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Meaning of "dato" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra dato procede del latín datum, lo que se da.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


da · to


Dato is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



The data is a symbolic representation of a quantitative attribute or variable. The data describe empirical facts, events and institutions. It is a value or reference that receives the computer by different means, the data represent the information that the programmer manipulates in the construction of a solution or in the development of an algorithm. Data in isolation may not contain humanly relevant information. Only when a set of data is examined together in the light of an approach, hypothesis or theory can the information contained in that data be appreciated. The data can consist of numbers, statistics or descriptive propositions. Conveniently grouped, structured and interpreted data are considered to be the basis of the humanly relevant information that can be used in decision making, reducing uncertainty or performing calculations. It is of very common use in the computer field and, in general, practically in any scientific investigation.

Definition of dato in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of data in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a necessary antecedent to arrive at the exact knowledge of something or to deduce the legitimate consequences of a fact. Another meaning of data in the dictionary is document, testimony, foundation. Data is also information arranged in an appropriate way for processing by a computer.


aparato · asesinato · bachillerato · barato · campeonato · candidato · contrato · formato · gato · hato · inmediato · mandato · mato · pato · plato · rato · relato · retrato · sindicato · trato


data · datación · datáfono · datar · dataría · datario · datear · dateo · datera · datero · dátil · datilada · datilado · datilera · datismo · dativa · dativo · datura · daturina · dauco


acetato · anonimato · arrebato · chato · estrato · grato · liderato · lobato · maltrato · nato · novato · olfato · patronato · policarbonato · sensato · sustrato · tato · termostato · vallenato · zapato

Synonyms and antonyms of dato in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «dato» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «dato» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of dato to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of dato from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «dato» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of dato in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

