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Meaning of "ordenador" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra ordenador procede del latín ordinātor, -ōris.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


or · de · na · dor play


Ordenador can act as a noun and an adjective.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.


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A computer or computer, also called a computer, is an electronic machine that receives and processes data to make it useful information. A computer is a collection of integrated circuits and other related components that can execute accurately, quickly and as directed by a user or automatically by another program, a large variety of sequences or routines of instructions that are ordered, organized and systematized Depending on a wide range of practical and precisely determined applications, a process which has been called the programming name and the programmer is called the programmer. The computer in addition to the routine or computer program, needs specific data that must be supplied, and are required at the time of execution, to provide the final product of data processing, which is called "output" or output . Una computadora o computador, también denominada ordenador, es una máquina electrónica que recibe y procesa datos para convertirlos en información útil. Una computadora es una colección de circuitos integrados y otros componentes relacionados que pueden ejecutar con exactitud, rapidez y de acuerdo a lo indicado por un usuario o automáticamente por otro programa, una gran variedad de secuencias o rutinas de instrucciones que son ordenadas, organizadas y sistematizadas en función a una amplia gama de aplicaciones prácticas y precisamente determinadas, proceso al cual se le ha denominado con el nombre de programación y al que lo realiza se le llama programador. La computadora además de la rutina o programa informático, necesita de datos específicos que deben ser suministrados, y que son requeridos al momento de la ejecución, para proporcionar el producto final del procesamiento de datos, que recibe el nombre de "output" o de salida.

Definition of ordenador in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of a computer in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is that it orders. Another meaning of computer in the dictionary is head of a payment order or account office and reason. Computer is also an electronic machine equipped with a large capacity memory and information processing methods, capable of solving arithmetic and logical problems thanks to the automatic use of programs registered in it. La primera definición de ordenador en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es que ordena. Otro significado de ordenador en el diccionario es jefe de una ordenación de pagos u oficina de cuenta y razón. Ordenador es también máquina electrónica dotada de una memoria de gran capacidad y de métodos de tratamiento de la información, capaz de resolver problemas aritméticos y lógicos gracias a la utilización automática de programas registrados en ella.
Click to see the original definition of «ordenador» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of ordenador in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «ordenador» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of ordenador to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of ordenador from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «ordenador» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of ordenador in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

máy tính
80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


COM (microforma producida por ordenador)
COM (microforma producida por ordenador) 
  COM (computer output microform).
 Catalogue output is available as COM, cards, magnetic tapes, and accessions lists.
  computer ; computer equipment.
 In dialogues based on commands, the user enters his instructions as pre-set commands; the computer recognizes theses and takes appropriate action.
 In other cases, the capacity and performance of computer equipment prove to be the limiting factor, although continuing advances in fields like data networks, voice input and output, and computer vision keep pushing these limits further and further back.
aceptable por el ordenador 
 A document retrieval system may be described by 3 formal characteristics: the syntax employed to describe documents, the form of machine-processable queries it accepts as valid and the retrieval rules used to rank or retrieve documents.
adquisición por ordenador 
computerised acquisition
 The article 'computerised acquisition in libraries and information centres' reviews on-line acquisition with details of agents who can provide the service.
animación por ordenador 
computer animation
 His program introduced students to various reprography techniques and, in due course, to the basics of infography and computer animation.
aprendizaje asistido por ordenador (CAL) 
computer-assisted learning (CAL)
 Thirdly, there may well be a growth in computer-assisted learning using expert systems and other interactive learning software in a variety of disciplines.
aprendizaje por medio del ordenador 
computer-based learning (CBL)
 This article discusses the use of computer-based learning (CBL) for library user education and staff training.
archivo de ordenador  [Conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador]  [Conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador]
computer file
machine-readable data file
 A computer file is a file (data and/or programs) encoded for manipulation by computer.
