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Meaning of "hoja" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra hoja procede del latín folĭa, plural neutro de folĭum.

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ho · ja


Hoja is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



The leaf is the vegetative organ and generally flattened of the vascular plants, specialized mainly to realize the photosynthesis. The morphology and anatomy of stems and leaves are closely related and, together, both organs constitute the stem of the plant. The typical leaves - also called nomophiles - are not the only ones that develop during the life cycle of a plant. From the germination different types of leaves follow - cotyledons, primordial leaves, profilos, bracts and antófilos in the flowers - with forms and functions very different from each other. A nomophile usually consists of a flattened blade, a short stem - the petiole - which joins the blade to the stem and, at its base, a pair of leaflike appendages - the stipules. The presence or absence of these elements and the extreme diversity of forms of each of them has generated a rich vocabulary to categorize the multiplicity of types of leaves that present the vascular plants, whose description is called foliar morphology.

Definition of hoja in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of leaf in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is each of the sheets, generally green, flat and thin, of which the vegetables are dressed, attached to the stem or the branches by the petiole or, sometimes , by a long basal part, in which mainly the transpiration and photosynthesis functions are carried out. Another meaning of leaf in the dictionary is set of these sheets. The fall of the leaf. Leaf is also each one of the sheets of the corolla of the flower.


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Synonyms and antonyms of hoja in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «hoja» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «hoja» into 25 languages



Find out the translation of hoja to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.

The translations of hoja from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «hoja» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of hoja in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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গাছের পাতা
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5 millions of speakers


