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Meaning of "necesidad" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra necesidad procede del latín necessĭtas, -ātis.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ne · ce · si · dad play


Necesidad is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Click to see the original definition of «necesidad» in the Spanish dictionary.
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In marketing and human resources, a need for a person is a sense of lack coupled with the desire to satisfy it. For example, thirst, hunger and cold are sensations that indicate the need for water, food and heat, respectively. "Necessities are the expression of what a living being requires indispensably for its conservation and development. In psychology the need is the feeling linked to the experience of a lack, which is associated with the effort to suppress this lack, to satisfy the Tendency, to the correction of the situation of lack "A desire is a necessity that takes the form of a product, brand or company. For example, if you are thirsty and feel the need to hydrate yourself, you want a glass of water to satisfy that need. Needs are not created, they exist. What is created or encouraged is desire. The role of marketing is to detect needs, which can be transformed into opportunities for ... En el marketing y los recursos humanos, una necesidad para una persona es una sensación de carencia unida al deseo de satisfacerla. Por ejemplo, la sed, el hambre y el frío son sensaciones que indican la necesidad de agua, alimento y calor, respectivamente. "Las necesidades son la expresión de lo que un ser vivo requiere indispensablemente para su conservación y desarrollo. En psicología la necesidad es el sentimiento ligado a la vivencia de una carencia, lo que se asocia al esfuerzo orientado a suprimir esta falta, a satisfacer la tendencia, a la corrección de la situación de carencia" Un deseo es una necesidad que toma la forma de un producto, marca o empresa. Por ejemplo, si se tiene sed y se siente la necesidad de hidratarse, se desea un vaso de agua para satisfacer dicha necesidad. Las necesidades no se crean, existen. Lo que se crea o fomenta es el deseo. El papel del marketing es detectar necesidades, que puedan transformarse en oportunidades de...

Definition of necesidad in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of necessity in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is an irresistible impulse that causes causes to work unerringly in a certain sense. Another meaning of necessity in the dictionary is that to which it is impossible to escape, to fail or to resist. Need is also lack of the things that are necessary for the conservation of life. La primera definición de necesidad en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es impulso irresistible que hace que las causas obren infaliblemente en cierto sentido. Otro significado de necesidad en el diccionario es aquello a lo cual es imposible sustraerse, faltar o resistir. Necesidad es también carencia de las cosas que son menester para la conservación de la vida.
Click to see the original definition of «necesidad» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of necesidad in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «necesidad» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of necesidad to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of necesidad from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «necesidad» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of necesidad in the Spanish-English dictionary.

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nhu cầu
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10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  necessity ; need ; requirement ; want ; exigency ; urge ; necessity.
 The main inconveniences of item record indexes arise from the necessity of searching the entire file.
 The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.
 The most appropriate type of abstract must be chosen in accordance with the requirements of each individual application.
 Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
 The LA dangles between short-term exigencies and long-term potentials, and a call for cuts in library school output is trying to cure symptoms rather than diseases.
 The urge to mechanize paper-making came at first as much from the papermakers' desire to free themselves from dependence upon their skilled but rebellious workmen as from the pursuit of production economies.
 Books may be useful to many people, but it is by no means common for them to be necessities.
adaptable a las necesidades del usuario 
customisable [customizable, -USA]
 The method consists of a weighted scoring technique based on a customisable criteria hierarchy.
adaptar a las necesidades de  
tailor to + the needs of
gear to + the needs of
 This coincidence between indexing and user approach is known as user warrant: in other words the indexing system must be tailored to the needs of the users of the index.
 In suburban areas, the library is predominantly a children's library and should be geared to the needs, the noise level, and the attention span of the youthful population.
adaptar a una necesidad  
time to + need
suit + requirement
 He can be persuaded through many devices to take the desired road, but the devices themselves must be selected, tuned, and timed to the individual's need to satisfy his basic nature.
 It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.
adaptarse a una necesidad 
suit + a need
 In the final analysis, flexibility in pursuing different options to suit needs, combined with excellent communications all around will help solve this crisis.
adecuar a una necesidad  
suit + purpose
tailor to + demand
 The terminology, much of it being either newly coined or adapted to suit the purpose at hand, is sometimes rather intricate.