 A machine-readable data file is a body of information coded by methods that require the use of a machine (typically but not always a computer) for processing.
asignado por el ordenador 
 In order to amend a record it is often located by its computer-assigned number and in this case the number must be known.
asignado por ordenador 
 With machine-assigned indexing irrelevant and redundant entries are inevitable.
asistido por el ordenador 
 Indeed, the direction we seem to be embarked on may result in the negation of a century of well-established principles in favor of a machine-negotiated, stochastic access to individual items in the collection.
asistido por ordenador    
 The results are seen in information specialists lacking in sensitivity in the implementation and exploitation of computer-mediated information systems.
 New computer-supported systems such as PRECIS will probably take hold only in languages and countries where a subject analysis system does not already exist.
 Computer-assisted bibliographic instruction through the use of microcomputers continues to be a promise rather than a reality.
 For 10-15 years, largely computer-aided analyses in vast bibliographic data bases have been used for the evaluation of the publishing activities of research units.
calculado por el ordenador 
 If circumstances changes, the computer-calculated value for this field can be modified by changing the prediction pattern.
carrete de ordenador 
computer reel
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
cartucho de ordenador 
computer cartridge
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
casete de ordenador 
computer cassette
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
catálogo de listado de ordenador compuesto tipográficamente 
typeset computer book form catalogue
 As opposed to more professionally typeset computer book form catalogues and indexes.
catálogo en forma de listado de ordenador 
computer book form catalogue
 Computer book form catalogues and indexes are one the products of computer processing of catalogue and index records.
collage por ordenador  [Arte consistente en hacer composiciones pictóricas usando dibujos, o partes de ellos, ya creados en un ordenador]
clip art
 This article presents a guide to sources of clip art, offering suggestions for its use.
componer tipográficamente por ordenador 
computer typeset
 The output may be in the form of line printer output, or may be computer typeset and presented in a form more akin to a conventionally printed index.
composición tipográfica por ordenador 
computer typesetting
 Many published catalogues, bibliographies and abstracting and indexing services are printed with the aid of computer typesetting.
comunicación entre ordenadores 
 Another useful facility will enable users of Prestel to gain access to a wide range of computer-held data-bases and information services via a 'gateway' - a standardized computer-communication link controlling the flow of data between the 'host' computers and the videotex network.
comunicación mediante el ordenador 
computer mediated communication (CMC)
 This is a study of computer mediated communication (CMC) which attempts to provide empirical evidence of the emergence of social norms in computer conferencing.
conexión entre ordenadores 
computer link
 The transmission capability of a computer links is measured in bauds, or bits per second; a typical computer-terminal link using telephone lines might function at 300 baud, giving a transmission rate of about 30 characters per second.
conferencia por ordenador  [Celebración de congresos por medio del ordenador]
computer conferencing
 Computer teleconferencing, also called computer conferencing or computer-mediated conferencing, is communication between people that is input through remote terminals or microcomputers to a central computer where the material is organised and distributed to conference participants.
congreso mediante ordenador 
computer-mediated conferencing
 Computer teleconferencing, also called computer conferencing or computer-mediated conferencing, is communication between people that is input through remote terminals or microcomputers to a central computer where the material is organised and distributed to conference participants.
congreso por ordenador 
computer conference
 In a computer conference, a discussion document (or a nominated topic) is commented upon by participants at various locations, over a period of time.
controlado por ordenador 
 LCSH has taken a further step forward with the use of computer-controlled typesetting.
creado por ordenador 
 Some aspects of this system may be seen in computer-generated printed indexes, such as 'Current Technology Index'.
de aplicación específica a un equipo de ordenador 
 A few special-purpose computers, or hardware-based information-retrieval systems are beginning to enter the market.
de ordenadores 
 The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model provides a framework in which a series of communications protocols can be developed for computer-to-computer networking.
desplazamiento por medio del ordenador  [Operaciones que se pueden realizar a través del ordenador sin necesidad de desplazarse]
computer commuting
 This would herald the age of computer commuting, with customers dialling for bank statements and shopping orders.
disco de ordenador 
computer disc
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
disco óptico de ordenador 
computer optical disc
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD) 
computer-aided design (CAD)
 In computer-aided design (CAD), designers work at computer-based work stations to draft, visualize and, in some cases, simulate the eventual performance of new products.
