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" Se podría escribir un libro con las injusticias de los justos."
Anthony Hope

Significado de "libro" en el diccionario de español



La palabra libro procede del latín liber, libri.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


li · bro

Libro es una palabra llana de 2 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Libro es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.



Un libro es una obra impresa, manuscrita o pintada en una serie de hojas de papel, pergamino, vitela u otro material, unidas por un lado y protegidas con tapas, también llamadas cubiertas. Un libro puede tratar sobre cualquier tema. Según la definición de la Unesco, un libro debe poseer 49 o más páginas, pues desde 5 hasta 48 páginas sería un folleto, y desde una hasta cuatro páginas se consideran hojas sueltas. También se llama "libro" a una obra de gran extensión publicada en varias unidades independientes, llamados "tomos" o "volúmenes". Otras veces se llama también "libro" a cada una de las partes de una obra, aunque físicamente se publiquen todas en un mismo volumen. Hoy día, no obstante, esta definición no queda circunscrita al mundo impreso o de los soportes físicos, dada la aparición y auge de los nuevos formatos documentales y especialmente de la World Wide Web. El libro digital o libro electrónico, conocido como e-book, está viendo incrementado su uso en el mundo del libro y en la práctica profesional bibliotecaria y documental. Además, el libro también puede encontrarse en formato audio, en cuyo caso se denomina audiolibro.

definición de libro en el diccionario español

La primera definición de libro en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es conjunto de muchas hojas de papel u otro material semejante que, encuadernadas, forman un volumen. Otro significado de libro en el diccionario es obra científica, literaria o de cualquier otra índole con extensión suficiente para formar volumen, que puede aparecer impresa o en otro soporte. Voy a escribir un libro. La editorial presentará el atlas en forma de libro electrónico. Libro es también cada una de ciertas partes principales en que suelen dividirse las obras científicas o literarias, y los códigos y leyes de gran extensión.


asombro · cabro · candelabro · celebro · cerebro · cobro · culebro · descalabro · enebro · escombro · fabro · hombro · macabro · miembro · palabro · quiebro · recobro · rubro · umbro · videolibro


librepensador · librepensadora · librepensamiento · librera · librería · libreril · librero · libresca · libresco · libreta · libretazo · librete · libretear · libretera · libretero · libretista · libreto · libriano · librillo · licantropía


ártabro · cántabro · cebro · cimbro · cogombro · cohombro · descombro · desescombro · escabro · glabro · golimbro · jinebro · labro · nebro · relumbro · requiebro · sicambro · siembro · tatabro · zabro

Sinónimos y antónimos de libro en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «libro» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.


libro · compendio · ejemplar · manual · obra · texto · tomo · vademécum · volumen · amarillo · coro · escolaridad · estilo · cabecera · tenedor · libros · caja · becerro · blanco · acuerdos · impresa · manuscrita · pintada · serie · hojas · papel · pergamino · primera · lengua · española · conjunto · muchas · semejante · encuadernadas · forman · científica · literaria · otra · índole · suficiente · para · formar · aparecer · soporte · escribir · editorial · presentará · atlas · forma · electrónico · libro · ciertas · principales · suelen · dividirse · obras · científicas · literarias · códigos · leyes · artritis · reumatoide · este · diagnosticar · diagnostico · enfermedad · corresponde · médico · ninguna · manera · automedicarse · tratamiento · igualmente · buenas · costumbres · maneras · sencillas · asuma · usted · éxito · laboral · relaciones · sociales · alcanzará · perfeccionando · puliendo · conducirse · vida · mandalas · energía · meditación · sanación · incluyen · diferentes · culturas · religiones · tibetanos · hindúes · cristianos · árabes · celtas · mesoamericanos · junto · ejercicios · específicos · harán · esta · convierta · creativo · hombre · osho · define · través · estereotipos · adán · esclavo · hijo · homosexual · marido · político · sacerdote · etcétera · veintinueve · capítulos ·

Traductor en línea con la traducción de libro a 25 idiomas



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Las traducciones de libro presentadas en esta sección han sido obtenidas mediante traducción automática estadística a partir del idioma español.

En el siguiente apartado puedes consultar las traducciones de libro en el diccionario español-inglés así como el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

