo la mosca detrás de la oreja", dijo Cooper.
 Something smells fishy alright but I'm starting to think it's the smell of plans gone seriously awry.
 It sounds fishy to me - I would steer clear of this and use your $850 to invest in a mutual fund.
pasar algo inesperado 
things + take a turn for the unexpected
 Things take a turn for the unexpected, however, when Herman suggests that the three of them head off for a beano by the sea.
por si sirve de algo  [Abreviado a FWIW in correos electrónicos]
for what it's worth [FWIW]
 For what it's worth, you can greatly extend the range by using an antenna.
preparar algo 
put + a few things + together
 It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.
quien algo quiere algo le cuesta  
no pain, no gain
no pain without gain
 'The old adage 'no pain, no gain' should be less relevant as we age than when we're younger,' Lonner said = "El viejo dicho popular "quien algo quiere algo le cuesta" debería ser menos importante a medida que envejecemos que cuando somos más jóvenes", dijo Lonner .
 Some people would call this madness, but David believes there is no gain without pain.
relativo a las algas 
 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) uses divisions rather than families for algal literature and follows a hierarchical arrangement that corresponds to botanical classification.
sentir algo por 
have + feelings for
 If you don't have feelings for him any more it's not good to keep stringing him along.
se obtendrá algo de provecho 
something is bound to come of it
 The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability, and something is bound to come of it.
ser algo bien conocido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser algo bueno 
be a good thing
 For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking - Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?.
ser algo completamente distinto 
be nothing of the sort
 The second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) is, in fact, nothing of the sort.
ser algo común     
be a fact of life
be a common occurrence
become + a common feature
be a part of life
be (a) common practice
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
 In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
 It was a common practice to fill empty fuel oil tanks with sea water to ballast ships.
ser algo de esperar 
be a matter of course
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser algo de poca monta  
be small potato(es)
be small change
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser algo excepcional  
be the exception rather than the rule
be in a league of its own
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
 The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.
ser algo fácil      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo facilísimo      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo habitual  
become + a common feature
be a fact of life
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
ser algo impostergable 
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo inaplazable  
be a matter of urgency
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo inevitable  [El uso de handwriting en lugar de writing es menos frecuente] 
the (hand)writing + be + on the wall
see it + coming
 Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.
 The inference is that they cannot be held accountable for something so unusual, so extraordinary, and so unforecastable that that no one saw it coming.
ser algo insignificante   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser algo (muy) bien sabido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser algo muy claro 
be a dead giveaway
 False or exaggerated publisher claims are often a dead giveaway.
ser algo muy corriente 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser algo muy inteligente 
be a smart move
 It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
ser algo muy obvio 
be a dead giveaway
 False or exaggerated publisher claims are often a dead giveaway.
ser algo muy poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo muy raro  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo natural 
be a matter of course
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser algo natural para  
come + naturally to
be second nature to + Pronombre
 Many of the revisions they suggest exacerbate the leaden, plethoric style that comes naturally to lawyers .
 For such a task the librarian is particularly well fitted by his professional education: bringing to bear the great analytical power of classification should be second nature to him.
ser algo normal    
be a fact of life
become + a common feature
be a part of life
be a matter of course
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser algo permanente 
be here to stay
 Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.
ser algo poco común 
be the exception rather than the rule
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
ser algo poco conocido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser algo poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo poco sabido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser algo por lo que 
be a matter for/of
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
ser algo que engorda 
be fattening
 Why are all the good things in life either illegal, fattening or immoral?.
ser algo que llama la atención 
be an eye popper
 Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.
ser algo que no ocurre con frecuencia  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo que pasa todos los días 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser algo seguro      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo totalmente inesperado 
come out of/from + left field
 I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.
ser algo urgente 
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo útil para 
be something in the hand for
 That book is a source document; it's something in the hand for somebody interested in censorship and secrecy in government.
si eso cuenta para algo  
if that counts in any way
if that counts for anything
 I do have a couple of nasty chafes on my feet from my new and ruinously expensive sandals, if that counts in any way.
 I have done absolutely no studying tonight, but my kitchen is spotlessly clean if that counts for anything.
si eso sirve de algo  
if that counts in any way
if that counts for anything
 I do have a couple of nasty chafes on my feet from my new and ruinously expensive sandals, if that counts in any way.