  leaf [leaves, -pl.].
 Concepts which denote parts of a plant, eg leaf, flower, etc, are also Personality concepts.
ambientador de flores y hojas secas 
 A good reference librarian should be able to answer questions such as 'How can my daughter train to be a hairdresser?', 'Do cars or pedestrians have the right of way at a filling-station entrance?', 'Where can I find out just how to make a potpourri?'.
árbol de hoja caduca 
deciduous tree
 Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring.
árbol de hoja perenne 
evergreen tree
 Evergreen trees are our savior in winter and landscape workhorses the year-round , well worth the pruning and other care we give them.
bosque de árboles de hoja caduca 
deciduous forest
 This liana has an old stem twining around a tree branch in the tropical deciduous forest of Michoacan, Mexico.
brotar hojas 
leaf out
 Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring.
cubierto de hojas 
leafy [leafier -comp., leafiest -sup.]
 The cooperative's main product was fresh-cut leafy greens, but watermelons, huckleberry, gooseberry, blackberries, and grapes were also sold.
de hoja caduca 
 The author briefly describes the ecology of a deciduous forest outlining simple experiments relating to mosses and lichens.
de hoja perenne  [Adjetivo]
 Children should be taught to understand that some plants are evergreen and some are deciduous.
de hojas largas 
 Romaine is the term for this long-leaved lettuce, also called cos or cos lettuce because it is said to have originated on the Greek island of Cos (the birthplace of the physician Hippocrates).
echar hojas 
leaf out
 Deciduous trees are those that loose their leaves each fall, go dormant for the winter, and leaf out again in spring.
hoja de arce  [Símbolo del Canadá]
maple leaf
 Since 1965, the maple leaf has been the centrepiece of the national flag of Canada.
hoja de laurel 
bay leaf
 Whole bay leaves are often added to dishes while they are cooking and then removed before serving.
hoja de palmera 
palm leaf
 This paper analyzes samples of historic and modern palm leaf with regard to the physical and chemical properties determining the usability and the ageing behaviour of the material.
hoja de pino 
pine needle
 They sell books on all methods of basket weaving and many styles, including pine needle, materials found in nature and more.
hojas de té 
tea leaves
 Archeological evidence suggests that people consumed tea leaves steeped in boiling water as many as 500000 years ago.
libro de hojas de palmera 
palm leaf book
 This paper discusses the history, botanical structure, make-up, damage and storage of palm leaf books.
manuscrito en hoja de palmera 
palm leaf manuscript
 Palm leaf manuscripts are produced by 2 main types of palms and are prone to damage through becoming brittle over time.
planta de hoja perenne  
evergreen plant
 In the case of evergreen plants, needles or leaves are retained for several years in a row.
 Most tropical rainforest plants are evergreens, replacing their leaves gradually throughout the year as the leaves age and fall.
temblar como una hoja  
shake like + a leaf
tremble like + a leaf
 15 minutes later she was eating her breakfast like nothing ever happened, but I was shaking like a leaf.
 During the wedding ceremony he trembled like a leaf, and made the wrong responses to the clergyman.
trébol de cuatro hojas 
four-leaf clover
 Four-leaf clovers are known all around the world for giving the finder good luck and fortune.
  leaf [leaves, -pl.] ; sheet.
 A format is the number of times the printed sheet has been folded to make the leaves of a book, e.g., folio (one fold giving two leaves), quarto (two folds giving four leaves), etc.
 As used in the description area, a sheet is a single piece of paper other than a broadside (q.v.) with manuscript or printed matter on one or both sides.
catálogo de hojas sueltas 
sheaf catalogue
 The sheaf catalogue comprises sets of slips held in small looseleaf binders.
constituido por hojas superpuestas  [Expresión utilizada para referirse a la manera de publicar el libro moderno, constituido por hojas sencillas superpuestas y unidas por uno de los costados más largos]
in codex form
 The author charts the history of books on clay tablets, papyrus and parchment scrolls, and in codex form.
hoja adjunta 
 If a serial is being routed, a so-called 'rider' (a blank or typed slip) is attached with the names of persons interested.
hoja con la información básica para Hacer Algo 
data sheet [datasheet]
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
hoja con los datos básicos para Hacer Algo 
data sheet [datasheet]
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
hoja de actividades 
activity sheet
 Many of the activities are accompanied by reproducible activity sheets you can distribute to students.
hoja de agua  [En fabricación del papel, estadio en el que tras haber depositado la pasta de papel sobre una superficie porosa y haber sido prensada para que pierda su contenido de agua todavía está húmeda]
 At this stage the paper was called waterleaf, and was absorbent like blotting-paper.
hoja de cálculo 
 A transfer format may be specified if the report is to be used with spreadsheets or other database software.
hoja de cálculo electrónica 
electronic spreadsheet
 She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.
hoja de circulación  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]
routing slip
circulation slip
 The periodical issues are provided with a 'routing slip' which has to be signed and dated by each user concerned.
 If you use this application, you can also access and edit your cirulation slips online = Si utiliza esta aplicación, también puede acceder y modificar en línea sus hojas de circulación de las revistas.
hoja de códigos 
code sheet
 Each category of data was placed on a laminated code sheet for ease of data collection.
hoja de control 
overriding slip