Traductor español - chino

1.325 millones de hablantes


570 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - inglés

510 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - hindi

380 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - árabe

280 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ruso

278 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - portugués

270 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - bengalí

260 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - francés

220 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - malayo

190 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - alemán

180 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - japonés

130 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - coreano

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - javanés

85 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - vietnamita

80 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - tamil

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - maratí

75 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - turco

70 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - italiano

65 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - polaco

50 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - ucraniano

40 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - rumano

30 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - griego

15 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - afrikáans

14 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - sueco

10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de libro en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  book ; text.
 A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, periodical articles or reports).
 The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.
actitud ante los libros 
set about books
 Children in this state are in a crisis of confidence from which they must be relieved before their set about books can be refreshed and enlivened.
acto relacionado con el libro 
book event
 This article describes the thinking behind a new book event for countries in the Pacific region which will take place in May 93.
adicto a los libros 
 A self-professed 'bookaholic' and journalist submits that, be it ever so humble, there is no place like the library.
adquisición de libros  
book supply
book purchasing
 The easiest and most efficient method for book supply is to use a bookseller who provides all the books.
 The effect would be a shift in book purchasing away from UK to US publishers.
almacén de libros 
 James Lackington established a large and successful retail book-warehouse in 1780-98 with the motto 'Small profits do great things'.
amante del libro 
book lover [booklover]
 She was librarian who made users of the library particularly welcome and helped children become both book lovers and library lovers.
amor por el libro 
 The annals of bibliography afford many examples of the delirious extent to which book-fancying can go, when the legitimate delight in a book is transferred to a rare edition of a manuscript.
anuncio publicitario de un libro 
advertising blurb
 The human race has produced since the invention of movable type a total record, in the form of magazines, newspapers, advertising blurbs, correspondence.
arte del libro 
 Our thinking and our actions must be undivided so that we have no need to justify ourselves in esoteric bookmanship when the realities are all around us.
audiolibro  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]
talking book
audiobook [audio book]
 Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.
 However, the majority of audiobooks are available for blind readers only through independent libraries for the blind.
Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) 
Book Aid International (BAI)
 This article describes a book gift ceremony to promote awareness among developing countries of the Book Aid International (BAI) (formerly Ranfurly Library Service) programme to provide books which are relevant to their needs.
bibliotecario encargado de libros raros 
rare book libarian
 The history of cathedral libraries shows that each is an integral part of the cathedral and of great importance to the ecclesiastical historian, liturgiologist, musicologist, student of the humanities, rare book librarian and bibliographer.
biblioteconomía relacionada con los libros raros 
rare book librarianship
 The author also mentions the rather dismissive attitude of many librarians towards rare book librarianship.
buzón para devolver libros 
 The outside book-drop is open 24 hours for patrons to return library books.
cadena del libro, la 
book chain, the
 Publishers, distributors, booksellers, library suppliers and libraries are all links in the book chain and problems encountered in any one of these links have an impact of all the others.
caja para transportar libros 
book bin
 There is a need for libraries to include the cost of a move early on in the project plans, trouble experienced with new shelving, the use of book bins, and the fact that closure of the library during the move is not necessary.
capacidad para libros 
book capacity
 Statistics cover costs, book capapcity and seating capacity.
carrito de los libros  
book truck
book trolley
 There is also a student assistant and his tasks are highly routine - unwrapping current issues, stamping with ownership marks, placing on book trucks, etc..
 This article gives examples of cases where readers borrow books that are more accessible, e.g. on a display or on the return book trolley.
catálogo de libros 
booklist [book list]
 Publications, such as book lists, and published lists of specific subject areas present in the stock of a library may assist the user to identify those parts of the stock which might be of particular interest to him.
catálogo de libros en venta 
publication(s) list
 Other types of bibliographical material include government publications lists of theses and indexes.
catálogo en forma de libro  
bookform catalogue
book catalogue
 However, the evolution from bookform catalogs and card catalogs to online catalogs will involve considerable and extensive changes in cataloguing rules.
 The heritage of our card and book catalogs is bound to continue to exist, or coexist, with the online catalog for an indefinite time to come.
catálogo en forma de libro encuadernado 
bound book form catalogue
 Conventionally bound book form catalogues were difficult to amend and update.
catálogo impreso en forma de libro 
printed book catalogue
 Thus Panizzi, with a eye on the printed book catalog demanding stable entries, was led to rule that the works of an author should be entered under his earliest name which evoked the scorn of his critics.
ciencia del libro 
 Our thinking and our actions must be undivided so that we have no need to justify ourselves in esoteric bookmanship when the realities are all around us.
cinta adhesiva ancha para libros 
book tape
 Many extra circulations can be gotten from the judicious application of transparent book tape, staples, and other emergency repairs = Se pueden conseguir muchos más préstamos de cualquier tebeo reparándolo con cinta adhesiva ancha transparente especial para libros, grapas y otras arreglos de emergencia.
colección de libros 
book collection
 The article 'Breathe new life into your collection' describes how a book collection might be improved in order that its use may be maximised.
colección de libros de derecho en una prisión 
prison law library
 One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.
colección de libros de jardinería 
gardening collection
 The author offers advice on planting and weeding gardening collections for the various climatic zones of the USA.
colección de libros donados 
gift collection
 The title 'Unsolicited marginal gift collections: saying no or coping with the unwanted' deals with the problem of how to cope with collections which should have been declined, but were not.
colección de libros raros  
rare book collection
rare collection
 In the early part of the 20th century donations were received from William K. Bixby which led to the foundation of the rare book collection.
 These public libraries hold collections of provincial newspapers, unique extra-illustrated editions of county histories and rare collections acquired through bequests.
coleccionista de libros 
 Fernando Columbus, the youngest son of Christopher Columbus, was a bibliophile, a book collector, and a proponent of a national library for Spain.
colocador de libros  [Empleado de una biblioteca cuya función es la de devolver el material de biblioteca a su emplazamiento original en los estantes]  [Empleado de una biblioteca cuya función es la de devolver el material de biblioteca a su emplazamiento original en los estantes]
book shelver
 The article 'Public perceptions of librarians: book shelvers, nice ladies or information specialists?' suggests that the status and image of librarianship is inextricably bound up with its history as a female profession.
 Almost all practicing librarians have some assigned responsibilities that involve the training of other employees: a shelver, a beginning clerical employee, or another professional.
comercialización del libro 
bookselling [book selling]
 Without going into too much detail and thus ending up writing a textbook on bookselling, it is important to note that in the United Kingdom there are two sorts of new books sold and these are called 'net books' and 'non-net books'.
comercio del libro   [Término con el que nos referimos al conjunto de actividades de edición, impresión y venta del libro]
bookselling [book selling]
book trade [booktrade]