 I have done absolutely no studying tonight, but my kitchen is spotlessly clean if that counts for anything.
sonsacar algo de 
get + something out of
 He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.
tener algo en contra de 
have + something against
 I have nothing against Aussies but I do have something against parasites who steal off someone else's ideas .
tener algo que decir 
have + a word to say
 There are some specialists who say that the neurological changes also have a word to say in the matter.
tener algo que ver con 
have + something to do with
 Classes of children can sometimes prove to be stubbornly set against having anything to do with book introductions, and it is better then to engage them in other activities rather than be doggedly determined to have one's own way and to go on in the face of their antagonism.
tener algo reservado 
have + something up + Posesivo + sleeve
 He nervously looked at her, she had something up her sleeve, and he knew it.
todo cuesta algo 
nothing comes without a cost
 Whilst Indigenous peoples might welcome the elevation of status that comes with increased recognition of their Knowledge systems after centuries of dismissal and disintegration, nothing comes without a cost.
todo ocurre por algo 
everything happens for a reason (and a purpose)
 'Everything happens for a reason,' several of them told me last fall, when I was suffering through a string of losses = "Las cosas no pasan así porque sí," algunos de ellos me dijeron el otoño pasado, cuando atravesaba por una serie de pérdidas.
traerse algo entre manos 
be up to something
 She's up to something, and he's clueless.
traerse algo malo entre manos  
be up to no good
get up to + no good
 His mom could always tell when he was up to no good - it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
tramar algo 
be up to something
 She's up to something, and he's clueless.
treinta y algo 
thirty something
 I know that on the scale of world hunger and breast cancer, this thirty- something crisis doesn't even register.
veinte y algo 
twenty something
 At forty something, I face my days with even more push and drive than I did at twenty something.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra algo



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de algo
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «algo».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre algo



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra algo.
Anatole France
Los que poseen algo, temerosos de perderlo, en continua zozobra, son más desdichados que los que nada poseen.
Charles De Gaulle
La grandeza es un camino hacia algo que no se conoce.
José Ortega Y Gasset
La ciencia consiste en sustituir el saber que parecía seguro por una teoría, o sea, por algo problemático.
Konrad Adenauer
Hay algo que Dios ha hecho mal. A todo le puso límites menos a la tontería.
Cuando no se puede sufrir algo, lo mejor es saberlo sufrir.
Victor Hugo
Es preciso que se encierre algo inútil en la felicidad. La felicidad es algo más que lo necesario.
Si alguna vez ven saltar por la ventana a un banquero suizo, salten detrás. Seguro que hay algo que ganar.
Oscar Wilde
No existen más que dos reglas para escribir: tener algo que decir y decirlo.
Camilo José Cela
Para escribir sólo hay que tener algo que decir.
Eugene Ionesco
Si es absolutamente necesario que el arte o el teatro sirvan para algo, será para enseñar a la gente que hay actividades que no sirven para nada y que es indispensable que las haya.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término algo.
Algo dan por algodón.
Algo va de Pedro a Pedro.
Avaro al pordiosero, por quitarle algo, le quita el sombrero.
Cuando la sartén chilla, algo hay en la villa.
Gallo que no canta, algo tiene en la garganta.
Quien sabe que no sabe, algo sabe.
Quien te algo prometiere, luego tomando hiere.
Algo tendrá el agua cuando la bendicen.
Agua que a algo huele o a algo sabe, otro la trague.
Algo daría el ciego por tan siquiera ser tuerto.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de algo en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con algo y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
Algo de tí
Este libro es un conjunto de cuentos imaginarios inspirados en veintitrés niños reales, en los que puedes encontrar también algo de ti.
Andrés García Carrión, 2013
Educación para la ciudadanía: Algo más que una asignatura
Propuestas innovadoras sobre la articulación de la educación para la ciudadanía en la escuela y en la comunidad, y «currículo básico» indispensable que todo ciudadano ha de poseer al término de la escolaridad obligatoria.
Antonio Bolívar Botia, 2007
Cuentos Con Algo de Mermelada
Destinado a niños de 9 a 11 años.
Algo va mal
Algo va mal es un inestimable obsequio para las futuras generaciones de ciudadanos comprometidos.