 The best method for recording all this information is the system of basic-entry cards combined with overriding slips.
hoja de control de tiempo 
 Timesheets not received by the deadline may result in delayed payment, so please be sure to meet this deadline.
hoja de control horario 
 Timesheets not received by the deadline may result in delayed payment, so please be sure to meet this deadline.
hoja de cortesía 
fly-leaf [fly-leaves, -pl.]
 These books he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote his name.
hoja de estilo  [En edición, hoja que recoge las instrucciones relativas a la presentación de los artículos que una revista contiene o envía para los autores]
style sheet
 The editor of this journal sends a style sheet to authors and a reminder to pay special attention to citing references.
hoja de fecha de devolución  [Hoja que se incluye en el libro de la biblioteca para indicar la fecha de devolución del mismo]
date label
 A wide variety of stationery is inserted into library books: a book plate, a rule sheet, a date label, a book pocket, combined date label and pocket, combined book and rule sheet.
hoja de guarda 
fly-leaf [fly-leaves, -pl.]
 These books he bound up in three volumes, and on the fly leaf of the first volume wrote his name.
hoja de inscripción 
registration form
 The aim was to identify, through the study of library registration forms, characteristics of age, sex, occupation, and length of membership of adult users over a period of 6 years.
hoja de normas  [Hoja que se pega a cada libro de la biblioteca especificando las normas de préstamo del mismo]
rule sheet
 A wide variety of stationery is inserted into library books: a book plate, a rule sheet, a date label, a book pocket, combined date label and pocket, combined book and rule sheet.
hoja de papel  
slip of paper
sheet of paper
 With the advent of computers, transactions like payments of salaries, share dividends, tax deductions, etc., could now be handled by the transfer of data, rather than of slips of paper.
 A quire originally meant 4 sheets of paper or parchment folded over and sewn to make 8 leaves.
hoja de papel continuo  [En la fabricación de papel, trama ininterrumpida de fibras que se forma al secarse la pasta de papel sobre la cinta transportadora de un molino de papel]
web of paper
 From the 1820s a dry end was added to the Fourdrinier machine which dried and smoothed the web of paper as it emerged from the wet end.
hoja de papel encerada  [Uno de las hojas que componen el ciclostil]
wax sheet
 While the stencil is held taut, the cylinder is slowly rotated until the bottom edge of the wax sheet can be clamped in position.
hoja de partitura  [Hoja suelta impresa en la que aparece la letra y la música de una canción]
 A broadside is a separately published piece of paper, printed on one side only and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g. proclamations, handbills, ballad-sheets, news-sheets.
hoja de pedido 
order form
 Several order forms are available.
hoja de préstamo  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]  [En el préstamo, hoja que se rellena con los datos del documento solicitado y los datos del lector como testigo de la transacción realizada]  [En publicaciones seriadas, lista que la biblioteca añade a un número recien llegado para indicar a qué usuarios hay que mandárselo]
routing slip
issue form
circulation slip
 The periodical issues are provided with a 'routing slip' which has to be signed and dated by each user concerned.
 The borrower will be requested to fill in a triplicate issue form for each document he wishes to borrow.
 If you use this application, you can also access and edit your cirulation slips online = Si utiliza esta aplicación, también puede acceder y modificar en línea sus hojas de circulación de las revistas.
hoja de reserva  
hold slip
booking form
 If the document is to be picked up in the library, a hold slip is printed with copy, title, and borrower information on it.
 Further details and a booking form are available at
hoja de reserva de hotel 
hotel booking form
 Make sure to indicate your selected hotel when filling in the hotel booking form.
hoja de respaldo 
backing sheet
 The typescript will be fuzzy and indistinct without the smooth, firm surface which the backing sheet offers.
hoja de ruta   
road map [roadmap]
route map
logbook [log book]
 The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.
 This service aims to provide refugees with a cultural route map through the confused and sometimes hostile environment in which they find themselves.
 The library is now the greatest treasure house of whaling fact and lore in the world with its collection of logbooks, maps, photographs, manuscripts and whaling gear = Ahora la biblioteca ahora es la mayor fuente inagotable del mundo de datos y tradiciones sobre la caza de ballenas con su colección de diarios de navegación, mapas, fotografías, manuscritos y herramientas para la caza de ballenas.
hoja de toma de datos  
checklist [check-list]
data sheet [datasheet]
 This a checklist of features to consider in comparing and evaluating data bases.
 The author covers the main headings which have to be considered when putting forward proposals and provides data sheets to act as a memory aid when completing a bid.
hoja eliminada  [Hoja de un documento que ha sido substituida por otra con correcciones que normalmente va pegada sobre ella]
cancellandum [cancellanda, -pl.]
 The leaf that was to be cancelled is nowadays called the cancellandum, plural cancellanda, and the leaf that was to replace it is called the cancellans, plural cancellantia.
hoja informativa  [Hoja suelta impresa, normalmente distribuida regularmente, con información breve de interés para los miembros de una profesión o grupo]  [Publicación seriada, normalmente distribuido regularmente, con información de interés para los miembros de una profesión o grupo] 