 Without going into too much detail and thus ending up writing a textbook on bookselling, it is important to note that in the United Kingdom there are two sorts of new books sold and these are called 'net books' and 'non-net books'.
 Nowadays there is a clear three-part division of the book trade into publishers, wholesalers, printers, and retailers, but in the hand-press period the functions of book traders overlapped to a much greater extent.
comercio del libro, el 
book business, the
 The book business is in crisis for reasons such as the glorification of mass popular entertainment.
compra de libros   
book buying [book-buying]
book supply
book purchasing
 Towards the end of the sixteenth century, about 1598, Sir Thomas Bodley was preparing to go on a book-buying expedition for the library.
 The easiest and most efficient method for book supply is to use a bookseller who provides all the books.
 The effect would be a shift in book purchasing away from UK to US publishers.
comprador de libros 
book buyer
 In Peter H. Mann, 'Books: Buyers and Borrowers', op. cit., chapter 3, 'The Book Shop and the book buyer'.
conciencia del libro 
 For example, senior classes who have grown into book-consciousness infect junior classes with some of their enthusiasm.
confección de libros 
bookmaking [book making]
 Excavation in Qumran suggests that the people were organised on a highly communal basis and adept in the art of pottery and bookmaking.
con la extensión de un libro 
 The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.
con una extensión similar a la de un libro 
 The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.
creación de los índices de un libro  [Proceso de confección de los índices que aparecen al final de un libro] 
back-of-the-book indexing
back-of-book indexing
 Though statistical techniques have a lot to offer for free-text data base systems, neither method has had much success with back-of-the-book indexing.
 This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.
crisis de la industria del libro 
book crisis
 The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.
crisis del libro 
book crisis
 The article 'The book crisis: Africa's other famine' examines the question of the tremendous shortage of books and other teaching materials in nearly all African countries = El artículo "La crisis del libro: otra hambruna de †frica" estudia el problema de la tremenda escasez de libros y otros materiales educativos en casi todos los países africanos.
de la extensión de un libro 
 The aim was to assess whether they had excess book-length material which they considered worthy of publication but could not afford to publish.
depósito de libros 
book depot
 Government-owned book depots can help to solve some problems.
deshojar un libro 
tear + book
 Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.
devorador de libros 
 This non-toxic method eradicates book-eating insects by deep-freezing.
distribuidor de libros  [Persona o compañía que compra y vende libros para las bibliotecas actuando de intermediario]
book dealer
 Early American printers were often also book dealers and had access to monastic libraries whose holdings included books from various parts of the world.
donación de libros    
gift collection
book endowment
book donation
book gift
 The title 'Unsolicited marginal gift collections: saying no or coping with the unwanted' deals with the problem of how to cope with collections which should have been declined, but were not.
 The library began with a book endowment by Sebald Welser in 1581.
 If book donations to developing countries do not take into account existing needs and conditions, their only use may be to feed the goats.
 This article describes a book gift ceremony to promote awareness among developing countries of the Book Aid International (BAI) (formerly Ranfurly Library Service) programme to provide books which are relevant to their needs.
edición de libros 
book publishing
 Electronic publishing can never completely replace book publishing.
encuadernación de libros 
bookbinding [book-binding]
 Systematic training in bookbinding is a prerequisite to understanding book conservation.
en forma de libro 
in book form
 A map is usually printed but does not always appear in book form.
en formato de libro moderno  [Expresión utilizada para referirse a la manera de publicar el libro moderno, constituido por hojas sencillas superpuestas y unidas por uno de los costados más largos]
in codex form
 The author charts the history of books on clay tablets, papyrus and parchment scrolls, and in codex form.
especialista en conservación de libros 
book conservation specialist
 An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.
estantería para libros 
book racks
 They have several models of book racks and book display stands that are great for displaying all kinds of books.
etiqueta identificadora del libro  [En circulación, etiqueta identificadora del libro usada en el préstamo]
 Each book is opened to reveal its label, and placed on the platen of the photocharging machine.
exposición de libros 
book display
 One of the things that he's known for doing well is creating interesting book displays.
expositor de libros 
book display stand
 They have several models of book racks and book display stands that are great for displaying all kinds of books.
fabricación de libros 
bookmaking [book making]
 Excavation in Qumran suggests that the people were organised on a highly communal basis and adept in the art of pottery and bookmaking.
feria del libro 
book fair
 This article describes the 3 largest international book fairs: in Frankfurt, the children's book fair in Bologna, and the American Booksellers Association annual convention which has a different venue every year.
ficha de préstamo del libro  [En circulación manual, cartulina que contiene los datos básicos de un libro y que se guarda junto con el carnet de lector cuando el libro se retira de la biblioteca en préstamo]
book card [bookcard]
 The date label in each book is stamped with the date of return; the book card is removed from each book and inserted into the reader's tickets (one book card per ticket).
formato libro 
book form [bookform]
 Book form was generally regarded as too inflexible for library catalogues, especially where the catalogue required regular updating to cater for continuing and gradual expansion of the collection.
Fundación de Libros Panafricanos 
Pan-African Book Foundation
 The Pan-African Book Foundation was established to further education by providing a depository of the written works of Africans and those of African descent.
gastos de libros 
book expenditure
 Only one of the 12 variables, book expenditures for adult services, showed a statistically significant difference in the relationships among the age-level services.
historia del libro 
book history
 This surprising study draws together the disparate fields of postcolonial theory and book history in a challenging and illuminating way.
historiador del libro 
book historian
 However, as book historians know, works are often shaped by economic and political forces.
ilustración de libros 
book illustration
 Colour printing from suites of wood blocks, used hitherto chiefly for separate prints, became common for book illustration in the 1840s and soon afterwards for the printed covers of yellow-backs.
ilustrador de libros 
book illustrator
 Planning began about 9 months before the exhibition, with the recruitment of a noted Swiss book illustrator to design the stand.
impresión de libros 
 The use of hand-made paper for commercial book- and news-printing dropped away sharply during the 1820s, and it was scarcely seen after 1830 except in de luxe editions.
impresor de libros 
 The survey revealed a collection that was basically intact and reaffirmed the skill and craftmanship of the traditional Chinese bookmaker.
índice de libro  [Documento secundario que presenta una lista ordenada de términos seleccionados de un documento con referencia a su localización]
book index
 A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific names appear.
industria de la edición de libros 
book publishing industry
 The author examines the future of the book publishing industry and presents strategies for publishers to decrease risk and increase profit.
industria del libro 
book industry
 The book industry in this country is becoming increasingly commercialized, with an attendant lowering of critical standards.
industria del libro, la 
bookmaking industry, the
 To date, the UK bookmaking industry has been largely untouched by information technology.
interesado por los libros 
 When children come from book-conscious homes, this presents no difficulty.
interés por los libros 
awareness of books
 Like the librarians and the bookshop staff, the club members are catalysts who spark off that fission which will spread from child to child an awareness of books and the habit of reading them.
ISBN (Número Internacional Normalizado para Libros)  [Elemento del área de número normalizado y de las condiciones de adquisición que recoge el código internacional que identifica una edición concreta de una obra publicada por un editor específico]
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
 In this section standard numbers, such as International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) or International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSNs) are the first element to be recorded.
ladrillos y libros  [Expresión utilizada para referirse tanto al edificio de la biblioteca como a su contenido y distinguirlo de la 'biblioteca virtual']
brick and book
 Challenging the technocratic vision of 'virtual libraries' linking people to knowledge, librarians in Southern Africa say their 'brick and book' buildings will remain the primary information centres for communities for some time to come.
