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Meaning of "calle" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra calle procede del latín callis, senda, camino.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ca · lle


Calle is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A street is a linear urban space that allows the movement of people and, where appropriate, vehicles and gives access to the buildings and lots that are on both sides. In the subsoil of the street the networks of the facilities of urban services are arranged to the buildings such as sewage, potable water, gas, electricity network and telephony. The space of the street is of indefinite length, interrupted only by crossing with other streets or, in exceptional cases, at the end of the street, in a square, in an urban park, in another street, etc., or by the End of town at the boundary with the field. The main features that we associate with a street in a town, a town or city are: 1.- The street is, in the first place, a way or way to go from one place to another of the population. The street, with some exceptions, is a space of movement for both people and vehicles. 2.- The street is an urban public space, it is the support of non-private citizen activities such as going home, work or school, walking, play children, meet friends or neighbors, etc. , And also public activities. 3.

Definition of calle in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of street in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is in a population, way between buildings or lots. Another meaning of street in the dictionary is the urban exterior of buildings. I go to the street to clear up. Street is also a path between two rows of trees or other plants.


bocacalle · callecalle · cerralle · curalle · dalle · detalle · engalle · enmalle · entalle · entrecalle · gobernalle · orvalle · pasacalle · talle · valle · ventalle


callando · callantar · callanuda · callanudo · callao · callapo · callar · callear · callecalle · calleja · callejear · callejeo · callejera · callejero · callejo · callejón · callejuela · callentar · callera · calletre


armuelle · bidonville · boquimuelle · braille · bullebulle · cardimuelle · chile · chinchemolle · contramuelle · culle · elle · enrolle · fuelle · lle · mirabelle · molle · muelle · retuelle · vaudeville · zolle

Synonyms and antonyms of calle in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «calle» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «calle» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of calle to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of calle from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «calle» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of calle in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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đường phố
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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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70 millions of speakers