 Edge notch cards are often ordered in a size tailored to the demands of the index, and can be purchased with any coding that the index designer specifies.
ahorrarse la necesidad de 
circumvent + the need to
 They would even circumvent the need to withdraw cash, if it is to be spent again directly at the same location.
amoldarse a las necesidades de 
bend to + the needs of
 There is evidence to suggest that systems are bending to the needs of individual libraries.
análisis de necesidades  
needs assessment
needs analysis
 This needs assessment should be part of a broader planning process.
 This article discusses management considerations regarding needs analysis = Este artículo examina ciertas cuestiones relacionadas con la gestión de los análisis de necesidades.
apoyar la necesidad de 
endorse + the need (for/to)
 The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
atender a una necesidad  
meet + Posesivo + needs
speak to + need
 Many common needs could be met by shared accommodation and equipment.
 His long-espoused assertion that the development of any literacy takes off when it speaks to the needs of the individuals is clearly exemplified by the rapid assimilation of mobile communications technologies.
atender las necesidades 
provide for + needs
 It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.
atender una necesidad    
address + a need
cover + requirement
fulfil + requirement
serve + need
 This paper describes the activities of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche study group formed by librarians working in government ministries in order to address the need for training and professional development felt in this sector.
 Even in situations where there is a published list covering the requirements of the type of library to be indexed, this list is likely to require adjustment in order to make it compatible with local requirements.
 Additional facilities have been added to fulfill special library requirements.
 The public library, the university library, the library of a commercial firm, for example, each serve the various needs of differing groups of users.
comprobación de las necesidades económicas  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]
means test
 For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
 To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
comprobar las necesidades económicas  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]
means test
 Gordon Brown always claims that he has to means test benefits because that is the only way to help the poorest people.
confirmar la necesidad de 
endorse + the need (for/to)
 The results endorse the need for continued application of marketing prowess, information science research, and library support systems.
cuando le surja la necesidad 
at + Posesivo + time of need
 The reference librarian can work with individuals at their time of need.
cubrir la mayoría de las necesidades 
go + most of the way
 The BCA hopes that the sales of the schedules will go most of the way towards making the scheme self-sufficient.
cubrir las necesidades de 
provide for
 So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'.
cubrir una necesidad      
cover + need
meet + Posesivo + needs
serve + need
fill + need
fulfil + need
speak to + need
 Colleges of Higher Education aim to cover the needs of their students by the provision of book and non-book materials.
 Many common needs could be met by shared accommodation and equipment.
 The public library, the university library, the library of a commercial firm, for example, each serve the various needs of differing groups of users.
 Collier's Encyclopedia 'has been designed and built to fill the needs of the most exacting school and home users'.
 The first edition was intended to fill this gap, and its reception, both in Britain and abroad, showed that it did indeed fulfil a real need.
 His long-espoused assertion that the development of any literacy takes off when it speaks to the needs of the individuals is clearly exemplified by the rapid assimilation of mobile communications technologies.
defender la necesidad 
articulate + the need
 The author articulates the need to establish some form of international multimedia convention or treaty.
defender la necesidad de 
support + the case for
 To date, there has been little research supporting the case for school libraries = Hasta la fecha, ha habido pocas investigaciones que defiendan la necesidad de las bibliotecas escolares.
diagnosticar las necesidades de 
diagnose + needs
 This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.
dispositivo de ayuda a usuarios con necesidades especiales 
assistive device
 Production, distribution and promotion of assistive devices for the handicapped can only be achieved through the active cooperation of transnational agencies.
eliminar la necesidad de 
remove + the need for
 It helps in consistency between related cases, since principles are established, and removes the need for separate rules for the different types of material.
eludir la necesidad de 
bypass + the need (for)
 Although the use of the cloze test bypasses the need for standardized testing, the danger of choosing a passage which is not reflective of the whole work must be noted.
en caso de necesidad 
at a push
 A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.
estrategia para enfrentarse a las necesidades diarias  
coping strategy
coping skill
 Evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes in curricula were expected to be adequate as a coping strategy.
