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Definition von barut im Wörterbuch Malaysisch
Barut I Tuch, Tuch für Verband; ~ Neugeborener oder Neugeborener Kindertrainer; ~ die Länge der Bauchdecke des Neugeborenen; löslich in Verband, in Gürtel gewickelt: eine spezielle Zutat auf die gesamte Oberfläche des Magens vor ~; Vernarbung, Gürtel: ~ Bauch seines Babys; Löslichkeit von Lösungsmitteln; Verbandslösungsmittel, Verband. Scheune II Mn; gerieben, gerieben, geschmiert, gefegt. barut I kain pembalut, kain utk membebat; ~ kereta kain pembebat anak yg baru lahir atau perempuan yg baru melahirkan anak; ~ panjang kain pembebat perut perempuan yg baru melahirkan anak; berbarut memakai barut, dibalut dgn barut: sapukan ramuan khas pd seluruh permukaan perut sebelum ~; membarut memakaikan barut, membalut dgn barut: ~ perut anaknya; pembarutan perbuatan membarut; pembarut pembalut, pembebat.
barut II Mn; membarut menggosok, mengurap, melumas, menyapu.
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Entdecke den Gebrauch von
barut in der folgenden bibliographischen Auswahl. Bücher, die mit
barut im Zusammenhang stehen und kurze Auszüge derselben, um seinen Gebrauch in der Literatur kontextbezogen darzustellen.
Theory of Group Representations and Applications
The material collected in this book originated from lectures given by authors over many years in Warsaw, Trieste, Schladming, Istanbul, Goteborg and Boulder.
Asim Orhan Barut, Ryszard Rączka, 1986
Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles
The first comprehensive treatment of relativistic electrodynamics, this volume remains essential reading. This graduate-level text was written by a distinguished theoretical physicist.
African Foragers: Environment, Technology, Interactions
Study of the development of foraging strategies in Africa from the Middle Stone Age to the present.
Sibel Barut Kusimba, 2003
Studies in Mathematical Physics
Lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on `Mathematical Physics', Istanbul, Turkey, August, 1970
The Electron: New Theory and Experiment - Halaman 118
E. Fermi, Rev. Mod. Physics, 4, 87 (1932) 2. A.O. Barut, Physics Lett. A, 145,387 (1990) 3. A.O.Barut, Physics Lett. A 131, 11 (1988) 4. P.A.M.Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A117,610 and A118, 351 (21928) 5. A.O. Barut and N.Zanghi, Phys.
David Hestenes, A. Weingartshofer, 2012
Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Optics - Halaman 29
A. O. Barut. REFERENCES 1. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. For a recent collection of different views and approaches to electrodynamics see "Foundations of Radiation Theory and Quantumelectrodynamics, " (edit. A. O. Barut), Plenum, N.Y. 1980.
Symmetries in Science VI: From the Rotation Group to ... - Halaman 83
REFERENCES 1. W. Pauli, Z. f Phys., 31, 765 (1925) 2. G. E. Uhlenbeck and S. Goudsmit, Naturwiss, 13, 953 (1925) 3. A. O. Barut, “The importance of spin”, in Spinors in Physics and Geometry, A Trautman et al, edit's. World Scienfitic 1983, p.
Relativistic Theory of Atoms and Molecules III: A ... - Halaman 162
[6824] Barut A.O. (1973). Some unusual applications of Lie algebra representations in quantum theory. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 25, 247–259. [6825 Barut A.O. (1993). On the 'New constants of the motion of the free Dirac electron'. Nuovo Cim.
Dynamical Groups and Spectrum Generating Algebras
|8| Barut, A. O. and Bornzin, G., SO(4, 2) Formulation of the Symmetry Breaking in Relativistic Kepler Problem with or without Magnetic Charges, J. Math. Phys. 12, 841-846 (1971). |9| Gambardello, P. J., Exact results in quantum many-body ...
Arno Böhm, Yuval Neʼeman, Asim Orhan Barut, 1988
Quantum Theory, Groups, Fields and Particles - Halaman 332
Barut, in "Group Theory — 1980," AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 71, pp. 73-108 (1981), ed. T. Seligmanjin "Quantum electrodynamics in Strong Fields" (Plenum Press 1982), ed. W. Greiner; and Surveys in High Energy Physics, Vol. 1, pp.
A. O. Barut, P. Barut, 2001