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Meaning of "alguno" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra alguno procede del latín alĭquis, alguien, y unus, uno.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


al · gu · no


Alguno is an adjective.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


Definition of alguno in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of some in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is applied indeterminately to one or several persons or things with respect to others, as opposed to none. Another meaning of some in the dictionary is postponed to the noun, it is equivalent to none or none. There's no reason for you to talk like that. We can not admit that in any way. I've never seen anything like it. Some is also indicates number, magnitude or degree neither small nor large. Some friends were offered Of some duration Of some size With some knowledge of languages.


aceituno · ayuno · bruno · desayuno · fauno · gatuno · huno · inoportuno · montuno · moruno · Neptuno · ninguno · oportuno · perruno · runo · tribuno · tuno · uno · vacuno · veintiuno


alguacilesco · alguacilillo · alguandre · alguaquida · alguaquidero · alguarín · alguarismo · alguaza · alguera · alguerés · alguero · alguese · alguicida · alguien · alguinio · algún · alguna · algunamente · algund · alhábega


abruno · ajuno · bajuno · batasuno · cabruno · cebruno · consuno · desuno · fortuno · hombruno · importuno · lacayuno · lobuno · osuno · ovejuno · pruno · toruno · valluno · yeyuno · zorruno

Synonyms and antonyms of alguno in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «alguno» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «alguno» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of alguno to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of alguno from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «alguno» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of alguno in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

