This article introduces an expert system the purpose of which is propose some candidate bull breeds for a cow to give birth to calves who might have improved properties in the point of eugenics.
coger el toro por los cuernos
seize + the bull by the horns
take + the bull by the horns
grasp + the nettle
face + Posesivo + fears
A decade ago, therefore, I decided to seize the bull by the horns and challenge my ethics students not to cheat.
The article 'Taking the Bull the the Horns' addresses the educational needs of gifted children in the context of the existing educational system.
If libraries are to be made more relevant to the needs of the community, librarians must 'grasp the nettle' and face up to the obstacles in their way.
By gathering up courage to face their fears, international contractors operating in China may begin to detect new possibilities of doing business there.
como un toro en una tienda de porcelana
like an elephant in a china shop
like a bull in a china shop
Lieberman is conducting himself like an elephant in a china shop and is inflicting strategic damage on Israel's interests.
He can really be like a bull in a china shop - he really lacks tact .
corrida de toros
The religious significance attached to the bullfight, flamenco & Passion Week celebrations in Andalusia, Spain, is examined.
estar fuerte como un toro
be built like the side of a house
His arms, so long they gave him a greyhound's grace even though he was built like the side of a house.
estar hecho un toro
be built like the side of a house
His arms, so long they gave him a greyhound's grace even though he was built like the side of a house.
fuerte como un toro
as strong as an ox
The morning newspaper was an avid supporter of Miller and claimed he was 'as strong as an ox'.
hecho un toro
as strong as an ox
The morning newspaper was an avid supporter of Miller and claimed he was 'as strong as an ox'.
más fuerte que un toro
as strong as an ox
The morning newspaper was an avid supporter of Miller and claimed he was 'as strong as an ox'.
mirar los toros desde la barrera
watch from + the sidelines
Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.
plaza de toros
Bullrings are often associated with Spain, but they can also be found in neighboring countries and the New World.
tomate huevo de toro [Término del inglés americano y en inglés británico beef tomato] [Término del inglés británico y en inglés americano beefsteak tomato]
beefsteak tomato
beef tomato
Left at room temperature, a beefsteak tomato will continue to ripen and develop a deeper and sweeter taste.
As the years passed, Vasilis got an expert in growing beef tomatoes.
toro bravo
brave bull
The greatest of bullfighters have been gored, maimed and killed by brave bulls.
toro castrado
A mobile bullock cart library service and a 'barefoot library service' operating in rural areas of the country are also described.