 Learning will be a coping skill needed to survive the vagaries of change.
estudiar una necesidad 
analyse + a need
 Several studies are currently in progress to analyze the needs of libraries to determine the best kinds of microform and the most useful cumulation patterns.
evaluación de las necesidades económicas  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]
means test
 For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
 To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
evaluación de necesidades 
needs assessment
 This needs assessment should be part of a broader planning process.
evaluar las necesidades económicas  [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]
means test
 Gordon Brown always claims that he has to means test benefits because that is the only way to help the poorest people.
existir una necesidad de 
there + be + call for
 There is a call from certain copyright owners to curtail or even abolish fair dealing in the electronic environment.
hacer frente a una necesidad  
meet + Posesivo + needs
serve + need
 Many common needs could be met by shared accommodation and equipment.
 The public library, the university library, the library of a commercial firm, for example, each serve the various needs of differing groups of users.
hacer + Posesivo + necesidades  
relieve + Reflexivo
go + potty
 When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.
 Since we got him at 9 weeks, he has only gone potty in the backyard.
hacer que Algo sea pertinente a las necesidades de Algo o Alguien 
make + Nombre + relevant to
 The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.
insistir en la necesidad de  
insist on + the necessity of
insist on + the need for
 He particularly insisted on the necessity of assuring military protection for the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad.
 Early management theory insisted on the need for a systematic analysis of all institutions.
justificar la necesidad de 
justify + the case for
 The author presents the views of child psychologists which justify the case for toy libraries.
la necesidad agudiza el ingenio  
necessity mothers invention
necessity is the mother of invention
 Necessity mothers invention, and certainly invention in the presentation of books mothers surprised interest.
 Necessity is the mother of invention, and the Internet, as the next big computer marketplace, has created an urgent need for low bandwidth multimedia.
librar de la necesidad de  
relieve of + the necessity of
relieve of + the need to
 If entries are arranged alphabetically by a significant qualifying term the index user is relieved of the necessity of scanning every entry under a term.
 Publishers tended to use this form of agreement for books in which they had only limited confidence, for it relieved them of the need to pay the author unless there was a certainty of profit.
necesidad apremiante 
desperate need
 There is a desperate need, both in the United States and in Mexico, for interpreters in Mexican and Guatemalan indigenous languages.
necesidad corporal 
bodily function
 We also spend a certain amount of time each day dealing with our bodily functions, bathing, washing, brushing our teeth and so on.
necesidad de información 
information need
 Factors requiring special attention in the planning process in African countries include information needs of illiterates, information needs of women and children and the needs of rural communities.
necesidad económica  
economic necessity
economic need
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
 For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not.
necesidades de espacio 
space requirements
 Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.
necesidad extrema 
dire need
 They also provide details of reservoirs of bibliographic knowledge about various subject fields upon which librarians might be able to call in cases of dire need.
necesidad humana 
human need
 Information is power, a basic human need and fundamental human right.
necesidad imperiosa 
desperate need
 There is a desperate need, both in the United States and in Mexico, for interpreters in Mexican and Guatemalan indigenous languages.
necesidad informativa 
information need
 Factors requiring special attention in the planning process in African countries include information needs of illiterates, information needs of women and children and the needs of rural communities.
necesidad urgente  
desperate need
urgent need
 There is a desperate need, both in the United States and in Mexico, for interpreters in Mexican and Guatemalan indigenous languages.
 There is an urgent need for a survey of private libraries on a countrywide scale.
necesidad visceral  [Necesidad de información que el lector tiene y aún no ha expresado de una manera concreta]
visceral need
 This article discusses what specifically is meant by the term visceral need - the actual need, not yet consciously known to the user - and what difference, if any, it may have for the reference librarian.
niño con necesidades especiales 
special needs child
 The author discusess the magical effect of books on special needs children.
no tener la necesidad de usar Algo 
have + no use for
 Low-income urban families simply do not have any use for the traditional library or indeed any motivation for self-improvement and getting ahead = Las familias urbanas con ingresos bajos simplemente no tienen la necesidad de usar la biblioteca tradicional o de hecho no sienten motivación para la superación personal y para avanzar.
orientado hacia unas necesidades 
need oriented
 Based on findings, some important observations relating to the functioning of the library were made to make its services more need oriented.
plantear la necesidad 
articulate + the need
 The author articulates the need to establish some form of international multimedia convention or treaty.
por la necesidad 
by necessity
 Spurred at first by curiosity, then by necessity, Barbara takes it upon herself to discover what actually happened to Lucrezia and therefore vouchsafe her own safety.
por necesidad  
of necessity
out of necessity
 The quantity of scientific information available must of necessity grow with the increasing number of scientists doing research in an increasing number of disciplines.