bất kỳ
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  one or other ; some.
 The array of data bases available through one or other of the online hosts is rapidly expanding.
 The banning of The Times newspapers by some local authorities has been a case in question.
alguna que otra vez     
from time to time
every once in a while
every now and then
every now and again
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 It does help to every once in a while ask where we came from and where we are going as a library.
 BLAISE conduct the occasional search for those libraries which do not have access to a terminal.
 I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.
 Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.
algunas personas 
some people
 I think if some people couldn't smoke on the job, they'd be wrecks.
algunas veces   
from time to time
 Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.
 From time to time it may be necessary to consult external references sources in order for the indexer to achieve a sufficient understanding of the document content for effective indexing.
 Only occasionally although increasingly is the full text of a document used.
alguna vez  
on any one occasion
 And then, emitting a short laugh, she said: 'if they ever do it!'.
 On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.
algún día 
one day
 Indefinite growth of stock is impossible, and yet no one dares throw material away, because it might come in useful one day.
a few
some people
 Examine the definition of geography in a few dictionaries and encyclopaedias.
 I think if some people couldn't smoke on the job, they'd be wrecks.
algunos años más tarde 
some years on
 Even the same collection some years on will have altered, and the device, in order to remain effective, must evolve in keeping with the development of the collection.
algunos lo aman, otros lo odian 
love it or loathe it
 Love it or loathe it, clay court tennis is the modern surface in Europe.
algunos otros + Nombre 
various other + Nombre
 More recently, organisation of literature has been recognized as important in business and management, the social sciences, economics, and various other areas within the arts and humanities.
algún tiempo  [También escrito "a while"]
 The major IT players are content to wait awhile before modifying their operating systems.
algún tiempo después 
some time later
 Some time later Mr. Richards expressed an interest in cultivating the land but stated he did not have the requisite finance.
algún tipo de  
some sort of
 Nevertheless, modern cataloguing practices often represent some amalgam of the collocative and the direct approaches.
 Expropriation is legal in just about every country, but most developed countries have laws providing for some sort of compensation.
algún tipo de + Nombre 
one kind of + Nombre + or another
 Some of those pupils will undoubtedly enter one kind of business or another which has links with Europe.
a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + algunos años 
for + Cuantificador + years to come
 These, and similar, questions are likely to form the subject of debate for some years to come.
de alguna forma  
in some way
 Since the fields are of different lengths in different records it is necessary that the beginning and end of fields be flagged in some way.
 If there is one, the borrower must be notified, and the copy somehow put aside for that borrower for a limited amount of time.
de alguna manera 
some way
 Somehow, some way, officials were getting early evacuees out of harm's way as Hurricane Gustav bore down on the central Louisiana coast.
de alguna otra forma 
in any other way
 The use of this method resulted in several interesting findings, the vast majority of which could not be documented in any other way = El uso de este método dio lugar a varios resultados interesantes, cuya gran mayoría no se podría haber obtenido de otra forma.
de algún modo  
some way
in some way
 Somehow, some way, officials were getting early evacuees out of harm's way as Hurricane Gustav bore down on the central Louisiana coast.
 Since the fields are of different lengths in different records it is necessary that the beginning and end of fields be flagged in some way.
de algún tiempo a esta parte 
for some time now
 The new Dewey area tables have been used for some time now in the BL's Bibliographic Services Division with relatively few problems.
desde hace algún tiempo  
for days
for some time
 Republicans have been tripping over each other for days trying to get their stories straight on who knew what and when.
 Personal authorship has been accepted for some time, and indeed reflects the scholarly practice of the western world.
desde hace ya algunos años 
for some years now
 For some years now, there has been proof that the devastating effects of the traumatization of children take their inevitable toll on society.
durante algunos años 
over a period of years
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
durante algún tiempo    
for days
for quite some time
for a good while
for a good bit
 Republicans have been tripping over each other for days trying to get their stories straight on who knew what and when.
 The latest addition to my clock menagerie is a cuckoo clock, something I've wanted for quite some time.
 Not doing so can not only affect your score, it can also lead to serious injury that may keep you out of golf for a good while.
 My head smacked into the cement sidewalk, and knocked the wits out of me for a good bit.
durar algún tiempo 
last (for) + a while
 What's the best lipstick or colored lipgloss that will last for a while without me having to reapply it every 5 minutes?.
en alguna ocasión 
on any one occasion
 On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.
en algún lugar  
at some point
at some point along the way
 At some point this is going to become common in many, many libraries.
 At some point along the way my camera died because I am such a gubbins I didn't charge my battery.
en algún momento     
at some point
at one time or another
somewhere along the way
at one point or another
at some point along the way
 At some point this is going to become common in many, many libraries.
 Indigestion is a common condition that many people - even kids - have at one time or another.
 So today I just came to the realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.
 Whether you're trying to be sexy, or you're just plain nervous, everyone bites their lower lip at one point or another.
 At some point along the way my camera died because I am such a gubbins I didn't charge my battery.
en algún momento de la vida 
at some time in + Posesivo + life
 Most people will have felt homesick at some time in their lives and it is easy to forget just how overwhelming it can be.
en algún momento de + Posesivo + vida 
at some point in + Posesivo + life
 I guess at some point in our lives we have definitely been victims of prank calls!.
en algunos casos 
in some cases
 While this is undoubtedly true in some cases, this is a situation which can only improve with time.
en algunos grupos 
in some quarters
 Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.
en algunos grupos de la población 
in some quarters
 Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.
en algunos sectores 
in some quarters
 Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.
en algunos sectores de la población 
in some quarters
 Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.
en el transcurso de algunos años 
over a period of years
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
estar tramando alguna barrabasada  
be up to no good
get up to + no good
 His mom could always tell when he was up to no good - it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
hace algún tiempo    
a while back
some while ago
sometime back
a while ago
 They co-operated a while back in the conversion of a supply vessel into a special maintenance vessel for sandblasting and painting offshore.
 The built some while ago a diesel-powered engine capable of getaway speeds of more than six knots.
 Sometime back a heroine created a ruckus by saying that the actor acted fresh with her by biting her lips in a smooching scene.
 A while ago I experienced redness around my urinary meatus and my urologist said that it was normal to have that once you start having sex.
para alguna gente 
to some people
 To some people the implications are revolutionary.
para algunas personas 
to some people
 To some people the implications are revolutionary.
para alguno 
to some
 To some this is an ironclad proof of the irrelevance of semantics to linguistics.
por decirlo de alguna manera  
so to speak
let me put it this way
 It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide, and that the considerations of authorship, editions, translations, and related works were largely negligible.
 Let me put this way: we haven't yet traveled to another parallel universe so until we do that I can't answer this question.
por decirlo de algún modo  
in a manner of speaking
so to speak
 Now, let me express to you, you have, in a manner of speaking, created quite a tangled ball of yarn in this situation.
 It has long and effectively been used by many map librarians who felt that in their particular collections of maps the book and the work, so to speak, might be said to coincide, and that the considerations of authorship, editions, translations, and related works were largely negligible.
por mencionar sólo algunos 
to mention only a few
 Those researchers include Herbert Simon, Chris Argyris and Rensis Likert, to mention only a few.
si alguna vez lo fue 
if it ever was
 He sees the cult of the body as an indication that America is no longer puritanical, if it ever was.
sin causa alguna    
for no reason
for no specific reason
for no particular reason
for no good reason
 When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.
 On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.
 Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.
 He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.
sin coste alguno        
without cost
without charge
free of charge
free of cost
cost free
for free
at no charge
at no cost
 The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
 There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
 Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
 An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
 In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
 In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
 This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
 Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
sin costo adicional alguno 
at no extra charge
 At no extra charge, this produc offers the added benefit of monthly updates, allowing users to keep abreast of the latest developments in their own field of interest.
sin dificultad alguna 
without a glitch
 Suprisingly, Windows had no boot issues at all, it started up without a glitch.
sin discriminación alguna 
without any discrimination
 All vessels using trawls, including Norwegian vessels, will be subject to the same restrictions without any discrimination.
sin duda alguna 
sure enough
 I told my roommate he can't come to Florida for spring break unless he shaves his chest, and sure enough he did.
sin fundamento alguno 
without any basis
 This contention seems to have been raised only to contest the test results without any basis.
sin problema alguno  
without a hitch
without a glitch
 Should files follow the 8.3 standard or can long file names be used without a hitch?.
 Suprisingly, Windows had no boot issues at all, it started up without a glitch.
sin razón alguna    
for no reason
for no specific reason
for no particular reason
for no good reason
 When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.
 On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.
 Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.
 He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.
tener alguna posibilidad  
have + a fighting chance
be in with a fighting chance
 At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.
 I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.
tener alguna posibilidad de triunfar  
have + a fighting chance
be in with a fighting chance
 At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.
 I'm very happy to be still in with a fighting chance of qualification and I know it's down to me.
ya hace algún tiempo 
for quite some time
 The latest addition to my clock menagerie is a cuckoo clock, something I've wanted for quite some time.