elaborado por ordenador 
computer-produced [computer produced]
 This code was used in the Library of Congress in a number of its computer-produced files and catalogues and superseded in 1980 by the Library of Congress Filing Rules.
empresa de ordenadores 
computer company
 With respect to the private sector, the education and library community should establish long-term partnerships with telephone, cable, and computer companies.
emulación de terminales de ordenador 
terminal emulation
 This includes terminal emulation to access popular online catalogues or other systems allowing remote access.
enseñanza asistida por ordenador 
computer-aided learning (CAL)
 It seems natural to employ the microcomputer for user education, since computer-aided learning (CAL) is one of the principal ways in which microcomputers are used in schools and colleges.
enseñanza asistida por ordenador (CAI) 
computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
 This computer-assisted instruction (CAI) system has gradually aroused wide attention and interest and is commonly accepted by Taiwanese educational circles.
enseñanza por medio del ordenador (CBI) 
computer-based instruction (CBI)
 While interaction may be the primary contributor to the effectiveness of computer-based instruction (CBI), individualisation is largely responsible for its efficiency.
entre ordenadores 
 The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model provides a framework in which a series of communications protocols can be developed for computer-to-computer networking.
estado del ordenador en fuera de línea 
 I think I stated twice that the medium supporting the catalog - onlineness or offlineness - is not a very relevant issue.
estado del ordenador en línea 
 Is it possible that the issue is not whether you and Mr. Kilgour disagree about the onlineness of it all or whether you use 3,3, or 5,4, or twice the square root of pi as the key?.
gestión de imágenes por ordenador 
computer imaging
 The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: electronic mail, synchronous and asynchronous communications networks, computer imaging, desktop publishing, facsimile transmission, just to name a few.
gráficos por ordenador 
computer graphics
 This framework breaks ground in integration of natural language with interactive computer graphics.
guardado en el ordenador 
 Thus the go-list must be machine-stored and is used by the computer in the assignment of index terms.
hacer que sea procesable por el ordenador 
render + machine-manipulatable
 For instance, were we to render this file machine-manipulatable.
imágenes por ordenador 
computer graphics
 This framework breaks ground in integration of natural language with interactive computer graphics.
índice de listado de ordenador compuesto tipográficamente 
typeset computer book form index
 As opposed to more professionally typeset computer book form catalogues and indexes.
índice encuadernado de listado de ordenador 
computer book form index
 Computer book form catalogues and indexes are one the products of computer processing of catalogue and index records.
interacción hombre-ordenador 
human-computer interaction
 Newer technologies on offer include: expert systems; neural nets; hypertext; human-computer interaction; and intelligent computer-aided instruction.
introducir datos en el ordenador  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio input En raras ocasiones se utiliza inputted]
 This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.
introductor de datos en un ordenador 
 I am the original music inputter; I do a lot of music scores and a lot of the nonbook cataloging as well.
juego de ordenador 
computer game
 Anything 'visual,' for example the space ships, missiles and other ingredients of computer games are 'drawn' in this way = Cualquier cosa "visual" como, por ejemplo, las naves espaciales, los misiles y otros componentes los juegos de ordenador se "dibuja" de esta manera.
listado de ordenador 
computer print-out
 At first, such databases were 'batch' processed; that is, an enquiry was sent off, processed, and two to three weeks later a computer print-out listing relevant references would be received by the enquirer.
listado encuadernado de ordenador  
computer print-out book form
computer book
 This variety of physical forms presents unhelpful complexities to a user, who may have to contend with computer print-out book form, conventionally printed indexes, microfiche and online indexes and catalogues, in even relatively simple searches.
 Nobody can depend exclusively on library publications reviews to identify new titles, though Publishers Weekly's computer book roundups do help.