данная величина
278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

dữ kiện
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

podstawa odniesienia
50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

дана величина
40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  attribute value ; data element ; data item ; datum [data, -pl.] ; fact ; value ; piece of information.
 Others have used possibility distributions for representing fuzzily known or incompletely known attribute values.
 The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.
 Information is held in files or databases, which are comprise of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
 Thus, having entered the authority datum correctly once, we could be sure that no matter how many bibliographic records used it they would all do so with mechanical consistency.
 Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
 A good initial value for this field will start the system off with a good guess so that claims for missing issues are not unreasonable at the beginning.
 On other occasions a user wants every document or piece of information on a topic traced, and then high recall must be sought, to the detriment of precision.
alimentar datos  [En el entorno informático, introducir información en un catálogo, base de datos, tabla, recurso, etc]
 The author considers four models of how physical catalogues are constructed and populated.
almacenamiento de datos 
data storage
 Data storage for microcomputers will be raised to greater heights by the development of the video disc, and particularly the digital optical disc, which can store up to 2 Gigabytes, or 2 thousand million characters.
añadir datos 
make + additions
 In some instances it may be necessary to make additions to names in order to clarify to whom the name pertains.
archivo de datos  [Colección de registros afines, organizados y dispuestos con arreglo a un método específico que requiere el uso de una máquina para su proceso, generalmente un ordenador]
database [data base]
 Information is held in files or databases, which are comprised of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
área de datos específicos de la clase de documento  [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica utilizada para expresar información particular a los materiales especiales sólo tiene aplicación para los materiales cartográficos, denominándose entonces 'área de datos matemáticos', para la música impresa, 'área de datos específicos de música impresa', y para los archivos de ordenador, 'área de la clase y extensión del archivo']
material (or type of publication) specific details area
 The material (or type of publication) specific details area is used specifically for the description of cartographic materials and serials publications.
área de datos matemáticos  [Nombre dado al área de datos específico de la clase de documento en el caso de los materiales cartográficos]
mathematical data area
 The mathematical data area includes the statement of scale, and the statement of projection if it is given.
auditoría de datos  
data auditing
data audit
 The mere existence of data auditing processes can deter thieves, curtail misuse and ensure employees think longer before they act.
 Results from the data audits should be made public and published on an intranet portal for the enterprise to view.
banco de datos  
data bank [databank]
factual data bank
 Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
 The role of factual data banks as support to environmental management and legislation is reviewed based on experience.
banco de datos factual 
factual data bank
 The role of factual data banks as support to environmental management and legislation is reviewed based on experience.
banco de datos terminológico 
terminological data bank
 This paper describes the function of EURODICAUTAM terminological data bank designed to improve the efficiency of translations work.
basado en los datos 
 Ellis calls the former a 'physicalistic' paradigm because of its allegiance to computer science and its data-driven characteristics.
basado en un gestor de bases de datos 
 Fig.5.4 shows a full record from a DBMS-based acquisitions file, together with that record in the eventual order to the bookseller.
base de datos   [Colección de registros afines, organizados y dispuestos con arreglo a un método específico que requiere el uso de una máquina para su proceso, generalmente un ordenador] 
data bank [databank]
database [data base]
database software
 Other data bases, which may be described as non-bibliographic, and are sometimes known as data banks, store actual facts and figures and text.
 Information is held in files or databases, which are comprised of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.
 A transfer format may be specified if the report is to be used with spreadsheets or other database software.
base de datos automatizada    
computer database
computer-held database
computerised database
machine-readable database
 A catalogue may be held as a card catalogue, microfilm catalogue or as a computer data base = Un catálogo puede ser de fichas, en microfilm o una base de datos automatizada.
 A computer-held data base is a collection of similar records, with relationships between the records.
 Some feel that the non-expressive nature of the notation limits the scheme's usefulness in computerised data bases.
 A machine-readable national data base, or for that matter any catalog, should be capable of existing in time.
base de datos bibliográfica 
bibliographic database
 Because of their ready availability, database management systems (DBMS) are being applied to bibliographic data bases with increasing frequency.
base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes 
abstracts based bibliographic database
 This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.
base de datos catalográfica  
catalogue database
cataloguing database
 Controlled indexing languages are well embedded in many of the bibliographic and catalogue databases created today.
 If a library expects constant use of a particular database from a supplier or vendor (perhaps a cataloging database such as OCLC), there may be a 'leased' or 'dedicated' line devoted solely to the access of a particular database in return for a stipulated annual fee.
base de datos comercial 
commercial database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos completa  [Base de datos que contiene la referencia y el texto completo]
full-provision database
 The result could be termed a full-provision data base - a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.