news-sheet [newsheet]
information sheet
 Short abstracts comprising only one or two sentences, for instance, may be valuable in commercial information services, or local government news-sheets of the type produced by public libraries.
 A newsletter is a serial publication consisting of one or a few printed sheets containing news and/or information of interest to a special group.
 Products under threat include; greeting cards, circulars, information sheets, newspapers and magazines.
hoja parroquial 
parish magazine
 Bookstalls, church libraries, newspaper agencies, parish magazines, and press officers all need consideration.
hoja perforada  
tear-off sheet
 To facilitate communication, I wish there were a tear-off sheet on every direct mail.
 The brochure included instructions for returning the tearsheet in via campus mail or responding via telephone.
hoja prensada 
pressed leaf
 They are a small company specializing in creative fiberglass lampshades with pressed flowers and leaves.
hoja publicitaria  [Hoja suelta que se distribuye normalmente en la calle como medio de publicidad]  
flyer [flier, -USA]
advertising flyer
publicity flyer
 Bibliographies were compiled from holdings of major research libraries, CIP records, and publishers' flyers.
 The collection contains objects such as keepsake dishes, playing cards, scarves, postcards, advertising flyers and brochures = La colección contiene objetos como, por ejemplo, platos de recuerdo, cartas de barajas, bufandas, postales, hojas publicitarias y guías informativas.
 The author makes recommendations for improving the impact of publicity 'flyers'.
hoja repuesta  [Hoja de un documento con correcciones que normalmente se pega sobre la hoja a la que corrige]  [Hoja de un documento con correcciones que normalmente se pega sobre la hoja a la que corrige]
cancellans [cancellatia, -pl.]
 But the first 28 sheets of Baskerville's Virgil of 1757 were printed on an unprecedented wove paper, and the rest, plus a number of whole-sheet and single-leaf cancels, were printed on laid paper.
 The leaf that was to be cancelled is nowadays called the cancellandum, plural cancellanda, and the leaf that was to replace it is called the cancellans, plural cancellantia.
hojas de cortesía  [En encuadernación, hojas en blanco que se colocan al final de las hojas impresas de una obra antes de la cubierta]
 Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.
hojas sueltas  
looseleaf [loose-leaf]
loose-leaf paper
 Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.
 Often the material will be collected on cards or loose-leaf paper so that internal reorganization is quite an easy matter and re-writing is thereby cut down to a minimum.
hoja suelta    
handout [hand-out]
 Early union catalogues were produced in card or sheaf form.
 Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.
 In Spring '87 the Danish archives decided to publish flysheets as a way of putting their viewpoint across to the public.
 Many libraries attempt to predict their users' questions and have material ready for sale, or hand-outs to answer them.
hoja técnica  
fact sheet
 All on-line users face the problem of coping with an ever-increasing amount of on-line documentation including: manuals; thesauri; data base chapters; bluesheets and aid pages; newsletters, etc.
 The Database fact sheet for each database provides information on the class, control, or identification numbers likely to appear in records in the database.
manual de hojas sueltas 
loose-leaf manual
 This option should also be used for updates or supplements to loose-leaf manuals.
no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus hojas 
don't judge a book by its cover
 The old saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is very appropriate in our lives today - it is very important not to judge a person because of what you assume they are like.
pasar hojas   
page (through)
turn + pages
flip + pages
 The system displays the records in brief format and the user can 'page' through the matches until the required record is found.
 For users unable to read Braille or who cannot turn pages, the system incorporates a voice synthesizer.
 This is something that doesn't work well in a book, where you have to flip pages.
pasar hojas hacia atrás 
page + backward
 The borrower can page forward and backward, enter a new search term, switch to another file, do a truncated search, or end.
pasar hojas hacia delante 
page + forward
 If there are too many borrower and/or material types to be displayed on one screen, the system automatically pages forward each time the ENTER key is pressed.
 Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in finding and managing to keep a broken and discarded hacksaw blade he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.
de doble hoja 
 The devices will come in a variety of sizes ranging from pocket sized to double-hinged displays that will present two large pages.
hoja de afeitar 
razor blade
 One of the advantages of spirit duplication is that errors on the master can be erased by gently removing the layer of dye with a razor blade.
hoja de cristal 
 Two wide windows stood with shattered panes, their glass slivered on the wide marble sill and scattered across the floor.
hoja de hierba  
grass blade
blade of grass
 Set your mower at its highest level, to allow grass blades to be about 3 inches long.
 In the midst of green and growing lands was a moonscape city of blasted land where no leaf of tree or blade of grass could grow.
molde de dos hojas  [En la fabricación de papel, molde dividido por la mitad sobre el que se depositaba la pasta de papel para su secado y de este modo obtener dos hojas de papel]
two-sheet mould
 Two-sheet moulds, which appear to have been a Dutch invention of the late seventeenth century, were constructed so that the two sheets were made either end to end or side by side.