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65 millions of speakers

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50 millions of speakers

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  street ; thoroughfare ; fairway.
 Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.
 Information kiosks are located in public thoroughfares, shopping malls, airports and railway stations.
 A selected fairway on each golf course was equipped with water meters to assess irrigation volumes on a bimonthly basis.
abarroar las calles 
fill + the streets
 More then 30,000 demonstrators filled the streets around the White House today chanting, 'Stop the US-Israeli war against Lebanon and Palestine'.
abarrotar las calles   
come out in + force
be out in force
pour into + the streets
 The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.
 Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.
 The quake was so intense that people poured into the streets through fear.
accidente en la calle 
street accident
 Such writing can spring off from things that happen in the local community such as robberies, things that happen in the local community: robberies, street accidents, big sports events, a strike and the like.
aglomerar las calles    
be out in force
come out in + force
fill + the streets
pour into + the streets
 Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.
 The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.
 More then 30,000 demonstrators filled the streets around the White House today chanting, 'Stop the US-Israeli war against Lebanon and Palestine'.
 The quake was so intense that people poured into the streets through fear.
a nivel de calle   
on the ground level
at street level
 For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right - prime mall location.
 A characteristic of 80% of those involved in street-level prostitution in the UK is the need to finance a serious drug habit.
 At street level we find the shop window where we enjoy a sample of what can be found inside.
a nivel de la calle 
at ground level
 Entrance is at a domed foyer at ground level and seating provided in the new facility accommodates over 200 students.
a pie de calle  
at street level
 A characteristic of 80% of those involved in street-level prostitution in the UK is the need to finance a serious drug habit.
 At street level we find the shop window where we enjoy a sample of what can be found inside.
a ras de la calle 
 NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
buscar trabajo en la calle 
work + the streets
 Study finds four-fifths of prostitutes don't work the streets.
buzón de correos de la calle  [De los que suelen situarse en las esquinas de las calles]
pillar box
 Trollope is credited with the introduction of the pillar box to Britain.
buzón de la calle  [De los que suelen situarse en las esquinas de las calles]
pillar box
 Trollope is credited with the introduction of the pillar box to Britain.
calle comercial 
shopping mile
 It is the longest shopping mile in town with its famous KaDeWe, the biggest department-store on the European continent.
calle de la ciudad 
city street
 He has became the third athlete to successfully defend their title after a runaway victory around a loop course in the city streets of Daegu.
calle de natación 
swim lane
 The new pool will have eight swim lanes, 25 yards long.
calle de rodadura 
 The landing this morning was on a de-iced runway, but the taxiways and ramp surfaces were covered with thin sheets of ice.
calle de rodaje 
 The landing this morning was on a de-iced runway, but the taxiways and ramp surfaces were covered with thin sheets of ice.
calle desierta 
deserted street
 Never walk unaccompanied at night in poorly-lit streets or along deserted streets.
calle de tiendas 
shopping street
 In a typical city, there is only one leading shopping street.
calle estrecha 
 Rebuilt after the fire of 1740, Rheinsberg offers small lanes, picturesque houses, a beautiful square.
calle mayor, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
main street, the
 The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.
calle peatonal 
pedestrian street
 The market is designed as a long pedestrian street with shops on both sides.
calle principal, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
high street, the
main street, the
 Most centres will be found in Town Halls, but a few have put on a more attractive image by being located in shop-front premises in the high street.
 The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.
calle transversal  
cross street
 It will be incumbent upon you to give the exact location - address and nearest cross street - in order for the police to find the incident location.
 To gain an idea of the fineness of detail necessary to produce the circuit elements on the chip, imagine a map of the British Isles showing sufficient detail to identify even the narrowest side-street in London.
criado en la calle 
 The street-smart kid's descent into crime and heroin addiction is now too familiar a story.
cruzar la calle 
cross + the street
 Two researchers have created electronic goggles that help blind people cross streets safely.
curtido en la calle 
 The street-smart kid's descent into crime and heroin addiction is now too familiar a story.
dar a la calle 
give onto + the street
 But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.
diagrama de calles de natación 
swim lane diagram
 Swim lane diagrams are good tools to use to map a process flow and identify potential problem areas that need to be corrected.
directorio comercial por calles 
street directory
 The reference department contain quick reference material including street and trade directories, bus, train and air timetables, year-books, gazetteers, list of addresses, booklets, guide books, etc.
dormir en la calle 
sleep + rough
 The 53-year-old man had been sleeping rough in a churchyard when he was set upon by three men in a brutal attack which landed him in hospital.
echar a la calle  
throw + Nombre + out
 This printing press was evicted from its premises in 1984 to make way for a seminar room.
 'Nah,' Kate chuckled, getting his drift, and then said 'I would've just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!' = "No" se rió Kate, entendiendo lo que él quería decir, y después dijo "!Hubiera irrumpido y les hubiese retado a echarme a la calle!".
echarse a la calle      
take to + the road
take (to) + the streets
spill (out) into + the streets
go out into + the street
hit + the streets
come out on + the roads
 Sometimes, individuals, often alcoholics, bastards or others stigmatized by society, 'took to the road'.
 It won't be long before Singaporeans take to the streets in protest.
 Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
 You see, it's easy to sit here at a keyboard and call for revolution, but how about going out into the street and actually starting it?.
 This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
 Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.
el hombre de la calle  [Expresión utilizada principalmente en los Estados Unidos]
the average Joe
 It is fair to assume that the average Joe/Jane is neither a college graduate nor a high-school dropout.
en la calle  