base de datos con información confidencial 
intelligence database
 'Aerospace Online' is a network of aerospace intelligence databases providing current, historical and forecast information on the aerospace/defence industry = "Aerospace Online" es una red de bases de datos con información confidencial sobre el espacio que ofrece información actual, histórica y de pronóstico sobre la industria aeroespacial y de defensa.
base de datos cruzada 
cross database
 Also available is a cross data base for multifile searching (BRS/CROSS), online accounting, private data bases services and an online catalogue service.
base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción 
subscription database
 With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.
base de datos de autoridades 
authority database
 One of the proposals is to create a single Anglo-American authority database comprising name, series, and subject headings created by the various Anglo-American national cataloging agencies.
base de datos de carburantes 
 TULSA is the equivalent of the printed Petroleum Abstracts.
base de datos de documentos primarios 
source database
 Source databases contain the original source of data.
base de datos de documentos secundarios 
reference database
 Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.
base de datos de dominio público 
public domain database
 This article considers the relunctance of governments to provide the capital input for these developments as a backdrop for discussion of the issue of privatisation of public domain data bases.
base de datos de educación 
 ERIC is a good example of such a database, covering most of education.
base de datos de imágenes  
image database
image bank
 The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.
 An image bank is a collection of images, usually, but not always, held in electronic format for retrieval by computer.
base de datos de investigación 
research database
 This dynamic thesaurus is used for intelligent access to research databases.
base de datos del gobierno de USA   [Base de datos del gobierno americano]
 Other data bases include several offering access to US government information such as CRECORD, the index of the Congressional record, and FEDREG, the Federal Register.
 Other data bases include several offering access to US government information such as CRECORD, the index of the Congressional record, and FEDREG, the Federal Register.
base de datos de lógica difusa 
fuzzy database
 The idea of fuzzy data base has been investigated along many different lines.
base de datos de medicina  [Base de datos de medicina]
 MEDLINE is produced by the US National Library of Medicine.
base de datos de negocios 
business database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos de pago 
subscription database
 With increasing demands from library users for off site access to subscription databases, librarians are seeking and creating methods of authentication.
base de datos de patentes 
 Also available are other assorted data bases, including ACCOUNTANTS (index), SPORT (printed equivalent is Sport and Recreation Index), and WPI (World Patents Index covering the patent specifications issued by patent offices in major industrial nations).
base de datos de propiedades 
properties database
 Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.
base de datos de referencia 
reference database
 Reference databases refer or point the user to another source (such as a document, an organisation or an individual) for additional information or the full text of the document.
base de datos de referencia a especialistas 
referral database
 Referral databases offer references to information or data such as the names and addresses of organizations and other directory type data.
base de datos de registros de catálogo 
catalogue record database
 One type of bibliographic data base is the catalogue record data base.
base de datos de texto  
text-oriented database
text database
 In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.
 The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.
base de datos de texto completo 
full text database
 Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text databases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
base de datos de texto libre 
free text database
 In the last 2 years micro-computers have been introduced which are capable of supporting free text databases.
base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico 
niche database
 This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.
base de datos distribuida 
distributed database
 The system will consist of a distributed data base containing 25 million items.
base de datos en CD-ROM 
CD-ROM database
 This article reviews Hewlett-Packard's involvement in the production of CD-ROM data bases, such as HP LaserRETRIEVE and HP LaserRELEASE, through an interview with Marc Hoff.
base de datos en disco óptico 
optical disc database
 Computerised information products, such as optical disc data bases and microforms, compete with traditional print resources for limited budgets in today's reference departments.
base de datos en estado original  [Base de datos antes de ser modificada por requerimientos de la búsqueda]
raw database
 Alternatively the query may undergo modification at a second stage after the raw database has been accessed.
base de datos en línea 
online database
 It gives an overview of the development of online information services, starting with the development of calculating machines, to early computers and telecommunications systems, and finally online databases, and the CD-ROM revolution of the 1980's.
base de datos estadística 
statistical database
 In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.
base de datos externa 
external database
 Similar, but appropriately adjusted considerations, must be taken into account when considering whether to build an in-house database or to use an external database.
base de datos factual 
factual database
 Most computer bureaux which host the factual databases have their own world-wide networks.
base de datos financiera 
financial database
 Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.
base de datos interna 
in-house database
 In-house databases may be constructed with the aid of text retrieval packages to cover a plethora of different applications.
base de datos jurídica 
legal database
 Use of the legal data bases is partly restrained by cost considerations, partly by the fact that their coverage is not exhaustive and partly by the reserved attitude of the legal profession and the judiciary.
base de datos local 
local area database