Trends of use of hoja



Principal search tendencies and common uses of hoja
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «hoja».

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about hoja



Famous quotes and sentences with the word hoja.
Charles C. Colton
El error es una hoja garabateada que primero hay que borrar.
Miguel De Cervantes
Nunca los cetros y coronas de los emperadores farsantes fueron de oro puro, sino de oropel y hoja de lata.
Rabindranath Tagore
Se va la juventud año tras año; los días de primavera son fugaces y las frágiles flores mueren pronto. El sabio nos advierte que la vida es tan sólo una gota de rocío en una hoja de loto.
Rabindranath Tagore
El sabio nos advierte que la vida es tan sólo una gota de rocío en una hoja de loto.
Rabindranath Tagore
Un entendimiento todo lógica es como un cuchillo de hoja sola, que hiera la mano de su dueño.


Tras esa hoja viene otra.
Año bisiesto, vende la hoja y quema el cesto.
Con tiempo y paciencia, la hoja de la morera se convierte en un vestido de seda.
El que debajo de una hoja se posa, dos veces se moja.
Hoja a hoja se come la alcachofa.
Hoja caída, barre.
No se mueve la hoja del árbol sin la voluntad de Dios.
Quien se refugia debajo de hoja, dos veces se moja.
Sábele bien y hácele mal a mi borriquito hoja de nogal.
Si en Diciembre el enfermo no se agarra, caerá como hoja de parra.