Trends of use of alguno



Principal search tendencies and common uses of alguno
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «alguno».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about alguno



Famous quotes and sentences with the word alguno.
Friedrich Nietzsche
No sólo se ataca por hacer daño a alguno, por vencerle, sino a veces por el mero deseo de adquirir conciencia de la propia fuerza.
George Bulwer-Lytton
No hay hombre tan falto de amigos que no pueda encontrar alguno con sinceridad bastante para decirle alguna verdad desagradable.
Rabindranath Tagore
La raíz escondida no pide premio alguno por llenar de frutos las ramas.
No hay bien alguno que nos deleite si no lo compartimos.
Tomás De Kempis
Si vieres alguno pecar públicamente, o cometer culpas graves, no te debes juzgar por mejor, porque no sabes cuánto podrás perseverar en el bien.
Oscar Wilde
La experiencia no tiene valor ético alguno, es simplemente el nombre que damos a nuestros errores.
Miguel de Cervantes
Alguno se estima atrevido, cuando con otros se compara. Algunos creo que hubo tan discretos que no acertaron a compararse sino a sí mismos.
Simone de Beauvoir
Es absolutamente imposible encarar problema humano alguno con una mente carente de prejuicios.
Sacha Guitry
Si alguno os quiere robar la esposa, la mejor forma de vengaros de él es dejar que se la lleve.
William Shakespeare
El amor es un loco tan leal, que en todo cuanto hagáis, sea lo que fuere, no halla mal alguno.


Alguno está en el escaño, que a sí no aprovecha y a otro hace daño.
Hombre sin vicio ninguno, escondido tendrá alguno.
Nadie diga de ninguno porque no diga de el alguno.
Quien a dos señores sirve a alguno de los dos desirve.
Si a alguno probar quieres, dale oficio y verás quien es.
Si hubieres menester a alguno, bésale en el culo, si él te hubiere menester, bésete él.