 The content of these local area databases include course syllabi, class schedules, and materials placed on reserve by instructors.
base de datos multimedia 
multimedia database
 This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.
base de datos no bibliográfica 
non-bibliographic database
 The database may be bibliographic (storing references to documents available elsewhere) or non-bibliographic (storing facts, figures, text or graphics).
base de datos numérica  
numeric database
numerical database
 Non-bibliographical databases include numeric, textual-numeric, properties and full text databases.
 The advent of inexpensive production of CD-ROM and floppy discs has led to the availability of numerous bibliographic, numerical and image databases for the earth sciences.
base de datos numérico-textual 
text-numeric database
 Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.
base de datos relacional 
relational database
 It can be very like the sort of data structures found in relational data bases in which data are arranged in simple tables called relations.
base de datos residente 
resident database
 This software will facilitate the integration of LANs, wide area networks, hard disc resident databases, dial-in access and more.
base de datos terminológica 
terminology database
 The task is part of a project entitled Euro-Arabic terminology database.
bloque de datos 
data bloc
 This article discusses also the structure and the content of the UNIMARC format (the label of the record; data blocs), the form of the recording of data and the appendices.
bloque funcional de datos codificados 
coded information block
 In UNIMARC the coded information block, block 1 - , contains coded fixed length data elements.
búfer de datos 
data buffer
 Data buffers receive data from the computer and let it 'trickle through' to the printer at the appropriate speed, thus freeing the computer for the next task.
bus de datos 
 The 8088 is a 'cut-down' version of the 8086, having a smaller databus.
búsqueda de datos 
 Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.
campo de datos  [Sección del registro bibliográfico de longitud variable que contiene un tipo determinado de información, que sigue al directorio y que está asociado a una entrada del directorio]
 A datafield is a variable length portion of a bibliographic record containing a particular category of data, following the directory and associated with one entry of the directory.
captura de datos  [En tecnología de la información, incorporación de datos ya en soporte legible por ordenador al sistema automatizado que uno esté utilizando]
data capture
 The parties involved in this venture found it necessary to rationalise the technology for data capture and data transfer.
capturar datos  [Coger datos en formato legible por máquina para integrarlos en un soporte informático]
capture + data
 Data can then be captured online from the host and downloaded into the microcomputer's backing store for local processing.
centro de datos  [Organismo cuya función principal es gestionar datos numéricos]
data centre
 A data centre is an organization primarily dealing with numeric data.
codificación de datos 
data-coding [data coding]
 Considerable improvements on this figure are possible by making use of special, high-quality leased telephone lines, and by employing sophisticated data-coding methods, in each case at extra cost.
con datos no pertinentes 
dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.]
 An authority file can also be used to clean up an inconsistent, dirty data base.
conjunto de datos 
data set [dataset]
 String searching is only advisable with a dataset which is not too large.
contaminación de datos 
data contamination
 However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.
corrupción de datos  [En informática, estado de deterioro de la información contenida en un fichero lo que hace que sea imposible su lectura]
data corruption
 Some attempts have been made to use video tape, but the results have been poor, with data losses and corruption.
creación de depósitos de datos  [En una empresa, creación de archivos con todo tipo de información sobre clientes, ventas, operaciones, competencia, etc para ayudar a la toma de decisiones]
data warehousing
 Data warehousing is the process of developing an enterprise database using transactional information.
creador de bases de datos 
database producer
 However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.
dar datos de 
give + details of
 Each book has a book pocket permanently fixed inside the cover and on which are given details of the book.
dato concreto 
hard fact
 To speak of books as 'new products for the market' sounds crassly commercial, but is nevertheless a hard fact of book-trade life.
datos  [Plural cuyo origen es el latín y que actualmente se usa indistintamente como plural or singular es decir, puede ir seguido de un verbo en plural o singular]   [Generalmente usado en el plural]
data [datum, -sing.]
 Statistical tabular and numerical abstract are a means of summarising numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.
 With minimum authorization, details of the circulation and order records are not displayed.
 I do not remember the exact figures, but it was found that about 16 percent of the approaches to the catalog were by way of subject headings.
datos bibliográficos  
bibliographic data
 Another interesting data base is BOOKS-INFO, a file of bibliographic data on books in print, from Brodart Inc.
 Biobibliometrics has been defined as a quantitative and analytical method for discovering and establishing functional relationships between biodata and bibliodata elements.
datos biográficos 
 Biobibliometrics has been defined as a quantitative and analytical method for discovering and establishing functional relationships between biodata and bibliodata elements.
datos concretos  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
specifics, the
 Library users are introduced to the specifics and vagaries of each library in a variety of ways.
datos concretos y reales  [Como opuesto a la manipulación estadistica de datos]
hard data
 These results indicate a general lack of awareness of the need for hard data as a basis for rationalising planning and development in the information sector.
datos de contacto 
contact details
 Contact details of suppliers of the materials used are given.
datos de entrada 
input data
 Also, if a simple algorithm for the generation of index entries can be stated then additional entries and references can be printed by computer, using the primary index string as input data.
datos de facturación 
billing data