 Fighting among adolescents was tested for association with alcohol/drug use & out-of-home activities without adult control (such as 'hanging out' on the streets).
 It's a rather arty hangout particularly with writers and theatrical types, who adore both the contemporary street-side cafe and the dining room further inside.
esquina de una calle 
street corner
 An aggressive approach is made to publicity, with posters and leaflets distributed widely, visits to local shops, post offices, doctors surgeries etc, to drum up business, and the use of volunteers to hand out leaflets at street corners = Se inicia una campaña de publicidad enérgica, distribuyendo de forma general folletos y pósteres, visitando las tiendas, oficinas de correos y consultorías médicas de la localidad, etc., para promocionar el negocio, además de utilizar voluntarios para distribuir prospectos por las esquinas de las calles.
estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada 
hang out + on the street
 Fighting among adolescents was tested for association with alcohol/drug use & out-of-home activities without adult control (such as 'hanging out' on the streets).
formado por gente cotidiana de la calle 
grassroots [grass-roots]
 For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.
ganarse la vida actuando en la calle 
 Going out into the world busking as a street performer can be a very rewarding experience.
hombre de la calle   [Plural lay people] 
layman [laymen, -pl.]
lay person [layperson]
 Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.
 This is an evaluative tool which brings lay people together with experts, under pressure of limited time, for study of specific problems.
 Vows of chastity can also be taken by laypersons as a voluntary act of devotion.
hombre de la calle, el  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  
common man, the
man in the street, the
 Librarians in turn were forced to assess their successes and failures in reaching the common man.
 On December 8, 1941, Lomax sent a telegram urging folklorists around the United States to collect and record man-on-the-street reactions to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by the United States.
 But the man in the street wouldn't know them from Adam.
lanzarse a la calle   
take (to) + the streets
come out on + the roads
spill (out) into + the streets
 It won't be long before Singaporeans take to the streets in protest.
 Seething with anger, hundreds of people yesterday came out on the roads waving banners, shouting slogans and waving their fists in the air, demanding justice.
 Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
lenguaje de la calle 
street slang
 The author also displays a need to buff up on her mastery of today's street slang.
llenar las calles    
be out in force
come out in + force
fill + the streets
pour into + the streets
 Myanmar's police and military were out in force again on Friday, patrolling the deserted streets.
 The supporters of Henry George came out in force last night and marched over a route two miles long.
 More then 30,000 demonstrators filled the streets around the White House today chanting, 'Stop the US-Israeli war against Lebanon and Palestine'.
 The quake was so intense that people poured into the streets through fear.
local que da a una calle comercial 
shop-front premise
 Most CACs were set up in high street shop-front premises, often rather plushily furnished.
niño de la calle 
 Gavarni's illustrations of waifs, paupers, and beggars were later published separately, with captions added by the artist.
nivel de la calle 
 The customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street, even though this meant going down some steps, the floor of the workshop being below road-level.
patrullando las calles 
on the beat
 City budget cuts mean fewer cops on the beat.
pisar la calle 
set + foot out of the house
 By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.
poner de patitas en la calle     
give + Nombre + the boot
boot (out)
give + Nombre + the sack
turf out
 He was given the boot for being discovered with a camera taking a photo of hula dancers.
 The author warns that shortsighted companies that believe all the information they need is on the Web may sack information professionals.
 As Hartwick got older, the feds decided he was a major security risk and booted him out of the program.
 Justin pointed out that the government would not compromise and those found protecting illegal immigrants would be given the sack.
 You will be disliked and turfed out as a sacrificial goat once your job is done but there will be many others queuing up for your services.
poner en la calle 
 This printing press was evicted from its premises in 1984 to make way for a seminar room.
recogida en la calle  
kerbside collection
curbside collection
 They also provide a kerbside collection service for recyclable and non-recyclable household rubbish.
 The following is the list of acceptable marterials for curbside collection.
recorrer las calles  [Referido generalmente a la policía]
pound + the streets
 Police Chief McMahon wants more officers pounding the streets.
ropa de calle 
street clothes
 Illustrated sources indicate that in the 18th Century women gave the same importance to change in their housedress, as they did to street clothes.
salir a la calle    
go out
hit + the streets
go out into + the street
go + outside
 They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.
 This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
 You see, it's easy to sit here at a keyboard and call for revolution, but how about going out into the street and actually starting it?.
 We would not recommend keeping a cat that is used to going outside, as an 'indoor-only cat', unless it is for health reasons.
salir a la calle en avalancha 
spill (out) into + the streets
 Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
salir corriendo a la calle 
run into + the street
 She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.
situado a nivel de la calle 
 NACs ideally prefer to be situated in ground-floor shop-front premises in a shopping area and on a route that people follow in the normal course of their lives.
situado en la calle comercial 
shop-front [shopfront]
 This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.
tirarse a la calle  
go out on + the road
spill (out) into + the streets
 He simply blew a fuse and decided to go out on the road, spitefully apologizing again and again, until he got it right.
 Tens of thousands of immigrants spilled out into the streets in dozens of cities across the nation Monday in peaceful protests.
trabajar como prostituta en la calle 
work + the streets
 Study finds four-fifths of prostitutes don't work the streets.
traje de calle  
lounge suit
business suit
 A lounge suit is intended for everyday wear, and is one of the most commonly worn types of clothing.
 In the corporate world a business suit can convey the individual's place within the organization's hierarchy.
vagancia en las calles 
 Juvenile arrests for curfew and loitering violations increased 113 percent between 1990-99.
vivir en la calle 
take to + the road
 Sometimes, individuals, often alcoholics, bastards or others stigmatized by society, 'took to the road'.
zapato de calle 
walking shoe
 Players commonly bring their sports shoes with cleats or spikes, along with a pair of walking shoes to wear normally.