 In summary, 'work' in everyday language means earning a living out of necessity.
prever una necesidad 
project + need
 The Working Group projected a need for such a number to facilitate, in particular, the automated processing of machine-readable records.
producto de la necesidad 
born of necessity
 Though born of necessity, the positive results of the programme have implications for the organisation, housing, and preservation of collections.
producto de primera necesidad  
basic commodity
basic commodity
 Dramatic surge in basic commodity prices has already provoked riots and is considered as a serious threat to national stability.
 Dramatic surge in basic commodity prices has already provoked riots and is considered as a serious threat to national stability.
provisiones de primera necesidad  
basic provisions
basic goods
 There is also a need for basic provisions, including food, water and tents.
 The axes of international trade in raw materials and basic goods are already shifting and will be increasingly East/West rather than North/South.
que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas 
 For years a most intractable and disturbing problem has been the low take-up of means-tested benefits.
quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades 
waste not, want not
 There is a way that we can all reduce the cost of our food bill and it involves adopting the 'waste not, want not' attitudes of our grandparents and great grandparents.
recalcar la necesidad 
stress + the need
 This article considers the consequences of electronic ordering and stresses the need to strive for decreased costs and the services and systems that are really necessary.
regla de la necesidad  [Norma de comportamiento del bibliotecario por la cual no sólo debe limitarse a determinar lo que el usuario busca sino también lo que realmente necesita]
purpose rule
 Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.
resaltar la necesidad 
stress + the need
 This article considers the consequences of electronic ordering and stresses the need to strive for decreased costs and the services and systems that are really necessary.
resaltar la necesidad de 
imprint + the need for
 Unemployment imprints the need for counselling-type servicing around work and career options.
resolver una necesidad 
address + requirement
 Conceived initially to demonstrate a potential tool to assist lawyers in adjudicatory proceedings, the system appears to have potential for addressing a broad spectrum of record management requirements.
responder a una necesidad 
address + a need
 This paper describes the activities of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche study group formed by librarians working in government ministries in order to address the need for training and professional development felt in this sector.
satisfacer las necesidades 
provide for + needs
 It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = Con frecuencia no está claro qué organismo puede satisfacer mejor las necesidades de un cliente.
satisfacer las necesidades de 
provide for
 So far we have only provided for the user who happens to consult the A/Z subject index under the term 'Conservative'.
satisfacer + Posesivo + necesidad  
match + Posesivo + need
match + Posesivo + requirement
 These may become increasingly important as hosts seek to match the needs of users more closely.
 Documents rarely exactly match a user's requirements because information can be packaged in almost as many different ways as there are participants in a subject area.
satisfacer una necesidad      
meet + Posesivo + needs
meet + requirement
satisfy + need
satisfy + requirement
accommodate + a need
fulfil + need
 Many common needs could be met by shared accommodation and equipment.
 Within main classes, the schedules must meet requirements in respect of their ability to cover all subjects and their relationships.
 First, our existing information institutions will be severely challenged by new and emerging institutions that will more efficiently satisfy our clients' needs for information.
 No one catalogue can satisfy all the requirements of all users simultaneously.
 There's been no foreplanning - they have no foreknowledge of this - but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.
 The first edition was intended to fill this gap, and its reception, both in Britain and abroad, showed that it did indeed fulfil a real need.
sentir la necesidad de   
feel + need for
feel + the need to
get + the urge to
 The need was felt for a local data system which would provide not only catalogue and circulation control, but also acquisition routines and periodicals control.
 Following the entry of the UK into the European Communities libraries felt the need to improve the flow of information among themselves.
 Wine lovers get the urge to splurge and celebrate, often in hoity-toity restaurants.
ser la necesidad del momento 
be the need of the hour
 Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are the need of the hour to bolster farm production in the face of rising demand.
ser una necesidad apremiante 
be the need of the hour
 Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are the need of the hour to bolster farm production in the face of rising demand.
sin necesidad de ello  
 However, most librarians do not have the training for counseling and should avoid gratuitous tampering with the lives of library patrons.