 It is essentially concerned with ensuring that utility energy bills have been correctly calculated according to the tariff, and based on the correct billing data.
datos de la tarjeta de crédito 
credit card details
 She points to the fact that shoppers are quite happy to give credit card details over the telephone, with little or no security.
datos demográficos  [Véanse bajo la entrada "-ics" otras palabras con la misma terminación y usadas en el singular]
 Given similar demographics (age, size, and user population), to what extent do community hospital libraries differ in collection content?.
datos desagregados por sexo 
gender-disaggregated data
 The official document calls for the collection & improvement of gender-disaggregated data because of their importance for planning & evaluating means of achieving women's empowerment.
datos empíricos 
empirical data
 The author presents empirical data in order to assess the degree of inaccuracy due to this phenomenon.
datos en bruto 
raw data
 This project will benefit LC by supplying raw data relating to transaction loads and costs.
datos en estado bruto 
raw facts
 The most successful brokers will be flexible and provide intelligence rather than raw facts and data.
datos en propiedad 
property data
 The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.
datos erróneos  [En una base de datos, información que se ha introducido erróneamente, generalmente, por falta de mecanismos de control y comprobación]
dirty data
 This article 'The dark side of online information dirty data' discusses the problem of product defects (or dirty data) in on-line data bases.
datos estadísticos  
statistical data
 Management information is available for loan statistics.
 Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.
datos estadísticos de la biblioteca  [En biblioteconomía, datos que mantienen las bibliotecas sobre sus usuarios y el uso que éstos hacen de las mismas] 
library records
library statistics
 In recent years many US states have passed laws protecting the confidentiality of library records.
 The Machlup article about scarcity of library statistics leaves a false impression, for academic librarians collect many useful statistics.
datos factuales 
factual data
 Primary literature, secondary literature, numerical and factual data will all be represented.
datos legibles por máquina 
machine-readable data
 A suitable framework for the citation of microforms, patents, machine-readable data, sound recordings, samples, maps and graphic materials is the ISBD(G).
datos numéricos 
numerical data
 Primary literature, secondary literature, numerical and factual data will all be represented.
datos personales 
personal details
 Two computer discs holding the personal details of all families in the UK with a child under 16 have gone missing.
datos privados 
property data
 The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.
de lectura de datos 
 Data-capture units are light pens, and such units can be made available at various locations in the library for public consultation.
depósito de datos  [En una empresa, archivo con todo tipo de información sobre clientes, ventas, operaciones, competencia, etc para ayudar a la toma de decisiones]
data warehouse
 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented and integrated collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
depuración de datos 
data cleaning
 This paper describes ways in which standards for clinical research can help with the activities of data management, data cleaning, and statistical analysis.
descubrimiento de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de cierto tipo de información que en principio no es obvia]
data mining
 Data mining tools search large databases and recognize patterns within the database entries, thus revealing useful information which has remained hidden in the data.
descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de información que en principio no es obvia]
knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
 Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) aims at identifying new knowledge about an application domain using the domain data stored in a database.
directorio de empresas en base de datos 
company directory database
 Some of the most valuable industry information can be compiled from company directory databases.
directorio en base de datos 
directory database
 Data from directory databases often has a geographic location and thus is available for mapping by geographic information system (GIS) software.
dispositivo de almacenamiento de datos 
 To download is to capture data online from a remote host computer and transfer it to the store of an in-house standalone system, eg a microcomputer, for processing.
distribuidor de bases de datos 
host system
 Using the cross-file searching capabilities of the Dialog and ESA-IRS host systems, 53 data bases were investigated.
distribuidor de bases de datos en línea 
online vendor
 This article describes some examples of SDI facilities, offered by commercial on-line vendors (DIALOG, NEWSNET, Pergamon ORBIT, BRS, DATA-STAR, Mead Data Central).
EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos) 
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a series of standardised message formats, primarily oriented toward business transactions.
entrada de datos  [En tecnología de la información, introducción de información en un programa de ordenador generalmente por medio del teclado]  
data entry
 Often referred to as utilities, basic software packages are available for performing basic operations such as data entry and validation, sorting and merging files and editing data.
 The output from a post-co-ordinate index depends both on the input to the system, and the physical nature of the store.
 The project was expected to produce guidelines on how one does the inputting.
entrada de datos sólo una vez 
one-time entry
 If one-time entry is to be effective, however, the data entered must be accurate and complete and must be consistent with other data in the system.
estructura de datos 
data structure
 This article proposes an architecture and data structures for a fuzzy query processor that uses a high level of abstraction and the data items of the data base records.
evolución de los datos  [En estadística, tendencia que se percibe al analizar los datos numéricos]
data trend
 There is a preference for the linear rather than the exponential method of calculating data trends.
extracción inteligente de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de cierto tipo de información que en principio no es obvia]
data mining
