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Wave speed
The velocity refers to the speed at which the wave is transmitted in space, depending on the different characteristics of the wave: ▪ Phase velocity ▪ Group velocity ▪ Wavefront speed ▪ When the signal speed is not specifically specified, the velocity Phase velocity. ... 波速指的是波在空間中傳遞的速度,依照波不同特徵所定義而有不同的意涵: ▪ 相速度 ▪ 群速度 ▪ 波前速度 ▪ 訊號速度 一般不特別指定時,所提的波速是指相速度。...
The speed of wave speed wave propagation. ① monochromatic wave velocity v and wavelength λ, wave source vibration frequency f between the relationship: v = λf. The wave speed of a mechanical wave is determined by the elastic modulus and density of the medium. At room temperature, sound waves in the air of the transmission speed of about 340 m / s; electromagnetic wave propagation speed in vacuum equal to the speed of light, about 3 × 108 m / s. ② the size of the wave velocity depends on the wavelength or sea depth. When the water depth of the sea is large, the wave velocity is only related to the wavelength, but has nothing to do with the water depth, which is c2 = gλ2π. When the water depth is very small, the wave velocity is only related to the water depth, irrespective of the wavelength, ie c2 = gh. 波速 波传播的速度。①单色波的波速v与波长λ、波源振动频率f之间的关系为:v=λf。机械波的波速由介质的弹性模量和密度所决定。在室温下,声波在空气中的传播速度约为340米/秒;电磁波在真空中传播的速度等于光速,约为3×108米/秒。
Click to see the original definition of «波速» in the Chinese dictionary.
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The translations of 波速 from Chinese to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «波速» in Chinese.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «波速» in the different countries.
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «波速» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «波速» appears in digitalised printed sources in Chinese between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the Chinese literature, quotes and news about 波速
Discover the use of 波速 in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to 波速 and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Chinese literature.
非粘性流体力学 - 第 372 页
元波的波速。随水深的增加而增加,以顺流断波为例,如果是正断波则水面不断涨高,因此后续元波的波速都稍大于前一个元波的波速。后波总能追及前波而最终形成阶梯式的波峰向下游运动。如图 9 - 30 ( a ) ,对于负断波,则水面连续下降,后续的元波, ...