lector de libros 
book reader
 It is tempting to quote the tremendous successes of outstandingly popular authors such as Harold Robbins, James Herriot, Catherine Cookson and a relatively small number of other household names (to book readers).
libro antiguo   
old book
antiquarian book
rare book
 The future of old libraries lies not only in their history but in the presence of old books which are an indispensable source for research into the humanities.
 The author offers some general reflections about book buying and bookselling in the field of antiquarian books in the UK in the 1980s.
 Rare books, certain large size books, e.g. atlases and collections of photographs, expensive books, out of print and irreplaceable works can all come into the category of 'reference books'.
libro azul  [Libro diplomático británico y estadounidense de cubiertas azules, en que el Gobierno publica documentos oficiales sobre asuntos de política extranjera]
Blue book
 The reports to the committee in the British context of Parliament are the White papers and Blue books collectively known as Command papers.
Libro Blanco  [Informe del gobierno en el que hace público sus ideas sobre un tema determinado antes de presentar un proyecto de ley en el parlamento]
White Paper
 The UK Government's White Paper on the National Health Service (NHS) recommends a radical overhaul of the NHS in terms of its management.
libro científico  
scientific book
scholarly book
 The picture is fairly similar for technical and scientific books and also for fiction.
 The general conclusion of the forum is that, while the scholarly book is not dead, it may be in a state of dormancy.
libro comercial  [Libro dirigido al público en general como opuesto dirigido a un público especializado]
trade book
 Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.
libro como objeto 
 A reader's experience of a book is influenced by both the book-object itself, and by the patterns of meaning created quite intangibly in the reader's head.
libro con estructura plegable  [libro con estructura plegable que se abre al abrirlo]
pop-up book
 Ten workshops were held which included sizing, calligraphy, marbling, paper mending, limited edition binding techniques, sewing structures and 'pop-up' books.
libro con ilustraciones 
picture book
 Songs, poems, fingergames and picture books are shared with parents and their young children, from infancy to age 3.
libro conmemorativo 
 To celebrate this anniversary the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section has prepared a keepsake.
libro con precio de venta fijado  [Libro cuyo precio está fijado por el acuerdo sobre el precio mínimo de los libros]
net book
 The Publishers' Association will then contact these suppliers and, provided their agreement is obtained, will issue a licence which will allow the suppliers to offer a discount of 10 per cent off net books.
libro con precio de venta no fijado  [Libro cuyo precio mínimo de venta no está incluido en el acuerdo sobre precios mínimos de los libros]
non-net book
 Without going into too much detail and thus ending up writing a textbook on bookselling, it is important to note that in the United Kingdom there are two sorts of new books sold and these are called 'net books' and 'non-net books'.
libro de arte 
art book
 One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said 'Nice tits, uh?'.
libro de artista  [Libro concebido y producido por un artista generalmente acompañado de imágenes]  [Libro concebido y producido por un artista generalmente acompañado de imágenes]
livre d'artiste
artist's book
 This article describes the work of fine book illustrators and designers which contributed to the livre d'artiste.
 In this context artists' books are defined as 'books or booklets produced by the artist using mass production, in which the artist documents or realises art ideas or artworks'.
libro de casos prácticos 
case book
 Some case books take the approach of multiple exposure: if 1 case is good, then 101 must be better.
libro de citas 
 Sources for guides and bibliographies, treatises, digests, citators, dictionaries, atlases, style manuals, periodicals, and on-line data are addressed = Se describen fuentes para localizar guías y bibliogafías, tratados, compendios, libros de citas, atlas, manuales de estilo, publicaciones periódicas e información en línea.
libro de cocina  
book on cookery
 It may seem superficially that one book on cookery is just like another or that one modern spy novel is really no different from six others of that genre, but this is not so.
 Locate book reviews of seafood cookbooks.
libro de codificación  [Manual que describe la organización y el contenido de uno o más ficheros de datos]
 A codebook is a manual that describes the organization and content of one or more data files.
libro de consulta   [Nombre]
 Function key <F3> provides a handbook to the database.
 It is hoped that a new ISDS manual and guidelines for bibliographic description will be published in 1986.
libro de consulta en sala 
reserve room book
 Reserve room books may be borrowed for two hours by undergraduates.
libro de contabilidad 
 This software includes separate programs for general ledger: accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and inventory.
libro de contabilidad general 
general ledger
 Think of the accounting system as a wheel whose hub is the general ledger.
libro de cuentas 
account book
 Today, these account books help us understand more about the day-to-day life of colonists.
libro de derecho 
law book
 The article 'The role of legal bibliographies in law collection development: an overdue debunking' evaluates the merit of the works recommended in the AALS list of law books recommended for libraries.
libro de divulgación científica 
popular science book
 Problems with selecting popular science books are discussed including: bias; conflicting viewpoints; and the problem of bogus science masquerading as respectable science.
libro de ejercicios 
workbook [work-book]
 The forms they take may be leaflets, workbooks perhaps intended to accompany audio units, or narration developed to accompany tape/slide shows or video displays.
libro de empresa  [Libro que una organización posee que recoge toda la normativa, las normas de procedimiento, objetivos, etc relativos a la misma]
organisation manual
 This concept of service (broadened to include radio and television) is still emphasized in the organization manual used by the agency's 68 men and women.
libro de estudio 
study book
 This database contains the full text of a collection of 106 government study books as well as flags of all countries and anthems.
libro de familia  
family register
household register
 Family registers are issued to married couples only.
 Applications should include a completed application form and household register and the applicable fees.
libro de firmas 
guest book [guestbook]
 Few users have signed their names on the guest book and only few readers write letters.
libro de historia 
history book
 Here are some of those lesser-known facts that you may be unfamiliar with and are seldom, if at all, mentioned in official history books.
libro de hojas de palmera 
palm leaf book
 This paper discusses the history, botanical structure, make-up, damage and storage of palm leaf books.
libro de honor 
guest book [guestbook]
 Few users have signed their names on the guest book and only few readers write letters.
libro de jardinería 
gardening book
 If he was interested in gardening books he wanted to see them all in one place, not scattered all over the library.
libro de la biblioteca 
library book
 Librarians and publishers must work together to establish standards for library books in the areas of binding quality and paper quality.
libro de literatura no ficticia 
non-fiction book
 A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.
libro de lujo 
gift book
 Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.
libro de mayor venta 
bestseller [best seller/best-seller]
 The part that books play in people's lives is well illustrated by the list of 'bestsellers' which appear on the inside of the back cover of the Bookseller each week.
libro de melodías 
 The aim of the tunebooks was to improve the congregational singing of musically-illiterate churchgoers.
libro de navegación 
book of navigation
 He had access to a small library imported by sea and consisting of charts, books of navigation, some Portuguese books, Bible, and popish prayer books.
libro de notas 
mark book
 The list of books in the class collection was kept in a squared mark book.
libro de orígenes  [Libro donde se registra los antecedentes y pedigrí de un animal]
 Established in 1941, the collection includes American and European studbooks, periodical files dating back to the 1800s, a clipping file and fiction and poetry on horses.
libro de pastas amarillas 
 The typical yellow-back of the mid nineteenth century was a cheap edition of fiction in small crown octavo, retailing a 2 shillings, and its case was made of glazed coloured paper on strawboard.
libro de prácticas 
resource book
 This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.
libro de préstamo vencido 
overdue book
 This article looks at one method, adopted by the Sheppard Memorial Library, Greenville, North Caroline, to cope with the problem of overdue books.
libro de recetas 
recipe book
 For this summer season, we're putting together a recipe book featuring the best cheesy recipes and would love your input.
libro de recuerdo 
 To celebrate this anniversary the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section has prepared a keepsake.
libro de regalo 
gift book
 Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.
libro de registro  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc]  [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc] 
accessions register
accessions book
accessions ledger
 Among the facilities provided by this automated system is the possibility of printing accessions registers.
 Such a file is the accessions book in a library, or a file of data on magnetic tape, and to find entries by any but the chronological approach involves sequential scanning of the whole file.
 The stock is listed numerically in an accessions ledger or card file so that if the accession number of an item is known one can consult the file, find details about the item and discover what its location is in the resource centre.
libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas 
letterbook [letter book]
 This article presents the letterbooks of six New Zealand chief post offices, (early 1880s-late 1910s) and their value as social and administrative archives.
libro de reglas de un juego 
 Johnson (2005) adds the additional argument that when playing such games, rather than reading the rulebook, gamers learn by doing.
libro de sermones 
 The writers offer reflections on the revised common lectionary covering most of Lent, Holy Week, and several weeks after Easter.
libro de sobremesa 
coffee-table book
 Coffee-table books are books on themes such as cookery, gardening, do-it-yourself and, recently, slimming.
libro de texto    [Documento didáctico que presenta el saber básico de un arte, una ciencia o una técnica]
school book
textbook [text book]
 Certain classes of books, indeed, were normally sold bound: school books, classical texts, bibles and prayer books, devotional handbooks and standard collections of sermons.
 The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.
 A textbook is a didactic document setting out basic knowledge of an art, science or technique.
libro de texto de una asignatura 
set course book
 Apart from the general catalogue, the library uses 7 supplmentary card catalogues (for desiderata, accessions, continuations, deficient series, set course books, standard professional and general text books) designed to facilitate the acquisition process.
libro de texto escolar 
school text
 Exports of school texts seem to do well, with a total contribution of 7.34 per cent to total turnover compared to 9.21 per cent from the home sales.
libro de viajes  
travel book
travelogue [travelog, -USA]
 He turned the idea down because he thought that too many travel books had been published already.
 The book is a picturesque hybrid of travelogue, personal memoir, lyric rhapsody, art history, and cultural criticism.
libro educativo 
educational book
 The only books, therefore, which are normally sold 'non-net' are educational books sold in bulk to schools, for which suppliers are allowed to negotiate special prices.
libro electrónico 
electronic book (e-book/ebook)
 The electronic book (e-book) is already available commercially in Japan, and a British company is currently prototyping a handwriting recognition notepad.
libro encuadernado en tapa   
hard book cover
hardback cover
hardback book
 Most libraries now use plastic jackets on hard book covers and either laminate paperbacks or use one of the slip-on plastic jackets specially designed for paperbacks.
 Many paperbacks actually stand up to this usage better than the flimsy hardback covers now being produced.
 The agency also estimated that 54.5 per cent of households bought no paperbacks and 63.2 per cent of households bought no hardback books.
libro en rústica   [Libro encuadernados con pastas blandas]   
paperback book
paperbound book
trade paperback
 This magazine gives quarterly figures of the UK publishing industry's turnover by book categories, by hardback and paperback and by home and export.
 Prebinding of paperback books has been claimed to enable such books to last an average of 60 circulations compared to 10 circulations for ordinary paperbacks.
 Government agencies have taken the trouble to create a standard format for their publications and generally tidy up their presentation until in physical appearance their reports look like a collection of pamphlets or paperbound books.
 Technically speaking, trade paperbacks which reprint stories from an ongoing comic book title or previously published mini-series are not graphic novels at all.
 This journal presented a variety of significant characteristics seen in today's publications beginning with the years in which the first 'pocketbooks' came off the presses.
libro esencial 
bedside book
 It should be a useful bedside book for American political leaders and many others.
libro fantasma  [Imitación de un libro que se colocaba en el lugar que debería ocupar el original, el cual se retiraba de los estantes por razones de contenido o valor]
dummy book
 It used to be common practice to keep certain books in the librarian's office or in a locked cupboard (eg books on sex), so a dummy book was place on the appropriate shelf.
libro ficticio  [Imitación de un libro que se colocaba en el lugar que debería ocupar el original, el cual se retiraba de los estantes por razones de contenido o valor]
dummy book
 It used to be common practice to keep certain books in the librarian's office or in a locked cupboard (eg books on sex), so a dummy book was place on the appropriate shelf.
libro físico  [El soporte del documento como contrapuesto a su contenido]
physical book
 This article presents a summary of the less aparent effects of these developments with an eye toward how these have reshaped contemporary conceptions of the physical book.
libro fotolitografiado 
photolitho book
 The early photolitho books of 1856-7 were again collections of reproductions of art photographs, but in 1858 there was an event of greater bibliographical significance: the production of a photolitho facsimile of a printed book.
libro frágil 
brittle book
 The initial priority of this ambitious effort is a cooperative microfilming programme to capture the contents of 3 million brittle books in 20 years.
libro genealógico  [Libro donde se registra los antecedentes y pedigrí de un animal]
 Established in 1941, the collection includes American and European studbooks, periodical files dating back to the 1800s, a clipping file and fiction and poetry on horses.
libro grabado en audio  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]
talking book
audiobook [audio book]
 Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.
 However, the majority of audiobooks are available for blind readers only through independent libraries for the blind.
libro hablado  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]
talking book
audiobook [audio book]
 Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.
 However, the majority of audiobooks are available for blind readers only through independent libraries for the blind.
libro homenaje  [Colección publicada en honor de una persona o un organismo con ocasión de su aniversario u otro acontecimiento o en su recuerdo]  
Festschrift [Festschriften, -pl.]
commemorative volume
memorial volume
 Added entries under personal names are made in respect of persons with other relationships with the work, for example, addressees of a collection of letters, a person honoured by a Festschrift.
 A memorial or commemorative volume is a publication in the form of a collection of essays, addresses, or biographical, bibliographical, scientific, or other contributions, often embodying the results of research, issued in honour of a person, an institution or a society, usually on the occasion of an anniversary celebration.
 A memorial or commemorative volume is a publication in the form of a collection of essays, addresses, or biographical, bibliographical, scientific, or other contributions, often embodying the results of research, issued in honour of a person, an institution or a society, usually on the occasion of an anniversary celebration.
libro ilustrado  [Libro concebido y producido por un artista generalmente acompañado de imágenes]  [Libro que incluye imágenes para explicar, aumentar o embellecer el texto]
livre d'artiste
illustrated book
 This article describes the work of fine book illustrators and designers which contributed to the livre d'artiste.
 An illustrated book is a book that includes visual images to explain, augment, or embellish the text.
libro impreso  
press book
printed book
 I am not suggesting that teachers should be bibliographic bores, literary missionaries, who blurt out titles and press books on children at every possible moment.
 Despite the deterioration of the manuscript or printed book because of fading inks, disintegrating bindings, foxing, cockling, or crumbling paper, we could still preserve the artifact with a variety of proven conservation and preservation techniques.
libro impreso en pastas duras 
board book
 Board books use hard cardboard both for the cover as well as the pages to make more durable.
libro infantil 
children's book
 This bibliography lists a selection of children's books on the theme of lying.
libro juvenil  
young people's book
juvenile book
 Other topics include the establishment of a pool of resources for promoting reading, like lists of recommended children's and young people's books, travelling exhibitions as well as events for reading animation.
 The author looks at the market for juvenile books drawing attention to the fact that it has been hurt by mergers and acquisitions in both the UK and USA.
libro litográfico 
lithographed book
 Attention is given to the visual attributes of these early lithographed books and to the ways in which they differ from those of letterpress books.
libro litúrgico 
liturgical work