 Data mining tools search large databases and recognize patterns within the database entries, thus revealing useful information which has remained hidden in the data.
fichero de salida de datos 
communication output file
 Prior to using this utility you must have established a communication output file using the System Configurator.
gestión de bases de datos 
database management
 Students can use personal computers offering software for such tasks as word processing, financial analysis, database management, desktop publishing, drawing, and drafting.
gestión de datos 
data handling
 This research project is aimed specifically at the data handling requirements of such a system.
gestor de bases de datos  
DBMS system
database manager
 DBMS systems aim to allow data to be re-organised to accommodate growth, shrinkage and so on.
 The article 'IZE: the all-terrain vehicle of database managers' presents details of IZE, an information retrieval program that can handle any ASCII text file, regardless of record structure.
gestor de bases de datos relacionales 
relational database management system
 This article discusses the application of relational data base management systems to textual data bases and the problems involved in implementing the scaled-up hypertext techniques.
grupo de datos 
data set [dataset]
 String searching is only advisable with a dataset which is not too large.
hoja con los datos básicos para Hacer Algo 
data sheet [datasheet]
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
hoja de toma de datos  
checklist [check-list]
data sheet [datasheet]
 This a checklist of features to consider in comparing and evaluating data bases.
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
impreso de recogida de datos  
enquiry form
inquiry form
 The article discusses the data obtained from an enquiry form handed to persons entering the library during a 6 day operation in 7 public libraries in Nigeria.
 Inquiry forms were distributed over a period of 2 weeks to all undergraduate users.
industria de las bases de datos 
database industry
 Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.
inserción de datos 
 The output from a post-co-ordinate index depends both on the input to the system, and the physical nature of the store.
instrumento de recogida de datos 
data collection instrument
 5 data collection instruments were used: printouts of data base searches executed by students; a questionnaire; bibliographies from student papers; serial holdings of the university library; and interviews with instructors.
introducción de datos utilizando un teclado 
 The cataloguer is expected to find to correct form and write it on a worksheet, so that it can be entered by the clerk doing the keypunching.
introducir datos 
key + data
 Input is normally recorded by using a light pen to read bar-encoded patron IDs and bar-encoded book labels, but may also be achieved by keying data at a keyboard/display unit.
introducir datos en el ordenador  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio input En raras ocasiones se utiliza inputted]
 This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
introducir datos partiendo de cero 
enter from + scratch
 Records for this program, however, have to be entered from scratch.
introductor de datos en un ordenador 
 I am the original music inputter; I do a lot of music scores and a lot of the nonbook cataloging as well.
limpieza de datos 
data cleaning
 This paper describes ways in which standards for clinical research can help with the activities of data management, data cleaning, and statistical analysis.
lista de datos 
fact finder
 Today features offering guidance to young readers include a subject-area outline and a list of questions at the beginning of each volume, fact summaries, fact finders (lists of related articles), and bibliographies.
localización de datos 
 Microcomputers are best at single tasks, having limited addressing capability, and are difficult to program except in relatively high level (and inefficient) programming languages.
manipulación de datos 
data manipulation
 However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.
memoria intermedia de datos 
data buffer
 Data buffers receive data from the computer and let it 'trickle through' to the printer at the appropriate speed, thus freeing the computer for the next task.
memorizar datos 
memorise + facts
 The traditional concept of tertiary teaching is described (i.e. lectures during which the student stays a passive listener and has to memorise facts for reproduction during formal written examinations or tests).
meta base de datos 
 If the prototype proves satisfactory, the next phase will include development of the meta-database on a host computer with more 'knowledge' of the contents of the IANI database.
migración de datos 
data migration
 Thorny issues involve data migration, as well as a guarantee of perpetual access, while ensuring preservation of authorship and ownership.
minería de datos  [Hallazgo en grandes bases de datos de cierto tipo de información que en principio no es obvia]
data mining
 Data mining tools search large databases and recognize patterns within the database entries, thus revealing useful information which has remained hidden in the data.
modo de introducción de datos 
input mode
 Pressing the <Ins> key acts as a toggle switch in changing the input mode from INSERT to OVERWRITE and vice versa = Al pulsar la techa <Ins> ésta actúa como un dispositivo de conmutación que cambia modo de introducción de datos de "insertar" a "sobrescribir" y viceversa.
montar una base de datos 
mount + a database
 This article describes some of the current planning efforts to mount additional data bases as part of the MELVYL catalogue.
norma de entrada de datos 
input standard
 A proposed input standard for records in the UKLDS (UK Library Database System) for monographs has been published in 1983.
operación sobre datos 
data manipulation
 However, the marginal deviation from statistical significance may have been due to data contamination in that Billboard charts use some data manipulation rather than strictly objective sales or air play data.
operario de entrada de datos  [Trabajador cuya tarea consiste en la mera introducción de datos en el ordenador]
data entry operator
 The same sort of breakdown of an individual may be experienced through so-called 'de-skilling' occurring because of communications and informations technologies (e.g. data entry operators).
paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos 
data entry and validation package
 A data entry and validation package typically allows the user to define a form to be displayed on a VDU, and by using a cursor, or other prompts, enables data to be entered in this format.