Discover the use of alguno in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to alguno and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Ejercicios gramaticales de español: niveles medio y superior
I. ALGO ALGUIEN ALGÚN[O]/ NADA NADIE NINGÚN[O] AFIRMATIVAS NEGATIVAS Hay - No hay- Hay alguien/ [alguno]. (- alguna persona) Tengo algo que decir. (= alguna cosa) algún señor. alguna señora. algunos señores. algunas ...
Loreto Busquets, Lidia Bonzi, 1996
Alguno Setudion Eitologicos Y Eneticos Sobre la
29 «•<» V л4 <5 ir * El « (Ol О о *-> тз ...
Alguno Aspectos de la Comercializacion Del Ganado
LISTA DE MAPAS Y GRÁFICAS Mapa NQ Pagina 1 Distribución de las cabeceras de cantones con mataderos en funcionamientos y localización de los mismos en la muestra O„»ooooo.».oo...» 9 Gráfica NQ 1 Tendencia del número de ...
Curación de la catarata sin operación quirúrgica ni ...
Thomas-Michel-Antoine-Amédée de Lattier de Laroche.
Thomas-Michel-Antoine-Amédée de Lattier de Laroche, 1834
Estudio Sobre Toxicidad Y Resistencia de Alguno Insecticidas ...
1 . INTRODUCCIÓN La mosca del Mediterráneo, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) se conside ra como una de las plagas de mayor importancia económica en cítricos y en un gran número de otras especies frutales de clima tropical y subtropical de  ...
Alguno Gacotres Que Influecian la Efectividad Del Tca en El ...
AGRADECIMIENTOS El autor desea expresar su sincero agradecimiento a los Drs. PAULO DE TARSO ALVIM, y JOHN R. HA VIS, bajo cuya dirección se llevó acabo el presente trabajo de tesis. Agradece también: A los Drs. Damon Boynton  ...
Historia y Antecedentes de Organizacion de Alguno Sevicios ...
INTRODUCCION Dentro de una de las unidades de trabajo en el curso de EXTEN SION COMO BASE PARA EL DESARROLLO, dictado durante el IV Trimestre del afio académico 1966-67 en la Disciplina de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, ...
El arte explicado y gramatico perfecto
Petere opem, vel áuxilium ab aliquo : Pedir socorro d alguno. Per alterum alicui : Para alguno por medio de otro 6 por tercera persona. Petere initium ab aliqua re : Comenzar alguna cosa. Petere pcenau ab aliquo , vel repeleré : Castigar d ...
Marcos Márquez de Medina, 178
El arte explicado, y gramatico perfecto: dividido en tres ...
Dicere nomen alicui : Poner nombre d alguno. Probra alicui: Afrentar d alguno de palabra. Repudium uxori : Repudiar á h muger. Dicere rem ipsam : Decir la cosa tomo es en toda verdad. Dicere aliquid sacramento: Jurar , y decir alguna cosa ...
Marcos Marquez de Medina, 1789
Ideas de Bajo Costo o Sin Costo Alguno Para Grupos de Jovenes
Todos sabemos lo que es tener un presupuesto insuficiente hoy en dia, sin embargo es posible tener un ministerio fantastico para jovenes usando estas ideas economicas.
Esteban Saavedra, Steve Saavedra, 1998


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term alguno is used in the context of the following news items.
'Yo desearía que alguno de mis ocho hijos me perdone y me acepte'
“En mi familia me rechazan. No me perdonan los errores que cometí, ni aceptan el cambio que he tenido. Yo desearía que alguno de mis ocho hijos me ... «La Nación Costa Rica, Jun 16»
Si aún conserva alguno de estos dispositivos obsoletos quizá sea rico
La BBC ha confeccionado una lista con algunos aparatos y dispositivos obsoletos que han sido vendidos recientemente por sumas que oscilan entre los cien ... «RT en Español - Noticias internacionales, Jun 16»
Si tienes alguno de estos viejos gadgets, podrías venderlo por miles …
Pero algunos analistas han observado un fenómeno creciente en los últimos tiempos: se trata de los aparatos “retrotecnológicos”-de hace apenas una década- ... «La Opinión, Jun 16»
Integrantes de la CNTE no dejaron documento alguno: Presidencia
La oficina de la Presidencia informó esta tarde que un grupo de integrantes de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) acudieron ... «El Universal, Jun 16»
No podrás seguir utilizando WhatsApp si tienes alguno de estos …
El WhatsApp se ha convertido en la aplicación preferida para comunicarse por el móvil, pero las continuas renovaciones hacen que algunos dispositivos se ... «El Comercio Digital, Jun 16»
Fontás: "No me marco plazo alguno para volver"
"No me marco plazo alguno. La temporada pasada lo hice varias veces y todas me salieron mal, así que yo trabajo día a día para seguir en esta línea, que está ... «Mundo Deportivo, Jun 16»
Tess Holliday sufre la censura de Facebook sin motivo alguno
En ella varias mujeres se muestran al mundo tal y como son, sin retoque alguno y la publicidad empleada para llegar a más gente parece que no ha gustado ... «Los 40, May 16»
Donald Trump: "No tendría problema alguno" en hablar con Kim …
"Hablaría con él. No tendría problema alguno en hablar con él", dijo Trump. Pero también habló sobre algunos puntos que ha reiterado sobre Corea del Norte: ... «CNNEspañ, May 16»
¿Reconoce a alguno de los pandilleros que busca la Policía?
Uupppssss...!!! se enojo la Farabunda mayor, lo siento si dañe tus sentimientos NENA, pero es que no es secreto alguno; toda esa banda de mafiosos rojitos, ... «El Diario de Hoy, May 16»
Estos son los mejores smartwatches del mercado, ¿tienes alguno
Por ejemplo, podemos consultar notificaciones sin necesidad de sacar el móvil del bolsillo, con algunos incluso podemos realizar y recibir llamadas, podemos ... «Andro4all, Apr 16»
« EDUCALINGO. Alguno [online]. Available <>. Jun 2024 ».
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