 Enter a liturgical work under the heading for the church or denominational body to which it pertains.
libro más vendido  
bestseller [best seller/best-seller]
 The part that books play in people's lives is well illustrated by the list of 'bestsellers' which appear on the inside of the back cover of the Bookseller each week.
 Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.
libro miniatura  [Libro de dimensiones muy reducidas]
miniature book
 Miniature books are not as common now as they used to be.
libro muy manoseado 
dog-eared book
 She was forced to deliver her own babies in a rat-infested dungeon with nothing but a dog-eared book on pregnancy to help her.
libro narrativo 
fictional book
 When a library member asks for a fictional book he usually frames his request in this way: 'I am looking for a book by Victor Canning'.
libro para empollar  [Libro que presenta la información que el alumno necesita para aprobar un examen de una manera fácil de memorizar]
 Obviously one must here distinguish between 'scholarly' texts, middle-range texts and what might be referred to derogatorily as 'crammers' (books intended to help students to pass examinations with the minimum amount of effort).
libro parlante  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]
talking book
audiobook [audio book]
 Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.
 However, the majority of audiobooks are available for blind readers only through independent libraries for the blind.
libro prohibido 
banned book
 Banned books were not returned until 1979, after having been microfilmed.
libro raro 
rare book
 Rare books, certain large size books, e.g. atlases and collections of photographs, expensive books, out of print and irreplaceable works can all come into the category of 'reference books'.
libro reservado 
reserved book
 The issue terminal also incorporates a warning light in case a reserved book has slipped through the system and found its way on to the shelves.
book material
 Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.
libro sagrado  
sacred book
sacred scripture
 This part provides detailed schedules mainly for use in the classification of Indian classics and sacred books.
 Sacred scriptures are entered under uniform title as main entry.
Libros Americanos en Rústica en Venta  [Publicación de la Agencia Estadounidense del ISBN que recoge los libros encuadernados en rústica publicados en los Estados Unidos y actualmente en venta (o vivos) ordenados por autor, título y materia Adjunta incluye una lista de las editoriales con sus direcciones Es una herramienta indispensable para libreros u otros interesados en conseguir un libro encuadernado en rústica publicado en los Estados Unidos]
Paperbound Books in Print
 Whilst books bound in paper covers are not excluded from British Books in Print, a separate Paperbacks in Print (London, Whitaker, 1960 annual) is published and it has a counterpart in the United States Paperbound Books in Print (New York, Bowker, annual).
Libros Británicos en Rústica en Venta  [Publicación de la Agencia Británica del ISBN que recoge los libros encuadernados en rústica publicados en el Reino Unido y actualmente en venta (o vivos) ordenados por autor, título y materia Adjunta incluye una lista de las editoriales con sus direcciones Es una herramienta indispensable para libreros u otros interesados en conseguir un libro encuadernado en rústica publicado en el Reino Unido]
Paperbacks in Print
 Whilst books bound in paper covers are not excluded from British Books in Print, a separate Paperbacks in Print (London, Whitaker, 1960 annual) is published and it has a counterpart in the United States Paperbound Books in Print (New York, Bowker, annual).
Libros Británicos en Venta  [Publicación de la Agencia Británica del ISBN que recoge los libros publicados en el Reino Unido y actualmente en venta (o vivos) ordenados por autor, título y materia Adjunta incluye una lista de las editoriales con sus direcciones Es una herramienta indispensable para libreros u otros interesados en conseguir un libro publicado en el Reino Unido El equivalente en España es "Libros Españoles en Venta"]
British Books in Print
 Whilst books bound in paper covers are not excluded from British Books in Print, a separate Paperbacks in Print (London, Whitaker, 1960 annual) is published and it has a counterpart in the United States Paperbound Books in Print (New York, Bowker, annual).
Libros de Texto para Africa (TAP) 
Textbooks for Africa (TAP)
 This article describes a new project entitled Textbooks for Africa (TAP) launched by the Ranfurly Library Service with the support of the British Council (BC) and the Overseas Development Administration.
libros en venta  [Publicación de una agencia de ISBN que recoge los libros publicados en un país determinado y actualmente en venta (o vivos) ordenados por autor, título y materia Adjunta incluye una lista de las editoriales con sus direcciones Es una herramienta indispensable para libreros u otros interesados en conseguir un libro publicado en un país determinado]
books in print
 Another interesting data base is BOOKS-INFO, a file of bibliographic data on books in print, from Brodart Inc.
libro sonoro  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]  [Libro grabado en soporte magnético para que los invidentes puedan escucharlos]
talking book
audiobook [audio book]
 Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.
 However, the majority of audiobooks are available for blind readers only through independent libraries for the blind.
libros sobre curiosidades  [Libros y escritos sobre temás poco comunes]
 The article 'Canine curiosa in special collections' describes the special collections of books on dogs at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
libro táctil 
tactile book
 It is also a way of providing much-needed, high quality tactile books for distribution around the EU.
libro táctil de dibujos  [Libro que relata una situación o historieta a base de dibujos en relieve y dirigido especialmente a niños que tienen problemas visuales]
tactile picture book
 The author made her 1st tactile picture book for partially-sighted children 18 years ago.
libro tipográfico 
letterpress book
 Attention is given to the visual attributes of these early lithographed books and to the ways in which they differ from those of letterpress books.
libro trofeo de guerra  [Libros que se llevaron los rusos a su país de las bibliotecas alemanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial]
trophy book
 Unfortunately the process on both sides has become sluggish and is playing into the hands of the antiquarian book trade, which is now dealing in trophy books on a large scale.
libro verde 
green paper
 The green paper on the financing of the public library service forces librarians to look closely at the choices facing them on how libraries of the future are to be funded.
lista de libros 
booklist [book list]
 Publications, such as book lists, and published lists of specific subject areas present in the stock of a library may assist the user to identify those parts of the stock which might be of particular interest to him.
lista de libros enviados a encuadernar 
bindery list
 Other reports that are generated are bindery lists and order lists for the subscription agency = Otros informes que se generan son listas de libros enviados a encuadernar y listas de pedidos para la agencia de suscripciones.
lomo del libro 
book spine
 This article describes how Naval War College Library set about restoring the print to book spines that were damaged by smoke or soot during a fire, or during the cleaning process which followed.
máquina de coser libros 
book-sewing machine
 Wire staplers were first introduced in about 1875 in default of satisfactory book-sewing machines (which were not fully developed until 1882).
máquina de escribir libros 
book-writing machine
 During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.
maquina de grapar libros 
book-stapling machine
 Consequently the book-stapling machines were generally replaced by sewing machines by the late 1880s; the stapling of pamphlets, however, had come to stay.
mercado del libro, el 
book market, the
 Much of the negative reaction may be caused by not designing a plan suitable for the book market and the needs of research libraries.
movimiento de libros 
 She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.
mundo del comercio del libro 
book-trade life
 To speak of books as 'new products for the market' sounds crassly commercial, but is nevertheless a hard fact of book-trade life.
mundo del libro, el  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
book world, the
 Selection of books for review sometimes causes controversy as to why some are reviewed and others not and the reviews themselves can create minor storms in the book world if it is felt they are prejudiced or spiteful.
mutilación de libros 
book mutilation
 Book theft and multilation represent a major problem for libraries.
no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus hojas 
don't judge a book by its cover
 The old saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is very appropriate in our lives today - it is very important not to judge a person because of what you assume they are like.
no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas 
don't judge a book by its cover
 The old saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is very appropriate in our lives today - it is very important not to judge a person because of what you assume they are like.
novelas o libros que se compran en el supermercado 
 Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.
obsesionado con los libros 
 A self-professed 'bookaholic' and journalist submits that, be it ever so humble, there is no place like the library.