pérdida de datos 
data loss
 Some attempts have been made to use video tape, but the results have been poor, with data losses and corruption.
personal de proceso de datos 
operation staff
 The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.
preparación de los datos 
data preparation
 Data preparation requires the equivalent of 2 full-time operators.
procesamiento de datos  [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas]
data processing
 Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.
procesamiento de datos numéricos 
 Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.
proceso de datos  [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas] 
data processing
transaction processing
 Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.
 The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).
productor de bases de datos 
database producer
 However, although data base producers choose to adhere to in-house practices, there are international standards which can be applied, and indeed do influence practice.
programa de gestión de bases de datos  [Programa que permite almacenar y manipular datos]
database management software
 Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.
protección de datos 
data protection
 A revised version of the Austrian law on data protection in public and private spheres was passed in 1988.
prototipo para el proceso de datos 
data modelling
 The article 'Towards data modelling in information retrieval' describes the scope of a project for the design of advanced applications of information retrieval.
proveedor de bases de datos 
database provider
 An increasing number of database providers are offering all or a portion of their information via the World Wide Web.
recabar datos 
solicit + data
 This article reports results of a questionnaire survey conducted to solicit data related to health professionals' image of librarians.
recoger datos 
collect + data
 The preliminary work began immediately with the drafting of a questionnaire designed to collect pertinent data on the distribution of authority files.
recoger datos para hacer estadísticas 
collect + statistics
 The Machlup article about scarcity of library statistics leaves a false impression, for academic librarians collect many useful statistics.
recogida de datos     
data collection
data gathering [data-gathering]
data collecting
 Professionals need to be shown that with the increasing use of computers, data collection need not be expensive: an automated circulation system, for example, will readily generate information for modifying acquisition policy.
 This article is an overview of current data gathering and analytical techniques for author cocitation analysis.
 Distinctions between scientific research and its relatives (demonstration and development, service/consultation studies, and fact-gathering) could be made through a careful analysis of each study's proposal and/or completed report.
 The reporting period for this survey is 1 July 77-30 June 79, during which 92 projects were identified.
 In any case, systematic data collecting is necessary though it can be simplified by a good specification which limits the period covered.
salida de datos 
 The output from a post-co-ordinate index depends both on the input to the system, and the physical nature of the store.
sistema de proceso de datos 
data processing system
 This article describes IBM's new ImagePlus family of electronic document management systems which allow users to add imaging to data processing systems.
Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas (ISDS)  [Red de centros nacionales e internacionales que tienen por función el control de las publicaciones periódicas, mediante la asignación del ISSN y del título clave]
ISDS (International Serials Data System)
 One agency to be responsible for such a standard is the International Serials Data System (ISDS) whose International Centre is in Paris.
suministrar datos 
furnish + details
 The treasurer will be required to furnish details of the financial state of the club.
suministro de datos 
 The reporting period for this survey is 1 July 77-30 June 79, during which 92 projects were identified.
tecla de borrado de datos 
 The ERASE INPUT key erases all input fields on the screen, that is, all areas where data has been entered.
tecla de introducción de datos 
 Pressing the ENTER key tells DOBIS/LIBIS that you have finished entering data and that it should be processed.
técnico encargado del proceso de datos 
data-processing professional
 Traditional data-processing professionals may not be knowledgeable about internetworking issues.
tiempo de descarga de datos  
download time
 Sound quality and download times are also compared.
 The author investigates whether the latency between requesting a Web page and receiving it influence user perceptions of the page.
tráfico de datos de un modo intermitente 
bursty traffic
 This article describes a mechanism that regulates access of bursty traffic to a LAN.
transformación de datos  [Trasvase de información de un soporte a otro según unas reglas y sin pérdida significativa de información]
data transformation
 Data transformation consist of the switching of data from one medium to another, according to a set of rules, with no significant change of meaning.
transmisión de datos   [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación]  [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación]
data transfer
data transmission
 A new set of recommendations has been recently put forward for data-flow control along public data networks.
 The parties involved in this venture found it necessary to rationalise the technology for data capture and data transfer.
 There are two forms of data transmission: (a) asynchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are not in step); (b) synchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are in step).
tratamiento de datos 
transaction processing
 The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).
unidad de datos 
unit of data
 The separating character in a bibliographic record is a control character used to separate and qualify units of data logically, and in some cases hierarchically.
verificación de los datos 
fact checking
 Compiling so much information didn't leave much time for fact checking, and Pliny verified little of what he wrote.
vía de transmisión de datos  
data pathway
 This may provide an alternative data pathway to the traditional telephone network.
 A backbone is a high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network.