 The proceedings of a conference are, under ISBD, to have the full name of the conference gratuitously repeated after the title only to encumber the entry and obscure the significant elements of its content.
sin necesidad de pensar 
 Intenrnet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.
surgir una necesidad 
need + arise
 Most libraries members do not use a library regularly, but do so casually, when a need arises.
tecnología adaptada a usuarios con necesidades especiales  [Sinónimo de adaptive technology]
assistive technology
 Assistive technology is a rapidly changing speciality area that is of interest to a broad audience of service providers, people with disabilities, families, and decision makers.
una necesidad cada vez mayor 
a growing need
 There is a growing need for the storage and management of pictorial data.
verse en la necesidad 
be constrained to
 A library is no longer constrained to choose either a classified or a dictionary catalogue.
verse en la necesidad de 
be left with + the need to
 In which case, the librarian is left with the need to reach sensible agreements with those supporting and delivering IT services to ensure that the services are reliable and available.
verse en la necesidad urgente de 
be hard pressed
 Therefore, the information industry will be hard pressed to keep pace with these rapid changes.

Trends of use of necesidad



The term «necesidad» is very widely used and occupies the 1.039 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «necesidad» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of necesidad
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «necesidad».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «necesidad» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «necesidad» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about necesidad



Famous quotes and sentences with the word necesidad.
Albert Einstein
No creo, en el sentido filosófico del término, en la libertad del hombre. Cada uno obra no sólo por una coacción exterior, sino también por una necesidad interior.
Benjamin Franklin
Mientras puedas, ahorra para la vejez y la necesidad, porque el sol de la mañana no dura todo el día.
Charles Baudelaire
El amor es la necesidad de salir de uno mismo.
Fiódor Dostoievski
Fácilmente se contraen hábitos de lujo y difícil se hace después prescindir de ellos cuando se han convertido en necesidad.
Francisco De Quevedo
Por nuestra codicia lo mucho es poco; por nuestra necesidad lo poco es mucho.
Friedrich Rückert
El águila vuela sola; el cuervo en bandadas. El necio tiene necesidad de compañía y el sabio, de soledad.
Georg W. F. Hegel
La libertad es la necesidad comprendida.
Henri Frédéric Amiel
Toda necesidad se calma y todo vicio crece con la satisfacción.
John Locke
La necesidad de perseguir la verdadera dicha es el fundamento de la libertad.
Moisés G. Saphir
¡Dinero y crédito! Dos cosas raras. Se tiene necesidad de dinero cuando no se posee, y se cuenta con crédito, especialmente, cuando no se tiene necesidad de él.


A la iglesia por devoción, y a la guerra por necesidad.
A la necesidad no hay ley.
El que por necesidad trabaja, poco tiene y poco gana.
En la mucha necesidad dice el amigo la verdad.
En la necesidad, se conoce la amistad.
Hábito malo, llama necesidad lo que es regalo.
Jugar por necesidad, perder por obligación.
La necesidad aguza el ingenio.
La necesidad de mi casa nadie la pasa.
La necesidad es gran maestra.


Discover the use of necesidad in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to necesidad and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Lean Manufacturing. La evidencia de una necesidad
Indice resumido: Concepto de Lean Manufacturing. Situación actual. Oportunidades de mejora: herramientas Lean. Situación futura. Indicadores. Manuel Rajadell Carreras.
Manuel Rajadell Carreras, Jos‚ Luis Sanchez Garc¡a, 2011
De la necesidad al servicio
Por que nos reunimos ano tras ano? Porque compartimos ideales y valores, cada uno desde su propio horizonte de creencias. Porque queremos hacer mejor lo que hacemos.
Addiccion a la Aprobacion: Como Vencer su Necesidad de ...
Joyce Meyer sabe que hay un mejor remedio y presenta la cura en Adiccion a la aprobacion. La autora ofrece una guia franca y biblica para romper con la necesidad de complacer a los demas.
La necesidad de la educación en Derechos Humanos
Este libro pretende establecer el marco teórico de la Educación en Derechos Humanos, así como ofrecer herramientas educativas y proponer actividades que puedan ser utilizadas en el aula, en el contexto de la Educación en Derechos ...