obseso con los libros 
 A self-professed 'bookaholic' and journalist submits that, be it ever so humble, there is no place like the library.
parásito del libro  [Todo tipo de insecto que afecta a la integridad física de un documento]
book insect
 Freezing is effective in eliminating injurious book insects.
piojo de los libros  [Insecto que se sustenta del moho que crece sobre el papel húmedo]
booklouse [booklice, -pl.]
 This article identifies five types of crawling insects which commonly infest libraries: booklice, bookworms, cockroaches, silverfish and termites.
posesión de libros propios 
book ownership
 Everything points to the importance of book ownership as both a reflection of, and a formative influence on, a family's attitude to reading.
presentación de libros 
book talk [booktalk/book-talk]
 The library may provide equipment for community-sponsored programs such as book talks, speaker series, tax assistance, voter registration, and so on = La biblioteca puede disponer del material necesario para apoyar los programas patrocinados por la comunidad como por ejemplo presentaciones de libros, ciclos de coferencias, asesoría fiscal, inscripción en el censo electoral, etc.
prestamista de libros 
book lender
 A university which requires the deposit of only two or three copies is unlikely to be an enthusiastic book lender.
préstamo de libros  
book lending
checking out books
 Rules and conditions concerning book lending are the most important items in a library's statute book, binding the reader by specific obligations in the process of borrowing books.
 Many people believe that librarian activity centers around checking out books.
prestar un libro 
check out + book
 The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out and the classes of books used in the library.
presupuesto para la compra de libros 
book funds [bookfunds]
 Despite carefully framed acquistions policy statements regarding fiction in actual fact libraries allocate only a small percentage of their meagre book funds to fiction.
presupuesto para libros 
book budget
 Or still others think they have the library figured out, probably because of recent cuts in the book budget they read about in the campus newspaper.
proceso técnico del libro  [Tareas relativas a la preparación de documentos desde su entrada a la biblioteca hasta su disposición en los estantes]  [Tareas relativas a la preparación de documentos desde su entrada a la biblioteca hasta su disposición en los estantes]
book preparation
book processing
 The stages of book preparation, known as processing, can be tabulated as follows: check of book with invoice; quick collation; accessioning or stock recording; classification; cataloguing; lettering on spine; labelling; final check of all processes before shelving.
 The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court - library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.
producción de libros  
book production
book publishing
 Children's book production has expanded during the last 15 years.
 Electronic publishing can never completely replace book publishing.
promoción de libros 
book promotion
 Many authors and special guests are glad to help in this way in the cause of book promotion particularly when they live locally.
quema de libros 
book burning
 The article has the title 'Thermochemically activated oxidation: Mother Nature's book burning'.
que no es libro de texto 
 In the past decade or so, much stalwart work has been done in order to provide non-textbook reading material for primary school children.
recensión de libros 
 Having made this prefatory warning, it has also to be said that many teachers successfully contrive to make reviewing an enjoyable and useful ingredient in their book and reading programs.
relacionado con la promoción de libros 
 Book-promotional displays should occupy key sites in the building = Los expositores dedicados a la promoción de libros deberían ocupar sitios claves del edificio.
relacionado con los libros 
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
reproducción ilegal de libros 
book piracy
 The rapid growth in the student market in Pakistan and the dependence on imported books has resulted in large scale book piracy, or unsanctioned reprinting.
reserva de libro 
book reservation
 The author describes the planned operation of the new online public access catalogue (OPAC) and the seat and book reservation system = El autor describe cómo funcionará el nuevo catálogo de acceso público en línea (OPAC) y el sistema de reserva de libros y puestos de lectura.
reserva de libros 
reserve book room
 The library has purchased all of the modules, including: acquisitions; circulation control; cataloguing; periodicals control, reserve book room and online public access catalogue (OPAC).
reservar libros 
reserve + books
 The reader has to reserve books on display and wait till the entire display is dismantled.
retirar un libro en préstamo 
check out + book
 The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out and the classes of books used in the library.
rincón del libro 
book corner
 Every classroom and both of our halls have a book corner, where the children can sit for periods of quite reading.
robo de libros  
book stealing
book theft
 In imposing penalties for book stealing libraries are particularly helpless.
 Book theft and multilation represent a major problem for libraries.
sacar un libro en préstamo 
borrow + a book
 While there are features of public libraries which are to be cherished - the role as a community meeting place, a place to borrow books, a safe haven - we must look for new opportunities.
sala de libros raros 
rare book room
 The use of clear armoured glass walls gives excellent visual supervision in the Rare Book Room and in the Manuscript and Local History Reading Room.
saldo del libro de cuentas 
account book balance
 Ascertain that the beginning and ending account book balances agree with bank statement balances and that any differences can be reconciled.
sección de libros en rústica  [En un supermercado, estantes que contienen libros en rústica]
paperback rack
 Looking along the paperback racks at a large departmental store one is confronted by many titles in paperback which rarely are mentioned in a review in the general press.
seleccionador de libros  [Persona que se dedica a consultar diferentes fuentes de novedades con objeto de adquirir nuevo material]
book selector
 Whether it is current enough in its production to be called a book selector's tool is an open question.
selección de libros 
book selection
 Library duties discussed include book selection and counter work of various types = Las tareas bibliotecarias que se discuten incluyen la selección de libros y el trabajo de mostrador de diversos tipos.
sello para libros 
book stamp
 Peripheral equipment such as barcode wands, desensitizers, and book stamps should be within easy reach of the operator.
ser como un libro abierto  
be an open book
read + Nombre + like a book
 When she was young and her heart was an open book, she used to say, 'Live and let live'.
 That girl could read me like a book, no matter how hard I tried to disguise my feelings.
ser un libro abierto  
be an open book
read + Nombre + like a book
 When she was young and her heart was an open book, she used to say, 'Live and let live'.
 That girl could read me like a book, no matter how hard I tried to disguise my feelings.
servicio de libros a domicilio 
homebound service
 The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.
servicio relacionado con los libros 
book service
 Alex Wilson sides with the librarians who say 'concentrate your book service first and foremost on existing users because expenditure on attracting those with a low motivation is much more costly and likely to be mostly unsuccessful'.
sistema antirrobo de libros   [Sistema que se instala a la salida de una biblioteca para detectar la salida ilegal de libros]
book security system
library security system
 This article examines the use of adhesive security strips, data transfer media like video and audio cassettes and diskettes, microfilm equipment and book security systems.
 Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.
sistema de detección de libros 
book detection system
 Preventative measures range from rearrangement of shelves and counters, through book detection systems to general public relations.
sociedad sin libros  [Expresión que se aplica a aquellos países del tercer mundo en donde apenas si existen libros]
bookless society
 According to Zell, 'Many parts of Africa now present a picture of a 'bookless society''.
soporte de libro 
book support
 Make use of book supports on shelves to prevent books toppling over or falling to the floor.
stand de libros 
bookstall [book stall]
 I have myself seen, in a northern market, a bookstall where the stall-holder had over a dozen old shoeboxes under the counter in which each month the ten new titles were placed so that the customers could buy the whole new range gradually over the coming month.
suministro de libros 
book supply
 The easiest and most efficient method for book supply is to use a bookseller who provides all the books.
traslado de libros 
 She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.
vale canjeable por un libro 
book token
 The shop may have its own 'book tokens' - gift vouchers that people can buy and which are redeemable only at the school bookshop.
venta de libros 
bookselling [book selling]
 Without going into too much detail and thus ending up writing a textbook on bookselling, it is important to note that in the United Kingdom there are two sorts of new books sold and these are called 'net books' and 'non-net books'.