Trends of use of calle



Principal search tendencies and common uses of calle
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «calle».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about calle



Famous quotes and sentences with the word calle.
Wenceslao Fernández Flórez
Una palabra rara es, en una página, como un adoquín levantado en una calle.
Enrique Jardiel Poncela
El que va acompañado de una linda mujer sabe que los amigos hallados en la calle tienen siempre más cosas que decir que cuando vamos solos.
Luis Coloma
Por la calle del "después" se llega a la plaza de "nunca".
Gabriel Celaya
A solas soy alguien. En la calle nadie.
Si cada uno limpia su vereda, la calle estará limpia.
Agatha Christie
Aprendí que no se puede dar marcha atrás, que la esencia de la vida es ir hacia adelante. La vida, en realidad, es una calle de sentido único.
Julio Cortázar
¿Qué quieres? El amor pide calle, pide viento, no sabe morir en la soledad.
Julius Robert Oppenheimer
Hay niños jugando en la calle que podrían resolver algunos de mis problemas clave en física, debido a que ellos tienen formas de percepción sensitiva que perdí hace mucho tiempo.


A las diez, deja la calle para quien es.
Al loco y al aire, darles calle.
En la calle de Meca, quien no entra no peca.
Mujer ventanera, uva de calle.
Quien no pasa por la calle de la Pasa, no se casa.
Quien tiene un hijo hembra, calle la lengua.
Todo se andará, que la calle es larga.
Al mal aire darle calle.
Al que de ajeno se viste, en la calle lo desnudan.
Cada cual hable, de aquello que sabe, y en lo demás se calle.