José Vicente Mestre Chust, 2007
La necesidad de revisión de la izquierda
El socialismo burocrático surgió en su momento como respuesta dialéctica a las cegueras estructurales del capitalismo.
Jürgen Habermas, 1991
¿Corrupción o necesidad?: la venta de cargos de gobierno ...
Para nombrar funcionarios en Indias Carlos II incorporó a partir de 1674 como servicio a la Corona el donativo pecuniario, denominado beneficio, de modo que en adelante los cargos americanos de gobiernos se dieron principalmente por dinero ...
Angel Sanz Tapia, 2009
Libertad y necesidad
Partiendo de analogías existentes entre los agrupamientos animales y la sociedad humana, y del estudio acerca de las sociedades aisladas, Joan Robinson discurre hacia los orígenes de la organización social, de la agricultura, del derecho ...
Joan Robinson, 1999
La necesidad del arte
En este paisaje, ¿sigue siendo el arte necesario? Este trabajo de E. Fischer permite mirar desde otro sitio, desde otra atalaya. Por eso es, más que nunca, un Imprescindible.
Ernst Fischer, 2011
Necesidad, volición y amor
Conocido por sus importantes aportes al campo de la filosofía de la acción, la psicología moral y el estudio de la filosofía cartesiana, con este libro de estilo claro e incisivo Harry G. Frankfurt vuelve a despertar un profundo ...
Harry G. Frankfurt, 2007
La identidad en Psicología de la Educación: necesidad, ...
La “multiplicidad de voces” en la construcción de la identidad minoritaria. 8. Los escenarios académicos, las identidades de los estudiantes universitarios. 9. La voz del autor en los textos académicos. III.
Carles Monereo i Font, 2011


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term necesidad is used in the context of the following news items.
Aprovecharon necesidad de varias familias
Aprovechándose de la necesidad de los pobladores de varios asentamientos humamos, llegaron hasta el Gorel mujeres, niños, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos en ... «Pro y Contra, Sep 16»
El cambio se instala como necesidad: será inexorable
Llegan tiempos de cambio, impulsados más por la necesidad que por otras cuestiones. La necesidad suele esquivar nimiedades como convicciones ... «Diariamente Neuquén, Aug 16»
Cómo hacer jailbreak de iOS 9.3.3 en el iPhone sin necesidad de ...
Ahora vamos a repasar cómo se puede hacer este mismo jailbreak desde el mismo iPhone o iPad y sin necesidad de conectarnos a ningún PC o Mac, y todo ... «, Aug 16»
La necesidad de las ruinas: obra ganadora del Premio Colombo ...
El fotógrafo colombiano Francisco José Mojica Velandia se convirtió en el ganador del XII Premio Nacional de Fotografía Colombo Suizo 2016. Luego de ... «RCN Radio, Jul 16»
Metrogas justificó el tarifazo como una "necesidad" para "frenar el ...
La prestadora de servicio Metrogas defendió las nuevas tarifas como "necesidad de frenar el deterioro general del sector", luego de que la Justicia suspendió el ... «, Jul 16»
Brexit subraya necesidad de debatir futuro de UE: canciller griego
El resultado del referéndum británico confirmó la insistencia de Grecia en la necesidad de un diálogo sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea (UE), señaló este ... «Aristeguinoticias, Jun 16»
Málaga subvencionará productos de primera necesidad a personas ...
Concretamente, se destinarán 500.000 euros a la compra de productos de primera necesidad y 100.000 euros a la adecuación de locales y la adquisición de ... «La Opinión de Málaga, Jun 16»
Caritas abrió 25 comedores nuevos y alerta que hay mayor ...
... hoy que la organización de la Iglesia Católica abrió 25 comedores nuevos. Según alertó, hay "una mayor necesidad" en los personas de menos recursos. «LA NACION, May 16»
La Comunidad de Madrid amnistía las ocupaciones por necesidad ...
La Comunidad de Madrid ha anunciado que regularizará a las personas que estén ocupando por necesidad viviendas de la Agencia Social de la Vivienda, ... «Periódico Diagonal, May 16»
Retuvieron 1.5 toneladas de productos de primera necesidad en las ...
Capital lograron la captura de tres personas dedicadas al bachaqueo y la retención de 1500 kilogramos de productos de primera necesidad en las parroquias ... «Noticias24, Apr 16»



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