Tendencias de uso de la palabra libro



Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de libro
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «libro».

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre libro



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra libro.
Aldous Huxley
Escribir un mal libro representa tanto trabajo como escribir uno bueno. Nace, con igual sinceridad, del alma del autor.
Amos Alcott
Un buen libro es aquel que se abre con expectación y se cierra con provecho.
Anthony Hope
Se podría escribir un libro con las injusticias de los justos.
Carl Maria Von Weber
Un libro que no merece una segunda lectura, no merece la primera.
Charles C. Colton
Debemos usar un libro como las abejas las flores: para absorber su esencia.
Charles C. Colton
Es una pobre lectura la que se hace sólo por ver cómo termina un libro.
Ernest Hemingway
La obra clásica es un libro que todo el mundo admira, pero que nadie lee.
Filippo Pananti
La vida es un libro del que, quien no ha visto más que su patria, no ha leído más que una página.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Existe una gran diferencia entre la persona ávida que pide un libro, y la persona cansada que pide un libro para leer.
Groucho Marx
En mi opinión la televisión es muy educativa. Cada vez que alguien enciende el aparato, me voy a otra habitación y me pongo a leer un libro.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término libro.
Libro prestado, libro perdido.
Vida es gran libro abierto para el que vive despierto.
De la corriente mansa me libre Dios, que de las aguas bravas me libro yo.
De las virtudes del romero puede escribirse en un libro entero.
De un peligro, con otro me libro.
Del agua mansa líbrenos Dios, que de la removida me libro yo.
Del toro manso me libre Dios, porque del bravo me libro yo.
Después de comer, ni libro ni mujer.
Dios me libre del agua mansa que de la que corre ya me libro yo.
El buen libro de las penas es alivio.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de libro en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con libro y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El libro de la artritis reumatoide
Este no es un libro para diagnosticar la artritis reumatoide; el diagnostico de la enfermedad corresponde al médico. De ninguna manera es un libro para automedicarse: el tratamiento de su enfermedad corresponde igualmente a su médico.
Lario Bonifacio Alvarez, Bonifacio Álvarez Lario, 2003
EL LIBRO DE LAS BUENAS COSTUMBRES: Maneras sencillas y ...
Asuma usted que el éxito en lo laboral y también en sus relaciones sociales, lo alcanzará perfeccionando y puliendo su manera de conducirse en la vida.
Dirk Mathison, 2002
El libro de los mandalas: Energía, meditación y sanación
En este libro se incluyen 100 mandalas de diferentes culturas y religiones tibetanos, hindúes, cristianos, árabes, celtas o mesoamericanos, junto a una serie de ejercicios específicos que harán que esta obra se convierta en un creativo ...
Thomas Varlenhoff, 2006
El libro del hombre
Osho define al hombre a través de diferentes estereotipos: desde el Adán, el esclavo, el hijo, el homosexual, el marido, el político, el sacerdote, etcétera, a través de veintinueve capítulos, aportando nuevas ideas para convertir ...
Osho Osho, 2010
AJEDREZ LÓGICO. Jugada a jugada (Libro+CD ROM)
En este gran clasico, Irving Chernev comenta 33 partidas completas en detalle, explicandole al lector la razon de cada jugada.
Irving Chernev, 2006
El libro del ego
A través de preguntas y respuestas, Osho nos muestra en este libro el camino para librarnos de nuestro ego. Así llegaremos a ser hombres y mujeres sencillos, es decir, capaces de captar lo esencial de nuestra realidad.
Osho Osho, 2010
El libro de la repostería tradicional
En este libro se recoge las mejores recetas de la antigua repostería popular y su particular historia.
Jesús Ávila Granados, 2003
El libro de la interpretación de los sueños
El mundo de los sueos y su interpretacin han provocado la curiosidqad de todas las sociedades sin excepcin, incluida la nuestra, en la que ha desaparecido, de forma general, el sentido de lo sagrado.
Muhammad Ibn Sirin, 2008
El libro de la interpretación de los sueños
Artemidoro es un claro esponente de la literatura pseudocientífica y supersticiosa que se desarrolló a lo largo de los siglos I-II d.C. Su obra en cinco libros adquiere una extraordinaria relevancia, por ser la única sobre la ...
Artemidoro de Daldis, María Carmen Barrigón Fuentes, Jesús María Nieto Ibáñez, 1999
Este manual presenta los conocimientos básicos sobre Aerobic y Step de una forma clara y práctica.
Iraima Fernández González, Blanca López Erquicia, Susana Moral González, 2004


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término libro en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
La versión en español del nuevo libro de Harry Potter llegará el 28 ...
Ahora, los lectores que quieran conocer de qué se trata el libro en español deberán esperar dos meses. Edhasa anunció que la traducción -que incluye las ... «LA NACION, Ago 16»
¿En qué consiste el nuevo libro de J.K. Rowling?
La presentación de este libro también tendrá lugar este fin de semana, en la noche del sábado al domingo, muy poquito después del estreno de la pieza, en ... «Hola, Jul 16»
La empresa MVS niega que quiera censurar el libro de la 'casa ...
La empresa MVS confirmó que sí hay una demanda por daño moral contra Carmen Aristegui y la editorial Penguin Random House por el libro 'La casa blanca ... «Univisión, Jul 16»
Disfruta en familia de la Feria del Libro de Madrid
El Parque del Retiro se viste de libros desde este viernes y hasta el 12 de junio con la 75ª Feria del Libro de Madrid, y de las actividades organizadas en este ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
¿Por qué se celebra el Día del Libro el 23 de abril si Cervantes ni ...
Cada 23 de abril se celebra en todo el planeta el 'Día Mundial del Libro y del Derecho de Autor' desde que se acordó en 28ª reunión de la UNESCO, celebrada ... «, Abr 16»
Lo que tenés que saber sobre la Feria del Libro
Pasado mañana inaugura la edición número 42 de la tradicional Feria del Libro porteña. El acto oficial está programado para las 18 en la sala Jorge Luis ... «LA NACION, Abr 16»
El Libro de la Selva
La versión cinematográfica de Favreau de "El Libro de la Selva", la bellísima obra de Rudyard Kipling que nos depara un paseo por "Las Tierras Vírgenes", ... «Hipertextual, Abr 16»
'El libro de la selva' es racista aunque Disney intente apañarlo
El autor de El libro de la selva no incluyó canciones joviales e inocentes historias animadas en su manuscrito original. Rudyard Kipling escribió en sus ... «, Abr 16»
'El libro de la selva': La crítica internacional alaba la nueva película ...
El libro de la selva es la nueva película del director Jon Favreau (Iron Man), que se estrena en las salas españolas el 15 de abril. Y justo antes de su ... «SensaCine, Abr 16»
Ángela Ruiz Robles, la mujer que inventó el libro electrónico en 1949
Hoy Google dedica su doodle de hoy a la 'inventora' del libro electrónico. Pero Ángela Ruiz Robles es mucho más. Inmerecidamente olvidada, esta leonesa de ... «Xataka, Mar 16»


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