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definição de embólic no dicionário romeno
EMBÓLIC, -Ă adj. Sobre a embolia. EMBÓLIC, -Ă adj. Referitor la embolie.
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Descubra o uso de
embólic na seguinte seleção bibliográfica. Livros relacionados com
embólic e pequenos extratos deles para contextualizar o seu uso na literatura.
Word Division: Supplement to United States Government ... - Pagina 48
... e-ma-ci-ate em-a-nate e-man-ci-pate em-a-nom-e-ter e-mar-gi-nate e-mas-cu-late em-bar-go em-bar-ka-tion em-bar-ras (n.) em bar rass (v.) em-bed -ded em-bla-zon em-blem-at-i-cal em-bod-i-ment em-bold-en em-bol-ic em-bo-lism ...
United States. Government Printing Office, 1987
... ic o do L H R H Suprime a secreção de GnRH, com queda Meta b ol iz a d o n o o Dor óssea elevada, ondas de calor, Nenhuma Câncer de mama, câncer de próstata resultante na fenôme nos secreção de testostero fí trombo embólic os na, ...
Lee Goldman, Andrew I. Schafer, 2014
How to Divide Medical Words: Over Twenty-five Thousand ...
... em-bol-ic em-bo-lism em-bo-lo-phra-si-a em-bo-lus em-bo-ly em-bra-sure em-bro-ca-tion em-bry-ec-to-my em-bry-o em-bry-o-blast em-bry-o-car-di-a em-bry-oc-to-ny em-bry-o-gen-ic em-bry-oid em-bry-ol-O-gist em-bry-ol-O-gy em-bry-o-ma ...
Richard V. Lee, Doris J. Hofer, 1972
The word book III: based on the American heritage dictionary
... -blazed', -blaz'ing envbla'zon em'blem em'ble mafic orem'- blenvat'i'cal envbod'i'ment envbod'y, -ied, -ying envbold'en em'bol'ic em'bo'lism em'bo'lusp/. -li' em'bon' point' em'bos'om em 'boss' em'bou'chure' em'bow'er em 'brace', -braced' ...
The word book II: based on the new American heritage ... - Pagina 101
... -at'ing em'ble-mat'ic or em'- e-lit'ist or e-lit'ist e-ma'ci-a'tion blem-at'i-cal e-lix'ir em'a-nate', -nat'ed. em-bod'i-ment E-liz'a-be'than -nat'ing em-bod'y, -ied, -ying elk pi elks or elks em'a-na'tion em-bold'en elk'hound' em'a-na'tive em'bol'ic ell ...
Kaethe Ellis, Robert W. Harris, 1983
Webster's medical speller - Pagina 331
... nia throm-bo-cy-to- pe-nic throm-bo-cy-to- poi-e-sis pi throm-bo-cy-to-poi- e-ses throm-bo-cy-to-sis pi throm-bo-cy-to-ses throm-bo-em-bo- lec-to-my pi throm>bo>em-bo- lec-tcwnies thrombopoiesis throm-bo-em-bol- ic throm-bo-em-bo- lism ...
Webster's secretary's handbook: with spelling and word ... - Pagina 126
... e-lec-trol-y-sis e-lec-tro-lyte em-bod-i-ment e-lec-tro-lyt-i-cal em-bold-en e-lec-trom-e-ter em-bol-ic e-lec-tron-i-cal-ly em-bo-lism e-lec-tron-ics em-bo-lus.
United States Naval Medical Bulletin for the Information ...
Peters (37) stated that- digitalization for congestive heart failure in coronary thrombosis increases the incidence of t h rom bo-em bol ic phenomena. Of the six dicuniarolized patients who received digitalis, none suffered vascular complications.
United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, 1949
Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions ... - Pagina 464
[G. embolos, a plug (embolus), + ektomé, excision] em-bo-li (embö-II) Plural of embolus. em-bol-ic (em-bol'ik) Relating to an embolus or to embolism. em-bol-i-form nu-cle-us (em-bol'i-förm nü' klé-us) A small wedge-shaped nucleus in the ...
Thomas Lathrop Stedman, 2005
Webster's II New College Dictionary - Pagina 367
Medical removal of an embolus. em-bo- li lem'ba-li'j n. ;-/ of EMBOLUS. em-bol-ic era-bol'lkl adi Of or pertaining to an embolus or an embolism. em-bo- It sm em'ba-liz'sm! n. [ME embolismt. insertion of one or more days m a calendar < LLat.
Houghton Mifflin Company, Webster, 1999