MARS (Servicio de Referencia Asistido por Ordenador) 
MARS (Machine Assisted Reference Service)
 Her ALA activity includes having been Editor of Message from MARS, the occasional newsletter of the new RASD discussion group MARS, which stands for Machine Assisted Reference Service.
mecanógrafo de ordenador 
keyboard operator
 Whether entries are to be typed and directly duplicated or put into a computerized information-retrieval system they must be easily transcribed by the keyboard operator.
mediante el ordenador 
 The results are seen in information specialists lacking in sensitivity in the implementation and exploitation of computer-mediated information systems.
microforma producida por ordenador 
COM (computer output microform)
 Catalogue output is available as COM, cards, magnetic tapes, and accessions lists.
miedo al ordenador 
computer anxiety
 A staff development programme on computer technology at the University of Missouri provided the opportunity to study computer anxiety and other factors related to resistance to computers.
modelo por ordenador 
computer model
 Over the years, a number of computer models have been developed by Sugar for use in sugar factory design.
monitor de ordenador  
CRT screen
CRT display screen
 In the case of the card catalog complete sequences exist whether or not someone is actually viewing them, while on a CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen they exist only so long as the phosphors continue to glow.
 For outputting information, two common devices used are a printer which prints the new information on paper, or a CRT display screen which shows the results on a TV-like screen.
ordenación por ordenador 
computer filing
 The introduction of computer filing has made us examine every aspect of the process, to stop doing things out of habit, to retain those principles which are logical and comprehensible and to discard those which are simply the accretions of the years.
ordenador central  
central computer
host computer
 Videotext systems were conceived as a means of providing easy access to information held on a central computer.
 Question marks on the extreme left of the printout are prompts from the host computer.
ordenador compatible 
generic computer
 A generic computer is one composed of standard and interchangeable parts based on the IBM/XT.
ordenador de bolsillo  [Ordenador del tamaño de la palma de la mano]  [Ordenador del tamaño de la palma de la mano] 
palm-sized computer
palmtop computer
 Many health care professionals are reaching for their palm-sized computer as their latest indispensable health care instrument.
 Mobile multimedia devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), palmtops and laptops will also vary greatly in size and processing power.
 Technologies used include search engines and catalogues, books on tapes, converting print into spoken language, smartcards, and palmtop computers.
ordenador de escritorio 
desktop computer
 The new technology has not given rise to the paperless office due to the limited storage capability of today's low cost desktop computers.
ordenador de mano 
Palm Pilot
 The system is implemented on the Palm Pilot platform, using a Metricom radio link.
ordenador de mesa 
desktop computer
 The new technology has not given rise to the paperless office due to the limited storage capability of today's low cost desktop computers.
ordenador de seguridad  [En Internet, ordenador que se coloca como puerta de acceso entre una red local y otras redes para controlar quién accede y cómo se accede a la red local por razones principalmente de seguridad]
 A firewall is a gateway through which all connections are made and offers a solution against intruders getting into and employees sending out unauthorized information.
ordenador de sobremesa 
desktop computer
 The new technology has not given rise to the paperless office due to the limited storage capability of today's low cost desktop computers.
ordenador digital 
digital computer
 Attributes are expressed as bit-map vectors, which makes them easy to handle by digital computers.
Ordenadores Apple  [Empresa de informática]
Apple Computer
 This article describes some of the authoring tools available for use with Apple Computer's HyperCard software to permit the integration of voice to produce multimedia applications.
ordenadores de uso público  [En una institutición académica o pública, ordenador disponible al público para uso personal]
PAWS (Public access workstations)
 Each PAWS computer has both Netscape and Internet Explorer installed, complete with bookmarks to health related resources.
ordenador frontal 
head-end computer
 As for the future, the technology already exists for interfacing head-end computers on cable television systems with online catalog computers so that television sets can be employed to access catalogs.
ordenador personal   [Ordenador personal que una familia posee como opuesto al ordenador que una persona usa en la escuela, trabajo, etc]
desktop computer
home computer
 The new technology has not given rise to the paperless office due to the limited storage capability of today's low cost desktop computers.
 The home computer will also serve as a means of aids to learning of a more serious type, giving a semblance of a one-to-one relationship between tutor and learner.
ordenador personal (PC) 
personal computer (PC)
 Secondly, there will be increasing use of personal computer (PC) on their own, linked to local area networks (LANs).
ordenador portátil  [Ordenador en forma de estuche con dimensiones parecidas a las de un cuaderno]  
notebook computer
laptop computer
 Let us jump ahead and describe the notebook computer that we are likely to see by the turn of the century.