Discover the use of calle in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to calle and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Educación de calle y desarrollo comunitario: Una experiencia ...
Este libro quiere hacer un ejercicio académico y analítico en torno a tres temáticas fundamentales para la pedagogía social: el desarrollo social o comunitario, en el cual el acompañamiento educativo, el trabajo en red y la ...
José Manuel de Oña Cots, 2010
Aventuras de un niño de la calle
Esta obra relata el drama y las peripecias del diario vivir de un niño abandonado por sus padres, que se ve obligado a buscar como ganarse la vida en una gran ciudad.
Julia Mercedes Castilla, 1990
Jóvenes en la calle: cultura y conflicto
Conocer las motivaciones de los jóvenes para formar parte de una pandilla, las representaciones que hacen de la familia y de la sociedad, los procesos de estereotipia y estigmatización social, constituye un modo de acercarnos ...
Mauro Cerbino, 2006
Yoga: el método Ramiro Calle
Por fin tienes en tus manos la obra cumbre de Ramiro Calle sobre una de las disciplinas más importantes que la milenaria cultura india ha transmitido a Occidente: el yoga.
Ramiro A. Calle, 2012
La Niña De La Calle
La niña de la calle es una historia de la vida real. Relata el sufrimiento, la soledad y los malos tratos por los que tuvo que pasar la autora de este libro, María Jurado, en su más tierna infancia.
MarÍa De JesÚs Jurado, 2011
La democracia en la calle: crónica del movimiento ...
La investigación abarca el periodo de 1958-1987.
Gilberto Guevara Niebla, 1988
Crimen en la calle Tetuán
"As current, far-reaching and eclectic as the works it presents, this collection showcases the diverse trends in contemporary Puerto Rican writing.
José Curet, 1996
Estrella de La Calle Sexta
Presents an ironic, crude, but realistic view of what occurs on the dividing line between two countries-- Mexico and the United States--in the city of Tijuana, which is witness to the effects of immigration, to family members who leave and ...
Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, 2000
¡Arde la calle!: Emo, punk, indi y otras subculturas en México
Los estudiosos de la sociología (David Reisman en los años 50, Dick Hebdige a finales de los 70 e incluso el autor mexicano José Agustín en la década de los noventa) han realizado diversas investigaciones tratando de definir, en el ...
Julio Martínez Ríos, 2012
Yoga en casa con Ramiro Calle: Una guía eficaz y fácil para ...
Ramiro A. Calle, considerado el mayor especialista de esta disciplina en lengua hispana, nos brida por primera vez un manual único, eficaz, fácil y práctico sobre yoga, que nos sirve de guía para su práctica en casa.
Ramiro Calle, 1994


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term calle is used in the context of the following news items.
De La Calle: el incidente del Meta se debió a un error
El jefe negociador del Gobierno colombiano en La Habana, Humberto de La Calle, llamó a la Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia a respetar los ... «teleSUR TV, Jul 16»
Humberto de la Calle elogió los nuevos acuerdos de La Habana
El jefe negociador del Gobierno, Humberto de la Calle, destacó que los reciente acuerdos en La Habana van a contribuir al fin de las hostilidades entre las ... «teleSUR TV, Jun 16»
Madrid Calle 30 paga 3,3 millones por un sistema de semáforos no ...
El delegado de Economía y Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Carlos Sánchez Mato, ha dado a conocer este martes un nuevo sobrecoste encontrado en ... «, May 16»
Así fue la captura en Colombia de "Caracol", el narcotraficante ...
"De alta peligrosidad, violento y agresivo". Así describía el Ministerio del Interior de Perú a Gerson Aldair Gálvez Calle, alias "Caracol", el delincuente más ... «BBC Mundo, May 16»
Detenido un hombre por apuñalar a su expareja en una calle del ...
La Policía Nacional ha detenido este lunes a un hombre tras presuntamente apuñalar a su expareja en la calle Caballeros de Valencia, en pleno centro de la ... «, Apr 16»
Colombia: De la Calle admite haber tenido sociedad en Panamá
El jefe de delegación de paz del Gobierno de Colombia, Humberto de la Calle, salió al paso tras conocerse el escándalo de Panama Papers y admite haber ... «teleSUR TV, Apr 16»
El final de 'Calle Cloverfield 10' antes de que 'Monstruoso' atacase
'Calle Cloverfield 10' se llamaba 'Valencia', título que se cambió por el más genérico 'The Cellar' cuando ficharon a Dan Trachtenberg para que dirigiese el ... «FOTOGRAMAS, Mar 16»
Miami celebra el sabor latino en Festival de la Calle Ocho
El Carnaval Calle Ocho reunió a más de 60 artistas en 12 tarimas ... de diferentes países son siempre muy buscados durante el Festival de la Calle Ocho. «El Nuevo Herald, Mar 16»
María Luisa Calle acabó su carrera por la puerta de atrás
La vida deportiva de la ciclista colombiana María Luisa Calle Williams terminó manchada por un episodio de dopaje, por el cual fue sancionada con cuatro ... «, Mar 16»
De la Calle pide unión para consolidar la paz en Colombia
El jefe de la delegación gubernamental para los Diálogos de Paz en La Habana, Humberto de la Calle, sostuvo este jueves que es necesario sumar mayores ... «teleSUR TV, Feb 16»


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