Trends of use of dato



Principal search tendencies and common uses of dato
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «dato».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about dato



Famous quotes and sentences with the word dato.
Douglas Coupland
Las máquinas sólo pueden ser producto de nuestro ser, si examinamos las máquinas que construimos y la cosas que metemos en ellas, tenemos un dato único y fiable de cómo estamos evolucionando.
Pío Baroja
La historia es siempre una fantasía sin base científica, y cuando se pretende levantar un tinglado invulnerable y colocar sobre él una consecuencia, se corre el peligro de que un dato cambie y se venga a bajo toda la armazón histórica.


Discover the use of dato in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to dato and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El dato en cuestión: un análisis de las cifras sociodemográficas
Reunir datos, procesarlos y publicarlos es de suma importancia, ya que de este proceso depende la imagen nítida o desdibujada que obtengamos de la población. El material de este libro trata sobre esta materia.
Beatriz Figueroa Campos, 2008
Vocabolario italiano, e spagnolo; novamente dato in luce: ...
a iai» {oti- Plóvádß э ‚СЗl'l o.l @75; "t u `_ вишь, aprova. штаты» Пли una rafa à «Haggim ВЦ una C0íäa cala , o care. ' ' АЛИ è loßa o che molto 1 di mamen du ri ermelo rageaxere, (yad «îlifülßßïß штамма roi» lord, :off ci :rana «Hai ...
Comedias escogidas de Don Agustín Moreto y Cabaña
VILLANO i." S!, que también traigo un queso. DATO. No lo puedo hacer por eso ; Que me tiene mas de costa. villano 1." llaga que vuelva á sus voces. dato. Harélo por la muchacha.— Lev uniese la borracha, O le daré veinte coces.
Agustín Moreto, Luis Fernandez Guerra y Orbe, 1856
Comedias escogidas de Don Agustin Moreto y Cabaña
VILLANOS.0 Si, que también traigo un queso. DATO. No lo puedo hacer por eso ; Que me tiene mas de costa.. villano l." Haga que vuelva á sus voces. dato. Harélo por la muchacha.— Levántese la borracha, O le daré veinte coces.
Agustín Moreto, Luis Fernández Guerra y Orbe, 1856
Fundamentos de inferencia estadística
Jorge Andrés Alvarado Valencia, Juan José Obagi Araújo. Tabla 2.26: Funciones en Excel para estadística descriptiva 1.8.2. En SPSS ® Para la realización de un histograma,. =frecuencia(Celda Primer Dato:Celda Ultimo Dato, No. que se ...
Jorge Andrés Alvarado Valencia, Juan José Obagi Araújo
La organización regional del mercado interno novohispano: la ...
Campos de minas Mineral Estado Minas Trabajadores Cómputo Requerimientos Cuyutlón Plata En decadencia 3 buscones Sin dato Real Asientos de Ibarra Plata En decadencia 5 Indio-castas 909 Caudal-método Realito de los Saiyones  ...
Antonio Ibarra, 2000
Estudio de las características geométricas y del ...
'También por eso multiplico la salida de datos por 2: dato#(i%) = (L# + 256 * H#) * 2 Next i% 'Para pasar la lectura del transductor de tensión a pascales: 'dato#(0) = dato#(0) * 20 'Para pasar la lectura del anemómetro de tensión a °C: ...
Antonio Jesús Álvarez Martínez, 2010
La culpa es del programmer versión 1.0: Fundamentos de ...
Columna. Indica la posición o dirección vertical del arreglo bidimensional a la que se accede. • Celda o casilla. Lugar del arreglo referenciado por fila y columna. • Contenido o dato. Información contenida en la celda. Figura 5.3. Estructura de ...
Hector Enrique Guerrero Conde, 2010
Factores asociados con sobrepeso y obesidad en el ambiente ...
1 escuela Población Escolares Escolares Preescolares y escolares Preescolares y escolares Escolares Evaluación: Peso, talla, IMC, relación cintura/cadera Antropometría IMC, peso, talla Sin dato Peso, talla Peso, talla Clínica- bioquímicos ...
Guillermo Meléndez, 2008
Manual práctico de electricidad para ingenieros
77 dato-nombre-1... 01 dato-nombre-2... 02 dato-nombre-3... Sección de constantes. Esta sección se establece de manera parecida a la sección anterior. CONSTANT-SECTION (Sección de constantes). 77 dato-nombre-1... 01 dato- nombre-2.
Donald G. Fink, H. Wayne Beaty, John M. Carroll, 1984


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term dato is used in the context of the following news items.
C's ve "un buen dato" el descenso de parados, pero "queda mucho ...
... del número de desempleados en 11.600 personas en el segundo trimestre del año es "un buen dato", pero ha alertado de que la tasa de paro es del 27.01%. «Hoy Digital, Jul 16»
Arranque atípico en La mejor elección: ella se enteró de un dato de ...
El comienzo del programa no fue el habitual, ya que Guido Kaczka y la producción decidieron revelar un dato que creían que debían saber los concursantes ... «El Trece, Jul 16»
La economía de EU sorprende al crear 287000 empleos en junio
El dato para junio muestra nueva evidencia de que EU ha recuperado el impulso tras una Optimismo El dato para junio muestra nueva evidencia de que EU ha ... «Expansión MX, Jul 16»
Estados Unidos registra su mejor dato de creación de empleo ...
La creación de empleo en Estados Unidos ha registrado, tal como ha informado el Departamento de Trabajo, su mejor dato en ocho meses. En junio se han ... «, Jul 16»
EE.UU. crea en junio 287.000 empleos, el mejor dato en 8 meses
... entorno de dos millones, más de una cuarta parte de los desempleados. El mercado de Wall Street reaccionó con alzas al buen dato de creación de empleo. «euronews, Jul 16»
Eliminado el giro en ámbar en Eduardo Dato hacia la avenida de la ...
La Delegación de Seguridad, Movilidad y Fiestas Mayores ha suprimido desde este jueves el giro a la izquierda en la fase de ámbar intermitente de la avenida ... «, Jun 16»
La participación ha sido del 69,84%, casi identica al 20D
El dato final se ha quedado más cerca del de las anteriores elecciones de lo que vaticinaba el acumulado a las 18:00 horas, cuando la participación era la más ... «EiTB Radio Televisión Pública Vasca, Jun 16»
Un mal dato de empleo en EEUU hunde las bolsas
Las bolsas han arrancado la sesión de este viernes al alza, pero se ha dado rápidamente la vuelta tras la publicación de los últimos datos de empleo en ... «El Periódico, Jun 16»
El débil dato de empleo en EEUU arroja dudas sobre perspectivas ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - La economía de Estados Unidos creó en mayo la menor cantidad de puestos de trabajo en más de cinco años, afectada por una ... «Reuters España, Jun 16»
El dinero se refugia en el oro después del mal dato de empleo en ...
¿Buscas volatilidad? La presentación de resultados de las empresas americanas suele traerla consigo. Para invertir en EE.UU., hazlo a través de Self Bank. «, Jun 16»


« EDUCALINGO. Dato [online]. Available <>. May 2024 ».
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