 In case you would like to use a computer-generated presentation, please use your own laptop and visit the speakers rehearsal room the day before your presentation.
 The author examines how the growth of laptop computers may influence the acceptance of electronic journals.
ordenador trampa 
 A honeypot is a decoy computer system designed to look like a legitimate system an intruder will want to break into while, unbeknownst to the intruder, they are being covertly observed.
orientado al ordenador  
 Traditionally, controlled natural languages fall into two categories: human-oriented and machine-oriented controlled natural languages.
 Most of these efforts share a common theme: they are computer-oriented in the sense that users use computers to solve their problems.
paquete de programas de ordenador 
software package
 A software package is a set of programs intended to achieve a specific objective, or designed to instruct the computer to execute a set of tasks in order to organise information in a pre-assigned manner.
para ordenadores personales  
 Recently the popularisation of microcomputer-based desktop publishing (DTP) systems has significantly changed the techniques and economics of the publishing process.
 The article 'Of Wonderland and headless chickens' describes the functions of Alice, a PC-based library automation system offering cataloguing, enquiry, acquisitions, and periodicals control = El artículo "Sobre el país de las maravillas y los pollos sin cabeza" describe las funciones de Alice, un sistema de automatización de bibliotecas para ordenadores personales que permite la catalogación, las consultas, las adquisiciones y el control de publicaciones periódicas.
PC IBM (Ordenador personal IBM) 
IBM-PC (IBM Personal Computer)
 Hytelnet is a utility that allows an IBM-PC user access (by providing addresses and passwords) to Telnet sites on the Internet.
plataforma de ordenador 
computing platform
 With the advent of advanced computing platforms, DowVision is the first large-scale effort to broadcast real-time news to the corporate market.
presentación mediante ordenador 
computer projection
 In this essay, we will describe a typical computer projection system, as well as how one prepares and presents multimedia presentations.
prestaciones del ordenador 
computer's capabilities
 To this end, a thorough understanding of computer capabilities and characteristics of bibliographic records is necessary.
procesable por el ordenador 
 We might next note the unprecedented success of the Library of Congress' MARC Distribution Service, which provides authoritative, quality cataloging data in machine-readable, and hence, machine-manipulatable, form.
producido por ordenador  
computer-produced [computer produced]
 This code was used in the Library of Congress in a number of its computer-produced files and catalogues and superseded in 1980 by the Library of Congress Filing Rules.
 Machine-derived thesauri are not immune from the need for updating.
programa de ordenador 
computer programme
 This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.
proyección mediante ordenador 
computer projection
 In this essay, we will describe a typical computer projection system, as well as how one prepares and presents multimedia presentations.
reconocimiento de imágenes por el ordenador 
computer vision
 'Computer vision' is a term applied, in the first instance, to the input of images into computer-based systems and it also includes the processing or analysis of the data, and the output or interfacing the system to a human or machine user.
red de ordenadores 
computer network
 All parts of the company are linked by computer network.
reinicializar un ordenador  [Volver a arrancar un ordenador]
reboot + computer
 Reboot the computer and start Windows.
simulación por ordenador 
computer simulation
 This paper describes the setup of a mathematical model for the prediction of the manoeuvrability of frigates by means of computer simulations.
tarjeta de ordenador 
computer card
 The physical description area records the number of physical units of the carrier and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: computer cartridge, computer cassette, computer disk, computer reel, computer card, computer optical disk.
tecnología del ordenador 
computer technology
 Before embarking on a discussion of the nature and future of the library catalog in the context of computer technology, we should quickly review the forces which have carried us to this threshold of the future.
tecnología del ordenador personal 
personal computer technology
 By replacing parts of photocopying services with advanced personal computer technology libraries should make savings sufficient to pay royalty for each page copied.
teleconferencia por ordenador  [Celebración de congresos por medio de las redes de telecomunicaciones]
computer teleconferencing
 Computer teleconferencing, also called computer conferencing or computer-mediated conferencing, is communication between people that is input through remote terminals or microcomputers to a central computer where the material is organised and distributed to conference participants.
teleordenador  [Televisor utilizado también como ordenador or viceversa]
 Microcomputers or telecomputers (the successor to the television) set the stage for an interactive environment that can banish the 'master-slave' architecture of television and its progeny, the culture of passivity.
terminal de ordenador  [Pantalla de ordenador y teclado conectados a un ordenador central para enviar y recibir información] 
computer terminal
 Terminals for use in online searching may be printer or Visual Display Units, and may often contain both components.