Tony Judt, 2012
Di algo para romper este silencio: celebración por Raymond ...
A collection of stories written as the style of Raymond Carver. A group of writters celebrates him with this anthology.
Raymond Carver, Guillermo Samperio, 2005
Cómo motivar a los niños a leer: lecto-juegos y algo más
With this useful manual, parents, teachers, professionals, and volunteers are given an armory of possibilities and ideas for inspiring children to read.
Martha Sastrias, 2005
Algo Para Comer
Este es un libro de cocina, sencillo, las recetas en el expuestas no son muy complejas. Pero como todo en esta vida hay que tener paciencia
Juan Jose Alvarez Fernandez, 2008
Tengo algo que decirte
"Tengo algo que decirte" presenta una colección de frases entresacadas de sus escritos y pensamientos, seleccionados por Dolores Gómez Molleda.
Pedro Poveda Castroverde, María Dolores Gómez Molleda, 2011
Algo Mas Que Simples Palabras
Es un libro de poemas y decisiones, la primera parte del libro son más de 150 poemas, de amor, desamor, celos, perdón, adiós, etc..., mientras que la segunda parte, nos habla acerca de como tomar decisiones ya sean personales, en ...
Ricardo Arturo Mota Jimnez, 2008
Algo más que honor
Habían prometido amarse y respetarse mutuamente, pero entre ellos había otra promesa que ninguno de los dos había pronunciado.
Donna Clayton, 2010


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término algo en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Julieta Venegas vuelve a Bogotá con su gira 'Algo sucede'
En realidad se llama Algo Sucede, porque algo siempre puede pasar, algo siempre nos puede sorprender, emocionar, enseñar. Eso para mí hay que celebrarlo ... «Publimetro Colombia, Jun 16»
Julieta Venegas presentará 'Algo Sucede' en el Metropólitan
La cantante y compositora mexicana Julieta Venegas presentará su reciente producción discográfica, "Algo Sucede", en un concierto en el Teatro Metropólitan ... «, Jun 16»
Gente de Zona quiere 'Algo Contigo' en su nuevo video
El sabor de los músicos cubanos de Gente de Zona, presentó el video de su sencillo más reciente 'Algo Contigo', mismo que ya se puede ver por las diversas ... «Univisión, May 16»
Gente de Zona estrena el video de su éxito “Algo contigo”
El dúo cubano Gente de Zona presentó el clip de su nuevo sencillo “Algo ... video de su más reciente sencillo “Algo contigo” a través de su canal de YouTube. «People en Español, May 16»
Zeta Cinema presenta el cartel de 'Algo muy gordo'
Qué miedo, qué pesadillas", afirma el realizador, que ha plasmado buena parte de sus fantasmas en el guión de 'Algo muy gordo', la nueva película de Zeta ... «El Periódico, Abr 16»
Tenemos, en exclusiva, el comienzo de la nueva novela de Blue …
Blue Jeans ya tiene la segunda entrega de su trilogía 'Algo tan sencillo'. Se llama 'Algo tan sencillo como darte un beso', sale a la venta el 28 de abril y ... «Antena 3 Noticias, Abr 16»
Blue Jeans presenta en primicia 'Algo tan sencillo como darte un …
A Cáceres llegará con su último libro 'Algo tan sencillo como darte un beso' que aún no ha salido de imprenta y que llegará a las librerías el 28 de abril. «, Abr 16»
Fósiles de dinosaurios demuestran que "algo raro pasó" en el final …
"Algo extraño pasó aquí. Miles de dinosaurios habitaban este lugar, y ahora encontramos sus restos parcialmente quemados. Tal vez fueron víctimas de fuego ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Abr 16»
Falleció Eduardo Moya, realizador de la serie “Algo más que soñar”
El director y guionista Eduardo Moya, recordado por series televisivas como Los comandos del silencio y Algo más que soñar, falleció este martes en La ... «Café Fuerte, Abr 16»
Julieta Venegas viene a Chicago como parte de su gira 'Algo sucede'
Como compartimos en septiembre pasado a propósito del lanzamiento del material, “Algo sucede”, es un disco de contrastes melódicos y temáticos, donde hay ... «Vivelo Hoy, Abr 16»
« EDUCALINGO. Algo [en línea] . Disponible en <>. May 2024 ».
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