Discover the use of hoja in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to hoja and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Cuando cae la hoja
Hay personas que un día pierden sus "hojas" y quedan desprovistas de aquello que daba color y sentido a su vida, pero la vida no se acaba aquí.
David Solá, 2011
El infinito en una hoja de papel
Este ensayo pretende poner de relieve algunos elementos que podrían explicar el valor estético de la escritura china y sus relaciones con la imagen.
Estela Ocampo, 1989
Hoja de cálculo: Excel: Aprenda a trabajar con la más ...
Este manual pretende ofrecer al alumno las nociones básicas referentes al manejo y ejecución de las aplicaciones de la hoja de cálculo Excel, perteneciente al paquete de Microsoft Office®.
'Ana Ma Villar Varela y Ana Riascos Lomanto', 2010
Los mejores árboles y arbustos de hoja perenne
Guia completa de los arboles y arbustos de hoja perenne.
Stefan Buczacki, 2000
Hoja de papel
Justo el d a en que muri Poli, mi gallina, apareci Hoja de Papel. Lleg sin aviso. Hoja de Papel es un caballo. un caballo blanco. Y, as como lleg un buen d a sin aviso, de la misma manera, Hoja de Papel desapareci .
Fásmidos. Insectos palo e insectos hoja
Una obra maestra de referencia que nos abre las puertas de un mundo apasionante del camuflaje: el de los insectos palo e insectos hoja
Christoph Seiler, 2006
La formación de maestros y profesores: hoja de ruta
En el texto se abordan algunos de los problemas, discusiones y alternativas que elaboran diversos formadores, investigadores, estudiantes y docentes desde distintos ámbitos y con diferentes miradas acerca de las prácticas de formación de ...
Gabriela Diker, Flavia Terigi, 1997
Astucia: el jefe de los Hermanos de la Hoja o los charros ...
Publicada en la imprenta del propio Inclan entre 1865 y 1866, Astucia es una de las mejores novelas de aventuras que se han escrito en espanol.
Luis Gonzaga Inclán, Manuel Sol, 2005
El nuevo ateísmo: Hoja de ruta
Claves y estrategias publicitarias de los promotores de este nuevo fenómeno.
Francisco Conesa, 2012
Alrededor del trabajo de los metales
ASERRADO Sierras manuales de arco La hoja de sierra, recambiable y agujereada en ambos extremos, se introduce en las ranuras de que van provistos los tacos de sujeción del arco y se sujeta por medio de pasadores o clavijas. En uno o ...
Friedrich Bendix, 1978


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term hoja is used in the context of the following news items.
¿Es posible cortar madera con una hoja de papel?
Jugando a ser un 'youtuber', este hombre se dio el trabajo de reemplazar la afilada hoja metálica circular de su sierra con una pieza de papel con la misma ... «RPP Noticias, Aug 16»
Munté recuerda que el RUI no está previsto en la hoja de ruta
La portavoz de Govern de la Generalitat, Neus Munté, ha recordado que el referéndum unilateral de independencia no está previsto en la hoja de ruta. «, Aug 16»
El Govern desoye al Constitucional y mantiene su hoja de ruta ...
La consejera de la Presidencia, Neus Munté, ha garantizado que el Govern mantendrá en pie su hoja de ruta soberanista y ha negado al Tribunal ... «La Voz de Galicia, Aug 16»
Evo Morales confirma su plan para aumentar las plantaciones ...
El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, ratificó este lunes su intención de autorizar el incremento de la superficie legal de cultivos de hoja de coca permitidos en ... «, Jul 16»
Bolivia registra reducción mínima de la hoja de coca
Los cultivos de la hoja de coca redujeron mínimamente en Bolivia en el 2015, según datos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas Contra las Drogas y el ... «El Deber, Jul 16»
Homs carga contra la ANC por cuestionar la hoja de ruta: “Cada vez ...
El candidato de CDC en las elecciones del 26J, Francesc Homs, ha cargado este lunes contra la Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) para cuestionar la hoja ... «La Vanguardia, Jun 16»
Más de 400 estudiantes han elaborado la hoja de papel artesanal ...
La mañana de este viernes, sobre las 11.00 horas, más de 400 alumnos del Instituto San Isidro han fabricado la hoja de papel artesanal más larga del mundo ... «, May 16»
El peligroso reto de la hoja blanca que incita a la anorexia
¿Ya escuchaste hablar del reto de la hoja blanca? Esta peligrosa moda iniciada en China quiere que las chicas aspiren a estándares de belleza enfermizos. «Actitud Fem, Mar 16»
Presidente de Bolivia defiende la hoja de coca por "soberanía ...
El presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, participó este sábado en una jornada de masticado de la hoja de coca en Cochabamba destacando que la defensa de la ... «Noticias RCN, Mar 16»
Hoja de Ruta de la MUD está amparada en decreto de Obama
Mencionó que la Hoja de Ruta de la oposición es un golpe de Estado amparado en el decreto de Obama. "La MUD es la operadora que va intentar, aunque no ... «teleSUR TV, Mar 16»


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