 In theory, any computer terminal or personal computer can use teletex, with an appropriate adaptor.
tiempo durante el cual el ordenador no está disponible al público 
down time
 Some down time is necessary for maintenance and updating of the files.
tomografía por ordenador  
computer tomography
computed tomography
 Another, well-publicized, application of computers in health care is computer tomography - the visualization of internal structures in the human body from data provided by an array of x-ray detectors.
 This article details the work by a software engineering team to develop and evolve an interface for the electronic display of computed tomography medical images.
trabajo con ordenador 
computer work
 I think that we must not push the progressive nature of computer work too far.
traducción asistida por ordenador  
computer-aided translation (CAT)
computer-assisted translation (CAT)
 Computer-aided translation (CAT) would be of service to the potential readers of Chinese and Japanese technical literature = La traducción asisitida por ordenador sería de utilidad a los usuarios potenciales de la literature técnica china y japonesa.
 This is a joint project to build a conversion table that could be used in computer-assisted translation (CAT) of CAB Thesaurus descriptors to AGROVOV descriptors.
unidad de archivos de ordenador múltiples  [Unidad bibliográfica que contiene más de un archivo de ordenador]
multi-file item
 A multifile item is a bibliographic entity that consists of more than one machine-readable data file.
utilizar al máximo por medio del ordenador 
 Other systems also employ a thesaurus in offering the facility to explode search profiles.
utilizar el ordenador 
operate + computer
 This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).
volver a insertar en el ordenador 
rekey [re-key]
 Previously, these libraries had been producing printed cards to send to LC as their location reports, which in turn were rekeyed into machine-readable form by an LC contractor for addition to the RAL data base.
CAL (aprendizaje asistido por ordenador)
CAL (aprendizaje asistido por ordenador)-2 
  computer-assisted learning (CAL).
 Thirdly, there may well be a growth in computer-assisted learning using expert systems and other interactive learning software in a variety of disciplines.

Trends of use of ordenador



The term «ordenador» is very widely used and occupies the 1.656 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «ordenador» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of ordenador
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «ordenador».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «ordenador» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «ordenador» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about ordenador



Famous quotes and sentences with the word ordenador.
Steve Jobs
Un ordenador es para mí la herramienta más sorprendente que hayamos ideado. Es el equivalente a una bicicleta para nuestras mentes.


Discover the use of ordenador in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to ordenador and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El ordenador y el cerebro
¿Cuáles son las componentes lógicas de los procesos que un ordenador deberá realizar? ¿Y las componentes de los procesos de un cerebro humano? ¿Qué es lo que la máquina necesita "recordar"? ¿Y el cerebro? ¿Es posible producir un ...
John Von Neumann, 1999
Nuevas tecnologías en educación infantil: el rincón del ...
En la actualidad, los niños asumen con total normalidad la presencia de las tecnologías en la sociedad.
Rosalía Romero Tena, 2006
Turing y el ordenador
Turing y el ordenador es un retrato brillante de la vida y obra de Turing y ofrece una explicación clara y comprensible de la importancia y el significado del ordenador y la forma en que ha cambiado y moldeado nuestras vidas en este siglo.
Paul Strathern, 1999
Bricolaje didáctico por ordenador: la creación de imágenes y ...
La Colección Nuevas Tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza de lenguas abarca tanto aspectos que hacen uso de materiales y prestaciones existentes - internet, foros, chats, correo electrónico o actividades didácticas en la red, software ...
Nora Carbonell Scheide, 2001
Introducción a la organización del ordenador
Este libro contiene, en parte, material para un primer curso de organización de ordenadores, el cual se ha dado ya en el Centro de Informática de la Universidad de Maryland.
Yaohan Chu, 1974
Organización y microprogramación del ordenador
Este libro está escrito para estudiantes de los últimos cursos y graduados de primer año.
Yaohan Chu, 1975
Alfabetización informática: Ordenador y tecnologías de la ...
A mediados del siglo XX la informática irrumpió en todos los órdenes de la sociedad favoreciendo la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y los sistemas de telecomunicaciones a sus procedimientos internos y transacciones.
Ramón Carlos Suárez y Alonso, 2010
Estudio de la influencia de un entorno de simulación por ...
Tesis del investigador José Luis Sierra Fernández, galardonada con el Primer Premio Nacional ex aequo de Investigación Educativa 2004, en la modalidad de Tesis doctorales.
José Luis Sierra Fernández, 2005
Los Lenguajes de Las Pantallas: Del Cine Al Ordenador
La obra se encamina a dotar de elementos de reflexión a los profesores de secundaria sobre la incorporación de los lenguajes audiovisuales en las aulas.
¡Maldito PC!: Soluciones a los problemas más molestos de su ...
Steve Bass, presenta en este libro los mejores remedios a todos los problemas que sufren los usuarios de PCs. Trucos y consejos que se pueden leer rápidamente y que arreglan los problemas sin demora.
Steve Bass, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term ordenador is used in the context of the following news items.
La venta de ordenadores personales con programas preinstalados ...
La venta de ordenadores personales con programas preinstalados no constituye una práctica comercial desleal contra el consumidor, pues dos responde a las ... «Noticias Jurídicas, Sep 16»
HP presenta Elite Slice, su nuevo ordenador modular sin cables
Cada año, las empresas dedicadas al desarrollo de ordenadores apuestan por creaciones más potentes y minimalistas que reúnan, en un pequeño dispositivo, ... «, Sep 16»
Inicio Actualidad Apple quiere con su último anuncio darle categoría ...
Esto siempre es relativo ya que si bien es cierto que en muchas ocasiones un iPad puede suplir a un ordenador, haciendo lo mismo de forma diferente, hay ... «Voltaico, Aug 16»
El fiscal Anticorrupción de Murcia denuncia el robo de su ordenador
El fiscal Anticorrupción de la Región de Murcia, Juan Pablo Lozano, ha denunciado ante la policía el robo en su domicilio de un ordenador en el que estaban ... «EL PAÍS, Jul 16»
Hallan fotos de Bin Laden en ordenador del terrorista de Niza
París – El terrorista que causó 84 muertes el pasado jueves en Niza tenía en su ordenador desde hace pocas semanas imágenes extremadamente violentas de ... «El Diario NY, Jul 16»
Este gigantesco e impresionante ordenador artesanal sirve para ...
Este ordenador cuenta con 40.000 transistores, 10.000 LEDs y mide 10 metros de ancho y 2 metros de alto, pero cumple con dos objetivos igualmente ... «Xataka, Jul 16»
Llegan el ordenador “mochila” para la realidad virtual
Y es que estos días en la feria Computex ya se han presentado tres ordenadores de alto rendimiento para juegos (o el llamado “gaming”) orientados a su uso ... «TecnoAffinity, May 16»
Salah Abdeslam tenía en un ordenador otros objetivos para atentar ...
El yihadista Salah Abdeslam, el único autor material de los atentados de París del 13 de noviembre que se encuentra en prisión, tenía un ordenador, requisado ... «El Mundo, May 16»
IBM te deja jugar con su ordenador cuántico desde tu casa
El ordenador cuántico de IBM disponible para todo aquel interesando en usarlo ... permite usar en remoto el ordenador cuántico de la compañía de cinco qubit ... «Hipertextual, May 16»
Un mensaje en el ordenador de uno de los suicidas de Bruselas ...
En ese ordenador Ibrahim menciona a diferentes sospechosos que le ayudaron en la preparación del atentado suicida, en la forma de compras o el alquiler de ... «Antena 3 Noticias, Apr 16»



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